When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess





It's time for the harvest in my hometown Olimar located in extreme south-west of Perillus Empire. I miss the green leafy sweet vegetables I used to grow on the farm with my father. Also a week later the whole family would plan together a picnic to the Camila Cherry Forest, and under the shy pink Camila trees we would play all day. Picking the sweet plum Camila Cherry that had fallen from the trees because of the wind, or otherwise would climb ourselves to pluck up the cherries. Sometimes we would chase around the gathered mystic sparrow squirrel or feed them instead. This year I promised to join my wife and 7 year old daughter Miya and play with her during this whole harvest festival. But maybe I am not a good father after all. A soldier has always to answer his calls, family relationships comes after the country that's what we were taught at the military training academy.

Even though it was supposed to be my vacation from the military, but because of this sudden planned expedition to the demon continent to subjugate the growing beast villages in the Kanandra Mountains, my holidays were annulled. Under the leadership of her highness, the second princess Siesta Perillus, an army of 10,000 soldiers were dispatched.

Our objective first was to scout the Kanandra Mountains from far and evaluate the state of the monsters breeding near the borders. Planning to go deeper in the mountain forest is pure foolishness, because the monsters are so strong that even an army this large won't be able to handle them if they attack in groups.

When all the 20 generals met up for the first time the agenda changed to subjugating the beastmen villages and take the prisoners back to the kingdom to be sold as slaves or for free labour in mines and other manual job with excessive demand of unskilled free labourers.

Everyone was confident enough, in the strength of this army, a team of great tacticians, and then we had onboard five Silver Imperial Knights and the vice-chairman of the Imperial Mage Court. Not to forget a huge army of 10,000 specially trained soldiers in magic warfare and swordsmanship.

One could say we were going all out to catch a cat and turn it into a punching pet.

On our spiritual radar after crossing the pass that connected the Western Border of Perillus Kingdom and the demon continent, we circled around the Kanandra Mountains from left and would make contact with five beastmen villages after covering a distance of twenty-five kilometers. We put up our tents on a height 20m above the ground and covered the entire perimeter with wooden fences by chopping down the nearby forest. We raised 12 high posts to surround the entire area and keep an eye on the intruders.

We were supposed to subjugate the five villages in a span of one week. For the first five days we had easily made surrender the four beastmen villages. Next day we were supposed to subjugate the last village, everyone was in a happy mood and over energetic, because we were one day ahead of our schedule.

The princess was flawless with her plans and tactics, always lifting up the spirit of the soldiers and making sure that they are well-fed, even though I though at the end it was just extravagance. But a princess is a princess, that too of a lineage who conquered several lands and victories over the demons almost two hundred years ago in the Great War. If an army of 10,000 soldiers have to be dispatched to keep her safe, then so be it.

But I couldn't put my mind at ease. I was the general of the eighth company, consisting of 200 soldiers, who specialized in scouting and collecting tactical data of pre, during and post war events. I was one of those who believed in fighting from the background by forming strategies that would ensure the maximum possibility of our soldiers to survive and complete annihilation of our enemies and gain honour.

If only I could call it honour – it was not a war of wills against the so called beast savages but a genocide of a weak and peaceful living beastfolk. All the beastmen villages were just simple townsfolk, not a single fighter who wanted to fight for fun but to protect their families.

Their villages consisted of population ranging from two thousand beastmen up to four thousand in the one we raided the previous day. All of these villages either had too many old people or too young children who couldn't even lift a weapon.

This had put the soldier's mind at ease, they killed anyone who tried to resist whether armed or not, whether it was just a child or a female. They spared no one; all of them wanted the praises of the princess, who too wanted the praises of the Majesty and the masses of the Perillus Empire. But was this the only one way, to get glory, to be called a full-fledged warrior on the battlefield.

These barbaric soldiers beat down children, tortured the young beast folk, hung them on trees and played with their women.

Was this the pledge they took during the oath ceremony to protect this kingdom, was this the true portrait of humanity.

And all I could do was just stand by and watch it happen.

I had lost my voice….

Who would listen to a commoner, even though I am a general but that is because of my important role and my talent in forming good strategies and tactical war play. Whenever I tried to stop them, the upper society noble people would always cut in between.

"How would a commoner like you would know to treat objects."

"They are just a bunch of pests. It doesn't even matter whether we kick them in their nether or punch them in their faces, slice them to chips and feed to the monsters. No one would complain."

"We are the race of humanity, and I a noble is a superior even among them, then how could I allow those filthy beasts to breathe the same air and walk on the same land."

"Even their sight disgust me so I chopped each one's head and freed them of their misery to be born as a lowly creature."

"You should know your place before you speak, you are a general in just a name only, just look at you small weak platoon, all we need is your pathetic skills and then you can go and till the farmlands for all I care."

I once visited one of the beast villages after it had been subjugated, almost all the small built brick houses were on fire. Black pitch Ashened walls. Broken Gates. Torn down buildings. Streams of blood flowed all around, splashed like ink blots across the streets and walls. Dead bodies and distorted body parts littered around, corpses hanging on trees, heads put over the fences.

There was no ground which didn't have the stench of blood and no place where the ashes of the dead did not rise. "SUFFERING" – that's the only word that can describe my pain. Not only those who were there during the destruction, but for even those who were there after the devastation. I wonder what kind of savagery would have caused this…

And all our army suffered was small injuries and just a small number of casualties. I was glad, but something inside me had broken, as if a piece of mine was burning brightly, but I felt so cold under the presence of my own shadow. Most of the soldiers had fun while looting the goods of the beast folk, their money, priced possessions, food and women.

None was spared…

"Reporting sir, we found a hidden basement in one of the houses. It is possible that some of them not accounted for could be hiding."

Without wasting a moment's time I rounded up ten men, and marched towards the hidden basement.

It was a half torn down house, probably done by an explosion magic. I entered through the gateway with a missing door. The whole house was almost reduced to emptiness, but the walls looked newly-built. There was a small portrait hung on the wall, a little bit tilted maybe due to the impact of the explosion.

I took out the picture and wiped the blood that covered its upper area.

It was a portrait of a young man, a beautiful beast woman and two small kids, one with a white fox ears and a long tail, while the other kid had light brown in colour.

I was dumbstruck; the girl with the white fox-tail, she resembled every bit of Miya, my own daughter. I was speechless and confirmed that the dead body lying at the backyard of the house was indeed the man in this portrait. Then the women and the children remain unaccounted for.

Could it be...?

The men who were on guard above the basement saluted me as I arrived on the aforementioned suspicious spot.

As per the information, I rolled over the red carpet, which had some drawing made over it and a small wooden door that opened vertically came into view. I pulled the handle and a ladder was visible going down into the darkness.

Some soldiers expressed their concern, others suspected a trap. But I jumped without a moment's hesitation inside and two of my trusted men followed.

It was dark all around and so I chanted a spell. A small flame lit in my palm. Speaking the truth, my magic aptitude was far below the average. What made me special to become a commander was my {Appraisal Skill LV 10} – maxed out and my two another special skill – {THOUGHT ACCELERATION} & {FORESIGHT}.

Fortunately these are considered to be very rare skills.


Was someone crying, it more sounded like someone was trying to suppress their voice by any means possible!

