When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess




Second Princess Siesta of Perillus Empire with around 10,000 knights was suddenly reported missing after a month in the Kanandra mountains. While it was officially announced that they went there to subjugate the monsters and collect information about their growth and pedigree. But most of the other countries knew that was not the case.

This missing army was then said to be the work of the demon empire, and they were again announced as the enemies of humanity by the Perillus Empire adding fuel to the fire in the current state of affairs. Creating problem for other countries who were involved with other species like elves, Beast Empire who lived on the demon continent, or were using resources imported from them.

But the only being who actually knew the truth was the monster itself that annihilated that large an army in the Great Tathya Labyrinth.


"How are you feeling Alice? You suddenly fainted in front of me and now you have such a high fever? Just tell me in case if you need anything."

The women sitting in front of me showed her deep motherly concerns, on my deteriorating condition. Marciel Hart – the queen of Hart Kingdom and my beloved mother.

Maybe she is just being too careful. But it feels nice; to have someone worry about you and you can do the same for them. Someone who is very precious to you, someone you hold so dear that you cannot let them go.

"No, mother, I think I am alright now. You don't need to worry anymore."

"Are you sure, your father and brother will be visiting soon."

"I told you, it's just a simple fever and my head hurts a little. I am sure after sleeping for a while I will be good in no time."

"Fine, then if you insist. But call me the moment you think that your condition is getting worse. I will be coming by soon, to check your temperature."

Mother then walked to the door and then closed it from behind and ordered the maids to not let anyone disturb me. I told you she is just being too overprotective and she still might think that it's not enough.

I turned my body to the left and pulled the blanket a little upward till it covered my ears. My body was heating up and my divine magical powers were in total disarray.

I already knew the reason for my condition. It's not at all common for a goddess to fall ill, neither my healing magic was working on me. Sachi, I could feel that she was in a lot of pain. Just what is happening to her? Even though this fever has subsided a little, it doesn't imply that Sachi would be feeling well at all.

I promised that I will be sure to share her pain, but here I was lying on the bed inside this comfortable royal palace, with so many people looking after me, but what about her.

If only I knew what's happening to her, except that she is still alive and her faint life signals that I keep on receiving from the northern direction. All I can do is just sit here and wait for her to return. They say 'Wherever someone thinks of you, that's where home is.'

I must keep on searching for her, till I find her. This fever is nothing much to endure if at the end I am able to meet her. All I can do with my feeble powers is to wait and keep on waiting. As long as I can…

I used to think "friend" was just another word... Nothing more, nothing less. But when I met her, I realized what was important was the word's meaning.



"WORLD GOD, just what is happening in the divine realm?"

Lady Gaea came in rushing through my office door without knocking. Maybe she should consider a bit more about this old man's privacy before barging in and knock first. Well she does look a bit concerned with the recent tremors we have been having today. Of course it's not normal here to have those, unless it means a big change is approaching. Good or bad – who knows?


With a lightning crashing down in the middle of the day, it was getting tiresome by every minute, but this was an interesting development.

"World God, the angel guarding the 'HEAVENLY ARTIFACT COLOSSEUM', has reported of the building being breached but there are no intruders to be found and a particular thing is missing."

"And what would that be?" I just couldn't wait to hear her say it, as it stands I already knew what had actually occurred. Perks of being the Almighty World God – the know it all.

"I think you should go and check for yourself, it is very concerning. Lord Brahma is already at the scene."

Maybe – not know it all.

"Fine, I will look into the matter. Let's leave at once and deal with it. This sorting of horses with three or four leg in the new world I am trying to make is really getting annoying. So later."

We teleported in front of the building about which we were just now talking about and after climbing up the small flight of stairs, the sight of Lord Brahma standing outside the huge golden gate came into view.

"World God – it's the White & Black Sword. They are missing."

"I see, what about the place where it was kept."

"The case in which it was kept was completely destroyed, and a huge hole is in the wall just behind the case. Most probably the noise was related to that blast."

"Then, let's go and see for ourselves."

We reached the place in question and it was just as God Brahma described.

I felt a strange familiar presence and so I asked the present two gods to leave and started walking around the empty case.

The Dual blade of Dawn & Dusk – or rather White & Black. Weapons that are classified even above Godly Weapons, a manifestation of Divine System itself, with the ability to change the laws of nature.

Weapons so strong that they have a will of their own to choose their wielders, and these dual blades were considered one of the strongest even among them. For as long as this universe has existed after the formation of life from the Nothingness, these swords have existed too simultaneously and have by now only been wielded by two Gods primarily.

But now, after the Great Wars, it has finally found its third wielder.

"So, it's really happening then. What are your thoughts about it, Urza?"

A beautiful woman, with long white hairs and deep blue eyes, came out of her hiding from behind the pillar. She looked a bit embarrassed but not at all guilty for the fact that she was sneaking in without permission.

"Well, whatever happens; happens for the best. It wouldn't matter to you anyways."

"So how did your meeting go with her?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." The woman now started looking in another direction, trying to avoid eye contact, even though she knew her lie was caught.

"Well, if you don't want to say it, then don't. But are you really fine with how things are going."

"The weapon chose her, because it finds her capable enough to wield those swords."

"But, a human wielding swords of such great strength which even God's cannot handle properly, doesn't it means putting her life at risk. This power could destroy her completely. After all, those swords have always brought destruction, that's why you gave up on them too."

"I had spend more than enough time with those two, and after the Great Wars, I still think that I made the right choice by giving up on them. I just couldn't bring myself to keep them around me any longer."

