When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 404: President's Weakness

【When God starts to evolve again】【】

"What secret?" Li Xiu wondered what kind of secret it was that made Li Boyang murderous, even his own child's mother.

"He's not human." Guan Jinghao said with a sullen face.

Li Xiu frowned slightly, Li Boyang was not from this world, it was no secret to Li Xiu, and Li Xiu didn't think that there must be other reasons for Li Boyang to kill people because of this.

Guan Jinghao went on to say: "He is not a human being, at least not a human being like us. I have already told you this, but there is one thing that you may not know, because he is not from this world, so he has a weakness. , My mother was ruthlessly killed by him because she discovered this weakness of his. "

"Weakness?" Li Xiu's heart skipped a beat.

"That's right, a weakness, a weakness that can kill him." Guan Jinghao said word by word.

"What weakness?" Li Xiu asked.

"Did you know that he sheds his skin like a bug?" Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiu and asked.

Li Xiu nodded: "Before he recruited me into Changshengtian, he once took me to the secret room in Hongsha City, where the human skin was displayed like a work of art. He said that it would shed its skin every year. At that time, I was not I believe it too much."

"He didn't lie to you, he does shed his skin, but not once a year, but once every sixty years." Guan Jinghao snorted coldly.

"You mean, when he sheds his skin, that's when he's most vulnerable?" Li Xiu pondered.

"No, every time he sheds his skin, his body will only become stronger, and that time point can't be regarded as a weakness." Guan Jinghao explained: "Actually, he didn't lie to you, he said that he sheds his skin once a year, that's because, For him, our sixty years are equivalent to one year for him.”

Li Xiu thought about the meaning of Guan Jinghao's words, how could sixty years be equivalent to one year? It doesn't make sense.

If it is said that Li Boyang is in a special space, and the time flow in that space is relatively fast, Li Xiu can still understand it, but Li Boyang is usually in Changshengtian, how can there be a saying that sixty years are like a year?

Seeing that Li Xiu was puzzled, Guan Jinghao continued to explain: "This is his secret. His body is different from ours. Sixty years in our world is one year to him."

"Even so, what's the use of this?" Li Xiu couldn't figure out how this could be called a weakness.

No matter how you think about it, this is an advantage. Sixty years is like a year, so Li Boyang should be able to live much longer than ordinary people, which is obviously a good thing.

Moreover, he molts his skin every sixty years, and every time he molts, he becomes stronger. This is a powerful ability that most people can't dream of.

"If my mother hadn't told me the key point, I would think it was useless." Guan Jinghao said with a gloomy expression, "The key lies in the perception of time. We feel that 60 minutes have passed, and in his perception, 60 minutes is only 100 minutes." Equivalent to one minute."

"That is to say, time is accelerating in his perception?" Li Xiu understood what Guan Jinghao meant.

Just like watching a movie, Li Xiu and the others watched it at double speed, while Li Boyang watched it at 60 times speed.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

"That's right, that's probably the reason. From his point of view, all movements are accelerated. As long as our speed is fast enough, he can't see our trajectory clearly. Even if he can see clearly, he won't be able to react. Come." Guan Jinghao said.

"Your theory is missing an important link. Even in his perception, everything is accelerated, but he can adapt to this speed, even if it is accelerated by 60 times, it is useless. I have seen him fight with peerless , the peerless speed is far above ours, and he can still keep up, which shows that the acceleration has little effect on him. What's more, what makes him truly invincible is his almost immortal body, we can't kill him He, no matter how fast it is, it's useless." Li Xiu said in a deep voice.

"I also understand what you said, but you have also overlooked an important factor. Even if it is a peerless class, if it is not beyond the rules in terms of speed, then his speed actually has an upper limit, at most it is the speed of light. The speed of light is within his perception range, but if

Beyond the speed of light? "Guan Jinghao's eyes were burning.

"If you want to surpass the speed of light, you have to break the rules with speed. My ability is not based on speed. What about yours?" Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao and said.

"I don't think it's about speed, but that doesn't matter. We can't achieve super-fast speed. It doesn't mean that there are other ways, such as magic equipment." Guan Jinghao said.

"You have developed a magic suit that exceeds the speed of light?" Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao in surprise.

"It should be done soon, but there is a problem that only you can solve." Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu and said.

"No one can control magic equipment at such a fast speed?" Li Xiu immediately guessed the key point.

"Yes." Guan Jinghao said with bitterness on his face, "I always thought I could do it, but when I really tried it, I realized that at that speed, let alone fighting, I couldn't even do simple controls. It’s too fast, and I can’t keep up with the speed. The magic outfit that I thought was the killer’s weapon is completely useless to me.”

"But you are different. Your spiritual consciousness is strong enough, and you should be able to manipulate magic equipment at that speed."

"You're right, I can do it, but the problem is still there, we can't break his body, we can't cause fatal damage to him, how to solve this problem?" Li Xiu said.

