When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess




"Al someone just left the observation sphere I placed outside the village. Is everyone in the house alright?"

My eyes suddenly winked open when I sensed a breach in the outermost observation magic sheet barrier I laid outside the village. Mother always told me that being careful is the way to survive in this world. But I still don't get it, what's wrong with people leaving the village at night. Shouldn't they be free to do so if it is their home?

[Monster inhabits the surrounding area. Leaving the village at night especially attracts monsters if they go beyond the village's monster repellent barrier.]

I see that would explain things more properly. Huhh…Huh. I nodded in agreement with Al.

Every time I seem to forget that this is neither the labyrinth nor my previous world. Danger looms everywhere and yet I find it strange from the very beginning. That people are happy and connected to each other. The more the danger is around; people tend to socialize the more, gaining trust and seeking the help of others. It's nice for no one to be left out alone. Not when people are falsely misunderstood or considered useless and non-responsive to the calling are neglected and despised, because not understanding someone attracts suspicion and bad eye of those around you.


"What?" hearing that I almost jumped from the bed. I was not expecting Lucia to leave at night. Didn't she promise me that she would accompany me and I was also looking forward to it? But then seeing her smile, I knew something did not fit right and she was still conflicted with so many things going around.

No one… no, not when this mask is on me. Even though mother told me that I should only show my face to people I trust, but I too know that before asking someone to trust me, I must trust them too. No matter how difficult it is to make someone trust me, it's many times harder to put my own trust in someone else. I was not affected by the behaviour of my guardian's in my previous life because I never placed my trust in them. From the get-go it was made clear to me that I had to look out for myself and that there was no place for me which I could call my own.

But not when I think of Lucia, and I know that she is not the person who would take advantage of others – not when she has shown such kindness to me.

I must lay all the truth to her and then I know we can reach a common conclusion.

'Al confirm in which direction Lucia headed and I want to use evolution authority of my title.'



[Hey...hey. Are you sure of it. Didn't we decide to only evolve into other races to gain more skills and replicate the strength of the strongest member of that race.]

"That's what I am doing."

It might seem like a useless and not so worthy approach with an unjustifiable answer. But I will do it not because I have to but I want to.

But more importantly it is because I want to understand her better.

"Because she reminds me of someone… I might have… forgotten…" a feeling of guilt drenched heavily on my heart as I heard Al's voice and at the same time white webs swirling around my body spinning into somewhat like a tornado.








I was now flying towards the direction in which Al told me Lucia headed. I know she is quick on her feet, but what is bothering her to elope from the village without a word. I don't want to have a sad and waiting goodbye like this.

As I was using my search field to look for Lucia, I heard a huge explosive sound coming from the range of flat mountains directly in front of me. A tremendous increase in the dark magic in the surrounding I had never felt such waves before. But the next moment before I could even process what happened light faded as the top layer of the mountain caved in. Turned out that the mountains had a huge cavity inside it.

I headed in that direction at my maximum flying speed hoping that Lucia would too try to reach the same place on hearing that huge block rock displacement and also I wanted not to think of Lucia being caught up in that disaster.

It was worse than I thought as I looked from above levitating at the topmost point of the open mountain. A huge hole presented itself freshly opened with hazy black fumes escaping from the top.

The region above was a mesh, but the bottom was filled with erupting lava. Could it be that a dormant volcano suddenly became active. But it does not seem to be natural, as I could still feel dark magic surging in the area.

AL suddenly sent me a chill down my spine as I looked below, noticing a small figure with brown hairs and two sprouting ears freely falling unconsciously. Without wasting a moment in trying to recognize that person, I throttled myself downwards, ignoring all the falling debris, hot fumes and erupting lava.

"Lu…wake up." My voice seems too thinned out by the past moving fast wind as I never tried to scream before.

But this moment to save someone dear and important to me, I had to try to scream to let know others and myself what I really wanted.

"Lu…Wake up. And grab my hand."

Closing my eyes I screamed once again, not knowing whether that voice would reach her or not.


///////////////// LUCIA - POV ///////////////////

That voice, that silhouette, and that dress, why …why it is that everything matches her and yet I find her so close to my sister. Those white outspread shining white hairs, even the fox-ears and tail is similar to mine.

She appeared so beautiful and extraordinary without that mask. I wondered would my big sister look the same if she was alive right now, because the person who was trying to save me right now was not her. It was Alicia… my big sister. The one who promised me to be together.

