With a slight smile on Su Heng's face, what he said made Jiang Ping appreciate him very much.

"If there are no conditions, you can talk about it. If your company can really create this kind of sports car that subverts the world's perception of our domestic products, to be honest, I can accept any conditions you offer me."

"Actually, I'm not interested in money, but the revitalization of domestic products is of great significance to me."

Jiang Ping applauded and said in surprise: "Mr. Su's awareness is really too high. However, we can't really let you design it for us for nothing. Secretary Lu and I have reported the conditions before. Didn't notify you?"

"Then I'll talk to you in detail. The condition we offer is to pay 500,000 yuan in advance. If the plan is approved, an additional 20 million yuan will be added. If it is not approved, 500,000 yuan will be regarded as hard work expenses. You" six or eight Three "Look how?"

"Twenty million if you pass it?" Su Heng was a little surprised, the design fee was quite high.

Jiang Ping nodded and said: "That's right, the budget for the appearance design, we are already at 20 million. If you want, I don't plan to talk too much, just give you the details. Nothing else The reason is because I admire Mr. Su for your ideological awareness, so I will be more direct and won't let you suffer."

Su Heng nodded.

If it is 20 million, then if Su Heng gets it, it should be around 5 million.

Sundi Group has its own rules. If such a big job is done by a single designer, the commission will be more than 20%.

After all, Hongqi is not only cooperating with Su Heng, but Sundi Group, and the company will definitely get a commission. Unless Su Heng is doing private work, then the two thousand square meters can all go into his pocket

But at this moment, Qin Qian is still here, so Su Heng can't just pat Jiang Ping on the shoulder and say, "Brother, let's go, let's discuss this matter in the toilet."

It's no wonder Qin Qian didn't beat him to death.

Even if you can only get more than five million yuan, it is actually quite a bargain. Generally, where can someone take over such a big job?

Just as Su Heng was about to speak, Qin Qian, who had been silent all this time, also said, "Su Heng, you can think about Deputy Director Jiang's conditions."

"I can promise you in the name of the president of Sundi Group that if we cooperate with Zhongqi Hongqi this time, Sundi Group will not deduct a cent of all labor costs and will pay them all.

"As for the related expenses arising from the cooperation between the two companies, I will also use the company's funds to fill them in."

What Qin Qian did was completely sacrificing the interests of the company and fulfilling Su Heng.

Su Heng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, why are you so kind to me?"

Qin Qian gave Su Heng a dark look, indicating to him that Jiang Ping is still there, so can you stop talking so daydreamly?

"I just want to facilitate the cooperation with Hongqi this time. If Sundi Group and Zhongqi Hongqi can cooperate successfully, it will also be good for your reputation, and your reputation will be even greater.

In order to bring more benefits to Sundi Group.

Qin Qian's words were high-sounding, but Su Heng knew in his heart that this Bingshan female president must be benefiting herself.

How could she not know that even if the company does not make concessions, she will take over this task.

In this case, Ruheng is not polite anymore. After all, what Qin Qian said is right, if he really becomes the exterior designer of the Hongqi supercar S9, it will be of great benefit to Sundi Group.

Jiang Ping even clapped his hands and laughed: "I really didn't expect that Chairman Qin would have such a magnanimity. It seems that we, Zhongqi Hongqi, may consider more cooperation with your company in the future. After all, the two of you are really frank. The other businessmen I've seen are much better."

Qin Qian smiled and nodded, and said something.

Su Heng thought about it for a while, and said to Jiang Ping: "Since Chairman Qin has given me all the benefits, can I also decide the reward for asking me to be the chief surgeon?"

"In this case, there is no problem in designing models for Zhongqi Hongqi, but I want to change the remuneration. I don't need the money. I want one of the s9 that is built, and the sooner the better, how about it?"

"Ah?!" Jiang Ping was stunned for a moment, and his face turned bright, "I really didn't expect this condition. I don't want 20 million yuan, but I want a sports car..."

Su Heng grinned and said: "I'm not interested in money, but I am interested in cars. If this s9 is put into mass production, the output will not be very high. I want to buy it through serious channels. I don't know how much it will cost." long time...0″

"Just wait until the final shape of the s9 is finalized, and if there is no problem with the debugging, it will be produced and given to me immediately. The car is 13 million in total, and I will save you 7 million."

"This..." Jiang Ping may have never been asked such a condition, and he really didn't know how to answer it for a while.

After a long time, he laughed and said: "Well, I can talk to the boss when I go back. I don't think the problem should be big. Besides, the basic frame of our car has already been put together. Fine-tuning is fine, as long as your appearance plan is approved, a mature concept model will be produced soon, and one can be given to you in advance.”

"However, this car needs to be sprayed with camouflage paint before the car is officially launched, otherwise, we cannot accept this condition."

"That's no problem!" Su Heng agreed without hesitation.

Of course he knows that before the vehicle is officially launched, all information about the car must be kept as confidential as possible.

"Also," Su Heng thought for a while, and then said, "I don't want the initial deposit of 500,000 yuan. You just give me a 15, and I can make up the difference between the two."

After finally seeing the top management of Hongqi, Su Heng couldn't easily let go of the opportunity to grab the wool.

3.3 Since you have asked me for it, you can't blame me! 15, you must get one!

Su Heng's condition made Jiang Ping startled, and then he said with a teary face: "Mr. Su, your request...... cough cough...... Excuse me, it's a bit too much...... ..”

"Ah?!" Su Heng was taken aback, rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "Is that too much?"

Qin Qian was also helpless, for fear that a good thing would spoil Su Heng. She nodded and said: "15, that needs to be reviewed before you can buy it. At the beginning, only a hundred units were sold. You can't buy this car with money..."

"I know, that's why I asked Deputy Director Jiang to get me one." Su Heng said with clear thoughts and spread his hands.

Jiang Ping: ...

Qin Qian:

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