I faced my palm to the left wall and under the fallen table I could see two figures. I without any hesitation started approaching them.

"Sir, wait we need to take precautions."

"We don't know whether they are hostile or not."

"Okay, then be prepared, I will lift off the table. Take positions."

Actually this conversion was going telepathically, so you need not concern with leaking information and plans.

I lifted up the table with my left hand, and forced my meager amount of magical power into the little flame I lit.

Under the cover of darkness, I could now probably make out two shadows and a bit of their details. A beautiful tall fox-woman and an 8-year old girl with white fox-ears and a fluffy long tail. The girl was on the verge of crying, while the mother was holding her mouth tightly, but she herself was shaking heavily. Definitely, these two are the remaining figures in the portrait.

For some reason, I was sure, what I had to speak next, but my voice somehow couldn't reach them.

Unfortunately, none of us knew beastmen language, so communication was a big issue. One of the main flaws I considered it to be during the entire mission.

Usually the beastmen you find on human continent can speak human languages, but it seems to be not the case in the demon continent.

I reached out my hand, and smiled a bit at the little girl. She is just a look-alike of Miya, I can't let my emotions get in my way, and I need to make a rational decision. Because there are eyes all around me…..

"Si-rrr-r…. be careful."

"Don't worry, they do not appear to be hostile. Lower your swords."

"But sir…"

"Don't make me repeat myself." Even though I tried to keep my voice low, to not make the girls anymore afraid than they have been, but the echo in the room ruined it. I thought if I made them lower the weapons the soldiers were holding then they both might ease up a bit.

The woman slowly rose up from her sitting position and raised up both of her hands and so did the little girl.

They knew resistance was futile.

They knew they will be sold off as slaves and separated from each other or even worse tortured to death. But even if there is a flicker of hope that they can survive, then they were ready to suffer hell. Because throwing one owns life away out of despair and give up is cowardice.

If they are alive, then there is every bit of a possibility to meet again. The possibility to explore this world and maybe find happiness. Thoughts came pouring in my mind. All I wanted was to see a smile on that little girl's face. Is there any way of saving them?

Can I abuse my power as a commander to a small extent and let these two go. What if I make them run away towards the next target village, then they can warn the other beastmen and abandon the location. This will save all those people whose life would be miserably destroyed for no reason at all. This war was meaningless; we were only adding fuel to the fire between the conflicts of two races. Just because the villagers here are not accustomed to fighting, it doesn't display the strength of their races.

Beastmen are strong warriors, possesses special body reinforcement magic, ultimate combat abilities and natural reflexes thousand times better than us humans. If they really wanted then they could give us a run for, but maybe their weaknesses was already accounted for and so the princess decided to attack determining her own safety.

Now I see…

"Do I smell some fresh prey, Mr. commoner." A loud, husky voice rang inside my ear.

A huge tall figure walked in, his large steps making absurdly unnecessary loud noises.

"Commander, Ritt, may I know the reason, to visit during the inspection time of company eighth."

This man was the commander of the third platoon, the one who raided this village and turned it into a place of shamble and ruin.

I need to exercise caution with my words and yet act dignified because of his noble status and our same ranks. How tiring now could this be.

"Nothing much, I just told you I can smell something ecstatic, won't you fill me in, my dear comrade." For some reason his chin was lifted up, and his brows pushed against each other. Somehow, all this makes me nervous, the more I think the lesser I understand the meaning of all the thing we were doing.

"We have confirmed two remaining civilians, hiding in the basement."

"Don't make me laugh; they are not civilians, but bugs to be played with." The man then clapped his hands, and with each clap a huge fire explosion appeared.


The child who was quite up till now, finally made some noise but exactly at the wrong moment. But before she could continue, her mouth was shut up closed by her mother's palm.

"See, these savage creatures, can't understand the beauty of my magic prowess. So let me take care of them and then they will surely admire my might. For I am Ritt Corwell, the next in line to be declared as the family head of the Corwell Family after this achievement of mine, just how hard had I work and had been waiting for this day to come."

I hesitated for a moment but silently slided in front of that little girl and him, blocking his eyesight.

"Just, what in the hell are you trying to do, let me have these two under my care, my men will surely love the big one. As for the little one, I will play with her with my magic."

I needed to do something, a way to get us out of this mess; I was now under my thought acceleration skill. Currently, this commander wants to harm these two, who just are simple civilians. Then the kid has the same face as Miya, which reminded me of the last promise I made to her. Those two had kept on being silent, then that means they will gladly follow me. I don't have the authority to defy this man's will, but surely I can delay it by a bit, and later figure something out. But for now…

"I am sorry, but I have to refuse. You see..." I was interrupted when I could feel a sudden pressure of the magical power being forced upon me. I tried to look up, but my gazes always went down.

"What's the matter commander, are you somehow felling ill. How can you refuse this ambitious man's wishes, the one who will command you someday? You must feel honoured that you can be a help to me. So…"

I need to come up with an answer, quick. For Miya's sake, for the sake of those two who shouldn't have been a part of this gore because someone whimsically wanted them dead. There is a reason I am here. And for that matter I won't waver, even though I am a commoner and it has made me realize again and again that I can't stand up against the noble….

"You, see these two are supposedly confirmed to be from the next target village, so it will be helpful if we can collect some specific information of them about their security and people living."

In a way what I said was true, even though we can't understand beastmen languages, we can torture them and make them point out their village locations, hideouts, number of people and other important stuff important for military intelligence.

I was now looking straight into the eyes of Commander Ritt, even though my whole body was hurting and screaming in pain. Going against such strong magical pressure, defying the nobility, dishonouring the military code and helping the prisoners of wars – I stood against all. Such heavy burden on my shoulders; all to bring a little smile on Miya's face.

The commander stared back into my eyes for half a minute and then suddenly changed his way of speaking. He sounded as a totally different person.

This sly bastard!

"I see, in that case I cannot wait to see how long you can keep this up."

Ritt soon left, but when he passed through my back, I realized that I needed to watch my own back now all the time. The uneasiness feeling in the room soon lifted up.

I took a deep breath, my shoulders and stomach still in a bit of pain and my head still feels heavy. As if I was about to collapse out if dizziness and neural malfunction. I slowly walked to the kid and placed my hand in front.

But it was painful to see her turn around her head. But I did not mind, such response is most befitting of our actions.

Hate! Hate! Is that what this girl is feeling towards me or is it Fear.

I don't know.

I beckoned the beast woman to follow me and she took the hint. She appears to be highly intelligent and seems to have understood the events that unfolded in a way.

Now I need to make some special arrangements since I am taking care of them now, and make sure that no one suspects us.

Both of them were taken to my tent, it was not as large as that of other commanders but still big enough to fit these two.

I brought some warm towels, a bunch of dresses which I took from one of the houses, seeing they were intact. I made sure to order a glass of warm milk for the kid and a bowl of soup for the lady.

Now I made them stay in the right corner of my tent, which was in a bit of a blind spot because of the cupboard and putting up a curtain of same colour as the tent made it almost unnoticeable.

I passed each of the other mentioned items including bed sheets and pillows, but was never able to directly look them into their eyes.

I felt so helpless and somehow I kept on blaming everything on me. And wondered had things gone differently, what if she did not look like my own daughter. I wonder what Miya is doing back at home. Just two more days and I will be back at home.

