The rainy season had arrived.

 It hadn’t started to rain in earnest yet, though.

“It’s the season of gloom, isn’t it?”

 Today, I found a random empty classroom and ate lunch with Tojo.

 I wouldn’t mind eating in the classroom, but Tojo said the surroundings were too noisy and she wanted to be alone with me.

“Do you think so? I like the rainy season. Seeing the rain and hearing the sound of it made me feel calm. They call autumn the season of reading, but I think the rainy season is the real season of reading.”

“Hmmm. I guess smart people read a lot of books. Maybe I should learn from them and read some books too.”

“That’s a good idea. Let’s go to the library on our next day off.”

“Eh? why don’t we just go to the school library instead?”

“Ha? What, you got a problem with that? Don’t you want to go on a date with me?”

“I do…”

“Thank you, darling ♡”

 I wanted to learn how to stabilize this girl’s emotions.


 On the said day, it was raining.

“It’s a perfect day for reading.”

 Tojo said as she closed her umbrella with a ‘kasa!’ in front of the library.

“What a weirdo.”

“Shut up. Just follow me.”

“Hey, hey.”

 I walked into the library with Tojo.

 I thought the library would be less packed, but I was surprised to see quite a few people were using it.

 Grandfathers were spreading newspapers, students were studying, and children were having a good time.

 I thought libraries were supposed to be quieter than that.

 Surprisingly, it was a lively place.

“I’m sorry. There are a lot of kids here on the holidays, so it’s a little noisy.”

“Oh, it’s fine. Not like it’s your fault.”

“But it’s better if it’s noisy, people won’t overhear our naughty conversation.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

 When I replied, Tojo’s cheeks flushed.

“…that was a slip of tongue.”

“Really? I thought you really wanted to have a naughty conversation with me.”


 That was how our conversation went.

“Mom, that big brother and sister are fighting, are they okay?”

 Said a little boy.


 Tojo blushed and froze, but I bent down and kept my cool.

“‘It’s okay, we’re not fighting. This big sister is a bit of a tsundere.”

“What is a tsundere?”

“You’ll find out when you grow up.”


 The boy nodded with a smile.

 His mother took him away.


“Hm? …why do you have such a scary look on your face?”

“Who’s a tsundere?”


“Please don’t make things up. Which part of me made you think that I’m a tsundere?”

“Why are you complaining? It’s cuter than a yandere.”

“Do you want to die?”

 Tojo took out a pencil from her pocket.

“Why are you always carrying a weapon around?”

“It’s for writing things down.”

 Then she also took out a piece of paper.

“As expected of the honor student.”

“Shut up.”

 Tojo turned away with a twang and sat down in a suitable seat.

“Should I sit a little further away so you can read more comfortably?”

 I thought I was being considerate of her, but…

“Ha? Why would a couple separate in the middle of their date? Are you stupid? Are you an idiot? Why don’t you just die, get soaked in formalin and come back to life?”

“Calm down.”

 I smiled and chose a book at random and sat down next to Tojo.

 But Tojo was still glaring at me.

“Eh? What’s wrong?

“Sit in front of me.”

“Eh? Why?”

“So I can watch you read.”


 I gave her a sloppy reply and moved.

“Happy now?”

“Yes. By the way, what are you planning to read?”

“Something about insects, it looked interesting.”

“Hmm, childish.”

“Don’t make fun of me. What about you? What are you reading?”

“A History of Classical Literature.”

“That sounds really difficult. Do you actually enjoy reading that stuff?”

“Yes, I do.”


“Kasuga-kun, if you keep talking you’ll annoy the other people in here, so,concentrate on reading.”

“I get it.”

 For a while after that, we each immersed ourselves in our own reading.


 About an hour has passed since I started reading.

 I had already abandoned my reading and was playing with my phone.

“…Kasuga-kun, while that’s not a breach of etiquette, but as a library enjoyer, that’s not something I could easily overlook.”

“Oh, yeah. I was curious about something, so I was looking into it.”


“About the book you’re reading.


“Classical literature is like ‘The Tale of Genji’ or ‘The Pillow Book’, right? They often appear in textbooks.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I remember seeing that on TV before. …… Those books are actually really erotic.”


“Of course, the version in textbooks didn’t include such scenes, but…”


“That means you’ve been reading porns for a while now.”

“…kill me.”

“What, you’re not going to kill me?”

“I can’t do this anymore, I’m too ashamed to live… I want to die.”

“You’re overreacting.”

“But, my boyfriend thinks I’m a perverted girl…”

 Tojo seemed more depressed than ever.

“Tojo, give me your ear.”


 Tojo looked up with a pout on her face.

 I whispered softly into her ear.

“…men will be happier if their girl is perverted.”

 When I looked at her, Tojo was puzzled, but her face was quickly turning red.

“Also, you look really cute in that dress today.”

“I-idiot… Die.”

 I smirked at Tojo’s embarrassment.

“…Kasuga-kun, you will be punished later.”

“Yeah, that’s kind of scary. What are you going to do to me?”

“That’s… g-give me a tongue kiss.”

 Tojo said with a blush on her cheeks.

“So you liked it…”

“N-not really, I’m…”

“I like you.”


 Tojo let out a cute voice.

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