【After the capture of Norway, Hitler could finally focus on his long-awaited offensive on the Western Front.】

【Over the years, Hitler has dreamed of World War I countless times】

【He fell in that war and watched his country being humiliated and slaughtered. This humiliation has pushed him all the way to today.】

【Now, this moment has finally come, it is his turn to compete with his old enemy in World War I - France.

Hitler's gaze returned to the Western Front.

Prepare to compete with France!

When seeing this part, for a moment, everyone's expression was very complicated.

Before this, including the judges and the audience, they were very eager and looking forward to seeing France send troops to fight


But now, when the plot they expected was about to be staged, this expectation has undergone a very strange change.


Hitler was given too much time to develop!

First, Poland was taken down.

Then Denmark and Norway were taken down. The shortest resistance of these three countries was no more than 4 hours. The longest was only two months. And after taking over Denmark and Norway, Germany's most important iron ore supply has been as stable as a rock. In this situation now, France


Can he still defeat Germany?

Everyone is worried about this

"Britain and France have missed too many opportunities." Jiang Wen was also worried on the jury. His face was quite serious. He analyzed the current situation.

"Although the ideas of Britain and France are good"

"They saw the importance of Swedish iron ore to Germany"

"That's why they boldly sent troops to Northern Europe to cut off this important supply line."

"But unfortunately"

"Their dispatch also gave Hitler an excuse to dispatch troops."

"In the end, Sweden's supply to Hitler was not cut off."

"Instead, Hitler took over Denmark and Norway and brought Sweden into his sphere of influence."

"Now Hitler has won three battles and three victories, and his momentum is high"

"Start the war now......Not the best thing for France"

"That's right." Miyazaki Hayao nodded in agreement.

"Instead of sending troops at the best opportunity, they watched Hitler grow stronger."

"At present, several wars of annihilation have fully demonstrated the strength of Germany.......

I think there will be a fierce battle next!

" Leo also agrees with Miyazaki and Jiang Wen's views on the plot.

However, he did not come to this conclusion from the story itself, but from the perspective of creation.

Almost all film and television stories conform to this narrative ups and downs.

The villain will always have smooth sailing.

Before the story is completely finished, or before it reaches the eve of the end, it is desperately powerful.

At present, the war has just begun.

The next plot must be that Hitler pushes all the way.

He is still in the process of becoming powerful.

"Everyone can already guess the plot"

"The question now is, how can we make this plot novel and unconventional?"

"Worth looking forward to."

Little Leo thought in his heart.

Looking at the screen, he became more and more curious.

In fact,

Little Leo's worry was non-existent.

Because Fang Yuan was not making it up out of thin air. He was retelling the existing facts.

Was the battle between Hitler and France exciting?

Of course it was exciting.

So, he didn't need to worry about how to set up this plot.

Just write it truthfully.

So, he wrote

【Hitler did not intervene in the military planning of the invasion of Poland】

【But once the opponent became France, he intervened directly】

【At his request, the German High Command worked on a plan to invade France.】

【Soon, an offensive plan called"Yellow Plan" was released.】

【This plan is almost a replica of the"Schlieffen Plan" against France during World War I.】

【The main force of the German army bypassed Belgium to open a gap, with Paris, France as the main attack direction】

【The initial"Yellow Plan" deployment was like this】

【On the German border, the German army will divide its troops into A、B、C Three Army Groups, a total of 102 divisions, including 10 tank divisions and 7 motorized divisions】

【The three army groups were equipped with a total of 7,378 artillery pieces and 2,445 tanks. The army groups were arranged in the order of B from north to south.、A.Sequential deployment of C】

【Army Group B was composed of the 2nd, 6th, 4th and 18th Armies, deployed in the far north to facilitate the advance towards Belgium and the Netherlands. It had 30 infantry divisions, 9 armored divisions and 3 motorized divisions.】

【This is also the main force of the entire combat plan, about half of the total force, including the vast majority of armored forces.】

【The main task was for the 4th and 6th Armies to advance from northern Belgium, with the 2nd Army following suit.】