Even when I thought I was about to die… it doesn't matter how or when she came. But she did and all because of me. I don't know what happened that I am falling to my death, but holding her hand gives me relief that everything is going to be alright.

Her voice was so innocent as if it belonged to a baby. Her ears twitched with all the magic surging in the area and her tail swept over and over like a broom as if she was unable to control it. She reminds me every time of a newborn child who just now came out of their shell whenever I look at her.

She suddenly pulled me towards her as I was now onto her shoulders from the front grabbing her slender waist; she tightened her grip over me shifting me towards her right.

"Lu, hold tight. I think we should leave."

"Huh…leave…but how." I couldn't understand how we could escape this fall. Within a few moments we were going to crash with the exceedingly hot erupting magma that even melted the rocks which was holding it as its vessel.

"…Right about now."

Before big sister Alicia's words could reach my ears, our bodies blew in upwards direction at a terrific speed. And within a moment we were standing still mid-air above the mountains, with no land to speak off below our feet.

I have always dreamed about flying before, but this feels even better. Somehow, I was not afraid of the heights this time, otherwise I usually avoided going near to cliffs and high off places.

Incredible this is amazing. That's what I really wanted to say out loud.

But even amazing was the person holding me as bright colourful rays of the sun came crashing on the landscape as it gracefully dawned on my saviour's face, while the lush green forest greeted it by drenching itself in its golden-yellow colour. I don't' know whether she is really a beast human or a human now with her appearance, or is that just an illusion I have cast on myself.

Or how mysterious this all seems right now.

But her eyes were so beautiful that it made me stop thinking about all the dreadful events I just passed through. Right now I thought I could get my all feelings out if she was with me. Every time I looked at her face the more attracted I felt towards her.

"I really can't stay in this form for much longer. With all that heat… this body really is very sėnsɨtɨvė to surrounding changes." Alicia spoke in a distorted and uncomforted speech as she tried to curl up her body and stop it from shaking. She for the first time realized what it meant with beast humans having high sensitivity towards magic and all kinds of stimulus and she being not accustomed to it from birth. Her body was excessively heated up with the steam swirling around as her breaths got heavier, she still couldn't control the sweeping movements of her tail. She finally decided to return to her human form.

"I am sorry but can we talk about this later." Alicia said to Lu, who was now looking confused when the ears and tail of her turned into white thread like structures and disappeared into nothing.

But maybe I was too much soaked into the happiness again, when strong gust of winds flew in our opposite direction stinging us like invisible needles thrown at our faces.

A black figure emerged in front of us maintaining a certain distance… was it because of big sister Alicia. It had a frustrated look on his face and at the same time was puzzled to look at big sister. She on the other hand stood expressionless with her gazes set on that being as if seeing right past him. For a moment I thought she didn't even considered that being important to not even notice its presence and its glaring looks.

"Damn you beastlings! What did you do to the unsealing altar! Now this disaster… it's going to happen all because of you."

What is he talking about, didn't the place got blown up on its own, even big sister came after the explosion so she didn't cause it or would know anything about it. So, why is he blaming me?

"It doesn't matter even if that mighty avatar goes berserk when he arises from his slumber the mortals shall face his wrath and you will burn with him. But it hasn't been a loss either; surely my master will be exhilarated to hear the good news. Indeed you have proved to be the best of the best sacrifice and have served your role. We finally have traced it down and every key will soon be in our grasp. Now I will watch as I see your demise and take the trophy for myself." Saying that the apostle left, but big sister wasn't looking or worried about the absurd things he said to us.

But her focus was below at the mountains which were almost filled with lava to the brim and with a sudden explosion, lava bursted out as the earth shook fiercely. Even though in air I couldn't feel the tremors but the moving land was more than enough to strike fear in my heart.

I was now tightly clinging to the arm on which I was resting then. I did not have the courage to look up and face her after what I had done. Maybe she removed her mask because she trusted me with her typical secret…. But I failed her. My grip was loosening up as my own strength departed, I felt lifeless from the inside. Something did not set right with my body and it felt so hollow and yet I felt restless at the same time.

Then I realized what big sister Alicia was waiting for and what that Apostle meant when he said we would have to suffer a gruesome death.

The sight was just so impossible when the mountains suddenly appeared to rise up from the ground, the flow of lava opening several channels as black smoke radiated out from the towering giant. Hands of black rocks mixed with red-hot fluid and strong leg-rocks emerged out of the ground as the mountain being pulled it out of the huge depression which was now left on the forest.