I clenched the small glass necklace which my daughter gave me before I left home. It was the first thing that she ever gave me as a gift. My lucky charm.

Tomorrow we had to travel to the next beast village and attack, preparations were already done. All that I wanted was to keep this violence and gore limited to those who resisted and for the soldiers to exercise caution because they had started taking things for granted. Carelessness is the second reason for the young's demise while the first is prejudice – excessive pride.

I had cleaned myself up, and started thinking of new battle strategies while lying on the bed. It was already midnight and most of the noises coming from the drunkard and merry-making soldiers from outside had quieted down.

Now that I remember there was another girl in the portrait, maybe her elder sister. Her body was not found, so was she successfully able to escape.

If that's true then I hope that she remains safe.



On that night when it had not even been an hour before my eye lids put up a curtain on my vision, I started hearing loud cries from the northern part of the camp.

I quickly got changed and put up as much metal pieces on me as I could, when a soldier of my company came rushing in, without making any announcement. That came as a surprise. That means the news is just that important that the formalities could wait.

I don't mind, or even bother with those stupid formalities. I only find them in my way of work. Just some stupid extra efforts….

But that was the code.

"Commander, it's the beastmen, they are attacking in large numbers from the northern forest. All our troops deployed in the northern station have been overwhelmed."

I always had this fear within me, to face a surprise attack from north. Even though the full camp was in an advantageous location, the northern perimeter being surrounded by dense tropical forests always welcomed suspicions.

Send a platoon of 15 men to the north to gather intel and do not engage, I repeat do not engage the enemy. I am leaving for the conference."

"Yes-s sir." The soldier then saluted me and left.

As I was at the entrance of the Princesses' tent, a thorough checking of everyone by the outside special guards was necessary. These soldiers were special and exclusive to princess Siesta.

"Commander, the report."

I looked back and my trusted men that were standing right in front of me. I needed to make haste. That was pretty quick.

"We have confirmed that a large number of beastmen around two thousand in number that have attacked the northern check post. They first spread a special paralysis gas in the air and then launched arrows, huge boulders. It seems that they have got this time good fighters and good magicians on their side too. Most of the tents were burned down or either blown up. The situation of the soldiers in the north is not that active. Most of them were slacking off from their post which brought this doomsday. Those stupid nobles just can't perform their duty properly."

Most of my soldiers were commoners like me too. They looked up to me for being the only commoner with the commander post. Their hate for noble had been pretty much obvious from their training days, always being bullied by the upper class soldiers for being inferior and replaceable tools.

I more or less understood the situation now. All I need to do, is to make a report o the princess, and let her decide to fight back or retreat. So just in case,

"Start packing up; take all the non-perishable food, clothes and tents with you. And the two captured host-a-gg...victims in my tent to be transferred to one of the nearest cart prisons. You are dismissed for now. In case of emergency or something comes up then do not hesitate to report."

I walked in through the entrance by lifting up the smooth pink silky curtains, they were made up of such high quality cloth that not even my three month's salary could afford. So I was a bit too excited to see my hands being slowly grazed along by the curtain.

Back to business.

"Long live the princess, Commander of Eighth Company – Special Intelligence Unit & Scouting Division reporting with the situation."

I looked around and saw the commander of 5,6,8,11,17 th company already present. The commander of company one, two and seven were reported to be engaged in battle with the beastmen in the north. We had several casualties, but with the poison gas all around and in the cover of night under the dense forest, it was difficult to make the intruders retaliate.

The princess was quite in a daze, her face a bit flustered in red she was under the effects of alcohol. I wonder who did this to her, it just means that making a rational decision would be tough and potential mistakes are inevitable. Some of the commanders were still late and the princess and others present were getting impatient.

That's when; the commander of third company, Ritt waltzed in, with a sword covered in blood.

"Behave yourself Commander Ritt, you are in the presence of her highness." Objected the commander of the fifth company.

"This is the blood of the demon beastmen, whom I took capture in the previous fight, and now they dare to attack us. So I killed some of their comrades whom I took capture and asked my soldiers to hang their heads near the so east post."

"Just what are you implying? We don't have time for your foolish violent indulgences."

"Princess if I may…"

"Fine, do what—ever." It was obvious that we had lost the princess in this situation. I wonder why she indulged herself with such a frivolous activity, because I had never seen it happening before. It was just too irresponsible on her part when we were in the last stage of our plans.

"By doing this and sending some of these living pests near the east post, I have placed a trap explosion magic, while they try to disperse towards east and rescue their people, they will all die. In the chaos, we will make retreat. I have already made preparations for your highnesses safety."

"I understand, but where we will go to." The princess was acting all weird, who will go with this stupid plan which will eventually fail and has no scope.

"To the Great Tathya Labyrinth…"

"This is madness."

"Ludicrous, we don't want to die. Instead of taking the princess to safety, it seems like you are pushing her directly into the mouth of death."

All the commanders started expressing their concerns and their deep seated fear which the name is more than capable enough to strike fear in our hearts. I was no exception.

"Fear not, I will take full responsibility for the princesses' safety. We will retreat to the first floor of the Great Tathya Labyrinth. Seeing us going there the beastmen will give up and will leave us alone. After a day or two we will come out of our hiding."

"I see your plan does make sense. If it's only the first floor then such huge army will be sure strong enough to kill the first floor monsters. Then we can surely take our revenge if we come out after some days have passed. Any objections."

It's now or never, I can't let such foolishness pass by. A judgement not made with the right mind will put each of my men in great danger.

"It's too early to make such a rash decision. If we think for a bit longer then we can surely tackle them if we regroup all of our soldiers in the west and move them in circle." I tried to point in the map for the most plausible route for an attack force and reinforcement in the north.

But Commander Ritt, snatched the huge map, rolled it around and threw it on one of the drawers at his back.

"Don't worry about the small stuff, we don't have time to regroup or we will suffer more casualties. We have already lost more than 500 men. This time the resistance of beastmen is large and we may not be able to defend so properly in the dark. My men are not your pawns, if all you are good at sitting ducks here and pass judgment on those who lay down their lives on the frontline."

Then commander Ritt bowed down in front of princess Siesta and in a noble's way sheathed his sword but in a weird twisted fashion.

"Princess, remember didn't you tell me on the day of our leaving the royal castle, that you wanted to prove yourself useful to the Empire and to your father, his Majesty. We have already captured enough beastmen that can work as slaves, to fulfill the growing demand of free labour layman's job. But if the princess is not safe herself, then the people of our empire will be worried. It is then my duty as your knight to use my sword to keep the enemies at bay. If we move to the first floor of the great Tathya labyrinth, not only we would be safe but we can then mine all the rare ores – specially the Magitite ore. By doing this you will raise the treasure of the Royal Family by leaps and bounds. Not only His Majesty will be happy but the extra money earned will be used for the benefit of people and they will give you their full support and love. By this accomplishment you will get one step ahead of others in achieving the goal of the next ruler of the Empire."

"Yes you are indeed correct, make preparations to retreat now. I will not allow more of my soldiers to die."

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the room changed, the princess started smiling and some of the commanders started agreeing to the proposal. It was too late to back off now. All of them, I could see shadows of greedy people; it was so colourless and empty.

