"Ai Ai, catch the ball." Su Heng gave the ball to Ai Ai, and then went to the next bat to wait for the ball.

Aiai blinked her big eyes and sighed: "Brother, you are so fast, you are really amazing!"

"That's not it!" Su Heng also felt a little complacent.

God-level physique, that's no joke.

In the final analysis, this kind of small game is also a test of explosive power and balance ability, these things, God-level physique is naturally not a problem.

So, when playing games, as long as Su Heng is serious, no one can win.

Afterwards, Su Heng was like a cheetah shuttling around the field. Every time the ball came into his hands, it would be passed to the next bat in just a few seconds.

The four younger sisters are also smart. They know the reason why you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. After receiving the ball, they move forward slowly, as long as the ball does not drop.

As for the speed, the younger sisters don't care about it at all, just leave it to Su Heng.

Under Su Heng's outstanding performance, their group had overtaken all other parents and children by the time they reached the sixth bat, and after that, it was even worse and farther and farther away from other groups.

Su Heng is so eye-catching, of course it has attracted everyone's attention.

When the parents and children saw Su Heng being so merciless and not releasing any water at 30, they all exclaimed and howled.

This... how can it compare?!

Sure enough, the second runner did not reach the seventh rod, and Su Heng had already received the tenth rod.

Three seconds later, Su Heng crossed the finish line directly.

In this game, only the first-placed child can get the little red flower, so after Su Heng and the others won the first place, there is basically no need to compete.

With Lin Xiang's whistle, the game is over.

"Yeah! Brother is awesome!" The four younger sisters were so happy that they ran over all the way, jumping up and down holding Su Heng's thigh.

"Brother is the best!"

"Brother, we want little red flowers! I love my brother the most!"

Surrounded by four little cats, Su Heng couldn't help smiling.

The sisters are happy.

Zhu Hou also came over with fluffy at this time, and was completely convinced by Su Heng: "Su Heng, you are really good. I'm in a group with you, so it's like hugging my thigh!"

Fluffy also flushed with joy, and whispered softly: "Su...Uncle Su is really amazing!"

"That's not true, our elder brother is the most powerful, he can do everything!" The sisters held Su Heng's clothes and raised their proud little heads.

As for other parents and children, they are always so happy. Especially those children who haven't caught the ball, they really don't have any experience in the game, and they almost come out of it.

After all, the sorrows and joys in the world are not interlinked.

Because Su Heng and the others won the first place, Lin Xiang gave a small red flower to his sisters and Rong Rong.

The five girls carefully put the little red flower into their pockets, making other children envious.

Next, it's time for the next game.

The children begged their parents one after another to help them win a few little red flowers. The parents were eager to win Su Heng once, so that their children would be happy, right?

As a result, in the next few games, all of them were completely destroyed by Su Heng.

Su Heng's style of painting is almost different from that of other parents. No matter how hard other parents work, they are like Makabaka in "Baby in the Garden".

And look at Su Heng again, his movements are quick, Kong Wu is powerful, and the background music of "Dragon Ball" is not at all inconsistent.

This is like asking Monkey King to fight Makabaka, in addition to complete abuse or complete abuse.

Now, not only the children, but even the parents were almost made to cry by Su Heng.

Every game, Su Heng is the focus of the whole class of children and parents.

Seeing the younger sisters cheering for Su Heng, and the other children all crying, they are very envious that the younger sisters have such a powerful brother.

After a few games, the results needless to say, Su Heng led his younger sisters and Zhu Hou Rongrong to seal off the other groups, and collected all the little red flowers, each younger sister had a lot.

Now, Su Heng is completely famous in the class.

Lin Xiang had never seen such a "tragic" game result, and she was also deeply impressed by such a young and handsome parent as Su Chen.

After the game is over, it is the gift exchange session.

The original rule is that whoever has the most red flowers can choose the gift first, and the number of red flowers required to redeem each gift is different.

But this rule doesn't seem to apply now, because the little red flower is in the hands of the younger sisters and Fluffy, and they can take all the gifts away.

Su Heng asked the younger sisters what gifts they wanted to exchange. Unexpectedly, the younger sisters all shook their heads, showing no interest in those gifts at all.

Su Heng bought phones and watches for his younger sisters a long time ago, and they were even better than the ones given by the school.

There is no need for a pet electronic dog, because Su Heng still has Handshake, Changwei, and Laifu at home.

Other gifts did not arouse the interest of the younger sisters, but in the final analysis, they were only interested in the little red flower.

So, Su Heng discussed with his sister and let Rongrong choose the gift first.

Rongrong chose a pet electronic dog, and the remaining gifts were exchanged by the younger sisters, and then went to every student in the class and gave them to them.

Although most of them are just a cowhide notebook, the children were all very surprised when they saw that their sister gave them their presents, and finally said thank you happily.

Now, the lovely younger sisters have almost become the favorites of the class, and everyone misses the favor of the younger sister.

Lin Xiang also secretly sighed that Su Heng is really smart, not only makes her children happy, but also makes them popular in the class.

After the parent-child game, Lin Xiang took everyone to the next venue for the last item of today's event --- baking.

Speaking of which, the baking room is really the only teaching facility in Xinghewan Primary School, which is not found in ordinary primary schools.

Of course, the baking room is only open to children in grades one to three, and there is a baking class every week.

As for the higher grades, this course will be cancelled, and it will be replaced by a science and handicraft class. In the science and handicraft class, there will be special teachers teaching children how to make robots and write simple codes.

In the baking classroom, the materials and molds for making small cakes have already been prepared.

Lin Xiang rolled up her sleeves and personally taught all the parents and children present to make small cakes. After she finished the demonstration, the parents and children will work together to make a small cake.

Zhu Hou was crying on the sidelines, saying that he had never even used the rice cooker at home, so asking him to make cakes with flannel, isn't that embarrassing?

The four little ones laughed when they heard Zhu Hou's complaint: "Uncle Zhu is really stupid, he can't even make cakes. n

"Our elder brother can do it, let him teach you later."

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