The mountain was somehow alive as a huge roar from a mouth shaped opening which appeared to be its head decimated the entire front-forest area just with its breath. But somehow we were unaffected by the wind as a blue colour thin light sheet levitated in front of us.

I looked at big sister who just took a deep sigh as if unaffected by the overwhelming disastrous site of uprooted giant trees which could easily withstand against a great windstorm and a mountain size monster that went beyond all imagination and logic. The only thing I could muster up to say was,

"…We need to run. Please, take me away fr…." I once again succumbed to my weakness could not speak any more. Was it me who was stopping myself from speaking any further.

"But if you just leave like that then that thing would surely destroy your home and your family."

"But… if we run away together with everyone's help…" I tried to answer big sister's question in haste without thinking. The golden fiery dust was already messing up with my senses and making my nose and ears uneasy. I tried to close my ears frustrated with my own thinking and resolve to live happily with people for whom I care about, but their feelings were now betrayed by me.

"Don't think too hard, just tell me your wish and I will make it come true." Alicia called out to Lu who was not aware of her surrounding which had now changed to the ground location somewhere safe and far away from the catastrophe. The monster still hadn't resurrected properly as it was still taking shape with loud booms of volcanic eruption disturbing the ecosystem of the forest. The bellows of monsters and animals and their frightful runs as they chased themselves out of the village. I was scared as I realized people around me were always pushed to danger and yet someone was asking my wish.

But at that moment when the question sprung up which I wanted to hear for a long time every noise and perception had faded away. The explosions, the cracking of the earth or the screams of animals from the ends of the forest nothing was clear to me. It was as if time had refused to move for me and it won't budge unless I stated what my heart dėsɨrėd. That I still wanted to live and stay happy and most important of all free from this curse.

"Then I want everyone around me to be safe and happy. That's what I would wish to come true." I slowly whispered hoping no one to hear, clutching my teeth after the absurd situation I have pushed everyone in. Had I not been swayed by the false promises of someone, this would have never happened in the first place. I should have just done what everybody told me and then… and then…

"Then I will make your wish come true." As big sister Alicia was about to complete the sentence a huge boulder half melted in its own fire came crashing on us. For a second I thought we were done for but that blue shield again appeared out of nowhere and protected us. Its colour was akin to the bright sky which was now drenched in the colour of blood and fire. With several fire boulders raining from the sky it was evident to say that we had angered someone from among the Gods themselves as the Sun was itself out shadowed by the redness of the catastrophe. So how can big sister keep her promise, she must be saying that to keep me relieved after what I have gone through. But that's enough she don't have to go to such lengths for someone like me who brings misfortune and calamity in other's life.

"Lu, it's not safe here. I know you must be worried about the villagers so I am sending you back to Eirin village. Evacuate them and take them far away from here." She smiled at me as if everything was just going to be fine.

"But what about you big sister…" before I could perceive my own voice reaching to nothing, my view distorted and before I knew I was standing in front of the wooden gate of the Eirin Village.


////////////// EIGHTH APOSTLE – CORVUS - POV //////////////

Everything was finally going according to the plan. The last sacrifice accepted the end of the deal by promising to offer their life on their own accord. The sacrificial ritual required young maidens who would willingly present their mortal bodies to lift up the seal and be consumed by the eternal flames of the heaven that binds Him.

As per Master Zero orders, I was asked to uplift the seal over a demi-god avatar sealed in this forest during the Great War. According to my calculation and the procedures of sacrificial rituals I needed exactly eight mortal young girls for my purpose. By serving as their guardian and at the same time threatening their existence by my tamed monsters, I was able to get through the seventh line, but this eighth sacrifice….

It doesn't matter why….

"Because I can't believe it? It's just too amusing. Who would have thought that I would finally find one of the living keys here? It's absolutely Purrffect."

I am sure, that I saw it and it was no mere coincidence. That would also explain why she is still alive and the explosion.

Just when that beastling was about to be consumed by the flames and being subjected inside the ritual field she had no way to escape, a black shadowy miasma emerged out of her heart and surrounded her in a protective black orb. The sky-piercing light that concentrated and launched from it blew up the mountains' top, magma and the ritual altar. Fortunately I was able to escape otherwise I won't have survived the outburst either.

But now that human with white hairs has appeared who was able to wield flight magic and took her away. No matter, she is not someone special as her level was too low with no skills to speak off and no special magic aura to be felt around her. They won't be able to go too far in such a dense magical area which would probably affect their magic spells. Even my own magic is being suppressed and being suċkėd to uplift the seal over the avatar. Even if the ritual is incomplete the black poisonous miasma was more than enough to alter the sealing spell and forcefully resurrect the demi-god.