【18th Army attacked the Netherlands alone】

【Army Group A is composed of the 12th and 16th Army Groups, with a total of 22 infantry divisions and almost no armored units. It is deployed in the center and its main task is to cover the flank security of Army Group B.】

【Army Group C was composed of the 1st and 7th Armies and was deployed along the front of the Maginot Line. Its main task was to launch a feint attack on the enemy in front of it after the battle was launched, to contain and confuse the French troops behind the Maginot Line and prevent them from going north to support】

【This is a very detailed attack plan.】

【However, Hitler was not satisfied when he saw it.】

【Although it was perfect and the route chosen was flat terrain, which was very suitable for the German armored forces to advance, the problem was that it was too conventional!】

【In Hitler's view, Britain and France could expect the German army to attack from here, and they would definitely deploy a large number of troops along the route. Even if the German army defeated them, it would suffer heavy losses.】

【Hitler did not like the plan and called it a cadet's idea.】

【However, many senior generals in the German command approved of this plan. They felt that there was no more reasonable offensive plan.】

【Although Hitler had a bad feeling, he did not deny it immediately.】


【Hitler was actually right.】

【The German-French border is the long and impregnable Maginot Line, in the middle is the Ardennes Mountains, and further north is Western Europe with many rivers and flat terrain.】

【In view of the terrain, the French commander Gamelin made the decision】

【First of all, the German army could not attack the Maginot Line by force, which would cause them heavy losses.】

【Secondly, the possibility of a breakthrough from the Ardennes Mountains was not great because of the special geographical environment. Even if a breakthrough was made here, the complex terrain would not make the German attack very smooth, and the Allies would have enough time to attack the Germans from the north and south.】

【Therefore, the German army had only two directions to attack France: north and south, that is, attack through Belgium in the north or Switzerland in the south.】

【However, the south of Switzerland has many mountains, complex terrain, and narrow roads that are not conducive to the advancement of mechanized troops. Therefore, Gamelin judged that the German army was most likely to attack from Belgium.】

【The Franco-Belgian border was undefensible, and Gamelin thought it was unwise to build a defense line here and wait for the German army to attack.】

【So he suggested that the British and French troops march into Belgium, build defense lines based on rivers, canals, fortresses, etc., and fight another trench war with the German army to drag down Germany. 】

Battle of wits and courage!

When seeing this content, countless people suddenly thought of this word in their minds!

France and Germany obviously did not have any confrontation.

But in the process of making plans, it fully demonstrated what it means to fight wits and courage!

Hitler knew that such a perfect plan would be guessed by France.

And what about France?

They also knew that under such terrain conditions, Hitler would definitely adopt such a plan!


Jiang Wen has made many war-themed movies.

But in the movies he shot about war, most of them focus on the perspective of small people under the war.

Show the fate of ordinary people under the war.

This kind of pure war itself.

He has never been involved.

So. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When I saw this part of the creative content about war,

I was very surprised!

"I didn't expect that Fang Yuan would be so strong in writing about wars?"

Jiang Wen raised his eyebrows slightly.[]

Undisguised surprise in his eyes.


This was his first reaction after seeing this passage.

After all, screenwriters are only writers.

They can only use the information they have consulted to try to restore the scene to the reality.

However, they can only try their best and cannot restore it 100%.

For example, works on doctor themes often make various low-level mistakes in the eyes of professionals.

War is also an area where low-level mistakes are prevalent.

After all, few screenwriters have military experience.

And even if they have, they are all very���

It was okay to write about military life.

But when it comes to war, power, tactics and strategy, problems are often exposed.

But now,

Fang Yuan's paragraph surprised Jiang Wen.

The detailed introduction of various forces and arms. The offensive plans of various tactical layouts were very close to the facts.

At this moment, he was very curious.

Did Fang Yuan really go to Europe? Did he really investigate the places written in the story, such as

France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and the Ardennes Forest?......It’s becoming more and more real!

"Judging from this plot, France seems to have a good chance of winning."

Before this plot ,

Miyazaki was a little worried about France.