Everyone now was thinking of filling their own pockets.

Just what was happening, how did it turn like this? Was I a failure as a commander, or I was unable to judge the people around me and the princess properly.

The fear of the labyrinth was overshadowed by the veracity of obtaining the highly rare and expensive mythical Magitite Ore.

After the discussion, if you could actually call it one, I quickly moved to my tent and made sure the two beast people I took were safe. Then packed my most important stuff and moved to the rendezvous point.

All of us made haste, while the caravan carrying the princess was in front with her Imperial Knights, in between the prisoners, at the sides the commanders on horses and at the rear were the foot soldiers.

Even during the retreat we were being chased and almost three hundred more lives were lost. After travelling for four kilometer in this difficult terrain, we were finally near the entrance of the labyrinth.

The Great Tathya Labyrinth, the most dangerous place on Isleguard. Home to the most dangerous species of monsters that once roamed on land, were driven out during the Great War and went into hiding. Most of them at least on the upper floors are at least S-class monster while a Catastrophe Class monster have been confirmed on floor nine and sighting of a World-Disaster Monster is considered to be a myth. If such monsters exist and are left free to trespass above, then this world will be surely destroyed.

The last time a World Disaster monster appeared on land, two years ago, an entire country was wiped out, several adventurers, armies and the best warriors were lost. It was thanks to those sacrifices and relentless attacks that we were able to kill such a dangerous monster. Even the word dangerous sounds too feeble to describe the threat it poses.

Before that the only human who could fight against such World Disaster Monster was the Hero – The Sword Princess, but she too died during the Great War while defeating the True Demon Lord.

At present the whole labyrinth has been explored till floor ten and beyond that whoever went was never heard off. It sounds too much of a cliché, but that was a sweet truth without any toppings.

Even the mad adventurers and strongest warriors never claim to or make promises of ever exploring this labyrinth. Such was its glory and fame in the outside world.

Just 200m ahead of us was a huge cave like opening surrounded by rocks. It was a 100 feet tall entrance and 80 feet wide. The whole running parade, without any difficulty ran through the entrance into the dark mysterious cave and stopped just when their appraisal told them that they were in the first floor.

Were we saved, did the plan work or is there something still left. My foresight just kept on giving me the red signal… but nothing of worth.

Just when we thought we could rest for a while, a huge explosion was heard above us and after an enormous crackle. The ground started to shake violently and the above rocks came crashing in. the huge boulders fell from above and had blocked the only entrance and our nearest exit.

I think that was what marked the end of our lives.

"Commander, you have been called for the meeting." Reported a solider from outside the tent.

Usually, I was left out of the meetings since we had entered the labyrinth. All of my soldiers were either sent for scouting or mining the Magitite ores.

I closed down my diary in which I had been recording the events which happened after we made a retreat from our stronghold. I pushed back my chair lazily, since I had lost my motivation to do anything. All that I had left was to look after the soldiers under my wing, the two people I had taken in my care and to think whether I will be able to return to my family or not, my hometown, the farm and the Camila Cherry Forest. Such sweet memories I have of them, will I ever get a chance to make new ones.

I went to the corner of my tent which was covered by a hanging bed-sheet of the same colour. Through the sides I made a small peek and looked at the two sleeping figures.

They may appear peaceful, but from inside they were filled with sadness and remorse of losing their family and home.

They had lost their future. Their freedom. Their happiness. And just about anything.

Sometimes I would find the little girl playing around with the small wooden cubes I gave her or crying in her mother's lap. Usually they both would chatter in lower muffled voices but I couldn't understand their language.

Whenever I would approach them, the girl would always hide behind her mother, but at least it was better than before. Sometimes in my absence she would smile at her mother, maybe she knew that her mother needed a reason to live too. The fear directed towards me had now changed into hesitation of meeting a stranger.

Even though I had been good to them and provided them with necessary supplies, but we were the ones who destroyed their peaceful lives in the first place. They had the every right to hate me, the one who orchestrated and the one who played.

On certain occasion when the child is alone sleeping, I would find her mother weeping without making a single sound or whisper. That was her resolve, to not let anyone know about her fears and depressed state, her losses, but to stay strong for her child. To remain calm and find a way to survive.

For this harsh world, where such cruelty exists, can there be a time where people can live with peace, even though it means we have to live under the fear of someone strong? Someone who can judge everyone, not only humans but all living species equally? Someone who can make friends with anyone, someone who can with a single glance take down the enemies who threaten the peace of this world? Even though it means that we have to give our certain rights, I would whole heartedly welcomed a ruler who can put an end to all these conflicts, discrimination, inequalities and crush down every opposition with strong force if need arises to.

All I want is to live each day without fear – a happy peaceful life. To guarantee our safety, and help us in our needs unconditionally. The dread of a bandit attack, terror of a monster invasion, horrors of an enemy nation attacking or the pain of being betrayed by your own. To be free from all.

I walked past several prison carriages and tents. The soldiers were dried out like raisins left out for too long in salt water. Simply put they were overworked and completely depressed.

We would soon run out of supplies, food and water. Eating monsters is not an option as they can be poisonous. The soldiers who were unable to fight or were not good enough against monsters were either send to the first floor to clear the blocked exit or were put up for mining the Magitite ores growing out of the walls and ceiling. These rocks were so tough that it took a lot of effort even with the best tools we had, but even a small amount of these could help you to lead a rich happy and fulfilled life. The people at the top, wanted these rocks for themselves, to garnish as much money as they could.

But for me these were just chunks of normal rock – for they can neither help you satisfy your hunger, neither can you wear them, nor built houses with them. Because in times like these, for survival we don't need the metal coins. In this trapped hellish place they are pretty much useless. We don't even have the required skills to make strong weapons out of these rocks.

The princess just couldn't stay at the first floor and took the bait of the third commander who made her talk to his tune. To move in below floors and mine more ores, while the other soldiers clear the exit. No matter how many soldiers we loose here, but if we make back to the empire with as much resources as we could then it's a win for them.

At present we were on the tenth floor and had just the previous day defeated two hundred' Blood Rogue Ogres'. Many soldiers were lost in that battle, it was thanks to the diversions on the battleground that the soldiers could keep on attacking.

By now we had lost almost 1200 soldiers. But this number could have been twice, no thrice or maybe we would not even have been able to make up till floor ten unless we had sacrificed those beastmen captured.

You are right in thinking, that those beastmen were used as decoys. They were mercilessly thrown in front of the monster, to become their prey, while the soldiers took their sweet time to kill those monsters. The number of slaves captured in thousands had now reduced to hundred.

It is probable that with the dwindling supplies, all of them would be killed in the next floor.

I was now standing outside the princess's tent, being thoroughly checked by guards and after getting clearance entered the huge area with a table put in between surrounded by chairs more than required.

Almost all of the commanders were present except for that of 4, 5, and 8 who lost their lives on the above floors.

After paying my respect to the princess I took my seat.

Princess Siesta, one of the most beautiful princesses in the entire world, now looked horribly dull to me. She had black spots under her eyes and her royal clothes smells that of booze. Even now I think she is under the effects of alcohol. She had lost it.