All I need to now is collect my reward from the pile of corpses that would be laid waste by his anger. Even though I have failed to control him, he would be out of his mind and destroy everything in its sight, while I watch from far.

Nothing less would suffice, as for the beastling…

I have felt that power before, from one of the keys that Master Zero hold dear. If I think what it is then, she surely must be the "CURSED CHILD."

I must present her to master either alive or dead.


/////////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV /////////////

Now then that Lucia is safe and so would be the villagers after they evacuate. I can freely take care of that thing now. A strong magical aura now surrounded me as I tried to negate the effect of the skill through which the mountain monster tried to absorb her magic reserves. Until then I had been avoiding it by suppressing my magical aura that everyone radiates, but now to deal with such a monster just the very next day after coming out of the labyrinth. This world is really not safe and has more to offer than I think.

On using analysis it turns out to be a demi-god and I am sure I have defeated some of them in the labyrinth. Surely this one won't pose a problem but some of its skills are really difficult to tend to.

I was hoping for a nice Sunday morning walk with Lu, even though I don't know whether it's a weekend or not. I wanted to learn more about the ways of people living here from Lu. Not having school makes it feel like a Sunday everyday either way. And what I get in return is a walking disaster and psychotic bird brain who wants to hurt Lu and dispose of all the villagers.

But I am going to make them pay every minute of it with interest served. For starters that demi god needs to know that blacking out the sky and deforestation is not a good afterthought or a heroic site to glance at as a measure of someone's power. I can blow the whole forest area too with a single wind spell of my own invention too, just so it knows.

Activating flying magic I went above the surface of greenery formed by the top of the dense forest, and fixated my gaze at the demi humans. The next moment something blinked in the sky and a trail of giant fire boulders haphazardly were heading towards the entire mountain region. To extend even further to the village's perimeter.

"That's not a good sign, now is it… this monster has no regard of its opponent. Nothing like the monsters of the labyrinth who would do anything to crush their opponent."

This one was going on attacking things mindlessly. Wait! Is it possible that he is not in control.

"Al is any form of communication possible with this being."


So it is doing all this purposefully. Well a monster is a monster. Saying that several of the meteors from the sky was about to hit the surface now. But suddenly in mid-air their trajectory was stopped as they blasted into fine pieces of finally chopped debris falling to the ground.

In this meantime I took the trouble of placing my world – severing webs mid-air as I myself stood on it.

It will probably help me to fight the monster at the same height and keep the place safe too. Even though my threads were thin to the point of not being visible, I exactly knew where they were as I started running in the direction of the monster which was not far away. It had still not spotted me and looked upset with the frustration and anger it displayed in its deep loud cries. It couldn't even speak to show its remorse.

This world is not its place to begin with and even if it did die it would just return back to the place from where it came – the divine realm. Pretty easy for their life, but harming others like Lu for their own fulfillment is simply unacceptable. Not like I am interested in the affairs of a nefarious being sealed away with the banner of 'do not touch'. Why can't people just seem to follow the guidelines and act responsibly?

Just when I was near the foothill of the demi-god mountain monster, it was probably trying to free its hands and legs from the chains attached to the ground. Was it simply restraining it and the seal which that bird brain was talking about was not broken properly. Then that would make it an easy target.


I simply did not wanted to waste any time and return back to Lu to see that she is really safe.

A thin trail of black fire caught on my webs as it intensified further on the entire network laid around the monster forming a mesh and the next second I blew up the magic inside the webs to intensify the flames with outburst of magic and act like a land mine of continuous strings.


More than hundreds of explosions set off at the same time around the mountain monster; it was now burning over a black fire as for the giant dust smoke trail blurred out my vision. I properly made a landing on the ground merely summarizing the fact that everything is over and hoping for the red sky to clear. I just wanted to enjoy a fine summer morning, which I couldn't back home.

As the smoke screen cleared out, there laid a rubble of demolished huge rocks and flowing magma which I thought was about to disappear any moment being engulfed by my usual gluttonous black webs.

"Huhhh… why isn't anything happening." I said as I tilted my head to my right in confusion.

Another shaking of the ground almost set me to fall, when a suddenly large cavity opened on the ground and everything fell inside it, forcing me to take shelter in the skies.

