When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess



I am totally exhausted and at my limits now. I could tell that my lungs were about to burst at any moment, even though I have my doubts that whether I have them or not in the first place. There is no way I can run anymore.

Even though I have been running on my new found natural instincts and maybe I was even on my adrenaline pump 'flight' response mode, but its effect was too wearing off slowly.

I knew only one thing that I had to survive no matter what. I will figure something out. So I need to run, I need to keep running, till I can shake off this intimidating predator from my trail.

The dim light makes me sick. It's so unreal. I kept on taking turns many times in my way, but the scenery didn't change.

The lizard monster is still chasing me, but in no way it looks exhausted except for more frustrated and angry. Its loud horrific outcries could be heard echoing in this closed and unassumingly huge endless cave. Now I doubt whether it is even a cave or not.



"Is that the sound of water?"

I sped up my movement, with the thought that I could dive inside the water source and only hope that the lizard didn't knew how to swim or was stupid enough to jump and drown itself. And if it ends up dead the better will be my situation. I could care no less. What do you expect from me, having sympathy for a being who tries to eat newly born kids? I know I am much older mentally but I want to treat it as a new life.

You get it, right.

I was soon able to see a small circular lake in the corner surrounded by two walls and then there was a hole in one of the walls through which water poured in at a comparably higher thrust than the sound made it look like.

"Well, it looks pretty deep."

I was about twenty meter away and was about to take a sharp turn near the next turn and make a spectacular jump into the lake.

When one of my odd shaped and somewhat segmented legs just…just …just had to slip and trip over a moist rock and made me roll over head-butt.

How shameful…..utterly disgraceful.



At least the ground is a bit soft and clayey so I didn't end up with any bruises or cut.

I looked back and to my horror, the lizard which had shown no signs of intelligence up till now saw through my misfortune and took the advantage of this opening.

It rolled back its tongue and after making a crude face, was it a smile; it opened its huge mouth. I could see its large sharp canines and the foul smell it gave was unbearable even at this distance.

'Is he about to eat me in one gulp? I cannot move. My legs are frozen and I am too exhausted to move or think. It's just like the last time, being attacked by that Heavenly Beast Wolf and the guilt of unable to do anything in front of a powerhouse being …. It's unbearable.'

Will I really be lucky like the last time and someone will come around and save me.

Is this the end?

I had closed my eyes and started counting backwards, waiting for the inevitable. Being chewed under its molars, plummeted by its tediously long tongue, shoved down its throat, then digested and finally.........… never mind.

That's when I think my life changed, seeing death up close for the third time.

I realized there are no convenient miracles. Whether you are in a fantasy world or the real world, your carefree nature will always come back and bite you and every time it will be much more painful than the last time.

I opened my eyes and someone had switched off the lights. But I could still see myself fine. That's when a person appeared before me. She had white hairs and blue eyes. She was beautiful and attractive, just by looking at her I could tell unlike me she had a strong willed personality. It was like Déjà-woo.

She looked so familiar that I realized that she was the one from my odd dreams I have been having recently. And now when I am dying I am hallucinating again, or maybe I am already dead.

I still could not move, but the best part was that I was back in my human body. The unseemingly familiar yet foreign lady walked towards me and gently held my chin in her hands.

Let me make it crystal clear, I have no idea what is happening.

"Would you prefer that I say that you could have done nothing to change the outcome or say that if you had not given up then you could have changed the ending….. tell me what your heart desires?"

I was dumbstruck!

Why, why now of all times.

Of course I want to live. Of course I want to spend more time with people I love and care about. I wanted to make them proud, to show them my best side. To tell them that they could count on my help whenever they are in trouble. But every time, I am so vulnerable, and alone. Always made to feel inferior and weak around those who are talented and strong.

For once I thought things would change in this new world, yet again I think I ended up being the same scapegoat I was before, trapped in the same loop, ready to be cut again and again, to the point that nothing would be left of me.

But if you ask me….

Both the choices are pointless. I would never give up; I will never stop trying because that is who I am. There will be things at which I will be slow at but I will keep on trying and trying. Work Hard. And even if there was nothing left to try and someone said that I would have not been able to change the results either way.

I won't accept it.

Because I knew that there is someone who will always believe in me. Someone who will always stay by my side and smile at me amidst all the odds and my failures.

The hand which up till now gently held my chin was slowly caressing my cheeks, then this tall woman bent down a little and making a cutely bashful smile kissed my face and in a motherly loving tone said to me,

"It's not over yet. If you don't end things then nothing can start. And if you dislike the situation, then use your strength to change it. I love you and I will always be watching over you."




My ears went numb by these noises. I opened my eyes after it had reflexively closed down due to the loud boom sound. The mysterious lady was gone, and the lizard who was up till now going to swallow me in a second was writhing in pain under the huge pile of debris which fell over it as a huge scorpion made a break through the wall.