He was not optimistic about their war against Germany.

But now.........

The French have already guessed Germany's offensive plan.......

Is this war going to be a good one?

It's not just him.

After seeing Hitler's atrocities in Poland, their impression of him has changed.

The audience who were eager to see him fail seemed relieved after seeing this content before the war.

——"If the attack is carried out according to this plan, Hitler will definitely fail!"

——"That’s right, the plan had already been guessed by France, so how could it possibly work?"

——"That’s great! After this war, Hitler’s good days will be over. In fact, it won’t be long before Germany will return to the situation before Hitler came to power and be bound by various shackles again!"

——".I feel better. I am scared when I see such a demon. It is finally coming to an end."

——"Art, don't change it, just play it like this!"

——"Is France finally getting its act together?"

——"Celebrate in advance and spread flowers~~~"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In their opinion, if Hitler really attacked according to the"Yellow Plan", it seemed that failure was imminent.

But, was this really the case?

Would Hitler really start a war with France in this way?

Fang Yuan's writing is still continuing

【Hitler did not like the Yellow Plan, calling it a cadet's idea】

【He wanted a bolder, more sudden plan.】

【And one person caught his attention - Erich von Manstein】

【Manstein, the chief of staff of Army Group A, scoffed at the Yellow Plan formulated by the headquarters, believing that the plan might cause the German army to repeat the mistakes of World War I and be dragged down by the British and French forces and turn it into a war of attrition.】

【So he had been exploring another possibility - that is, to cross the Ardennes Mountains to attack Sedan, and then head straight for the English Channel, harvesting the Allies from behind like a sickle.】

【He believed that the main attack target should be placed at the end of the Maginot Line. If the British and French forces advanced, this would be the weakest link in their defense.】

【In his conception, the A Corps in the central part of the country should be the core, and a surprise attack should be launched through the weakly defended Ardennes, passing through southern Belgium and Luxembourg, and reaching Sedan, cutting off the connection between the French armies in the north and south, and taking the initiative in the battle.】

【This plan was very bold, because the Ardennes Mountains were densely wooded, rugged, and swampy, making them the most unsuitable area for armored forces to cross. The French army could not imagine that the Germans would attack from here, so they did not deploy strict defenses.】

【In fact, not only the French army, but also many senior German generals believed that this was impossible.】

【The German high command did not adopt this bold, risky, and crazy plan.】

【Manstein ran into obstacles everywhere and was even transferred.】

【However, an unexpected incident changed the plan.】...(Zhao Le)...?

【On January 10, 1940, the chief of the operations department of the German 7th Airborne Division made an emergency landing in Mechelen, Belgium, because his plane got lost. The second version of the Yellow Plan document he carried fell into the hands of the Belgian intelligence agency.】

【In view of this, the mustache decisively adopted Manstein's suggestion and ordered the headquarters to adopt Manstein's suggestion to modify the Yellow Plan based on the Yellow Plan, and thus the famous"Manstein Plan" was born.


Not using the Yellow Plan.

Instead, adopting a more daring plan?

When seeing this content, countless people were shocked!

——"Are you crazy!!! Crossing a forest with complex terrain? Aren’t they armored troops?"

——"It is very difficult for infantry to pass through the forest, let alone armored troops?"

——"Can such a plan be passed?"

——"Madman, Hitler is too crazy! Since France is not fortified, it means that his armored troops can't get through the forest at all! He can actually adopt such a plan?"

The audience talked about it.

This twist and turn of the plot was completely beyond their expectations!

In addition to this reason, there was another reason why they had such a huge reaction.

"From their perspective, if Hitler adopted the Yellow Plan, he would be doomed to fail.

Now they have switched to the Manstein Plan.

Although this plan looks bold, once they are really allowed to complete it,......


That was completely beyond the French army's expectations.

Who knows. It would really catch them off guard!


It is possible to win this war!

Can Hitler succeed?

How will the subsequent war develop?

Countless people stared at the screen to judge. They were looking forward to the follow-up.

At this moment, they didn't know.


They are about to give them a big show!.

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