From within a large drumming sound of clashing stones and the burp of a liquid continuously being pulled out made me anxious. A formation of red light blinked from the depths and out of it rose another giant made out of black rocks and overflowing in a red liquid like a grilled meat stake simmered in a special exotic sauce. Why am I thinking of food even in this situation, it doesn't make sense, unless…

"I am going to miss my breakfast now." Looking at that sturdy built and the figures of monster I am used to - I was not surprised, but at the same time couldn't feel but correct my comparison that the stake would be probably 'burnt'.

"So long. So long. This humble one being finally free from the seal the Goddess of Purity placed on me." A loud muffled voice erupted from a small opening in its lower head like a pouting mouth and every time it opened, some amount of lava flew out of it and fell to the ground almost melting it to several depths.

"…So, it can speak now." I said in amusement as I took out my fan and with a single blow of it I twisted the wind direction and sent all the black smoke away, making a clear view between me and the Him. Maybe...just maybe new doors have opened.

But right about now, why it suddenly started speaking. I tried to compare the picture from before and after only to find that except for its larger size and…and … those metal chains everything turns out to be the same.

"Crap…Crap…Crap. Did my new magic attack just made it break free from its seal completely." I again looked up and the monster was trying to move freely as it was collecting magic power from the surrounding. There really were no chains. So it's really free now and the reason turns out to be…

No. no. no. did I really help a convict from breaking free from its chains. So am I a part of a scandalous escape event now myself, shouldn't a sealed monster rampaging be criminal of some sorts. But why time to time I have to remind myself that there is no police in this world so everything is fine.

I turned left, then right and again left. Probably there's no one watching.

"You are pretty good to break free on your own. HAAH." I said out loud with a straight face trying my best to fake whatever happened here and bury it from where it originated.

The monster who was now drenched in the overwhelming magic by absorbing it from the trees and air turned to the voice, whose source was me. Probably I wasn't affected by its absorption power, because I was restraining my magic flowing in my body.

"Huhhh…so long. A human!" A muffled voice akin to an old man was now aimed at me.

The colour in my eyes faded because in the next moment I succeeded to catch my target's attention, and here I thought that I could be sneaky in my strike. I tried to look here and there, avoiding direct contact with its eyes, to which I would most probably be appearing like an ant. Not that there was anything to look at in its hollow empty eyes from which tears of lava seems to flow continuously.

"Haahaaa... you amuse me human girl. To meet a beautiful maiden right after my resurrection is quite a sight."

"Really." I was amazed to see a monster with a rational mind with enough intelligence to have taste and interest in things. If that's the case then we can surely talk and ask him to stop. I really don't want to fight if I can avoid it.

"For that I happily announce and bestow upon you a painless death."

Before I could speak anything a heavy punch from one of its huge fist came flying, striking with a direct hit sending me flying off from my trajectory as I crashed on the land dragged several hundreds of meter away.

I was able to stop the impact by covering my body in the blue barrier, but the hit still hurts. I see so it was a usual fighting tactic, to set the course of conversation in another direction by complimenting someone and then make a surprise attack after someone's guard is down. I swear I will never fall for that trick again.

This time maintaining my distance I came flying towards him.

"Impressive for a human to survive that."

"Why did you attack me? You are free now so stop harming the people who live around here." I shouted at him, to make sure my voice reached him.

"Surely, I would get rid of them too, after I see your mortal self dead." As he ended his words a storm of fire blew out of its mouth which tried to engulf me from every direction. But that kind of half-hearted attacks won't work on me anymore as I opened my fan and swinging it diagonally with adding wind attribute magic to strengthen the swing the flames were dissipated.

"Why are you doing this? Please stop, otherwise someone might get hurt." I tried to make him stop again. I am not like a mad man who was confined for getting angry on small things and goes on killing and damaging stuff. I probably won't unless I have to.

"You might not be an ordinary human to wield magic with such efficiency and delicacy. So this humble one will just tell you before you die, that I have to get this world rid of every mortal and bring this Great War to its final end."

"But the Great War has already ended; there is no need for you to continue fighting." I did not move a bit even though he just threatened to what I was asked to protect.

"Hmmm… if that's the case, then it just means that this humble one can slaughter anyone. Surely, mortals disgust me with their low value and weakness but still dare to live on the lands where we Gods were supposed to tread and made it impure with their savagery, greed and hatred. Detestable creatures needs to be wiped from the face of this world and I will be right at it after getting rid of you pesky human." The demi-god without wasting another second launched another punch at me.

But before it could even reach my proximity, his rocky arm suddenly cracked with hot steam - letting off from the crevices and with a blast turned into dusty smoke.