One was not enough, that a second makes a surprise entrance. I don't know how this new creature got here or what's its deal. But surely it is dangerous to stay here any longer.

This scorpion was about the same size as the lizard monster but had a segmented body covered with large strong scales. As for the species I was able to identify it because of its huge towering tail waving around with its pointed black tip.

I need to use this situation to my advantage if I wanted to live. RUN, run far away. That was the one and only thing on my mind. By now I think my paralyzed body had regained its bit of strength and I slowly dragged my body to the other side of the wall till I could use a huge rock as a covering.


The lizard monster was bleeding all over and the scorpion looked unharmed, preparing to attack and deal the final blow. The waving of its pointed stinger weapon had stopped as it took a silent and rigid stance. It went back and forth and after gaining a bit momentum pierced through the abdomen of the lizard.


The lizard monster was in a lot of pain, who would not be after a pointed spike is shoved inside your stomach. And if the stinger is poisonous then it's over for Mr. Lizard.

Either way I am still at a disadvantage if even one of them survives. I need to jump in the pool and wait till things settle down. There's no way these monsters look friendly or talkative.

I took a last look at the corpse and waited till the scorpion could make its next move. I thought it was time to say REST IN PEACE. Thanks for playing catch-catch with me. Even if the price of being caught was my life, no one played with me in my previous life. So, THANK YOU….


The huge rock-type boulder attached at the end of the lizard's tail slammed upon the scorpion's head. Splash, blood spluttered out everywhere and the formation of a red fountain of this savagery red fluid made me puke. It was a one-shot kill.

"The hunter became hunted." I always wanted to say that, but this gore had not ended yet.

The corpse of the Scorpion lay still, my saviour-cum-predator was dead.

The stillness after this chaotic turn of events was suffocating and I tried my best not to lose my cool or, maybe I already had lost it and was just barely standing on my unknown number of feet. I had realized by now, we all had got only one shot at life. A single mistake and its game over. If I am not careful, I could be the next departing soul.



The debris had started to move and the lizard still bleeding with several cuts and deep wounds with a huge hole in its abdomen started walking towards me.

"Don't you realize, just rest. It's so painful. Doesn't it hurt by walking in such a dreadful condition? Even if you ate me don't you get it I will just jump out of the huge hole in your stomach. So… Please stop."


I kept on shouting as loudly as I could, I was so desperate that I forgot that he didn't understood my language, but surely he understood the pain of being hurt.

The lizard kept on walking and covered the twenty meter distance before I knew it and opened its large mouth, in a second attempt to eat me.

"So, this is how thing will be. You won't lose; you won't waver and even in the face of death keep on walking the path that ensures your survival."

I was horrified and my face was pale. My expressions had frozen. But it was not fear, but admiration. The tenacity of the monster had turned the tide on the scorpion and finally it was up again for its next kill. Someone did mention that you just can't beat a person who won't give up. Seeing it in its truest form only conveyed me one message that I can die any time, but living takes true courage.

So this time with all my strength, I stopped shaking and came out of my hiding. I was face to face with the lizard. I lifted up my two limbs in order to stop it from biting me. Even if I break a leg or two, I won't back down.


The voice had died down, but it had the same killing intent blooming and as lively as ever. But I still stood firm. In front of me was my enemy and I was his.

Maybe ten seconds had passed, but for me it was a life-time. The yellow shine in the lizard's eye slowly disappeared and it fell down back to ground.

It was finally all over. I took a deep breath and sat down on my butt, I see, it's somewhat a bit oval in shape. Just what exactly am I.

Where am I? Are there others beside me? How long have I been asleep? Am I even in the right world? WHAT IF I AM NOT EVEN ME, BUT SOMEONE ELSE? WAIT THAT SEEMS UNLIKELY, IF I AM NOT ME THEN HOW WILL I BE ABLE TO DIFFERETIATE!

Well, no point in wasting time on what-if's!

I need to figure out everything with what I have present in real time and grasped up till now.

For starters a huge cave like infrastructure with monsters lurking around. Keeping the constants and characteristics of a fantasy world in mind I should probably be in a dungeon or a labyrinth.

Monsters are strong enough to break the walls and are ready to kill anything in order to survive.

For now I need to find a way outside and search for Lady Athena. That is my present goal from now on. Well I need to go up in dungeons floor-wise if I want to exit through the entrance. Completing the dungeon maybe impossible in my current state and I don't know how long will it take.

Having a map or a rough sketch of this place will really help out. Speaking of which I remember World God telling about 'Status Window' feature available to all. Not to forget about using magic.

So how does it goes? Maybe I should shout at my full voice.

"Status Window."

A blue screen popped in front of me with several parameters and readings. Or, maybe it was just being projected over my retina.