While she knew that she could overwhelm the beastmen villages she was cheerful and motivated. Giving orders to kill and slaughter without thinking for a second. She herself never visited the war-torn region, and if she had then maybe by any chance she would have realized the mistake she was making and would have pulled back. But now we were doomed, I wonder whose fault it is. Maybe it was all of us who were at fault – they just don't go and call it collective responsibility for no reason at all.

In the face of odds and real danger, she had abandoned her duties and had strayed away from her path. One could say she was heading to the path of ruin and destruction. In the royal palace such a situation would have been harshly treated and would have declared the princess as a failure – TRASH leading to disownment.

The conversation began with a heated argument of what to do with the remaining beastmen.

Some suggested finishing them off in the next floor. A team of twenty soldiers had been dispatched to floor eleven for reconnaissance. But they haven't returned, most probably they were found out by the monsters and killed.

Another unit was being made ready to gain information on the new kind of monsters we had to face.

Most of them had given up hope. We had successfully mined all the ores, but no results were being produced by the people who were clearing off the rubble in front of the entrance. The rocks were just too big and sturdy. Especially they had a special anti-magic effect on them, so they couldn't even be fixed by magic.

Outside contact was impossible; all the transmission magic had failed reception. It was probably because we are in a different pocket-dimension in each of the floors. After all such huge spaces can't be built inside the dungeons.

This labyrinth was the symbol of both the glory and the gore of the Great War, where are ancestors fought against the evil with the Gods. To gain the riches you had to put your life on the line.

At some point we would run out of food and water – death was certain. We didn't know how many floors we had to go down. Or at which floor a monster would wipe out all of us? Death seemed inevitable.

And all of us had realized that.

In that heated moment of our discussion – a solider of the princess's guard came in running.

"T-the beastmen they are...….revolting. They have broken free from their cages and are attacking us. Reporting twenty five casualties. For now we have apprehended the aggressors."

Commander Ritt at this news rose up from his seat and banged on the table, "How dare those filthy animals tried to back-stab us. First we got caught up here because of their kin-race. But we showed them kindness by giving them food even though we could have left them to rot here. This is how they pay us."

The princess too made a disgusted face and started biting her finger-nail tips. "Those Bald Monkeys, those demons who pretend to be humans. Filthy. Such filthiness, I can't stand it. So this is how they show their kindness to us. To the royal princess. Insolent fools."

"Princess, I say we should execute them all, to show them the price they have to pay to go against the royal princess." Commander Ritt, with his blood pressure shot as high as it could, and his reddened eyes, probably because of over-drinking and drug doses, shouted out his proclamation as loud as he could.

And so did the other commanders followed in his footsteps.

"Yeah, it is entirely their fault that we are in this predicament."

"I say we just get over with them. Filthy beast animals."

"Sharing our provisions with them had been a waste from the start. I support this proposal."

"So we should execute all of them in front of the soldiers after one hour from now."

The princess finally rose up from her seat and brandished a hand in front; in her dismal yet excited tone said "Slay all those pests. I don't want to see a single one of them alive. It is all their fault that I am stuck down here. So I will make them suffer just as much they had made me suffer."

"Soldiers round them up, you heard the princess. It is time for the filth to pay with their cursed blood."

All the soldiers who heard this cry got fired up. I had no way to object the proposal which was deemed passed by all the sitting members. And the ways the people are reacting…. Was I the only sane person left? What has happened to these soldiers, who pledged to lay down their life to protect the honour of our country, were now behaving like mindless barbarians. This madness – there was no escaping it.

I needed to return to my tent, because…

A huge hand crept on my shoulders and my legs froze.

"If I am not forgetting then you commander have two of these cursed creatures in your care now. My people will escort you to get them in their right place. So hurry up, you don't plan on defying the orders of the princess are you."

I could then feel several gazes piercing through me, obviously for no good reason at all.

As if land had cracked below my feet and my blood froze. The only thing that kept me sane here was going to be killed in mere moments.

So I think I too became impatient and lost my cool. After all it was not something I could just go forward and accept, not as a commander but a human being who wanted to trust what he had seen with his eyes up till now, that amidst these savages there would be still a glitter of hope.

"But, those two weren't even part of that revolt just now. They never would hurt anyone. How could you just kill a small child?"

"But surely, when they grow up their hate for us will grow and then they will come after our lives for revenge. We can't let that happen."

"But even you are not sure of that. Punishing someone of a crime that never happened…that is not justice."

"There is no fair play during the war. Now get yourself moving, or are you trying to side with the enemy. If so then be my guest. All of your property will be confiscated by the Empire; your family back there will be exiled and labeled as traitors too. You don't want that happening do you?"

My eyes were now dead, for what I had heard was enough to make my soul break. Maybe I was too weak to become a soldier after all. The glory, the fame and the bravery of the battlefield was too bright a dream for a kid like me back then. But it's all hollow and dark now. Maybe I should have stick to farming and making medicine at home. With that I could have at least lived a longer and maybe somewhat of a peaceful life with my family, without knowing the dark secrets of this world.

I was now somehow standing in front of my tent. I involuntarily walked inside and pushed the curtain where two life forms were sitting and playing with each other, merrily clapping hands according to their own tune.

The small girl lifted her head up and smiled at me for the first time.

Her bright eyes, which had seen atrocities which no kid should have seen, were still innocent.

What is this? Why now of all times? Because of the consequences of my decisions you are all going to die.

I banged my hands as loudly as I could on the wooden shelf to wake myself up. But by now the soldiers outside the tent thrust in forward without my consent. This was a sign of pure defiance of a superior, but I knew it was the order of someone else. Someone whose voice and action at present drifted everyone's dark hearts.

But if their hearts are dark, then I wonder what colour would mine be. Because I just stood there watching silently. I neither had the power to stop those ruffian soldiers nor the strength to knock them down.

Just a bystander, who couldn't make up his own mind….

Then maybe I had no heart at all, my soul was long missing. Just like a brittle glass piece, it had already been shattered to pieces.

The beastwoman and beastchild kept staring at me, crying and shouting for help, that's what it actually sounded like, seeing how rough the soldiers were trying to be with them.

Their hands were tied tightly with the rough rope and slowly carried to the open area where other beastmen were being tortured. Their hands tied too and loud deafening screams could be heard. Beaten with all kinds of weapons like mace, hammer, piercer. There were all kinds fingers cut, tails smashed, or an ear missing.

Who could have done these kind of terrible things to them, and the answer was everywhere around me.

The woman and the child too were thrown like non-living objects where all the beast people were together.

"Slaughter them all. Peirce those cursed monkeys and cleanse this land of the filth." The princess vociferously made her proclamation.

In a second several soldiers drew out their swords, some placed their spears in front and at the signal of Commander Ritt, thrusted their pointed tips without any mercy into those living beings whose hands were tired, half-dead and weak to the point that they couldn't even stand up to fight back or run.

The child who was crying up until now, started howling. Somehow by grace she was still alive. But how….

I lifted up my eyes, which were too scared to see such violence. But the sound was just too striking that it pulled me in.

"AWOOOOOHHHHHH" howling screams, and dried tears ran through the little beast girl faces. She was just around seven years old and was face to face with such evils of the society. Her mother was impaled with two long spears in her abdomen and a sword half ran through near her chest. But she had a small smile on her face and before she ran out of her life she muttered something in her daughter's long white ears.

