【From this point of view, the merger of Germany and Austria seems to be very easy】

【However, there are still two major obstacles to the German-Austrian merger.】

【One is the Austrian government】

【The other is Mussolini】

【Although there are strong calls for merger among the Austrian people, the Austrian government strives to maintain the country’s independence and sovereignty.】

【Mussolini had always been against the merger of Germany and Austria, because Austria was the most important barrier between Italy and Germany. Once Germany annexed Austria, it might pose a threat to Italy.】…

——”Mussolini? Italy? He would actually stop Hitler?”

——”Wasn’t it said before that he was Hitler’s ally?”

——”It seems that even Italy has now seen through Hitler’s evil ambitions!”

——”He can’t succeed again this time, right?”

——”Definitely not. Who is a fool to be in charge of a country?”

——”Although Hitler wanted to annex Austria, the people there welcomed it, but their government disagreed. Not only the government, but other countries also began to oppose it. If he dared to send troops this time,……I’m afraid the war is really about to start!”……

The audience’s eyes lit up when they saw this part!

It was as if the countries that had seen it had finally realized Hitler’s ambition and evil.


The war begins!……

So, is it really like this?

In the room,

Fang Yuan’s fingers flew.

New lines of text kept appearing…….

【In order to facilitate the merger of Germany and Austria, Hitler worked hard on both aspects.】

【He invited Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg to his villa and threatened him】

【”I tell you, Mr. Prime Minister, I have made up my mind. You can’t even hold out for half an hour.”】

【After the meeting, as soon as Schuschnigg left the room, Hitler called for General Keitel in a voice so loud that the whole house could hear it.】

【The general rushed to the room, but found that the head of state only asked him to stay in the room for 10 minutes.】

【The general was confused, and Schuschnigg was terrified.】

【In his view, a German military invasion was imminent.】

【At the last moment of his political career, Schuschnigg made a desperate appeal to England for help.】

【Because the words”Germany shall never be united with Austria” are written in black and white in the Treaty of Versailles.】

【He hoped that England would take on the responsibilities of a contracting party, but he received only a cold rebuff.】

【”There is nothing we can do about it.” The English government responded:】

【Schuschnigg was desperate.】

【He announced that in order to avoid bloodshed the troops would offer no resistance.】……

【On the other side of the European continent, after Hitler’s constant communication and probing, Mussolini finally accepted the German-Austrian merger.】

【Hitler was overjoyed. He said on the phone: Tell Mussolini that I will never forget him. No matter where he is or what help he needs, even if the whole world is against him, I will be with him.】

【In this way, Hitler easily disintegrated the two major obstacles to the merger of Germany and Austria.】……

In this way, Hitler easily disintegrated the two major obstacles to the merger of Germany and Austria…….

When they saw this part, they were dumbfounded!

Everyone was dumbfounded!……

Several judges were also stunned.

“that’s all?”

“Is that all?”

“They are just sitting back and watching Hitler grow stronger again?”

Jiang Wen was very confused!

The brain circuits of these countries……

These countries’ obsession with appeasement……

It was beyond his imagination!……

On the side, the other three looked at each other in bewilderment.

They seemed to be unable to believe that this was actually the plot written by Fang Yuan.

Miyazaki frowned slightly:”Isn’t this too illogical?”

Rowling was also a little confused:”Indeed, if there is no sufficient explanation, this is undoubtedly a logical failure.”

Little Leo seemed to understand a little

“I heard that there is an old saying in Longguo: Those who are involved are confused, but those who are on the sidelines can see clearly.”

“From our perspective, it is clear that Hitler was such an evil and dangerous person.”

“But for all countries in the world at that time……Who knows?”……

In fact, what Leo said is correct.

Because the story in his writing is based on Hitler.

It is told from Hitler’s perspective.

It is not difficult for the audience to find Hitler’s ambition and his dangerous and terrible.

However, the countries around the world at that time did not think so…….

After all, as mentioned before,

Hitler was a man who was very good at disguising himself.

He pretended to make other countries think that he was just dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles and the shackles imposed on Germany by the victorious countries.

What he wanted to do was to restore the rights and interests that Germany should enjoy.

This is also what Hitler has always shown…….

And the most important point is that the First World War was too brutal! In just four years, more than 10 million people died and more than 20 million were injured.

When the war ended, no one could explain why the war was fought.

The participating countries paid a terrible price, but found that this price was meaningless.

So, people at that time realized that if modern weapons were used to fight a long war, it would bring devastating disasters…….

Therefore, doing everything possible to avoid war became the first choice of European politicians at that time.

So, when Hitler tried again and again, all countries chose to remain silent.

Not only that,

Britain and France also felt that Hitler’s expansion would help relieve the pressure on the Western Front – let him develop in the East.

So under the control of various reasons,

‘Appeasement is not just the choice of a few people.

It is the position of the vast majority of people.

This is why they tolerated Hitler again and again…….

【In 1938, Hitler had cleared all obstacles. After 25 years away from his hometown, this Viennese wanderer returned to his homeland with thousands of troops.】

【The Austrians welcomed him with great joy. People crowded around the streets, shouting”One nation, one Germany!”’】

【Hitler also looked moved, with tears streaming down his cheeks】

【He gave a speech on the balcony of Linz City Hall: Destiny has chosen me to return the motherland to Germany.】……

【Hitler’s reputation reached its peak. He accomplished a feat that even Bismarck had not accomplished – unifying Greater Germany.】

【He also completely tore up the Treaty of Versailles, which was a heavy shackle set for Germany by the Big Three after World War I.】

【These included: prohibiting Germany from implementing conscription, prohibiting Germany from stationing troops in the Rhineland, prohibiting Germany from establishing an air force, the German army could not exceed 100,000 people, could not have tanks or heavy artillery, Germany recognized Austria’s independence and would never merge with it】

【These clauses, no matter how big or small, are like seals that completely lock Germany down.】

【However, just five years after Hitler came to power, all these seals failed, and a bloodthirsty war empire broke out of the cage.】

【But now in 1938, no one realizes this】

【The people of the empire were immersed in worship of the Führer and vowed to follow him for the rest of their lives.】

【Politicians outside the empire still felt that Hitler was a reasonable person who could cooperate with him. 】

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