"So, we need to fight him in a special place, a place where we can kill him." Guan Jinghao said.

"Is there such a place?" Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao in a daze.

"Yes." Guan Jinghao said affirmatively, "Did you know there is a place called Time Tunnel in the Kingdom of Demon Spirits?"

Li Xiu nodded, of course he knew that place, not only he knew it, but Li Boyang also knew it.

"The Tunnel of Time is the place where he can be killed. It is between reality and illusion. Any living beings entering there will be affected by the body and produce some wonderful changes." Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu with burning eyes and said: "Then This change will make Li Boyang's body no longer so strong that he cannot be killed. Although it is still difficult, at least there is the possibility of killing him. Coupled with the speed exceeding the speed of light, these are the prerequisites for killing him conditions, both are indispensable.”

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

When Guan Jinghao said this, he sighed lightly and said, "I have already solved these two conditions, but there is still a key link missing."

"Your magic outfit can't enter the gate of trial, and you can't enter the tunnel of time." Li Xiudang

Obviously, he knew what the key link Guan Jinghao said was.

"That's right." Guan Jinghao nodded helplessly and said, "I used to only think about **** him. I thought that as long as the speed was fast enough to make him unable to react, it would be fine.

It was only later that I discovered that to kill him, I had to break his body. Although I came up with the way of the time tunnel, my magic suit couldn't get in. I have been doing research on this for the past few years. , but you should be very clear about how difficult it is, it is not something that can be accomplished overnight, but now the time is running out, so I hope you can cooperate with me, I heard that Ximen Guan has created a weapon that can enter the trial ground magic outfit. "

Speaking of this, Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu, and said eagerly: "As long as you can get Ximen Guan's magic equipment technology, plus my technology, everything will be fine."

"If all of this is possible, do you think that with that person's wisdom, we can lure him into the Time Tunnel for a fight?" Li Xiu said.

"We don't need to lure him, he will definitely go." Guan Jinghao said lightly.

"Why?" Li Xiu was a little surprised, why Guan Jinghao was so sure that Li Boyang would definitely go to the Time Tunnel.

"Because if he wants to leave this world, he can only go through the tunnel of time. At the end of the tunnel of time is the gate of the world to leave this world." Guan Jinghao said slowly.

"So that's how it is." Li Xiu suddenly realized, but he was a little puzzled. Why did Guan Jinghao know about such an important matter? Even Lao Xie and Bellona didn't mention it.

Seeming to see through Li Xiu's inner thoughts, Guan Jinghao sighed: "If we didn't know these things, our mother would have

won't die. "

Li Xiu couldn't help but sigh, if he could choose, Guan Jinghao would rather not know these secrets.

"Cooperate with me. This is your only chance, and it's also my only chance." Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu with burning eyes, and extended his palm again.

"Thank you for telling me these secrets, but I still can't cooperate with you." Li Xiu shook his head again and refused.

"Why? Don't you dare to fight? You are not that kind of person, give me a reason." Guan Jinghao breathed harder, staring at Li Xiu like a beast.

Li Xiu had no choice but to tell the story of the devouring spirit in his body. After Guan Jinghao finished listening, he stood there for a long time with a complicated expression, and then said bitterly: "I should have thought a long time ago, how could a person like him Letting someone like you grow up must have been calculated, this time, I lost again."

Guan Jinghao was hit, knowing that he had no chance, he turned and left silently, staggering a little.

"This may really be an opportunity." Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao's back and muttered to himself.

He did not agree to cooperate with Guan Jinghao, firstly because of the existence of the spirit devourer, and secondly because there was no need to cooperate with Guan Jinghao at all, because the magic outfit created by Ximenguan, combined with Li Xiu's spiritual sense, was enough to break through the speed of light .

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

Now that Li Xiu chooses to cooperate with Guan Jinghao, he will only startle the snake and make Li Boyang take precautions.

"It seems that I have to go to the Time Tunnel again." Although Li Xiu never gave up, there was really no way before. The secret brought by Guan Jinghao finally made him find a possibility.

Regaining his spirits, Li Xiu planned to go to the Time Tunnel again. The last time he went to the Time Tunnel, he didn't see the gate of the world that Guan Jinghao mentioned.

After the little train reaches the end, there is a station, and there is no gate to the world there.

However, Li Xiu still had some guesses in his mind, maybe that station was not the end of the time tunnel, but the time tunnel.

At the station, he got two signs that looked like tickets. One ticket said Happy Hometown, and the other ticket said terminal station.

Li Xiu was thinking, is there a possibility that the destination written on the ticket is actually the end of the tunnel of time.

So Li Xiu wanted to find out whether this was the case, he had to first verify whether the news Guan Jinghao said was true or not.

Even if Guan Jinghao didn't lie to him, what Guan Jinghao knows is what he heard from his mother, and he has never been to the Time Tunnel. Is there a gate to the world there, and will the president lose his immortality? , I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know, and he can't explain why.

