When I Came Home After Graduation, I Found Out That My Mother Had A Bunch Of Younger Sisters

Chapter 134: Packaging Will Be More Expensive Than Wine In The Future

In fact, it can be regarded as a kind of advertisement. Originally, Tianyu Winery's winemaking technology is hard power, and it is not afraid of being picked on by others. That's why Su Heng dared to show everything in front of everyone.

All the grapes have big purple skins, so they can be sold directly as fruit. The workers brewing wine are even more clean and hygienic, and there is no such thing as stomping on or using rotten grapes to make wine in those black workshops.

In the comments, of course, there are some gossips who say that all of this was staged on purpose, and it only looks so clean and hygienic in the live broadcast room. When no one is watching, it may be so.

This remark hit Su Heng's heart. Su Heng knew that some people would say that winemaking in the winery is just for show, so he said: "I saw some people say that the winemaking process is too professional.

Too hygienic and mostly deceiving. "

"Actually, it's easy to judge whether it's a lie or not. Just now my old classmate also said that the whole winery has a red wine culture tasting hall, which is actually no different from a farmhouse.

"If anyone suspects that there are problems in the winemaking process of my winery, please come and have a look at any time. This winemaking workshop has always been open to the public, and everyone can see the raw materials and hygiene conditions in the bacteria-proof glass at a glance."

Such a frank disclosure of the brewing workshop for everyone to supervise at any time, who has such a courageous winery factory?

The quality of red wine is simply impeccable.

At this time, the younger sisters, Qin Qian, and Lu Ziqian had already picked out several glass containers. With the help of Zhu Hou, everyone crushed the grapes, added sugar and yeast, and sealed the grapes.

Zhu Hou asked people to move these wines to the fermentation table, saying that the weather in Shanghai is quite hot now, and generally speaking, the wine can be brewed in about a week.

The sisters have already written their names on the containers they made. Wait until next week, just filter the impurities in it and everyone can taste the wine they brewed.

Seeing the results of their hard work being sealed up, the younger sisters blushed, and they really couldn't wait to taste the wine they brewed next week.

Su Heng helped the younger sisters—take off the gloves, and then asked with a smile: "How are you, cuties, are you happy making wine today?"

"Happy!" The sisters said in unison.

Now how many people in the city spend money to take their children to experience the farmhouse in the countryside. This novel experience is a very happy experience for children. During this trip to the winery, the sisters not only had fun, but also brewed wine by themselves, which was really rewarding.

Zhu Hou also had a smile on his face, nodded and said: "Hehe, I will ask people to open two new plots of land and two greenhouses later. At that time, plant some other fruit trees, and you can brew other fruits by hand. liquor."

"By the way, it's all over. Let's go to the catering and entertainment center. I have already prepared some game from nearby and wine from our winery. After eating, you can go to the housekeeping department to rest. a while."

When they heard that they wanted to eat, the sisters danced happily.

Su Heng couldn't help smiling, these snacks!

Everything here is seen by the fans in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the popularity of Su Heng's live broadcast had already reached more than 8 million, and the number of viewers had already passed.

Everyone saw that Su Heng took his sisters to play so happily all morning, and they were able to eat wild game at noon, and they were almost crazy with envy.

Sure enough, the life of the rich is really wonderful. There is such a big winery for fun, but I can only stay at home.

Su Heng's live broadcast was not interrupted. A group of people walked to the catering and entertainment center, took their seats and prepared to eat.

Most of the dishes on the table are wild game, but they are all bought from nearby farms and farms, so you can eat them with confidence.

The audience was drooling watching through the screen, thinking that Brother Shenhao and sisters would come to the winery to relax at any time as long as they wanted to hang out together? This is simply a fairy-like day!

Jealousy makes us unrecognizable!

The younger sisters were very interested in these wild game that they hadn't seen much, and they ate them so much that their mouths were full of oil. Qin Qian and Lu Ziqian next to them could hardly take care of the four little starving ghosts.

Su Heng was on the side, asking Zhuhou to bring out the red wine from the winery.

0 for flowers... 0

As soon as the red wine was taken out, the attention of many viewers was attracted.

Because the red wine packaging at this time is no longer the wooden box before, but an exquisite gift box with golden patterns on a navy blue background. Both the shape and the pattern are designed by Su Heng himself, so the sense of class is naturally needless to say.

The most noticeable thing is that there are four jumping sika deer patterns on the front of the gift box. The strokes are simple but lifelike, which makes the gift box reveal a sense of agility amidst elegance and luxury.

The fans in the live broadcast room had never seen such a beautiful gift box, and they all left messages asking what brand of red wine it was, and why the packaging was so exquisite and attractive.

Seeing this, Su Heng took out the red wine and said, "This red wine is the product of our Tianyu Winery. The bottle in my hand is the Linglu dry red series with the most stock.


"Didn't I say it before, today's live broadcast will promote the red wine of our winery by the way, and that's what I'm talking about. The packaging of this red wine is designed by me, how is it, isn't it good?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the fans immediately exploded again.

The packaging designed by Brother Shenhao himself!?

No way?!

You are so proud, you can play the piano, you can train cats and tigers, and you can design packaging?!

Are you so omnipotent?!

Seeing fans questioning in the comments, Su Heng said frankly: "What's wrong with this? To be honest, my job is actually a designer. The little fairy is the boss of our company, and I still work for her now." .

"If there are no two brushes, can she give me a salary?"

Brother Shenhao is a designer by profession? This is really beyond everyone's expectation.

While drinking red wine, Su Heng smiled and continued to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Don't believe me, you should know that I am not lying. And, I can remind everyone today that if someone buys Don't throw away the outer packaging of my Linglu series of wines.

After a pause, Su Heng smiled mysteriously: "Maybe in the near future, the price of this package will be more expensive than red wine."

In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, the screen was full of question marks frantically swiping out. .

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