Moreover, there are too many points worth digging in the announcement of just a few dozen words.

Brother Shenhao bought a winery? This is really rich and willful. Buying a car and a house is no longer enough to reflect Shenhao's "trench". Brother Shenhao directly bought a winery this time, which really subverted everyone's perception of perception of money.

Buying a car and buying a watch is, in the final analysis, an upstart with a lot of money.

The real Shenhao should invest in a winery, a place where people can enjoy life.

Let me ask, there is a winery where you can taste wine and relax. Isn’t this more compelling than buying a luxury car?

This is the pattern of brother Shenhao.

At the same time, many people noticed that Su Heng's announcement also stated that he would promote the red wine of his own winery by the way.

This is what really caught the reels.

Since you are promoting the red wine of your own winery in the live broadcast, isn’t this a live broadcast? Everyone is familiar with this! Almost many people are like this. First they become famous, become Internet celebrities, and then use their fame Accepting advertisements and monetizing traffic is already the norm.

But what is surprising is that Su Heng, who is famous for his cute younger sister and "Hao", will also bring goods. Isn't this a conflict with his godly man?

Since you are Shenhao, do you still need to bring goods?

For a while, many people began to question Su Heng's personality, and many trolls took the opportunity to smear Su Heng, and even fabricated some inexplicable evidence, telling netizens that Su Heng is actually just a hyped Internet celebrity. It is no different from the previous "daily life of kissing my brother".

The so-called gods? They are all fake.

However, there are some loyal fans of Su Heng who disagree.

It’s true that Su Heng is Shenhao, since he is Shenhao, he must do business, otherwise where will the money come from?

Now that you're doing business, isn't it normal to advertise?

Does Da Ma have any money? Could it be that because people have money, they don’t bother to make money when they produce products, and then they don’t even advertise?

What is the logic?

For a while, a war of words between real fans and black fans also broke out.

Of course Su Heng knew about this matter.

He has long expected that if he promotes the red wine of Tianyu Winery in the live broadcast, most of the fans will doubt his personality and even lose fans.

But to be honest, Su Heng still cares about these things? Just let the bullets fly for a while in the debate on the Internet and live a good life.

Soon, a week passed.

Su Heng posted another announcement on the homepage, confirming the specific time for the broadcast, which was set at 9:00 am on weekends.

That morning, it was only around 8:30, and the popularity of Su Heng's live broadcast had already reached more than 3 million. Thousands of people were eagerly waiting for Su Heng to start broadcasting, and the barrage was constantly brushing up.

After being away from Su Heng and his sisters for so long, the family has long wanted to see Shenhao and his sisters again.

Finally, at nine o'clock, Su Heng opened the window of the live broadcast room on time and appeared in front of the audience.

At this time, Su Heng was sitting in the car with four lovely younger sisters beside him.

It was Lu Ziqian who drove the car, because Qin Qian and Lu Ziqian also accompanied him all the way to the winery today, so it was considered a holiday.

Wearing a simple T-shirt, Su Heng looked handsome and sunny, and his muscular lines appeared and disappeared from time to time. The female fans who watched it almost licked their screens.

"Hi everyone"~!" Su Heng greeted the fans in front of the screen with a smile, and the live broadcast room was immediately flooded with "Hold the grass, look handsome". Followed by the small gifts of the female fans Also frantically brushed up.

The younger sisters also greeted the screen, and some mother fans were even more excited, shouting that they finally saw the babies.

"I'm really sorry everyone. There was a bit of traffic jam on the road in Shanghai today. We got up early and couldn't reach the winery before nine o'clock, so we had to start the broadcast on the road." Su Heng smiled Explained a sentence.

"It's just right, I haven't seen you in the live broadcast room for a long time, I can chat with my friends casually. Now there should be only half an hour away from the winery, and I will arrive soon."

As Su Heng started broadcasting, some black fans and trolls rushed up like mad dogs and started to take the rhythm.

The comments they posted were nothing more than denouncing Su Heng as a liar, an internet celebrity who pretended to be a hero, and now he wants to cash in traffic and make money with goods.

This is the case on the Internet. Once anyone becomes famous, there are too many people who want to mess with him. Any negligence will be caught by this group of people, and then infinitely magnified, rhythmically ruining people.

Su Heng didn't care about this at all, and he didn't even set up room management in his live broadcast room.

"々`Okay, I think some black fans are suspecting that I am an Internet celebrity promoted by an Internet celebrity company, using Shenhao's persona to deceive everyone. They also said that this winery is not mine at all, and it was also set up by me. Part of it is to use my fame to cheat money." Su Heng explained slowly without being in a hurry.

"Now I have some time, so I will explain to everyone. I bought this winery from a classmate for fun. There are too many products in the winery, and I can't drink it all, so I want to sell it to the outside world. one time."

"Some people say that I'm just a meal, but it's true. I really plan to have a meal today, but it's just my own meal."

"Friends who doubt that this winery does not belong to me can go to Tianyan to check. Is this Tianyu winery just transferred to my name a week ago? This winery was indeed bought by me. There is nothing wrong with that." question.

"To be honest, today I mainly take my sister to the winery to play around, and by the way, sell the wines in the winery to the big (Qianmahao) family. If you like it, you can call the winery to order. Like a certain lion anchor who is deceiving people, you don’t have to buy it, it’s good to watch live broadcasts, right?”

"If it's superfluous, I won't explain too much. It's tiring. It doesn't matter if the black fans want to bring rhythm. In the online world, the keyboard is big. It's easy to spread rumors, and it's a waste of time to refute them. I don't have to explain everything. Clear Mao.

Su Heng's explanation of the live broadcast was just that, and he didn't say anything extra.

Soon, someone in the comment area said that he checked Tianyan, and indeed, Tianyu Winery in Shanghai was closed down a week ago due to financial problems, and now it has been taken over by Su Heng.

In other words, brother Shenhao’s personality has not collapsed, and he can spend more than 10 million to buy a winery to play with. How dare you say that he is not Shenhao? How dare you say that he needs live broadcast to bring goods?!.

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