The cries kept on getting deeper and deeper as if resonating with the feelings in my mind and the broken pieces of the soul were slowly brought back together. I clenched the glass piece that was hanging in front of my neck and quietly whispered to it. "Sorry, Miya but it seems that your father will not be able to keep his promise and will die as a traitor for all and a forsaken hero for myself. At least let me be that."

I refuse to let my fear control me anymore. I started running towards the centre where that girl was crying, I was planning to pick her up and run towards the next floor, without any else thought in my mind. While all the soldiers will be too afraid and give up on the chase. As for the monsters I will think afterwards.

I saw several soldiers running past me with their sword and crying in unison. Their war cries for blood.



I won't be able to make it. Even this chance is gone. The picture of girl being killed in front of me was making me go beyond insane. Just the thought of it was making me cry. Not for the little girl, neither for me but the thought that I was part of this whole fiasco – which people like to call chivalry. I had failed as a human being, a soldier and as a living rational & emotional being too.

Someone, anyone please help that girl that was all I could think about. But I couldn't see a single glance with the glint of kindness I was hoping for but faces without an eye, ear, and nose but curved lines facing upwards.

My eyes had closed and I had given up on running, and so did the voices, which were now giving the vibe of astonishment and confusion.

My gazes met with a white being, which had eight red-beaded eyes, gazing almost through us, as if appraising our worth. I looked at other soldiers and they were trapped in some kind of strong and sticky white thread.

I made sure to take a proper look at the new found scenery and was flabbergasted to the extent that it made me happy and scream out in joy.

A giant spider, almost as huge as a normal sized trunk in which I used to keep my knight suit, was standing in front of the beast girl as if trying to protect her from the soldiers. The soldiers too were still confused and trapped in the webs.

Its colour was so white that it reminded me of the cold winter snow that once destroyed our crops, but actually I enjoyed playing with it. It had its own bitter and sweet side.

Any attempt the soldiers made, they were found trapped in the webs which were now spread all across us forming a small impenetrable wall.

The more the soldiers tried to resist, the more they got entangled with the threads. While some tried to strike it down with their swords while others used fire magic but none of them seemed to work.

Commander Ritt was shouting at his full voice, frustrated at the sudden strange turn of events. "Get rid of that weak little spider. Protect the princess and kill the cursed evil beast girl who has collaborated with the monsters."

Now the Silver Imperial Knights had appeared who were the strongest in the whole army and had levels above 4500. A single Imperial knight was capable of defeating two hundred soldiers all on his own without putting much effort. They excelled in magic, swordsmanship and practiced aural arts. Somehow they were able to dodge the webs, or maybe use objects and other soldiers to keep themselves from being caught. But still they were unable to close in near the spider. The beast girl was still crying while hugging her mother who was now drenched in red blood.

She just couldn't let it go and accept….. No one could have.

Thousands of soldiers, mages and imperial knights had surrounded the spider, but they were not making much progress. But what surprised me most was that not a single soldier had been killed yet.

I used appraisal on the white spider and out of bewilderment took a step back. How is this even possible? A level 9 spider, and just at level 9 can use all kinds of magic attributes which are almost maxed out at that too. Even with my maxed out appraisal skill I was unable to see its title and something sort of called a 'unique skill' which was new to me.

But what really surprised me that the spider could use both divine light and dark matter magic. It was not that it was unheard of, magic used by the Gods of the divine realm and Devils of the Hell; but it was something that is totally impossible. Two strongest opposing attributes can never exist in a single entity; otherwise the soul being of that person will fall apart.

But seeing such a creature standing right in front of me was a miracle. If word goes out about such a monster then it can even be labeled as catastrophe class monster just at level 9, which was usually designated to monsters with level above 4000.

Maybe I should stop calling it a monster, even though it has no name, and spiders are considered one of the weakest monster species. Somehow it was different than all the monsters I had encountered in my life. It was protecting not only the beastgirl but was keeping the other soldiers away without hurting anyone. It was an intelligent being and maybe kind too. Such words for a monster meant more than the world to anyone else.

But I don't think this could keep up for long, the number of soldiers are far above than a single being can alone handle without killing them, even though the monster looked determined and resolved of what it was doing. It needs to take away the girl and run, but there is no place or opening to go. Also the mental state of the beast girl does not appear to be that good.

I was trying my best to think of a way to create a diversion and allow the both of them to escape. I was ready to face any consequences and punishment for my actions on that part. That was the only thing I could do.



I looked up again at all the unfolding chaos, and among all that the princess was standing behind the beast girl, with a dagger imbued in blood and red drops scattered all over her royal dress and her unsightly face.

I was late again, I failed again, and this was the third failure on my part. I was weak and foolish to think that I could do something. A coward who just stood by and watched.

I was afraid to die, I finally realized it. Am I not allowed to have this feeling?

The princess was laughing like a madman, while all the other soldiers who were fighting up till now stood and watched.

I think they too had realized up till now what they were actually doing and what they had done up till now.

But my eyes followed that of the spider who tried to bring back the beheaded girl's head back at its position and tried to cast some kind of magic maybe a healing spell.

A monster with compassion. Ha….

But something was not right, the magical pressure in the surrounding, I could feel it increasing; it was exponentially so high that I was knocked down to the ground.

The white spider was now surrounded in a dark purple aura and something similar was happening to the other soldiers. Some cried in pain, most of them tried shouting for help or uttered curses and words of doubt. I could feel my bones being crushed under that huge pressure; my legs had already become numb.

The ground was shaking, and all the tents by now had fallen. Most of the soldiers were experiencing the same thing, lying on the floor and unable to move. While some of those who were outstanding fighter and the imperial knights were barely able to move. It was some kind of high-class gravity magic which I had never heard of as a strategic class soldier, I had read all the books on magic and its types, the discovered spells and their specific characteristics. But gravity magic was a rare one, and something this strong a spell to manifest was never recorded in history.

The next all I could remember was a bright light shrouded in darkness, maybe I was dreaming the impossible. But this light had blackened my view leaving me unconscious.



I was now on floor eleven, and as usual was prepared to hunt down all the monsters in there.

I used my appraisal skill across the floor and spotted hundred 'SCOUNDRIEAL KOBOLDS'. They were all of level 2500 and possessed extraordinary agility, magic sense and sharp canines to hunt down their prey in one bite.

But for now they seemed to be awesomely quite. It's not like the monsters that possess magic sense, because they would start attacking me immediately just after I enter their territory.

I used telescopic view and saw some of them munching over something. On close inspection, their food was something covered in metal, evident from the clanking sound that resonated through.

"HUMANS. I finally found them." Even though they were dead I couldn't contain my excitement and burned down the whole floor with {BLACK FLARE}. No need to worry I made sure that all the humans were already dead.

If I want to establish contact with them, then of course I can't kill them. Even though they will be hostile to me in the start but if I am able to somehow relay that I am harmless then I do have a chance of co-operation.

I was hoping to meet some humans since I was nearing the entrance but this was just too soon. With the small group of humans dressed in a knight's uniform I can conclude that they were a scout party. That means I will be meeting alive humans on the next floor, PROBABLY.

If they are not killed that is. The monsters here are pretty strong.