"Well, that would make it even more easier, if you have no reservations to change your mind, I will get rid of you first." I said to him holding my fan pointing its blade in his very direction, announcing my very own rebel against his ideals that sounded like an old man's final words who fancy for humanity to perish just because he couldn't land a fiancée in his entire life.

"You dare say that to a humble one like me." The demigod was totally offended by the open disclosure of Alicia's absolute defiance.

The next moment Alicia launched several fusion balls at its body from all directions, while the demi-god quickly went for defense blocking everyone one of them with his knuckles. To the extent of using its own body as a shield. Whichever part was damaged it quickly healed and replenished his rocky hand from the stones on the ground. Earth was his turf, no matter in what way I saw it.

I was at complete disadvantage. Black Flare had already failed because of its magic absorption skill. As for my freezing spells its area of effect is small. It could easily break free from my spell if it increases its heat or break off the body part affected by the magic.

There were no chances of anymore negotiation; I didn't want to waste my time complaining about not being good at that. The poisonous gases and its acidic fumes were only damaging the morning glory flowers and the crops grown by the villagers. If its siege went on for long and it went for another aerial attack I don't know whether this place could even remain habitable or not.

This is supposed to be someone's home, and not because of my mistake I want for it to vanish. Because…

It would be just too bad to let my chance pass to use my aural arts at full power, which I was not allowed to do at my own home. To stop further damage I need to defeat the enemy at the same time maintaining the forest in its former condition.

If I use to form a domain by using magic power along with my aural arts and not use my swords then the damage could be at minimum while at the same time maintaining the effects of the formed domain would persist and materialize in the real world too, instead of vanishing.

I flew a distance fair enough from the demi-god to take a proper field view in my consideration. Condensing magic power with my aural arts would probably take much longer to activate so I need to avoid its attack for sometimes.

"Suits you human to run away from my supreme prowess. Rejoice for I am going to show you my ultimate fire that would one day burn this world along with all the mortals to be damned for eternity for their crime of sullying this holy land." The demi-god suddenly started beating one of his hands at ċhėst and the other at stomach. Honestly I did not find it a healthy habit for a being in flesh, speaking of hard stones is an otherwise.

Flames were erupting from every spore of its body as its belly started to grow in volume amassing gases and being drastically combusted. Surely the final evolved and compressed form of that fire would be no joke. I had to avoid it at all cost but my preparations were done too.

"Suffer human, for the wrath of my flames melt your sullen hearts." Saying that the demi god forcefully opened its mouth wide and a jet of golden spectacular light, seemed to blind everything from my vision.

"It's so sad that you never understood how difficult you are making this for everyone who cannot dry their clothes on a sunny day like this just because you cannot let go of your sad clouds."

"ARANEOLUS Technique. Third Form. ICE CALAMITY."

As light was restored, a bright sun hanged in the sky, while the cold wind of the heights seemed to shimmer with the white light being reflected form the ice land my magic technique had created. All and everything was covered with a shining thin sheet of ice.

The forest and land, everything far and wide was encased in ice. But in front of me was a towering ice statue of a demi-god covered in a special block of ice - [ABSOLUTE ZERO] its power being amplified by being activated in the entire domain at once. From being resurrected and reborn as an immaculate crystalline icicle, I wonder how it felt in the inside. Well that would be the thought line of a villain and mȧsȯċhɨst, so I would just drop the afterthought here.

But I can't stop but feel pleased by my own new magic technique of combining [ABSOLUTE ZERO] into an aural art and materialize the domain in the real world. Mother and father would be absolutely amazed and happy to hear about it, at least I hope so. On second thought for imposing restrictions on me, I should delay this fact for now.

This time I was completely sure the battle has ended but I couldn't rub off this gaze on me even now.

I had made sure that even the heat produced from its very core wouldn't have been enough to melt the ice on it and any movement was impossible. But before any one spots all of this and the mess I have caused because of my one starting negligence I had to sweep everything under the rug.

And that too Fast.

With the snapping of my fingers, the ice cracked with a thunderous clap from the center and dispersed into beautiful shards as they twinkled and scattered the sun's light, spread into the vast creation of my icy woodland.



///////////// MONSTER DIARY ////////////



AGE : ????


LEVEL : 7000

HP :????

MP : 980000

SP : 700000







Till now I have published from volume one to volume four for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 5 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating.

You can donate me at - rzp.io/l/LgC54Q3

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Even a little amount helps. I hope that you enjoy my work from now on and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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