INTERESTING. Wait…. Isn't it too normal?

As expected I am level 1 and nameless at that. I have one skill and one unique skill which I have no idea how they work. Well I don't know how much 100 HP is even supposed to value.

But what's up with the MP and SP stats!


NAME : --------

AGE : 1 hour 23 minutes



HP : 100







It concerns me. I know it's probably error. Could it be that they are so low, that the even the system is ashamed to display it. I won't be surprised. But even so, I need to face the truth, without relying on any dreamlike powers.

Spoken like a true warrior. Hmmmm..HM…hum…

And what does the gluttony skill even does, there is no additional information or any specifics given about how to use these skills. Times like this is when game players wish for an appraisal skill.

I don't even get the meaning of my title. It's so frustrating. Fine I am a legacy of some goddess….. Wait [Race : Arachne].

I ran to the pool and covered the long distance in a matter of few seconds, these legs are awesome and super fast.

I hesitated a bit and slowly placed one of my limbs on the water surface. It was a white crystalline segmented thin body structure, something I had never seen before. It appeared sturdy and yet soft when I touched.

Finally, time for the final revelation, I can't wait anymore. I closed my 360 degree vision and then brought my face and half body in the front of the water surface making sure not to fall at the same time.

Should I open!




I ran back to the corner of the wall, just what was that. Was it really me? I slowly crawled back to the rocky bank side and stared at my own face for a while.

What do you expect… an eight eyed freak, with a white pale body and eight legs. I was reborn as a spider monster. My eyes were crimson red in colour and beautiful at that too. But my face was a bit broad and too plain. Nothing to be disappointed but neither to appreciate. As for the limbs, the front two were in the form of pointed straight and strongly-built scythe like construction or maybe dagger like legs. While other six were crystalline and segmented in three parts. My high speed is thanks to these four pair of legs and the 360 view must be because of so many eyes.

One can never know what life will throw at you. Can you…

I miss my human body. I miss my two hands and set of two eyes. But now I think I am myself one of these labyrinth's monster.


I took a defensive stance and a shelter under the rocks on the side walls. Monster incoming!

Just kidding. It's my empty stomach. Unfortunately there's nothing to eat and I could feel the dizziness at the same time. I tried to drink water but it did not quench my hunger. I was drooling all over. Scurried around and looked in all direction.

Till my normal common senses had given up, when I finally realized that all I could do was eat the monster corpses. If I do not eat, I will die.

I needed protein in order to survive and fight other monsters if they appear before me. I don't know how much longer I will have to stay here, but this means that some day or the other I have to do this.

I walked to the lizard monster and my eyes went straight at its neck. Maybe my monster instincts had taken over. I could not remove my eyes from the food laid in front of me. What am I even saying, that's not food. No, it is food. No its not.


I took a bite from the neck flesh. It was a small bite yet, I continued to gnaw at it.

Don't dare to ask me to do the taste review. It's depressing as it is and I think its bitter but overall has a coarse raw wheat grain taste. No comments.

This overwhelming feeling of survival no matter what; was getting stronger and stronger as I continued chopping the flesh with my sharp fore-limbs and fed myself. Is it also because of my monster origin?

I had cast aside my humanity and had now become one with the nature. That would be the best way to make the situation look better. No its not working.


I had no regrets because anything is fair in love, war and survival. This was not a movie, neither I was a protagonist hero blessed with a holy sword but a monster who just wanted to see the next day through.

I don't know how much time had passed but except for the head and rock-tail boulder, the whole flesh was gone. As if my mind was on standby mode and the monster-me took care of the rest. It was so spooky and an unnerving experience.

But it's not over, I... I… can't hold back.

More. More. More.

I was now feeding on the scorpion corpse. The head was gone. All that remained was the body part and tail. I chopped of the poisonous stinger, so everything should be fine.

I thought I would face several difficulty while getting rid of the strong scales on its body, but it seems that my scythes are super sharp and strong as well. One could say I was cutting butter. The sweet juicy meat I am coming.

In mere five minutes…


Nooooooooooo, I did it again. But a child needs food to grow and become healthy. But is this monster corpse the only option.

The cave was devoid of vegetation and I just can't eat the rocks. I think it's not normal to eat the rocks. Says the one who was greedily feeding on monsters.

The scorpion's inner flesh was much softer than expected and a bit salty. It tasted for sometime like mayonnaise and then like mashed potatoes with excessive starch. Ah, I broke my oath of no comments.

As for the final verdict, the Mrs. Scorpion wins over Mr. Lizard by an overwhelming number in taste points. Wait this is not a Live Food show, camera cut.

I need to think of ways to survive and get out of this place. I had no problem with water for now. As for the food I need to find some soon.