"But still, the fact that a human is wielding something who's potential she herself wouldn't realize. Isn't she too young to be given such a big responsibility? Even you who is a full fledge god of the upper echelon was able to wield the sword after coming at an age of around one hundred and fifty or so."

"It's not really nice, to leak information about someone's age, and specially it sounds ridiculously high in case of gods. As for her, even the sweetest girl needs to build a hard center, or she's not gonna make it out there! I just know that she would come through with it. After all she is my daughter and your granddaughter too. Don't you have faith in her?"

"Well her powers are beyond the charts even with the standard of a god. And I have already seen that she is flawless with her magic control and is mentally strong. But now that her second seal is finally broken, will she be able to maintain her personality or turn into something that she will eventually come to hate."

"I won't think that much far. If anyone could do it, it would be her. A choice only which she can make, a unique existence. Well I have stopped worrying since Athena is there to support her too."

"Well they do say that when people are protecting something truly special to them, then they truly can become as strong as they can be."



"Dinner is ready."

"Fine then I will put the plates on the table. The whole house feels so empty."

"Now, don't start complaining, Lili has now gone to study in the Demon Academy, so of course the house would seem less lively."

"How do you feel about living here?"

"Well I had lost count, but it must be somewhere around two hundred years that we took residence. I am very happy here living with you all alone just the two us."

The man blushed a little; he must have not been expecting such a straight-forward response.

"Well I feel the same. But I am referring to that."

"You mean the tremors we are having all in the labyrinth. Several times; maybe it started around six months back. But honestly, the surge in magical power we felt yesterday was not normal at all. Actually none of the magical waves that have been surging since then could be considered normal."

"Could it be possible that someone is trying to clear the labyrinth?"

Both the women and the man were now in deep thought.

"Well there is a possibility, but think about it, world class disaster monsters – from the Great Wars dwell here. If I the ex-Hero and you the ex- True Demon Lord can't clear the whole Labyrinth, then it stands to reason that someone of this world out there doesn't even stand a chance. Even for a God, this place could be considered an attempt to suicide."

"Well, I have to agree on that at least. But just in case I think I will keep an eye on the nearby floors."

"Thank you, dear for your hard work."

"Well, we promised to live a quiet and peaceful life here after all and would leave the world alone after the Great Wars. We faked our deaths, and found this to be the safest place to live in. We cannot have anyone else destroying our happy lives here."

"Well, that was the best choice after all, if we didn't want the world to end and the wars happening again and again. We both were the catalysts used by the Gods and Devils to begin with."

The lady who was cooking the food then came up with the hot pot on the table and placed the dish in front of the man, who was already ready with the spoon tightly clenched between his fingers. The anticipation of lifting up the lid, revealed an awfully smelling green soup, with purple things floating in it.

"Eat up I specially made it for you."

"Did you really follow the recipe I gave you, then why the colour looks so poisonous to me."

"What again did you say? Hotpot is all about just mixing things in whatever way you like. You have the poison resistance skill so it would be fine."

"Y-you….already know it. Maybe you have got it totally wrong in the first place. The vegetables are not peeled and why is there a salt rock floating in between. I am coming from the next room, I forgot something important."

The man tried to rise up from his seat with haste, but was caught by the collar, the grip so strong that he couldn't free himself.

"I think you should, eat the food first, while its still hot."

The woman was now making a cunning irresistibly sweet smile that no man can ignore. Her beauty was unmistakable. Her hair emerald green in colour with a tint of beautiful gold. She was tall and had a towering strong personality which one could guess just by her looks. She was well-endowed and her allure was almost irresistible.

He sat back and did one thing that could be his only remaining way out…

"I am sorry I will never complain about your cleaning habits or how your workplace is never arranged properly. Instead I will follow your example. So why not call it draw, I will quickly cook something up for us, that's what I always do. Let me in."

"It's too late, for my mercy, and after hearing about what you think of my cooking, I want you to give a review after eating it. So say Ahhh…."

"Why not wait and think about it a bit more. We can always reach a negotiation peacefully, isn't it what you always said."

"Is sure do, but in case a wife demands something then the husband is bound to do it without fail. There are no rooms for negotiation." With her devilish smile still on…

The lady took the spoon from his hand and after taking a large scoop from the container it headed straight for the target's mouth.



A soft melody plays in the rough wantonness of the cold wind...

The snow feels so cold

And my heart feels so warm inside.

So come and take my hand

And I will never let it go.

Even though it's hard

And I may struggle through it all.

Let's make the most of our every little time

And to the land of fairy tales we go.

Let the time freeze for me

And I will promise to come back home.

As the monochrome white sky takes colour

And I follow the stars till the shore.

The moment I take a look around

I find you at my back.

This must be a start of a new exciting world

So stay with me this time.


Why does it hurt so much, he said he will come back for me, didn't he? My father has never lied to me, then why does it seem that this promise will never be fulfilled.

I can't seem to stop crying. My heartbeat seems to be fading after every beat, and I want to go back. Back where my family is.

But with my footprints lost, in this snowstorm I have no choice but to go forward.

"Lu just keep on moving forward and don't look back. I will be right behind you. So go. Your mother and little sister will be safe." Those were his last words to me as I crossed through a hidden doorway at the backyard.

The wind was howling and even the thick blanket I was wearing failed to protect me from the cold. My ears on the top still feel so tingly, and my tail has become stiff with the cold.

The collected snow keeps on increasing making it more difficult after each step I take.

But I am a good girl, so I can't stop here. I need to keep moving, keep moving till I reach….


A black figure fell in the midst of a heavy snowstorm, and in this White isolated Kingdom, amidst all the snow fall, a dark black orb drops in the white background and unite.

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