Qin Qian felt very strange.

When I was eating breakfast, I met everyone in the restaurant, and everyone looked at me with meaningful expressions.

Especially Xiao Liu, besides being meaningful, there was also a bit of... apologetic in her expression.

It felt like she was saying something bad about herself behind her back.

How strange!

Su Heng was eating next to Qin Qian, without looking up.

Su Heng can probably guess what everyone is talking about, after all, Xiao Liu has a big mouth. After working so hard for half an hour, everyone probably knew that Qin Qian slept in her room last night.

But this matter, it is difficult to explain, because there is no good opportunity.

You can't catch Xiao Liu and others and just say "we're fine", right?

That would only make it darker and darker. "Six One Three"

According to canyon spiritualism, as long as I don't know, there is nothing.

Therefore, Su Heng chose to remain silent. After all, my younger sisters were with me and Qin Qian last night, what else could they do in front of my younger sister?

"Su Heng, do you feel that there is something wrong with everyone's eyes?" Qin Qian was suspicious, always thinking that Su Heng must know the inside story.

Su Heng coughed twice, without raising his head, he was struggling with the big lobster in front of him: "Is there? No. I think everyone is quite normal, so don't think too much about it."

"Really?" Qin Qian still had doubts.

At this time, Li Xiaozhu came up and put a big raw frog on Su Heng's plate with a smile.

"Little brother, seeing that your mental state is so bad, come and make up for it."

"Roll!" Su Heng sent Li Xiaozhu away with black lines all over his head.

Qin Qian looked at the big oyster, even more confused.

After eating, everyone still went to the beach by the sea to play.

Everyone will go back by car this afternoon, and it must be too late to travel by yacht.

So, I can only go to the bathing place, play in the sand, and play a dozen beach volleyballs.

Coincidentally, there are also many stalls near the bathing place, snacks, it is not bad to play for half a day.

After breakfast, everyone changed their clothes and went to the bathing place with their things.

Because they came early, everyone found an empty field, set up the net, and played beach volleyball.

The younger sisters can't participate in such a fierce confrontation game, so they just play with sand on the sidelines.

We have many people, so we definitely can't fight together.

After discussion, we decided to form a team of two and have a group knockout match to see who can win the championship.

Su Heng and Qin Qian were naturally divided into a group. Both of them have good physical fitness and look good when they play.

Many tourists on the beach looked sideways, and sighed that Su Heng and Qin Qian are so simple, they are definitely a scenic spot on the beach.

These two people, taking a few photos casually can be used as magazine illustrations, there is no blind spot at all.

Moreover, the two cooperated quite tacitly. When fighting other people, it was like killing melons and cutting vegetables, sweeping directly, and finally stood at the end.

Xiaoliu, Li Xiaozhu and others were beaten terribly. It was too unfair for Su Heng, a big man, to beat them little girls. To be fair, they had to have four people.

Of course Su Heng has no objection.

Just kidding, I want to hit ten!

Su Heng and Qin Qian played against Li Xiaozhu, Lu Ziyu, Tang Ru, and Xiao Liu again, and they still won in the end.

However, the opponent had a lot of people after all, and Su Heng didn't want Li Xiaozhu and the others to lose too badly, so he released some water.

This game was also won by one point.

Qin Qian smashed the final blow to end the game. Li Xiaozhu and the others didn't block it, and they all fell to the ground and howled.

Qin Qian was very excited and felt that the victory was not easy to come by. She was so happy that she ran to Su Heng, jumped up and hugged Su Heng.

Su Heng didn't expect to have such benefits after winning the game, but he quickly realized that he hugged Qin Qian with his backhand and spun on the ground.

Immediately, Li Xiaozhu and others on the ground wailed even worse.

Press the ground to forcibly stuff the dog food achievement, unlock it!

It took Su Heng a long time before he put Qin Qian down.

Qin Qian was excited just now and took the initiative to hug Su Heng. Now that she regained her composure, her face was naturally shy, and she dared not look down at Su Heng.

Just now, the two of them hugged each other much closer than when they were dancing.

Seeing Qin Qian blushing and looking down at herself, Su Heng was not surprised that the little fairy would be so shy... 0

He held Qin Qian's little hand generously, and said, "Come on, may I invite you to drink soda?"

"Yeah..." Qin Qian nodded slightly, without any resistance, let Su Heng drag her, and went to the shop next to the bathing place to buy soda.

Seeing Su Heng and Qin Qian holding hands openly and aboveboard, Li Xiaozhu and the others were so fed up with dog food that they rolled on the beach, saying that they would never go out with Su Heng and Qin Qian to play in the future. .

Fortunately, Su Heng came back with soda and gave them dog food so they wouldn't choke.

Even though Su Heng bought soda for everyone, it couldn't change the fact that he had committed public outrage.

Everyone doesn't want to play beach volleyball with Su Heng and Qin Qian anymore. Who made them play volleyball so well and stuff dog food indiscriminately?

So Su Heng and Qin Qian who were "isolated" could only sit aside, rest and drink soda.

At this time, the most greedy Duoduo stopped playing in the sand and pestered Li Xiaozhu to buy ice cream.

It happened that Li Xiaozhu didn't play golf either, so he was going to take Duoduo to the entrance of the bathing place not far away to buy ice cream for this greedy cat.

"Little brother, take good care of the other three younger sisters. I'll take Duoduo to buy ice cream." Li Xiaozhu greeted Su Heng with a smile.

Su Heng nodded in response, and then Li Xiaozhu took Duoduo away.

After that, no one bothered Su Heng and Qin Qian again.

The two chatted casually on 2.9, Su Heng's heart moved, he suddenly changed the subject, and asked with a smile: "After a while, we should go back to the hotel to pack our things and go back. Now, the trip to Sand Island should be considered Is it over?"

Of course, Qin Qian knew what Su Heng wanted to say, and blushed and said angrily, "Are you so impatient? You can't wait for such a short time?"

Su Heng said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Of course, I can't wait for your answer for a minute or a second."

"Then...well then..." Qin Qian couldn't help becoming nervous, the knuckles of the hand holding the soda bottle were a little white due to the slight force.

She took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, and finally met Su Heng's sincere eyes.

Well, this time Su Heng has no lip marks on his face.

"I..." Qin Qian's vermilion lips parted slightly. .

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