
When seeing this segment,

Leo’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“War is coming!”…

Others also had a premonition that the curtain was about to be lifted.

Hitler developed the economy.

It seemed to be very effective.

But in fact, the greatest progress was made in Germany’s military industry!

This was clearly preparing for war!……

【1993 Germany withdraws from the League of Nations】

【But their situation is still precarious.】

【The status of a defeated country in World War I was a yoke on Germany, making its national defense weak and its diplomacy isolated.】

【This forced Hitler to handle foreign affairs more cautiously.】

【So, a”sudden change” of Hitler appeared】……

【When receiving foreign leaders, Hitler was polite and gentle like a gentleman.】

【He showed the miserable situation Germany faced after its defeat in order to gain sympathy from the international community.】

【He held a”big pot meal day” on a fixed date every year, personally supervised the progress of construction projects, and introduced many welfare policies, creating an image of a politician who developed the economy in a peaceful way.】

【He talked about freedom and international peace over and over again, but on the other side, he was secretly preparing to rearm and launch a war.】

【Hitler’s deception was so sophisticated that many people abroad were fooled by his true intentions.】……

【After the new government was formed, Hitler tried to establish friendly relations with the United States】

【At first, Roosevelt took a wait-and-see approach.】

【However, on the day Hitler came to power, the New York Times correspondent in Berlin reported: Mr. Hitler’s mentality is relatively docile.】

【A day later, another New York Times reporter also commented: Hitler has put aside his goal of becoming a dictator.】

【Although Roosevelt reserved his own judgment, he also had a glimmer of hope that he could ease the attitude of the German leader under Hitler’s disguise.】……

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help……

——”Awesome! Hitler became an actor?”

——”Polite, gentlemanly, gentle……Damn, these adjectives can actually be used to describe Hitler???”

——”The style has changed, Art, you have become a stranger to me!”

——”Ah! You have changed! In order to free Germany from its shackles, you have even started to act like a gentleman! I am scared of your strangeness!”


Seeing this, a rare relaxed atmosphere appeared in the live broadcast room…….

On the judges’ panel, several judges saw another side of the story.���

Jiang Wen:”I didn’t expect Hitler to have such a side.”

Miyazaki Hayao:”And the most important thing is that countries around the world seem to have been deceived by his disguise.”

Leonardo DiCaprio:”They didn’t discover Hitler’s true face. It seems that war is not far away.” Rowling

:”When countries realize they have been deceived, who will stop him?”……

At this time,

Jiang Wen suddenly thought of a question!

Now the villain has been found.

However, according to normal film and television works

, the narrative perspective of a story is focused on the positive protagonist.

Now you have written the villain story line so vividly.

Then what about the protagonist?

Where is the glorious and majestic son of destiny who finally defeated Hitler?

“Could it be that he would continue to rush forward and finally succeed?”……

Jiang Wen suddenly had this thought in his mind.

But soon, he told himself that it was impossible.

“No, it’s okay if the subject matter is a little dangerous, as long as Hitler fails in the end, it’s still a story with a healthy tone!”

“But if Hitler succeeded……”

“That is a definite banned film!”

“It is a 100% taboo subject that cannot pass the review!”……


Jiang Wen became even more curious

“So when exactly is Fang Yuan going to let the ‘Dragon Slayer’ appear?”

“Or, is there no ‘Dragon Slayer’ in this story?’?”……

The question that Jiang Wen was thinking about just now also appeared in Fang Yuan’s mind.

Although this story is called”My Struggle”, and on the surface, it tells the life story of Hitler, but in fact, it is a large story that reviews the entire World War II from Hitler’s perspective!……

Therefore, the dragon slayer naturally exists!

Naturally, someone will thwart Hitler’s ambition!

According to the mainstream theory that can pass the review, it was countless, tens of millions of Allied soldiers and the righteous people of the world who defeated Hitler and the evil Nazis!

But……How to write this in a story?

A group portrait?

What a joke!

Who writes a group portrait of hundreds of millions of people at once? ? ?……


Fang Yuan selected three representatives.

In later generations, the three of them had a resounding name – the Big Three!……

“There is no Hitler in this world……”

“Likewise, there is no Roosevelt, Churchill, or Stalin!”

His eyes moved slightly upwards.

Fang Yuan’s gaze stopped at ‘Roosevelt’.

He stopped at this name that the audience had not paid much attention to.

“When World War II began, the story expanded to the entire European continent and even the entire world.”

“The stories of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin can be unfolded in the form of branches.”

“Their stories are even more legendary than Hitler’s!”

“By that time,”My Struggle” will no longer be a single-line personal biography, but a magnificent and heroic epic!”

“With this work……Not to mention promotion, it will definitely be no problem to become famous overnight!”

When he thought about writing the stories of Roosevelt and others.

When he thought about the three branches in this story that are not inferior to Hitler.

For a moment, even Fang Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little excited…….

However, those are all future plans.

For the present, it is better to focus on writing about Hitler.

So, after calming down a little,

Fang Yuan continued writing…….

【Although Hitler tried his best to disguise himself and carefully handle foreign affairs to avoid conflicts with other countries in advance】

【But the most important step in Germany’s rearmament was bound to cause diplomatic conflict.】

【That is to restore conscription.】

【The conscription system requires all men of military age to serve in the military for a period of time.】

【This system ensures that the army has sufficient manpower and can inject inexhaustible power fuel into the war machine.】

【However, Germany lost such a crucial system forever in the Treaty of Versailles.】

【What’s more troublesome is that it is impossible for Hitler to secretly restore conscription.】

【Once the conscription system is implemented, even a three-year-old child will know that he will be a soldier when he grows up. It is impossible to hide this from the world.】

【This means that Hitler will tear up the Treaty of Versailles in front of the whole world.》】

【What awaited him were diplomatic conflicts, economic sanctions, and even direct armed intervention. The consequences were far more serious than Hitler could bear.】

【But without the restoration of conscription, Hitler’s plan to rearm Germany could not be completed.】……

【Faced with such a difficult situation, Hitler waited patiently in the turbulent international situation, waiting for the opportunity to appear.】

【And it wasn’t long before the opportunity arose. 】

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