I should go forward with the fact in mind that I won't be greeted with a special welcome, since we won't be able to talk as our languages will be different.

Usually in novels I read that reincarnated people avoided such situations and meetings. But how about pictures and sketches, surely I can make using some with my webs, don't doubt my drawing skills. They are pretty good; at least you can call them above average. Or I can carve on the ground the symbol of peace by shaking hands. Humans were successfully able to communicate using pictures during Stone Age and they also used this method in Egyptian civilization.

The better choice would be that if I swoop in and save them from the monsters, if they are being attacked and on the verge of being defeated that is. It is totally the event where a character can gain trust; respect and forge bonds of friendship. They will owe their life to me.

But there is always just the case that the humans are strong and they won't bother with an absurd and irrational behavior of a monster and would simply kill me, considering an anomaly of the labyrinth. Considering that I actually am, being a reincarnate from another world, saving this world and tied to a goddess – pretty normal to speak of. HUH.

That would be bad.

Then I can't forget that I am bad at communicating things too. A complete failure on my part. Why did I have to go and isolate myself in the previous life? But maybe it is also an opportunity to know people of this world for the first time. I will be their friendly neighbourhood spider.

Well there is no point in wasting time and thinking about stuff that will matter in the long run. Of course I am not thinking of the good food I can obtain from the humans. I also need to make sure that I am not the first to show hostility against them. I must completely act normal.

Wait is monster communication with humans even considered normal. Maybe they worship spiders in this world that would be the silver lining of the clouds which had foreshadowed my life up until now. Well this is a new world who knows what will happen next.

I had now entered through the gateway that leads to floor 10, and honestly speaking it was a very large floor. The ceiling was a bit low but the area expanded far and wide.

But my eyes were fixed on the hundreds of huge tents that covered the entire place. And a huge compound area was left bare in between.

I used invisibility skill on myself using the kinetic eye and started walking across the tents and the laid down path. I was delighted to see the things created by humans for the first time.

There was cloth, mugs, steel plates, firewood, tools, swords, nails, thrown here and there. Ahem, of course it was like a trip to museum seeing historic things. Obviously you can't expect technological advancement in a magical world. Even though they were simple daily use item, I just couldn't calm down my curiousness.


Loud noises were coming from the mid-compound open area. That's right I was so into it that I forgot to notice that all the humans were missing. So there they all were.

But these cheers did not look like they were singing or supporting someone. I don't know why but it felt a bit sinister.

I quickly crawled my way through the tents and reached the sidelines of the commotion and took a flight in the sky.

Just what on earth was happening? Swords and spears were passed through alive beings while all they could do was cry in anguish with their hands tied making them look like some criminals. They were the beastmen whom I read about back when I was with Lady Athena collecting information about the world in which I was about to be born. Not that I thought I would meet one of them so soon. But these circumstances….

The people who were cheering after killing those beastmen, how can they still smile? A bitter taste had filled my mouth. Somehow all of this reminded me of the floor where I defeated the goblin race and how they ensured their own survival. The people who were killing these for whatever reasons I don't care; were the real monsters. No crime can garner such attention and savagery.

But what was that little girl doing among them. A girl with white fox ears and tail was tightly clenching with both her hands to another figure that was already dead and crying at the top of her voice. How could I tell, that she was dead just by looking, because I think somewhere along the line while hunting the monsters I had learned to sense the breath of life from the people around me.

Mother, I think that's what she was, to the little girl. Being impaled by spears and swords, she was still able to move and protect her daughter from death by becoming a shield herself, no matter how many times she had to die, no matter how much pain she had suffered and no matter how much pain she will suffer, she will happily just do anything for her own child because that's what a mother is for. No, to put it more appropriately – because that's what a mother always tend to do for her children. The relation tied by the strings which even Gods cannot break, how these humans dare try to defile, such a holy bond and still run their mouths laughing and continue with their killing spree like mindless fiends.

"I will not allow this to happen; I will not let her die."

I will save her; I cannot allow seeing someone getting destroyed again. I cannot allow the same events to repeat again. Losing someone dear to you, reminded me of my own parents whom I had forgotten after the road accident. Yes, my whole childhood with my parents is blank. A monster like me can't even cry. But this girl behind me is just like my previous self, who at present has no one to help her and hungry animals surround her to take advantage of this weakness.

Even though I was a bit late, I cannot let the sacrifice of her mother be in vain. I cannot also kill a human, because Lady Athena won't like it. I am not a murderer. All I have to do is to keep these soldiers restrained and make an opening through these large numbers while carrying the beast child somewhere far away.

But the numbers of these humans keeps on increasing; and all have different strength and are persistent. They think they can kill me, but I am not the same weak person whom you can toy with; you see I have a promise to fulfill. But if I leave a person in need alone then I can't be content by just the promise being fulfilled in its worded terms. That's something neither of us would like to happen.

Not killing these humans and still restraining them is getting tougher by every moment flew by. What kind of people are these using their own men as shields and hiding behind others back?

Maybe with this, even though that kid has just now lost her mother and seen such awful things, if I save her and spend some time with her…. Or maybe cook some good food for her on a regular basis then she will cheer up a bit. Well, it does for me. Maybe I will get to make my first friends in this new world, right here in this dungeon. The fact that she will accept me even though I am a monster. Somehow the thought of it makes me happy.

But things were not looking upright, my hands were getting full, some of these humans are exceptionally skilled, I need to produce webs at a much faster rate otherwise they will get to that girl or even kill me before I am able to do anything.

Unexpectedly, my danger senses somehow were behaving a bit differently, with these many people directing their hostility towards me, before I could realize I heard a sinister laughter. Not a laughter of a human or a monster but the laughter of a mindless being. I looked back and another girl I had not accounted for was holding a dagger covered in blood and was slowly wiping the blood shots that had fallen on her faces.

"No, no, no, no ,no, no."

"Not again. Not her too."

I tried to move the fallen head of that little girl with care and placed it at its correct position and without delay casted my strongest healing magic as with as much magical energy I could imbue in it.


There were no changes, no movements, unlike my past experiences where I would even come back from the verge of death.

I must keep on trying. My magic has never failed me.


'Once more. It should work now. I am sure of it.'


'Please don't give up now…not now…please. I just wanted to save you, I was sure I am not late at least saving you was for sure.'



"But why, why won't it work. Is it because she is deep asleep now. Even though I wanted to save her."

I was supposed to save the world but couldn't even save this small girl. I thought I had grown up to be strong after beating those monsters, but I was just getting ahead of myself.

I am still weak. Still shy. Still afraid. Still confused. Still unable to make the right choice and go along with it when it counts the most. If only I had made the right calling and killed those monsters in front of me who called themselves humans.

It was no different than earth; just their ways had changed, a bit more inclined to violence and fight. Saving the World for these beings, I couldn't have been more wrong. I needed to save the world from them.

Was there any purpose to all of this? Isn't it wrong for me to seek purpose in another's life and death?

The chains which were binding me – the feeling that I was still human. That I still had a human heart inside me will get me nowhere. It was all a lie, or at least now I want it to be. Because of my own insecurities and carelessness of handling this situation a person's life was lost. It was my naive behavior and optimistic thinking. I had lightened up and became careless. She was still so young and the unbearable suffering she was put through….