I wonder how did this small body managed to eat two gigantic monsters in one go, who were at least thirty times my body size.

If such strong monsters are roaming all around then it's more likely that I will be killed in my next encounter. I am not a fighter or the type who just charges-in without thinking. I need to come up with several ideas.

Fantasy world # Labyrinth # Monster # Survival ######### Magic

Yippee...ee.eee! That's it Magic! I knew I can always count on my gaming experience for when I would be isekai, though I didn't knew when it would be, but now I was one of the lucky ones, if only Lady Luck was on my side. But my MP and SP show error. I wonder whether I can use it or not. Will it work in the same way it did in the divine realm? It has been so long…

Well I cannot gain anything without trying.

Magic class starts now. I need to repeat the same magic experiments I did back in divine realm.


A bright golden light shrouded my whole body and in a second swept across the whole area. The dark dumpy dungeon up till now, was but all shiny and clean. The dirt on the rocks, the rotting flesh and leftover bones and the blood splashed all across the floor after the skirmish disappeared and the blue shining rocks which were dim like a flicker were now giving a bright and cold light.

My mind was at ease. A simple healing spell that I use was able to restore my mental capacity, my health status as I recuperated from tiredness and exhaustion. But even this region changed as I wanted it to be in my mind.

The stingy air which almost made my unstoppable running nose uncomfortable became gentle and sweet. After a long fought….. long escaped battle my mind was finally at peace.

Now I needed to come up with an immediate action plan. Food, shelter, security and other necessary amenities need to be taken care of.

Now, what I wanted to do the most. A huge blob of water lifted up by itself from the surface of water creating huge ripples and the concentric circles just diverged and then slowly appeared to converge.



What a relief! Having a bath for the first time after being born.

I wonder who my parents are? Or am I an orphan even in this new world. I feel abandoned and lonely again. Bu this time I have not lost my way.

I tried to control wind again and dried myself and took a rough estimation about the size and shape of my body. I was just a small cute little spider. Though I am able to talk in my home world language, I wonder what kind of voices spiders make.

I need to work on finding attack spells too. Time for invention and more practice.

First I will go with plasma ball. I summoned fire on my left fang and water on my right fang and then clubbing them together I quickly launched it forward.


SWAHHHHH…. The wind cleared and…

The wall came crashing down and even the debris was pulverized to dust. I am sure I kept the firepower low, or is the attack just too powerful. Well whatever if that's the case then it works in my favour.

Well I cannot create 'cubicles' – my mini bomb creation, right now because I don't have any metal at present. Rocks won't work as they are brittle and may have defective holes developed overtime through which the gas can escape.

That's a bummer, I know. A newborn baby throwing around grenades and going kaboom. Nothing sounds more exciting now does it!

Well I need an evasion skill to dodge enemy attacks too. Thankfully, I already knew and had mastered the spell.


I thought I was floating in air but I finally realized that I was back to ground. That hurts! I had teleported myself 5 meter above.

Things were looking a bit better than before, but now the final magic spell which I knew.

Now I need something to store food and water. I know exactly what I will do.


A black hole appeared in front of me and was ready to draw anything inside it. Thank you! But maybe next time. I am in possession of nothing right now that I need to store.

The best thing about my magic is that I don't need chants and just by thinking I can control the natural elements.

Now when I am conscious of myself after being born and also after dying, I knew one thing was always true that we were born with nothing and we would die with nothing. All our possession and material pleasure will be left behind. All that will be left with us will be our memories, bonds and hope that we lived a fulfilling life and a glimmer of chance to meet your loved ones in the after-life.

All I could do was make sure that I can brighten my life while bringing happiness to those whom I love and cherish.

Haaaaaha! I was yawning. Do spiders even yawn or is it a previous life human reflex.









Can't you see I am asleep.


WHaaat? Blood fell over my five eyeballs which were half opened and a dead body was taking its last breath in front of my three intact eyes.




Heeeeeehhh, I threw the lump of meat which I had started chewing just after waking up and took several steps back until my back touched the other wall.

Just what took over my mind all of a sudden. It's so grosssaaaa…

'It was tasty.' I brought my fang to my mouth and licked it.

Nooo, am I going insane. I am not a maniac psychopath who slices its prey and then licks the blade while also eating its flesh. Did I really describe myself just now!

I will start crying if things keep on going like this. No directions, no one to help and cast away in unchartered land run over with unfathomable and super strong monsters.

Nooo way, I ended up finishing it too quickly. Wait, what was I even eating. More, more, more…

Why I feel always so hungry from the moment I was born? I need to check my status.


NAME : --------




HP : 25000






Was I really asleep for 9 days? Well newborn babies do need to sleep more but isn't sleeping for so long just overkill. And I was so defenseless all this time.

These damn bugs just keep on bothering me.





