The two came to the office talking and laughing, and chatted about Su Heng's recent work status along the way.

For the design drawings of the participating jewelry, Su Heng has already produced four sketches and a rendering of a ring, and the progress is very good.

Brother Yang has also taught Su Heng's picture to Sister Li, and let her, the team leader, check it out. Although there is no result yet, with Su Heng's design, Sister Li should not be able to find any faults.

According to Brother Yang, Su Heng must have a booth at this year's Ferma International Jewelry Competition.

Su Heng attaches great importance to this opportunity, because in the Ferma International Jewelry Design Competition, there are not no blockbuster newcomers.

After Su Heng sat back in his seat, just as he turned on the computer to start work, Brother Yang took the initiative to come over and picked up Su Heng's cup: "Xiao Su, work hard, I'll get you a cup of coffee."

"Don't, don't, brother Yang, you don't have to do this every day, do you? If you drink coffee, I can pour it myself." Su Heng hurriedly stopped.

He also couldn't understand why Yang Ge, a dignified leader, poured coffee for himself every day, and couldn't stop him.

"Brother Yang, you'd better work on your own design, isn't time tight now..."

"It's because I'm nervous, that's why I'm supposed to pour coffee!" Brother Yang held Su Heng down, "You work hard, don't worry about extra things."

After finishing speaking, I went to pour my coffee happily.

Just kidding, design? What else do you design, and you may not win a prize if you design it.

But take good care of Su Heng and let him perform well, this award must belong to Sundi Group!

Su Heng had no choice but to let Brother Yang go.

Xiaoliu and the others in the same office began to mutter to themselves again: You see, Brother Yang is ill again, and he is still very ill.

A leader who pretends to be flattering to interns, who would believe it?

After a while, Brother Yang didn't come back from the tea room, but Lu Ziqian came in instead.

"Su Heng, this is a customized work outfit for you. It's ready." Lu Ziqian put a set of clothes wrapped in a cowhide bag in front of Su Heng.

Su Heng raised his head, got up and said with a smile, "Oh, thank you, Secretary Lu, for delivering it to me personally. In fact, you can just call and ask me to pick it up."

"No, I just came downstairs to do some business." Lu Ziyu had no expression on his face, and he couldn't see any difference in treating Su Heng.

"Do you have time now? If so, follow me to the CEO's office. Qin needs you.

"Now? No problem." Su Heng nodded, and left the office with Lu Ziqian.

After Su Heng left, Xiao Liu and others gathered around Su Heng's seat and started whispering.

"Tell me, is there something wrong with Xiao Su? Why do I feel that Qin Dong looks for him so frequently?"

"Yeah, I go there at noon almost every day. When I first came to work as an intern, I didn't have the luck to meet Mr. Qin for two months."

"I think there is also a problem. Do you know that Su Heng came here to drive a car, and the security at the gate said it cost more than one million yuan. Is it wrong that he drives such a nice car and comes to us as an intern? "

"Not only that, do you remember the afternoon tea that Su Heng invited us to eat last week? It was custom-made from Black Swan. A chocolate cake cost more than 200 yuan. At that time, we ate Su Heng for three to four thousand yuan!"

"So expensive?! Wouldn't he lose half a month's salary?"

"You are stupid, you drive a car worth more than one million yuan to work, do you care about the three to five thousand yuan? I think Su Heng must be not easy. Tell me, is he a rich man? What does our company do when he comes here? An unspeakable secret...Ah, by the way, you said that the reason why he always goes to Mr. Qin's place is probably..."

Everyone suddenly realized that it seemed that the case was about to be solved!

At this time, everyone also noticed the bag on Su Heng's desk. According to Lu Ziqian, it seemed to be Su Qing's work clothes.

It is well known that Sundi Group distributes work clothes to ordinary employees. However, the brands of clothes for ordinary employees are all middle and low-end brands, and the price is around one or two thousand.

As for Su Heng's clothes, the packaging is just a paper bag, which seems to be nothing, but if you look closely, you can find that the sewing process of this paper bag is not simple.

"You said, is this work it different from ours?" Xiao Liu made a bold guess.

The brand of work clothes of employees at each level is different. For example, Xiaoliu and the others are definitely one level worse than Brother Yang.

And Brother Yang is much worse than a ministerial leader like Sister Li.

It can be said that in Sundi Group, you don't need to look at the badge, but just by looking at the grade of work clothes, you can know what level a person is in the company.

Normally interns don't distribute clothes at all, but Su Heng does. This is not normal at all.

々`Otherwise...let's take a look?" A sister swallowed, unable to hold back her curiosity.

The rest of the people looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

They were just curious about Su Heng's status in the company.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Xiao Liu stretched out her hand tremblingly, intending to open the bag to see what brand of work clothes it was inside.

"Ahem!" With a cough, Xiao Liu and the others were shocked.

They looked back and saw that Brother Yang was coming with Su Heng's coffee, and they immediately went up and gave Brother Yang a kick in dissatisfaction.

"You are such a person, you scared us to death!"

"That's right, come on, come on, cough cover!"

Brother Yang chuckled, put the coffee on Su Heng's place, and said, "I'm not watching you guys sneaking around, so let's see what you guys are doing. Who knew your reaction would be so big?" (Li Li good)"

"Speaking of which, if you don't go to work, what are you doing in Xiaosu's seat?"

Brother Yang is not an outsider, so Xiaoliu and the others expressed their thoughts, saying that they wanted to see what brand the work clothes Lu Ziyu personally sent to Su Heng were. What kind of character is it.

After listening to Brother Yang, he smiled mysteriously, shook his head and said, "You all, why are you so curious?"

"I have to advise you, don't look blindly, or you will definitely not doubt life."

"Why? Brother Yang, do you know something inside?" The gossip fire of Xiaoliu and others ignited.

However, Brother Yang pretended to be profound and didn't say anything more about attacking.

"Cut, it's fine if we don't talk about it, we can see it for ourselves?" Xiao Liu pouted, and led a group of colleagues, and quietly opened the bag containing Su Heng's work clothes. .

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