【Just six months later, Hitler tore up the Munich Agreement and annexed the entire territory of Czechoslovakia.

When I saw this passage, I was speechless for a moment.

Rowling was so angry that she laughed.

She was indignant!

“Stupid pig! Stupid pig stupid pig stupid pig!”

“He believed Hitler’s lies so easily. How could such a person be worthy of being the Prime Minister of England!”

Although Chamberlain was ‘fictional’ by Fang Yuan – the history of this world is different from that of Earth.

But it did not affect Rowling’s substitution at all.

So when she saw that the Prime Minister of her country was such a stupid person, as an old Londoner, how could she not be angry?……

Compared to Rowling’s anger,

Leo is actually quite amused.

“Although it is a bit too outrageous, judging from the design in the story……It still makes sense”

“After World War I, all countries were afraid of war. This was the first”

“Secondly, England hopes that Germany will become stronger and help contain France.”

“In the end, it was just that Hitler was so good at disguising himself.”

“It is a very good work to be able to write such an unexpected plot and yet write it so reasonably.”……

Miyazaki also chimed in.

He agreed with Leo’s statement

“Yes, I think you got it right.”

“Moreover, such works are more authentic.”

“After all, in many people’s perception, the heads of state are wise, extraordinary, and capable.”

“But in this world, it is not so.”

“Leaders are also human beings, they can make mistakes and be deceived.”

“I have increasingly felt that what this contestant is creating is not a fictional story, but a true story that actually happened in history.”

“And this kind of authenticity is often the best story.”……

Is it true?

Of course it is true.

After all, what Fang Yuan wrote is indeed history that has already happened…….

“Yes, I feel that way too.”

“Even through the screen, it seems that this story is a true historical event.”

After saying that,

Maimaiti looked at Fang Yuan who was thinking on the screen and the document with no new content.

He asked the four people. He suggested with interest :

“Dear teachers, while the contestants are thinking about the next plot, why don’t we discuss the next plot?”

“After annexing yet another region, would Hitler launch new territorial demands?”

“And, can he still be satisfied as easily as he is now?”……

Maimaiti finished speaking.

Jiang Wen said without thinking :

“That’s for sure,” he explained.

“From the text, it can be seen that Hitler’s goal has always been very clear.”

“He doesn’t want territory.”

“I want to expand my own strength”

“Eventually, after he has acquired enough power to rival the whole of Europe, he will start a war to establish Germany’s dominance!”

“The current Germany is obviously unable to support his dream.”

“Therefore, he will definitely resort to the same old tricks, disguise his ambitions, deceive, defraud, and intimidate in order to gain more territory!”……

Hearing this,

Mamtim continued to ask

“Then will he be able to achieve his goal as easily as he does now?”

“After all, he has deceived other countries many times in this way.”……

This time it was Hayao Miyazaki who answered the question.

He said

“I think so”

“Just as written in the plot just now, the interests of European countries are different, and they dare not start a war easily.”

“Well, this was Hitler’s best chance.”

“I believe that Hitler would have been successful if he had not violated the interests of Britain and France, especially England.”

“No one will start a war”

“There will be no war”

“I believe Hitler would have clearly understood this.”……

Maimaiti Road

“So can I understand Mr. Miyazaki’s opinion as……When Hitler is ready, will he take action against Britain and France?”

“And by that time”

“Is that when the war begins?”……

Miyazaki nodded affirmatively

“Yes, that’s right!”……

In the studio, the judges spoke freely.

In the live broadcast room, the audience also discussed

——”Mr. Hayao Miyazaki said……Seems to make sense”

——”It is possible. Given the nature of Britain and France, they would have been able to endure it if Hitler had not extended his hand to their territory.”

——”So, as long as Hitler doesn’t trigger their interests, the war will not happen?”

——”I feel like it won’t appear in the short term.”

——”I think so”……


Expressing opinions.