AH, they all have unique tastes and smell so fresh too. Next time I will try cooking them. Roasting them does sound good.


My fangs really are quite sharp.

These beetle-like monsters are quite sturdy and their shells are uniquely built and come in different colours. They are just about my size and each of them has a unique flavour.

The green ones taste like mint while the black ones taste exactly as black pepper. The brown smells like chocolate but are a bit on the sour side.

That's it. Why can't I focus; there are more pressing matters to concern myself with.

Control Sachi! Control...sighs…

Well there are no more bugs for the time being. So back to business.

For some reason my HP which was at starting hundred were now dazzling in five digits. And what's with these new skills.

They were not there before. It's obviously not because I was sleeping. Could it have to do with my magic experimentation? The system recognized my magic after I performed it for the first time. But the body enhancement skills obviously came from somewhere else.

I think I exactly know where. GLUTTONY. It means eternal hunger. I am pretty sure of it. The root cause of my sinister actions and embarrassing behavior! But I am unsure of its mechanism and characteristics.

But I have a feeling that it is because I ate the monster corpse. They were strong indeed and their body was enhanced highly. Well we will see to that after I feed on more.

I would need an investigative skill to know more about this place and about myself.

As for I am delighted to see that I can develop my own magic if I have an understanding of the world and the laws that governs it. That means I can even use the logic and science from my world to cultivate my powers.

Now the last three things I need to address.

My level is still one. I need to look into the matter of leveling up. For that I need to defeat monsters and kill them. Will I be really able to do that?

Also the {sage of divine light} doesn't show any level parameter. What does that implies?

The second thing is my title is too absurd. I know I am a spider but, what does that have to do with a goddess. The only goddess I care about is Lady Athena for now.

The most important thing of all, which I couldn't check up last time. My Unique Skill {ALL SEEING EYES OF THE GODS}. It sounds sweet and too overpowered. But how do I use it in the first place.

Do I need a chant, magic circle or an offering? It's not a game that if I just say "activate" it will work….




Ehhh... it worked. But don't surprise me with a pop-up message. Yes, as I was saying I was sure of it that the word 'activate' could have pulled this off. After all the status window is a unique feature of a game, though it also determines the probability that whether you will survive here or not.


I am still hungry. And nothing is left here to eat. I don't want to go left or right, but head straight from where the scorpion barged in. I smell food. I am sure the beetles came from there.

I went to the huge hole in the wall. It almost resembled the shape of the scorpion though distorted at some corners. I am sure this wall architect will sell in an art exhibition. I could get rich. But monsters do not put these kinds of events. Though there could be a corpse display event I guess; and eat all you like (kill all you want) kind of thing.

I was somehow unable to see on the other side as it was darker than my surrounding. Light was unable to travel through this huge crevice. I wonder why that is.

Just for keeping my guard up, I first tried to put one of my fangs into it. It vanished.

Ahhh. My hand…

I quickly pulled it back, Oh its fine.

Okay then, I can't wait any more. Food is calling and I always answer my calls. Though, I didn't receive any in my previous life except for the friendly customer care bot.

I jumped into the distorted area and landed on something soft.

It was a grass plain. Not too big, but it was still wonderful to see that such a thing existed in a labyrinth.

For a moment I thought I was outside, but then my eyes caught up to the walls that limited my view and a huge light source hung over the top. It was a huge crystal ball, actually a cluster of crystals in a wide arc, giving light as bright as sun and was of white and blue colour. While the left corner contained lots of trees like a small overgrown forest. The right corner had a freshwater pond. My bath routine is set.

The other end left corner had somewhat of a different texture to it. Small eggs scattered in hundred were either half broken or punctured. The other corner had a huge cliff and above it I could see a doorway. My eyes couldn't believe it. It was an exit. But I shouldn't get my hopes up; it could be an entrance to another floor like this.

The ground is too soft and the turf is green with grass blades spread all across this room. I started rubbing my face in the green and felt its freshness.

But I am still hungry, where are those beetle snacks. I want more of them to eat. I can't hold back any longer.

I closed my eyes and started concentrating. At first I didn't know what I was doing. It doesn't make any sense. It's as if my body was moving involuntarily. For some time it was dark, obviously.

But after a few seconds, I could see colourful lines moving. And then the whole area became visible to me, in a misty colourful world of rainbows. It was not normal.


That's cool, so I can gain skills through natural instincts too.

Bzzz, BZZZZZZ, Bzzzzz.

I could hear all kind of noises which I couldn't hear before. The flowing water, the beetle buzzing afar and the shaking trees. I could even tell the exact distance between the beetle and me and also count their exact numbers.

Exactly 352 beetles all in green, brown, black and other new colours. I wonder what they taste like. All of them were in the forest, flying without a care. But what do they know that a predator has made its entrance. HAAAAHAAH.

