In the end, "Brother Wei" came out after a thousand calls, and replied leisurely: "I'm taking a bath, I don't have time to talk to you.

In the group, the words "Yu Huang Da Di" swiped the screen again.

However, Wei Ziliang is not an unreliable person, and he finally replied, "Is it a game, okay, it just so happened that Xiao Zhaoxin bought a farm, and everyone can make an appointment later, first go to Tianma Beng for a car, and then go to him." farm for a day.

Moreover, Su Heng can also bring his younger sisters there for a fan meeting.

A person named "Xiao Zhao" in the group readily agreed, and said that he took some time to prepare. He came back from a buddy in the Middle East with a tiger, and must let Su Heng perform for everyone in person. How to make the tiger queen Somersault.

Su Heng used his mobile phone to chat with this group of people for a while, and found that they were really interesting.

Most of the people in this group are rich second generations. Wei Ziliang should be considered a big brother in his thirties. The others are basically about the same age as Su Heng. Everyone has a lot of common topics and can chat well.

Although Su Heng has only met Wei Ziliang, he has met other people through chatting, and he is just waiting for a chance to have a face-to-face meeting.

In the middle of the night, the group finally quieted down, and Su Heng also fell asleep.

The next day, someone from Bechstein called and asked if there was anyone at home who could send the piano any time.

Su Heng asked them to deliver the piano directly, and Su's father and Su's mother were also speechless when they saw that the family had bought two more big pieces, and they spent money recklessly.

For such an expensive item as a piano, it is enough to buy one, and it would be too wasteful to buy two.

Su Heng laughed and said that my sister is interested in learning, so we can't be stingy, and it's not that we can't afford it.

Seeing the piano coming, the younger sisters ran over excitedly and started playing with it.

I have to say that Yaya seems to be really talented in piano. Last night, the piano teacher gave her the basic fingering, and even taught her to play the simplest "Little Star". He stumbled and played "Little Star".

This surprised Su's father and Su's mother-the old Su's family is going to produce ten musicians?!

Of course, although Yaya is very good, the other sisters are not so good, they can only play the piano in front of Su Heng.

It seems that although the younger sisters are quadruplets, everyone has different talents, which need to be well discovered.

Seeing his sisters having fun, Su Heng also went back to the living room, drinking milk while casually swiping his phone.

As a result, it turned out that not only the Shenhao Knights, but also some news media had reported yesterday's video of him masturbating a tiger.

Moreover, many platforms also took this matter as the headline, and there was a tendency for the entire network to explode for a while.

Su Heng was considered an Internet celebrity in the first place, and there are quite a few people who know him online.

And besides, the little fairy Qin Qian and her sisters were also there, so it was immediately confirmed that the hero Lu Hu was brother Shenhao.

People who didn't know that Su Heng had another identity of "Brother Shenhao" became fans one after another, and began to search for other deeds of "Brother Shenhao".

Also because of this incident, the number of Su Heng's fans on Xingyin unexpectedly rose to more than five million overnight.

Su Heng opened the backstage homepage, and he didn't know how many "Lu Hu Heroes" messages.

There are even many people begging Su Heng to start a live broadcast. They want to reward Su Heng and raise money to buy a ticket for Su Heng to go to the zoo, so that Su Heng can show how to play tigers and lions again.

Playing crocodiles, and even started a live broadcast with the theme of "moving all over the zoo".

What's more, he wrote a doggerel for Su Heng, which was praised to the highest position.

Go up to the cat and go down to the tiger, buy a luxury car and buy an aircraft carrier. The younger sister is holding the hand of the fairy, but I don't envy Su Heng and He Xianxian.

At the same time, Su Heng was even turned into a ghost video, which made some up owners follow suit.

The ghost animal video did not uglify Su Heng, it just edited the live broadcast of Su Heng making Chang Wei backflip, merged with the video clip of making the tiger backflip, added the theme song of Journey to the West, and wrote it himself only the lyrics.

There was also a ps master who organized a "what can brother Shenhao do backflips" event, and many ps lovers rushed to join in for a while. Under special effects, Su Heng made dinosaurs backflip, Optimus Prime, Godzilla, King Kong, and even Ultraman backflip endlessly, which has developed into a popular activity on the Internet.

This session of Netyou is really, there are too many talented people.

The tiger slapping incident has been fermented for a whole day, and the heat has not dissipated.

The next day, no matter how much he worshiped on the Internet, Su Heng didn't care about it. Instead, he sent his sister to school as usual, and then drove to work.

As soon as he entered the office|Su understood that something was wrong.

In the office of the design group, several security guards appeared, and all the colleagues did not work, but gathered together, afraid to enter the office door, and whispered at the same time.

Brother Yang folded his arms and said something solemnly to the security guard, looking as if he had eaten a dead mouse.

Around Brother Yang, no one dared to approach except the security guards, and a group of colleagues hid far away, as if they were afraid of getting burned.

"Sister Liu, what's the matter?" Su Heng was puzzled and asked Xiao Liu next to him.

Xiao Liu glanced at Su Heng, frowned and said, "Xiao Su, you don't know?!"

"Our team's office was burglarized, so Brother Yang is calling the security over to ask what's going on 133!"

"Have you been stolen?!" Su Heng looked at the office. It was the same as before, and it seemed that no one had tampered with it. Moreover, the most expensive things in the office were his computer and pen display, and they were all in place without being passive. How could he recruit a thief? What?

"What's missing in our office?" Su Heng asked.

Xiao Liu glanced at Brother Yang, then approached Su Heng, and whispered: "I heard that it seems that Brother Yang's design drawings have been deleted."

"It's clear that this matter was done by a competitor. The design phase of the Ferma International Jewelry Design Competition is coming to an end soon. To put some good works on the booth, we must find craftsmen to make real objects as soon as possible. "

"At this time, Brother Yang's design is deleted. Isn't this killing Brother Yang and Sundi Group?"

A sister next to her also nodded and said: "Yeah, this is too damaging. I deleted Brother Yang's design drawings at this time. It's obvious that I don't want Brother Yang's works to participate in the jewelry design competition!"

"If you can't compare, just use a dirty trick. This kind of competitor really deserves to be killed!"

The sisters spoke to each other, condemning the person who came to the office to delete Brother Yang's design secretly.

After hearing this, Su Heng was shocked.

The blueprint was deleted, this is a big deal!

He hurried back to his place, turned on the computer, and checked if his blueprint was still there. .

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