New content appears on the big screen……

【After the Munich Agreement was torn up, countries woke up from their dream of peace】

【They anxiously watched Hitler’s next move, and soon Hitler put forward his territorial demands – Danzig】

【Danzig is the dividing line that divides German territory into two】

【In the Treaty of Versailles, Germany’s territory was divided into two non-contiguous tracts of land. The Danzig Corridor, which originally connected the two tracts, was given to Poland. This corridor extended the Polish territory to the Baltic Sea. Although nominally under the administration of the League of Nations, it was largely controlled by Poland.】

【Hitler wanted to annex Danzig and build a cross-border highway connecting Germany and East Prussia】

【He issued an ultimatum to the Poles: Danzig or war】……

When seeing this paragraph, no one was surprised.

After all, Hitler was just that kind of person.

He always had one reason or another to disrupt the situation in Europe…….

“It seems that our guess was correct. Hitler has started again.”

“Just like before, he was also looking for a seemingly ‘reasonable’ excuse to put pressure on Britain and France under the banner of restoring German territory.

Jiang Wen commented……

On the side,

Miyazaki stroked his white beard and smiled.

“It seems that he will succeed again, just like before.

He seemed to be sure that Poland would not resist and would obediently hand over the territory…….


This judgment makes sense. Didn’t he take the Rhineland, Austria, and Sudetenland without firing a shot?

Poland seems to disagree.

However, Britain and France will help Hitler…….

At this point, almost everyone thought Poland would surrender.

However, what happened next surprised them…….

【Hitler thought Poland would surrender and that this was just a repeat of what happened to Austria and Czechoslovakia.】

【But he was soon disappointed.】

【Poland strongly rejected Hitler】……

When they saw this, everyone was slightly surprised.

——”Poland? I remember it wasn’t a big country?”

——”How dare he resist Hitler?”

——”Have courage!”

——”Well, it’s just a trick. Wasn’t Austria the same before? Didn’t their Prime Minister also resist? But wasn’t it annexed by Hitler in the end?”

——”emmm……I also think that despite their tough attitude now, they will eventually be annexed like Austria without firing a shot.”……

Although it was unexpected, but with the previous example of Austria, not many people thought that war would break out…….

【There is a reason why the Poles are so tough】

【First of all, Poland’s military strength is not weak. Judging from the data on paper alone, it ranks sixth in the world.】

【Secondly, Poland had signed non-aggression pacts with both Germany and the Soviet Union, especially the treaty with the Soviet Union, which made him look safe.】……

【The Polish response made Hitler furious】

【So he emphasized to Britain and France: I don’t need anything from the West, I just want to be able to act freely in the East】

【He is confident that he can convince Britain and France, just as before.】……

The appearance of this content makes the audience more confident in their own judgment.

Hitler’s promise to act freely in the East is exactly what Britain and France want to see.

And referring to the previous case, are they also unable to reject Hitler?……

——”I seem to have seen the end of Poland”

——”According to the nature of Britain and France, they would definitely agree. After all, as long as Hitler did not expand westward, they would be satisfied.”

——”England needs Germany to become stronger to help them contain France, and France naturally needs them to help contain the Soviet Union”

——”No surprise, that’s it.”……

The audience was somewhat bored.

After they thought they had guessed the result, they suddenly lost a lot of expectations…….

However, at this time, the content that appeared again surprised everyone!……

【On August 23, 1939, two Vulture transport planes took off from Berlin, with passengers on board to sign an important treaty.】

【Two days later, the Poles read a piece of news in the newspaper: Germany had signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union.》】

【This made them a little confused: the two countries did not border each other, so why should they agree to non-aggression?】

【Then comes fear: If they agree not to invade each other, then which country will be invaded by them?】

【The answer is self-evident】

【The country between Germany and the Soviet Union is them – Poland!】……

The Polish people in the story were stunned!

Outside the story, the host, the four judges, the audience in the audience and the live studio……

At this moment, everyone was shocked!

Because, they had already guessed that possibility.

The possibility that they thought should not happen!……

“Could it be!!!”

Someone widened his eyes!

At this time, the new content written by Fang Yuan appeared on the big screen! Suddenly, countless people were all stunned!!!

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