To go to the Time Tunnel, Li Xiu knows two ways, one is to enter through the Emerald Gate of Changshengtian, and the other is to enter through the Gate of Green Field.

The Emerald Gate is where Li Xiu entered the Time Tunnel, and the Green Field Gate is where Li Xiu came out.

Li Xiu didn't want the president to know that he was going to the Time Tunnel, so he could only choose to enter through the Green Field Gate near Tailuo City.

In order to prevent exposure, Li Xiu did not go to Tailuo City to meet Kunsha, but directly sneaked to the Gate of Green Field.

It was already late at night when Li Xiu arrived at the Gate of the Green Field, but the lights were still brightly lit in front of the Gate of the Green Field There are people entering and leaving the door of trials day and night, and there are various stalls outside the door, trading various materials and supplies.

Waiting until it was almost early morning, the last person who set up a stall couldn't bear to go back, and there was no one around, so he came to the gate of the green field, opened the gate, and walked in.

Although Li Xiu had only walked through the land of green fields once, he remembered the route very clearly. He had been avoiding the crowd in an invisible state and heading towards the place where he came out of the Time Tunnel.

Li Xiu also knew in his heart that with the devouring spirit in his body, it was impossible to completely get rid of Li Boyang's surveillance.

Fortunately, Li Boyang himself is rejected by the world, and his perception ability is not strong. As long as he is far enough away from him, he should not be able to sense too much, at most he can only sense

an approximate location.

Not long after, Li Xiu came to the stele, looked around for a while, but didn't see the little train.

"Let's try it." Li Xiu took out the ticket with the word terminal. Since this is a station of the little train, with this ticket, he should be able to get on the train, but I don't know how long it will take, little The train will come.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

Holding the ticket, Li Xiu waited and waited but did not see the little train appearing, so he couldn't help but think to himself: "After waiting for so long, the little train should come. Could it be that my judgment is wrong, this ticket can't summon the little train? If If that’s the case, then we can only go to the Emerald Gate.”

After thinking for a while, Li Xiu looked at the stele in the grass again, his heart moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand to bring the ticket close to the stele.

The moment the ticket touched the stele, a strange light shone on the originally plain stele, and several light patterns appeared on it.

"Guangyin Avenue Station!" Li Xiu recognized those runes, and was overjoyed in his heart.

Woo! Woo!

The ticket in Li Xiu's hand suddenly disappeared, and the next second he heard the familiar siren sound, a small train from a fairy tale appeared not far away out of thin air, the wheels were turning, and it arrived in front of Li Xiu in a moment, and then Slowly stopped.

"The ticket can really summon the little train, but unfortunately it can only be used once. It seems that I have to go to the station again to see if I can get a few more tickets." Li Xiu walked towards the little train.

When Li Xiu was walking towards the little train, something strange happened. The closer he got to the little train, the bigger the little train became.

When he walked to the door of the little train, the little train had become as big as a real train.

Li Xiu hesitated for a moment. He didn't use the ticket last time, so he could only be regarded as a stowaway. This time, he used the ticket to get on the train. He wondered if he would be trapped in the car.

Peerless powerhouses like the sixteen ancestor spirits were all trapped in the small train, but I don't know if they used their tickets.

After pondering for a moment, Li Xiu boarded the small train. There was no one in the carriage, so he found a seat at random and sat down.

"The Happiness train is about to leave... Please sit tight at the next station, Destiny Crossroad Station." There was a strange voice from the little train, which Li Xiu was very familiar with. The last time Li Xiu took a small train It’s broken, and I don’t know if it’s the same little train~www.readwn.com~ The little train started slowly, and it was surrounded by empty grasslands, but when the little train started, Li Xiu found that the outside had become Emerald Tunnel.

In the tunnel of faint green light, the small train moves forward rapidly, and the two green lights emitted by the headlights can only illuminate a short distance in the tunnel.

The time in the Time Tunnel was obviously a bit chaotic. With Li Xiu's sensitivity to time, he even felt chaotic. Sometimes it felt like a few seconds had passed, and sometimes it felt like it had been sitting for months.

I don't know how long it took, but the speed of the little train slowly slowed down, probably because it was at the intersection of fate.

"The station at the crossroads of fate is here, guys who get off, please get off quickly, guys who get on the bus, please get on quickly,

Although Li Xiu was a little curious as to where these stations were going, he still sat obediently and did not move.

Originally, Li Xiu thought that no one would get in the car, since the sixteen ancestor spirits had already escaped, there should be no other people in the Time Tunnel.

But suddenly heard footsteps, someone opened the car door and walked up the car ladder.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

Li Xiu looked over suspiciously, but he didn't see anyone. What was strange was that he clearly heard footsteps getting into the car and walking towards the place where he was sitting.

Li Xiu immediately condensed the light energy to sense, but still didn't sense anything, but the footsteps near his ears were getting closer.

"Hello, can I sit here?" A voice sounded in front of Li Xiu, but he didn't see anything.

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