While the judges were discussing,


Yuan did not stop.

After he got his train of thought straight, his creation went smoothly….

【On September 12, 1919, Hitler received a task from the Army Political Department to investigate a political group calling itself the”German Workers’ Party”】

【In this way, Hitler, as an undercover agent, first met this political party, which at the time had only 54 members.】

【Why would a political party with only 54 members attract the attention of the Army Political Department?】

【This has to do with their program.】

【In the program of the German Workers’ Party, they were socialist, nationalist, anti-Semitic】

【Some of these elements, such as nationalism and anti-Semitism, are consistent with Hitler’s political tendencies.】……

【The Army Political Department’s original intention was to let Hitler investigate this party】

【However, this mission soon came to an end.】

【Because Hitler became the boss of this organization all the way】

【While listening to the speeches of this small party, he denounced a speech advocating that Bavaria should secede from Prussia and combine with Austria to form the South German Republic.】

【His performance was outstanding and his wonderful speech attracted the attention and interest of the participants.】

【Two days later, Hitler successfully received a postcard informing him that he had been invited to join the German Workers’ Party.】

【As a result, Hitler quickly became the 96th member of the party and served as the seventh member of the party presidium.】

【In this way, Hitler took the most decisive step in his life.】……


When seeing this part,

Jiang Wen was so shocked that he didn’t know what to say.

Just now, he was still swearing. How could a man like Hitler, who had no background, no qualifications, and no wealth, continue to rise in the political arena without a strong logic to support him?

But now,

Fang Yuan easily let Hitler enter the core layer of a party.

Although this party only has a few dozen people, it has allowed him to take the first step in politics…….

Jiang Wen’s expression was a little strange.

He said

“If the host hadn’t just said that the contestants who were creating in the venue couldn’t hear us, I would have doubted whether contestant No. 111 was monitoring us and heard what I just said.

After making a joke, he laughed at himself.

“Now I take back what I said.”

“It turns out that what I can think of, contestant No. 111 also thinks of”

“It seems that he had already prepared a perfect reason for Hitler to take the first step into politics.”……

Mamtim didn’t quite understand this.

He asked

“Director Jiang, the reason you gave……What is meant?”

“Did contestant 111 prepare any special political capital for Hitler?”……

Jiang Wen explained

“You see, he has already written it – Hitler performed very well, and his wonderful speech attracted the attention and interest of the participants.”

“With just one speech, he easily gained attention and became a member of the Workers’ Party.”

“Obviously, this is an ability that contestant No. 111 gave to Hitler in order to make the logic of the story more tenable and to give him the capital to succeed in his struggle.”

“That is excellent speaking ability”……

After hearing this explanation,

Mamtim was relieved.

Just now, he focused on the result that Hitler joined the Workers’ Party and quickly gained power.

He actually ignored the process of how he joined.

But there was one thing…….

“But just relying on this alone, Hitler was able to reach the pinnacle of power. Isn’t this a bit ridiculous?……Too much of a stretch?”

Mamtim asked tentatively.

From the current point of view,

Hitler is not really outstanding.

Is it enough to rely on just one ability to speak? This is not a rare feature…….

It’s not just Mamtim who has this doubt.

At the same time, many viewers also think so.

——”What the host said makes sense. The political arena is full of intrigue and deception. How could Hitler, a rookie, win in the end?”

——”Indeed, there is nothing strange about giving speeches. There are many people who can make it in the political arena, especially in the Western political arena, who are not good at speaking.”

——”Hitler was a very good speaker. How good was he?”

——”Is it powerful just to write it like this?”

——”But if you don’t write it like this……The golden finger can’t be too extreme, right? You can’t let Hitler suddenly have a wild father, he became the illegitimate son of a political bigwig, and then his father died suddenly and inherited the political legacy, right?”

——”emmmmm……Let’s see what he writes next.”……

Because of Jiang Wen, the audience began to think about a question.

How did Hitler make it to the end and finally succeed in his struggle?

Indeed, as some viewers said, who in the political arena can’t give a speech ? Is this enough? But don’t forget, in addition to the speech, what kind of Germany was Hitler in at this time ?


The defeat in World War I caused Germany to lose one-eighth of its territory and was forced to abandon all its overseas colonies.

Huge war reparations, strict restrictions on military power, decline in industrial production, decline in agricultural production, and inflation……

Under these difficulties, the German people are facing a difficult living situation.

At the same time, there is also growing dissatisfaction in their hearts!

The purpose of the speech is to seduce people and gain more supporters…….


There are many people who can speak. But there are not many people like Hitler who know deeply what the people need and what they are thinking, who can stand with them, and who can guide their dissatisfaction and use it for his own benefit! And with the addition of this factor, Hitler, a natural orator, his ability to fascinate people will be multiplied!


While the audience chattered and questioned Hitler’s speaking ability, in the room,

Fang Yuan quickly read through Hitler’s speech that he had seen before.

Then, he began to write.

Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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