Seeing that Su Heng announced her name, the beauty from the southern country immediately smiled, and said in relatively jerky Chinese: "I can speak a little Chinese, you don't need to speak English to me.

"Hello, Mr. Su, Mr. Wei has notified me of all the itineraries. Now I will take you on board. You and your friends can follow me here."

As she said that, the beauty from the southern country made a "please" gesture, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said with a smile: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jenny, and you can also call me Nini."

"Okay, thank you, Jenny." Sensing Qin Qian's murderous aura behind him, Su Heng certainly wouldn't commit suicide, calling Jenny such an affectionate name as "Nini~".

Jenny didn't care, and led the way ahead, leading everyone along the plank road.

The plank road is very long, and most of the boats docked here are fishing boats. The fishing boats here can be rented out, and some fishing enthusiasts can rent boats for sea fishing at a high price. Of course, comfort and so on are ignored.

Going further in, you can see some yachts, some of which are only a little bigger than a car, and some are luxury yachts, which are so huge that a dozen people can go to sea together.

As Jenny was walking, she looked back at Qin Qian and other beauties. She was very impressed with Su Heng, and said, "Mr. Su must be rich compared to his family, right?"

"How do you know this?" Su Heng asked casually.

Jenny smiled and said, "Without money, how could it be possible to bring such a group of beauties when you come out to play?"

"Even if it's Mr. Wei, he can only bring four beauties aboard at most. The number of beauties you brought is more than Mr. Wei."

As soon as Jenny finished speaking, Su Heng felt a chill on his back, and then Qin Qian walked up with a light smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, "Oh? Su Heng, it seems that you are bringing everyone here to play, are you Have an idea of ​​your own?"

"Who is Mr. Wei that Ms. Jenny is talking about? Usually, he brings so many beauties here, what is he playing for?"

Su Heng broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly explained: "No, Qin Qian, listen to me. Wei Ziliang is a friend I met in Bengche. I don't know what he usually plays..."

"Oh, is that so?" Qin Qian still smiled sweetly, apparently in disbelief.

"It must be true!" Su Heng held up three fingers, "I swear on Wei Ziliang's ten-year lifespan, I don't know what he is doing here!"

Qin Qian hummed twice, and went back to take care of her good sister.

Su Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time gave Jenny a wink, telling her not to say anything.

The beauties present had no relationship with him, and the girls thought they were big bad wolves when they heard it.

Jenny smiled apologetically and patted her mouth.

Soon, everyone stopped in front of a large yacht.

"This is the one, let's get on board." Saying that, Jenny opened the door leading to the deck by herself, and stepped up the steep ship ladder.

When the rest of the people saw such a big luxury yacht, they all opened their mouths in astonishment.

"Wow, little brother, is it true that we are going to go out to sea on a yacht today?"

"This is so cool, I've never been on a yacht!"

"Xiao Su, did you rent such a big yacht? How much does it cost for a day... Today, we really got all your money."

Everyone admired Su Heng very much. Although they knew that Su Heng was rich, Su Heng directly arranged a yacht for everyone to go out to sea, which was unexpected by everyone.

Su Heng is like an emperor who has come to the harem, surrounded by charming voices of "King~".

This made Su Heng feel very happy, pinching his waist and said: "Hehe, it's nothing, my friend lent me this yacht for two days, you are welcome, go on board.

Everyone was already impatient, and they climbed onto the yacht one after another, being very curious about everything here.

Wei Ziliang's yacht is a Ferretti brand 960 with a total length of nearly 30 meters. It is said that Wei Ziliang bought it for more than 80 million yuan.

The yacht has a master cabin below the main deck and four guest cabins of the same size on the lower deck.

In addition, the flybridge and stern are used as a whole for leisure activities, and there are comfortable sunbathing pads on the garage door.

As for the swimming platform, this yacht is also equipped, and there is even a tender in the garage.

In this way, the younger sisters can learn to swim on the swimming platform of the yacht, and they don't have to take risks to splash in the sea, which greatly improves the safety.

Moreover, the shuttle boat can also be used for sea fishing. According to Jenny, all kinds of entertainment facilities on the yacht are fully equipped, not to mention sea fishing supplies.

…0 Ask for flowers…0

After Jenny gave everyone a brief introduction to the functions of the yacht, she took everyone into the interior for a tour.

The interior decoration of the yacht is also luxurious, not inferior to the big hotel.

When did everyone come to this kind of place, everyone was very excited, and the younger sisters were also alive and kicking, looking forward to the next sea trip.

In the whole boat, apart from Su Heng and others, only Jenny accompanied her.

Seeing that everyone was familiar with the environment, Jenny started the yacht and headed for the small island that Wei Ziliang mentioned.

The yacht cut through the waves and drove across the sea all the way, gradually moving away from Jinlang port.



Everyone allocated their own resting rooms in the public activity area, and then impatiently planned to go to the deck and look at the endless sea.

On the deck, sunbathing mats have already been prepared. At this time, the yacht is driving all the way forward, and other entertainment items cannot be played, but sunbathing is still no problem.

Xiao Liu was the first to hold back, got up from the sofa, and asked everyone with a smile: "I'm going outside to sunbathe now, which one of you wants to be with me?"

Xiaoliu responded, and several girls in the design team, Tang Ru and Ji Nannan responded one after another, going to play on the deck.

Ever since, the young ladies took off their clothes and took off their sun protection clothing.

Suddenly, all kinds of swimsuits were exposed in front of Su Qing.

Koyanagi is extroverted and not shy, and her swimwear is also very bold. It turned out to be a purple bikini, and her pretty body looks very hot.

The rest of the young ladies who designed a group were also very bold. There was not much fabric in the swimsuits, and the delicate skin was boldly exposed, showing off their sizable figures.

Seeing this, Su Heng thought to himself, no wonder people from Sundi Group said that the design group is a beauty group, these young ladies have nothing to say no matter their figure or appearance!

Tang Ru and the others were not so relaxed, because Su Heng was still here, and they were a little embarrassed when they undressed.

On the other hand, Xiao Liu and the others covered their mouths and smiled, "Oh, they are all in swimsuits, so what's the matter with embarrassment? Besides, Xiao Su is not an outsider."

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