On the fourth day, Qin Qian finally started talking to Su Heng, and put him in the CEO's office when delivering lunch at noon.

Naturally, Su Heng would not give up this opportunity, and wanted to explain to Qin Qian that everything was a misunderstanding.

Qin Qian acted as if she didn't care at all, and told Su Heng that she didn't want to hear any explanation, but only wanted to see the performance.

The company has already decided that the design group will go on a trip to Shadao in two weeks, and she will also go there at that time, it depends on how Su Heng behaves.

After Qin Qian finished speaking, she looked at the caring lunch that Su Heng sent, and added, of course, the daily lunch is also a key inspection item, so we can't slack off in this regard.

Su Heng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, of course he could tell that Qin Qian was being arrogant here, but in fact he had long since stopped being angry.

That being the case, then I will make persistent efforts to coax this little beauty as soon as possible.

Presumably, after coaxing her well, she will be able to truly agree to be her girlfriend.

And the trip to Sand Island two weeks later is a step that Qin Qian gave himself, so he must take good care of it!

Qin Qian's attitude changed, and Su Heng finally let go of his hanging heart and devoted himself to his work.

Zhongqi Hongqi soon sent personnel over and signed contracts with Sundi Group and Su Heng.

The dream linkage between the two companies was fully implemented and then announced to the public.

In just one day, the whole country shook.

Su Heng, the jewelry designer of Linglu series, came out again and personally designed Hongqi's latest sports car S9, which can be called an epic dream linkage, which has attracted widespread attention in China.

With the Linglu series, Su Heng almost became popular and became the most famous cutting-edge designer.

This time, he came from the circle of jewelry design to the circle of automobiles, and the span is quite large. No one knows whether this cutting-edge designer will create another glories, or just a flash in the pan.

Everything, can only wait until this dream supercar is on the market.

Of course, this matter was also known to the members of the Shenhao Knights.

In recent days, Su Heng has been chatting with the Shenhaos in the Shenhao Knights all day long. Although he has not met them, a group of people are laughing and laughing in the group, and they are quite familiar.

In the group these days, everyone is talking about Su Heng, and Su Heng is almost the focus of the group.

The Shenhao who suggested that everyone get together before is called Xiaozhe. He told everyone on Friday night that he came back from other places and is now at the farm. If you have nothing to do, you can come to his farm for a gathering. get together.

The main thing is that Su Heng has basically never met anyone other than Wei Ziliang. Everyone has chatted for so long, so they just get together and have fun.

This round was specially saved for Su Heng.

The people in the group had long wanted to have a face-to-face meeting with Su Heng. As soon as the proposal came out, there were naturally a lot of responses, and most of the people in the group responded one after another.

Everyone was so enthusiastic, it would be unreasonable if Su Heng didn't go. It just so happened that Su Heng had nothing to do on weekends, so it would be nice to have fun with this group of people.

Among the Shenhaos, many of them are mother fans, so these Shenhaos suggested that Su Heng simply bring his younger sisters with him. There are many animals in Xiaozhe's farm, "My younger sisters will definitely like them.

Even, if Su Heng is willing, he can bring the little fairy there. In this way, the members of the Shenhao Knights will also get to know Su Heng and the others.

Su Heng was a little apprehensive, so he asked other people in the group whether the party was serious or not.

But he knew that many Shenhao's private gatherings were very fun, such as Haitian and group parties.

If it was such an occasion, it was specified that the younger sisters and Qin Qian could not be brought there.

Seeing that Su Heng had this concern, the group immediately laughed, saying that they would play this kind of game, but this time it was definitely not.

Because this farm is where Xiaozhe's parents live, everyone is just playing on the farm, there are no flowers, otherwise Xiaozhe's parents will have to beat Xiaozhe to death.

Hearing what everyone said, Su Heng was completely relieved.

E, my sisters are fine on weekends, so it’s good to take them to play.

Later, Su Heng sent a letter to Qin Qian, asking her if she would like to go to a friend's farm for a day.

In the end, Qin Qian said that she would go on a business trip with Lu Ziqian tomorrow, to Suhu, and she would definitely not be in Shanghai on weekends.

So, she can't go to the farm.

Su Heng couldn't help being a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do.

Just when Su Heng was about to tell the members of the Shenhao Knights that he and his sister were alone on the weekend, Li Xiaozhu, who hadn't contacted Su Heng for a long time, suddenly sent him a letter.

Li Xiaozhu and Zhu Zhuzhu: Is my little brother here?

Su Heng: Here, what's the matter?

Li Xiaozhu Zhuzhuzhu: Hehe, shy jdg, is little brother busy on the weekend, if you have something to do, it doesn't matter, sister is fine too.

Su Heng: Are you... want to pull us live?

Li Xiaozhu Zhuzhuzhu: My little brother is so smart! I have a battle of honor on the weekend, and I would be ashamed if I lose, so I wonder if I can ask you and my sister for help. plead.jdg

Su Heng: What Battle of Honor.....

Li Xiaozhu immediately poured out his bitterness.

It turns out that Li Xiaozhu has gradually become jealous of some colleagues since he became a second-line anchor with the help of Su Heng and his sisters.

One of the more famous female anchors went so far that she secretly poached Li Xiaozhu's big brother away.

If you poach it, you poach it, and this female anchor actually went to Li Xiaozhu's live broadcast room to sneer and sneer, saying that it's so good that you are famous now with the help of brother Shenhao, the big brother on the list is covering me, and you won't be famous for a few days.

You don't even look at it, since Brother Shenhao became popular all over the Internet, does he still talk to you?

Li Xiaozhu was so angry that he choked, so he made a pk appointment with the female anchor on the spot.

After the pk appointment, Li Xiaozhu actually regretted Joe very much.

Because the opponent's popularity is indeed not low, and his top brother has now joined the opponent's camp, Li Xiaozhu is really not confident that he is the opponent's opponent.

Therefore, Li Xiaozhu had no choice but to come to Su Heng brazenly.

Firstly, she wants to win this pk, and secondly, she also wants to let those people who always think about her jokes know that she and brother Shenhao are friends. This has not changed because Su Heng became famous. !

Hearing Li Xiaozhu's words, Su Heng couldn't help but smile slightly.

It turned out to be such a simple matter, isn't it just a matter of helping me out?

So, Su Heng replied directly to Li Xiaozhu: Tomorrow, my sister and I will go to a party, or you can go with us. Just right, my sisters haven't seen you for several days, and I still miss you

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