I am coming! But they are still far. Even if I walk up to there, I am afraid that they will be alerted and fly away. I need to be creative while catching them and kill them in an instant. I also need to get used to my spider body and its characteristic skills.

A spider without its web is useless and poison is what makes me formidable. I hope I do not drink my own poison and die. I wonder are spiders immune to their own poison. It's not that I want to try, but surely I would like to know. In case I start biting myself in my excessive hunger strike.

But how do I use my webs. I have seen spider throwing webs from its back in my world. Could it be the same here.


I am being pulled back. AHHHHHH.


My head just now hit a rock. I looked back and there was the white thread I was looking for. While its one side was attached to the wall, the other side was sticking out through my back.

It's super strong and super sticky at that. I wonder what's its total length could be and how strong it can be. Also I need to see to what thickness it can vary. Then the question is of the amount I can produce in one go.

I picked up the thread and analyzed it. Unconsciously I knew which parts I had to touch that were non-sticky. It's kind of amazing to know things without knowing. If only it could have happened during our tests. Unconsciously answers popping in our mind, that's what school life, should be about.

For some reason, I could only imagine SPIDER-MAN throwing its webs across the city and moving from one location to another in an instant.

Wait I forgot I had the teleportation skills. How stupid of me to forget about such a handy spell.


I was standing just outside a tall lumber tree within its shade's edge.

"Okay! Its spidey time"

I launched my web on one of the branches to cling to it.


Ah, it missed. Well of course it's my first time. You cannot expect perfection in one go.

25 tries later.

This time I won't miss.

"Yessssss….OHHHHHHH."I was so happy on my achievement that my world literally turned upside-down. I was just hanging from the branch and unable to move. It's good to know that at least my thread can handle my own weight. I do not want myself flying away from the destination just because the string broke due to the tension. So don't make fun of me. Learn from every experience you can-n-nnn…


Why do I always fall head-butt and roll around. It's probably due to my body structure. Thank goodness, no one is around to see this unsightly display.

Now I need to work on my momentum and leap across through tress while changing threads. What tough luck?

But if I need to hunt, then this is the right time while no dangerous monsters are around.

I think I am getting the hang of it. It's fun to just wave around tree to tree. I have been doing this for around fifteen minutes without a break.

I am so excited that I had forgotten everything about landing. Should I just leave the thread, because if I do that…..


You may crash, so always keep your eyes on the road, said the old man whom I once helped cross the road. Funny part is he was engrossed in his own world while chatting on the phone and giving me a lesson on road safety tips. Why did I even bother to help him in the first place?


What, why is the tree breaking down, I just bumped into it. I had no intention of wrecking it. Maybe because my body is just that strong since my HP points are so high and not to forget about the body enhancement skills. It's kind of scary to just bump and destroy anything but for now I think it's all in the good. Since there are no glassware here and no neighbour's house with broken window to shout at me.

ZZZZzzz, I think they are coming.

It's hunting time.

I thought if I open my mouth wide then I would be able to see my poison-coated incisors but maybe not. But I am sure they are sharp enough to pierce through the tough body armour of the beetles.

I flailed across the trees giving me the vibe of a jungle kid. So this is how Tarzan must have felt during his first rounds across the jungle.

"From today on this is my turf!"

"But where we will go great Lord Spider? Have mercy!" {imaginary beetle}

"Fine then, you can just take shelter in my stomach. I will allow that."

"Thank you, my Lord. Nothing will make us happier than to take refuge under your protection." {imaginary beetle}

"Come my subjects. HAHHAAAA. First I will start with mint, chocolate, then maybe pepper. ….Ehhh…I am sorry I misspoke, I meant to say green, brown and black colour beetles first."

I think this is how it should go. I think now I have got the permission of the beetle tribe chief, there should be no problem while I mass murder them….. I mean bestow upon them my eternal protection.



Two down. 350 left.

It seems that these beetles are newborn from eggs and since they hatched just now so they can't even put up a fight. Nor they have a defensive mechanism to ensure their survival in harsh conditions or if a certain emergency crisis arises.

This process of flying, slashing kept on repeating itself till all the 352 confirmed beetle targets were dead.

Time to pick up some fresh meat in a dungeon. Within an hour I had eaten more than three hundred beetles. While I tried different combinations, some roasted, some boiled with lake water, some frozen by using ice magic, and while having them raw was neither bad nor something good to experience either.

I lied on the ground while my tummy facing upwards I took a deep breath, trying to blow whistles, which ultimately was unsuccessful, in attempts to put curtains when I burped. Finally my hunger cooled down. I was at ease and my starving murderous personality vanished.

"What another wave, they don't let me rest do they. But don't you worry because I am ready for all you can eat round two."

This time I was too bored to just wave around my hand-scythes. Also the number was unreasonably huge measuring up to five hundred.

