Almost everyone's eyes were on Qin Qian and Su Heng.

Seeing Qin Qian nodding his head in agreement, no one smiled involuntarily, and at the same time felt that dog food was slapped into their mouths indiscriminately.

The smile turned bitter.

With a slight force of Su Heng's hand, he touched Qin Qian's little hand in the palm of his hand.

Qin Qian's hands were as soft as boneless, extremely delicate, just holding them was a kind of enjoyment.

at the same time.

"Ding——the system prompts that the host is diligently looking for a sister-in-law for his younger sister. This system will issue the second skill reward for the target character Qin Qian——master dance skills!"

Suddenly, all kinds of dance knowledge flooded into Su Heng's mind.

Even if it is some difficult movements, Su Heng can easily handle them with his god-level physique.

For a while, Su Heng's dance skills were almost at the peak, and the dance of the bonfire party was really too simple.

Su Heng became more confident, and with light force on his hand, he pulled Qin Qian to his side.

Qin Qian's face was almost blushing, but she didn't refuse either. Su Heng held one hand and put the other on Su Heng's shoulder, lowering her head slightly, not daring to look at Su Heng.

"What do you say... you want to dance?"

Su Heng thought for a while and asked, "Slow three steps and medium four steps, mainly follow the rhythm."

"Okay..." Qin Qian nodded, and took half a step forward, getting closer to Su Heng.

Su Heng also became a little nervous, and slowly put his hands on Qin Qian's slender waist.

Qin Qian's body trembled slightly, and then he forced himself back to normal.

Su Heng took a deep breath, and began to take a dance step under his feet. Qin Qian seemed to have pretty good dancing skills, and followed up according to the rhythm.

The two of them stepped on the rhythm of the music, and their bodies began to dance at an ambiguous distance, very dexterous and graceful.

Neither Su Heng nor Qin Qian expected that the other's dance skills would be so good, and the two of them worked together very well, as if they had rehearsed countless times.

Slow three steps and medium four steps are actually just a kind of ballroom dance, there is no specific dance routine, basically they are played freely with music.

This tests the cooperation of both dancers. If the cooperation is not good quietly, the dance will inevitably be flawed.

But Su Heng and Qin Qian's dance was so natural that they didn't even need to communicate, they turned, slid, and lowered their waists, all coordinated seamlessly.

Although this kind of dance is simple, the feeling of two people jumping out is obviously different.

It's perfect, it's art.

Everyone else was holding up their wine glasses and "jumping"||di, but when Su Heng and Qin Qian dance together, who has the face to dance?

Everyone gathered around in amazement, watching the pair of selfless dancers dance like two butterflies.

The dances are coordinated so tacitly, is this a couple made in heaven?

In everyone's eyes, Su Heng and Qin Qian are perfectly matched!

One is handsome and tough, the other is beautiful and gentle. Apart from each other, there is probably no one who can match them, right?

Everyone looked at the two of them, and they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

When everyone was watching the two dancing together and envious, the fourth little one didn't think too much.

The four of them saw that Su Heng and Qin Qian danced really well, much better than the "Lei" dance Li Xiaozhu taught them, so they rushed up and hugged their thighs.

"Brother and sister, what kind of dance are you dancing? It's so beautiful, we want to learn it too!"

"It's a duck, brother, you can teach us how to dance, and when I learn it, I want to dance with you.

"Then I dance with my sister, it must look better than you and your brother."

The younger sisters entered the arena in a mess and immediately separated Su Heng and Qin Qian.

For these four cuties, the two of them really have nothing to do.

Su Heng glanced at Qin Qian, who was very shy. After looking at Su Heng, he hurriedly lowered his head, squatted down and touched the heads of his sisters: "Little cuties, the dance that brother and sister are dancing is right." It's too difficult for you, how about I teach you when you are older?"

The younger sisters immediately became unhappy and pouted, saying that they had grown up and could learn very difficult dances.

Seeing Qin Qian being entangled by his sister and unable to get away, Su Heng thought that it seemed that the dance would be difficult to finish now.

Su Heng immediately came to help Qin Qian out of the siege, and said to the sisters: "My sister is right, you still can't learn this dance.

"But, my brother knows another kind of dance, which I can teach you, and we can all dance together!"

"Ah? What kind of dance is it? We need to learn it!" The younger sisters were happy when they heard it, clamoring to learn the new dance Su Heng said.

Su Heng chuckled, and asked the beauties next to him: "々`Everyone, do you all know how to do the bunny dance?"

After hearing this, everyone laughed and said they would dance.

After all, a simple and interesting dance such as the rabbit dance is a frequent visitor at large balls.

Seeing that everyone would meet, Su Heng felt relieved.

Su Heng taught the rabbit dance to his younger sisters. The younger sisters are very smart and can learn it as soon as they learn it.

At this time, Jenny had also adjusted the music to a rabbit dance, and everyone lined up, with the four younger sisters at the front, and began to lead the dance.

"left left right right

go turn around


In the sound of music, everyone lined up and jumped around the bonfire.

Everyone danced very happily, especially the younger sisters. This bouncing dance is really suitable for energetic children like them.

Even Jenny even joined everyone (Li Qian's) and jumped around the campfire with everyone.

Rabbit dance consumes energy, which is well known to Qin.

After dancing for less than half an hour, everyone couldn't move anymore, and they all lay on the beach tired, panting.

Su Heng was able to hold on, after all, he had a god-level physique, so he wouldn't get tired after dancing for a while.

Su Heng drank a bottle of beer and was about to enjoy the sea breeze when suddenly Qin Qian stood up and said to him, "Su Heng, can you accompany me to other places on the island?"

"Other places?" Su Heng looked deep into the island.

At this time, night had fallen, and after leaving the bonfire for a certain distance, it was pitch black, and it was difficult to see anything clearly.

However, this small island is not big, but it will not be dangerous.

Having said that, here is really a good place to do bad things.

Su Heng looked at Qin Qian and couldn't help swallowing. .

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