I had been bent and broken, but I now knew I can hop into a better shape. A form that can really save this world. The only way is to cleanse it of all evil. Anyone who tries to hurt an innocent is my enemy. And I kill all my enemies; I will not waver in my resolve nor discriminate against those who try to disturb the peace of this world.

This hollow black-pitch box- is it MY ROOM – back on earth - in which I was sitting in, with my legs folded and head down – was it really me. But why of all places I am here now. I need to get back right now.

"Every single living being goes through their life depending on their past experience, awareness of the present and hopes for the future. And that's what they call reality. One's reality might be an illusion for other. Didn't you wanted to live according to your own little fantasy story?"

It was a voice I had never heard before, a voice which did not sound human at all and more like a mechanical robot. Not that I care.

For me everything was in heartbreak…. The pain of a breaking heart. This loss I suffered even though I hadn't even taken a good look at her face, neither talked to her, but she felt so familiar and close to me. The situation she was in was much similar to mine, maybe worse than others. It was her reality, but who was to be blamed to give her such a sad role.

Is it true that there are chosen-ones and the not-chosen ones for victory, happiness, kindness, envy, sorrow and anything I was feeling.

The pain of being alone is completely out of this world! Even now I am alone, in this dark room, in the dungeon surrounded by enemies and I wonder what will happen on the surface.

In this far-fetched reality of mine! Nothing ever goes as planned. The longer I live, the more I realize that in this reality, only pain, emptiness and suffering, exists for me and those around me.

Looks can be deceiving. What a person looks from the outside may actually be different but there is the possibility that from the inside he is still the same. The same goes for me. Maybe I was just pretending to be a hero, trying to save the kid was just a stupid role I wanted to play. In truth by giving preference to not killing those humans I was prioritizing my own safety. I was just a pretender like others. And now the pain of this guilt won't go. The more I think about it the more it hurts.

The more I acknowledge my mistake the more I remember of my past ones. I had got the unique skill of the All Seeing Eyes Of the God but maybe I was blind to not see through the fact that I was not in a story with plot-twist to bring forth my supremacy, but a small life in which I had to survive with my loved ones no matter what. No matter how peaceful it appears on the top, the bottom of the ocean and the inside heart of a person are always in constant stir.

"Do you understand pain a little now? The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."

"Go away, just what do you want with me." I cried out as loud as I could trying to vent out my frustration on this menacing voice.

"I am just an existence of coalesced energy, the energy that once was a part of single, ultimate form. I seek a master who can wield me."

Hate is that what I feel against those who did those horrible things to those people. Is it disgust? I don't know. Or solely anger. I am still not sure. What is the feeling that would justify my action of killing them, to seek more power, the truth that why was she killed even before she had the chance to view the world a little more. When Lady Athena promised me that she will be by my side while we would travel the whole world, I was so happy. Would she have been too if I offered her to join up?

In this past, her life was just a fleeting moment of my memory, and yet I was making such a big deal out of it. Was it because I was alone, or someone helpless being killed in front of me made my heart move.

Instead of using my powers to destroy others just to sate my own pain, I want to use it to change the world into something better. To transform it into a place not with those incomprehensible and only a moment convenient notions of peace, equality, justice – BUT THE WAY I SAW FIT.

I have finally decided what I needed to do; this feeling of hatred is what I need to get rid of. Not only from my heart but from all the people of this world. Even though it sounds impossible, and ultimate stupidity, that's the kind of world I would like to live in.

"How can you say that you will never change? That you will not change, no matter how great the pain you face? No matter the losses you will suffer and the people who will come to hate you for this in return? Can you continue believing in yourself forever? "

You should give up on trying making me give up now.

This is one of the things I have decided on my own and there is now way I am going to give up now.

When people get hurt, they learn to hate...When people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind to each other. Even though it may be out of sympathy.

Even though I won't be able to hate others I will gladly accept the hatred of those, it could be the whole world against me.

"Can you guarantee it? Can you have such faith in yourself?"

Though there always be enemies around me, you see I have a friend outside. The promise we made, to share our pain and the understanding we have between us, this feeling of being at peace with her far surpasses any other.

As for the faith in myself I am going to prove it to you not by words but with my actions.

I stood up from my sitting position and walked up to the place where the dark room seems to end and then I tried to pass my hand through the door.

The dark room, cracked like a brittle glass plain, just by my single touch.

"You see, I told you. Let's meet again, when this world have become a little better than before."


The room shattered into pieces which dissolved in an instant into the bright light that was in my vicinity. Light brighter than that of the largest star of the cosmos and warmer than that of sun engulfed me in an instant. While a black fluid settled underground started rising up like a storm and mixed itself in with me.

This was my power and mine alone, it's all up to me how I use it.

I know that better than any other. The world in which I want to live. The world I wanted to create and the world I wanted to save from drowning in hatred and despair.











Allows user to have certain authority over the soul core of beings that are weaker than the user or lack the will to live. Does not apply on beings that have strong life force and strong will power.



Allows user to have certain authority over the soul core of beings that are weaker than the user or lack the will to live. Does not apply on beings that have strong life force and strong will power.


NAME : --------



LEVEL : 10













"I see, so this is what happens when people die." I was now standing just beside my dead body. I must have died after I had fainted. Several other dead bodies lay beside, all of their lives extinguished.

Now I will never be able to return home, to my wife and my daughter Miya. But somehow I feel blessed, to be able to witness what was happening in front of me. After the high class gravitational magic force field was casted, most of us were rendered immobile.

The pure white being in front of me was shrouded both in a mystical bright golden light, too bright for me to see and at the same time darkness kept revolving around it, which was again too dark for me to see anything.

But something unique and magnificent was happening to the spider – I was witnessing a change that might change the world for good. And for all I cared that I wanted to be a part of it, to see it through the end.

The radiant rays that kept on launching itself from the centre of all attraction burned everything to nothingness leaving miniature dark spots. The moment it touched anything it was reduced to black strings slowly vanishing.

The cries of the dying and the vanishing ashes of the dead – it was all but in a fleeting moment all over. Something that was satisfying my own fury and relentless hatred for others.

That day a mere single monster wiped out a force of almost 8,000 knights within seconds. Something which only a supreme being could do.

Now there's something I understand a little better. In this world, wherever there is light - there are also shadows. And talking about peace, whilst spilling blood, it's something that only humans can do.

The concept of something being entirely 'right' cannot be more less true. A word that has no true meaning.

Today I had learned things I shouldn't have.

Of how I was born a simpleton, lived like a fool and died like a coward. The true measure of a knight is not only how he lives but also how he dies. And mine was pitiful, just like all the others here.

To try finding the meaning about your true self, will lead you to nothing. Because those who cannot accept their real self always fails.

Soon the whole room got covered itself in that bright golden light and I too started turning into black fading strings.

This was my soul we are talking about. I had heard of people saying that when you die you become one with the True God.

This feeling of becoming one with something unexplainable, beyond the universal boundaries, something grand and inexplicable. It was so satisfying, as if the whole truth was now open to me like a vast pacific ocean in which you can sink to the bottom and still not drown. It was like having an epiphany. A vision of a place where one day everyone will be able to understand each other.

Is the being in front of me a - GOD......

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