Are they here for revenge?

I had already come up with a devious plan. I had by now learned to control the thickness of my thread to the point of making them invisible to the naked eye. The more the thickness I reduced the denser and sturdier they became.

I took shelter in the huge gathering of trees and waited for the arrival of food that delivers to home itself free of cost.

If you are wondering how this is gonna end then just watch and learn....




All the buzzing beetle that were mindlessly heading in my direction got mercilessly slashed down by the almost invisible threads I laid down all across the entrance of the forest till my safe point.



Countless almost pine-cone falling in a cold autumn evening like sounds could be heard.

Ah! One escaped just with a cut.

It will escape. Chase it or it will escape.

If you are thinking that, then don't fret over such trivial matter.



"The poison is super-effective. It died in an instant after a cut."

Yes, you are indeed correct. I had sprayed poison over all the webs to make sure no one rises from the dead. But the poison is stronger than my expectation I need to use my poison on more monsters to know its exact limits and potential uses.

I think all the dead bodies are wrapped up. Time to dig in. I am considering eating half of them while the rest I will put in my storage for later.

This white new colour species almost taste like whipped cream. I wonder there could be a sweet beetle too. I shouldn't get too excited and loose my cool….



"What was that?"

"WWAAAAAAAAH!" I went flying after I felt a huge pressure hurting my stomach and tearing down all the trees in my trajectory.

Blood spilled out from my mouth and my abdomen appeared to be half punctured. Is this acute stomach ache!

No it is not you idiot.

Someone had hit me hard. Even my magic sense couldn't pick it up. Is it a new monster. I let my guard down for a while and this happens. Was it waiting for me to ease up all along and make a sneak attack and knock me with a decisive blow?

I need to locate this opponent quickly and come up with a plan of action to slay it. I took shelter back at my hiding spot behind the safety of the vile web traps.

I thought I was safe here. But all my hopes shattered when a huge beetle broke through all the webs like it was some cheap poor quality thread spread across its way.


All the webs were down and this beetle didn't have a single scratch on it. But now I have got a better look at my adversary.

A strong huge built body, almost ten times my body size. Covered all over with rainbow coloured huge scales and brown bisected wings oscillating at an unbelievable speed making even the air vibrate in its vicinity. How annoying!

But the feature that stood among all was a long and solid black rod stuck on its head which it used brilliantly to break through my string and knock me to such a long distance.

Well, thanks for creating the distance. Close combat is unfavourable for a weak fragile spider like me.


This humongous beetle without any hesitation charged in and covered the disparity between us in an instant. It bent down and made a quick upward movement to hit me with its trunk and severe my head.

"Not happening."

I used my webs and waved across to the left and climbed on the tallest tree of the area. It was a hair's breadth gap between my evasion and its attack.

Doesn't it know that murder is a crime! Not that I am one to talk after annihilating hundreds of its brethren.

I cannot stay hidden for long, I need to use ranged magic attacks to take it down. I tried to first burst the oxygen around its body, but it didn't even leave a scratch. Maybe it has high magic resistance too.

I need something that packs a punch in one go. My ultimate plasma ball has its best application here, due to its strong firepower and its versatility to ranged and close quarter adaptability.

I started preparing my spell in both hands. I tried to pour the maximum magic energy I could handle by far and fused the two magic balls of fire and water. The fusion was almost complete, unless a weird and sinister feeling crept over me. I felt a sudden force pulling me down and the giant beetle was flying in my direction. How can it even fly with those puny flimsy wings?

This huge pressure over me, is it controlling gravity and pulling me down and impale me with its spear like nose.

I had launched the half ready magic ball at the beetle but it easily dodged it and effortlessly took the after impact of the blast.

I spread across my webs and shifted from its trajectory and surprisingly the effect of gravity was gone. So it can use this power only in a certain region at a certain point.

I jumped from tree to tree trying to close in and attack it with my fangs or poison it by biting.

"Here I come."

I stumbled again just when I was a meter apart from it and got crushed to the ground. This sudden pressure again. So it has activated a field of gravity magic in its surrounding to slow my movements and making a jump over him. I started running after rising up which took almost all of my strength.

I ran deeper into the forest and took the flight again. But it was not going to give up on me this easily. It easily chased me down. If I get too close then I will be pulled down again.



Something hit me from the back. It was not as strong as the previous attack but I felt the pain and my internal organs being pummeled is not something desirable. As I was falling down I looked at the pointed end of the tusk and a considerably large sized black magical orb formed around it.

It launched it at me again, but this time I dodged it by sticking my claws in the trees and abruptly halting my movements. It has ranged attacks too.

Now it has been five minutes I have been running around sometimes dodging or taking hits trying my best to safeguard my vital points like stomach, head and rear. My legs and head were bleeding. I was running out of breadth. I needed to make the final move soon.


The out for blood beetle which was up till now flying nonchalantly, suddenly stopped moving. I have this time apprehended it with my threads, covered all around its body.

What, did you think; I was just running around like a fool without any plan.

At least not anymore!

It won't take any long before it breaks free.

Seeing the beetle struggling to break free in the jumble of my nets made me happy and I wanted to say to it - serves you right. But it won't understand me either way so there is no point to it. We were just two unknown being trying to kill each other to ensure our own survival. That was all there is to it.

The temptation to attack it was getting stronger and stronger. But if I get too close then I will just be crushed underneath its gravity field. I ran as fast as I could to get far away.


It had already broken free, but I have already achieved what I wanted – TIME. I need to have patience if I want to survive for the longest where it's kill or be killed. Every time I hear it or say this to myself I wonder if the person who came up with this phrase must be scared to death. Afraid of his own life and that being translated into hatred directed towards other… unable to find a befitting reason to kill someone. He wanted to murder someone so badly, but lacked the intent to kill. But if you think about it more deeply, isn't it just an excuse that the stronger has the only right to live, while the weak must submit to the strong. Of course, we can find people who deserve to die but someone who deserves to kill….exist or not, I am not sure of.


I broke my web attached to the tree at the edge of the forest and landed perfectly at the rear of the dungeon end wall. I was now facing my adversary eye to eye as it landed at a much larger distance, just in front of me.

It was now scratching its hind fatty crooked leg along the ground to prepare for a quick dash. This was the final moment which would decide the winner… no … the survivor. The one who was truly strong among us would get to live another day. Another day to fight again and again. This cycle, every time I realize about being stuck in it makes my head hurts.

But for now, I cannot close my eyes nor hesitate. I could already feel its gravity magic pressure developing over me as time passed.

But I had been preparing my spell for a long time for now. The two huge fire ball and water ball flying over me were ready to fuse. The magical force radiating through these two large power culminations was exhilarating me. I was proud of my achievement to achieve such perfection.

The beetle was too ready with its black magic orb which was much denser and darker than before.

"Give it your all, because if you don't then you will die."

I yelled those words as loudly as I could, but in true sense they were meant for me. I cannot die here or cower down in fear like previous times. I cannot have lucky moments always.



Both of us dashed at our max speed closing in. It was a foolish move have it not been for this.

Just when I was a little far, almost a meter apart I fused the two magic balls and used…


I was in the sky, now a meter above the beetle and under the incomprehensibly unbearable pressure of its gravity magic. But that works in my favour as it increased my acceleration due to gravity. I was falling at a much quicker pace and in that very moment under that influence of this strong force field, I twisted my body with all my might and spinning around elegantly descended….


The fusion ball, hit the most protected region of the beetle - its back. But the power of my fusion ball far exceeded its defense and my expectations as the earth cracked creating a huge crater and the nearby innocent trees got rooted out by the after impact of the blast.

I lied just beside the beetle corpse casting healing magic on myself.


While one was trying to catch its breath and smile after a fight the other party lay emotionless trying to take its final breath. While the survivor gets to dream for another day, the dream of the looser is sacrificed and shattered in pieces.

I hate it. Is this the path of becoming a hero? Can I really save the world because now I can kill.

This was my new reality. The present in which I was living in.

A new life and a path left untrodden and unanswered. With death at every step, and being tested at every turn. I must alone myself walk this path. I wonder did I chose this path for myself or did this path chose me.

But I will do whatever it takes to get the future I want, to live with the people I care about. That's all I want a simple, long peaceful life.

This was my choice! A chance to experience new things, to understand myself a bit more and a chance to learn about others as I cleared hurdles one after another.


But for now,




I am hungry after such a rough battle and my inside enemies cannot hold it anymore.

Now, when I think about it this was my very first battle in which I fought on my own accord and won. If I say so, I am surprised myself that I am getting the hang of it much sooner than expected. It's coming so natural to me that I looked at my reflection in the lake water while I drank from it and wondered was it due to my monster psychology.

Am I forever gonna be like this.

"Why do I suddenly feel so sleepy?"

I fell on the ground and white webs automatically started generating from my body and slowly covered my entire being forming a cocoon like structure around me.

"I don't know what's happening but I think it's for my own good that I…. sleeeep…for a while."



"Just when I thought I couldn't sleep anymore… it's as if I am waking up from a deep hibernation."

I tried cutting down the threads with my claws and jumped out of the shell. My body was too stiff to move as freely as I wanted and my eyes were still adjusting to the bright light.

Until then, I was surprised to see a light blue virtual screen in front of me.





Wow, these are like phone notifications you see after waking up from the bed.

Well, time to see what happens when you level up;







NAME : --------




HP : 40000















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