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"Today is finally the day when I regain my freedom and cursed I would be if I fail to stop your oppression." The little boy lashed out and while yelling, pointed a curved wooden sword fit for his small 12-year delicate body characteristics. A swift wind continuously flew in between the twisted and curly gaps of the dense trees growing and tracing an almost complete circle around them. Most probably this open area with little to no grass in contrast to the intense overgrowth as observed in the forest, was in no way an ordinary occurrence. Consequently it used to be a magical hotspot where monsters could grow and easily absorb magical energy, but for now that had been quelled.

It was merely a training ground for the girl, who too held a wooden straight sword with a thin lining and a blunt edge. While their blades pointed at each other with the intention to take down the another and in no way they seemed to be related because the boy was an elf and the girl a human. Their relaxed gazes and excited expression on their faces only tend to reveal how closely they knew each other, oblivious to the time they spent together as brother and sisters.

"What are you talking about? You were the one who chose this method to decide who will play the role of the bait." The girl said.

"Elder sister don't tell me that you are scared, after I have improved myself so much. But even if you are backed into a corner now, I won't be showing mercy. But maybe this time if you want I can give you a pass." The boy smirked as he pushed back his left leg along with the loose clay, to tighten his body posture and affirm his grip on the ground. Every movement of his body only enhanced his dignified look and exuded a majestic aura. All in an attempt to intimidate his opponent.

"Says the boy who has by far now lost 289 matches and not a single won." The girl this time tried to copy the boy's accent, as if reminding him of his place on the fighting field.

"You can't blame me, because every time you say we are going to play, you would indiscriminately hang me upside down on the tree and hunt down the monsters that are attracted to this place." The boy complained with a rather undignified outburst ruining the entire effect of the display he had worked to conjure.

"Ereg, weren't we enjoying ourselves a lot?" the girl said as she straighten her back and tilting her head quizzically with a concerned look; she suddenly burst into laughter, even if it was just for an instant and then returned to the matter at hand.

The boy who was mesmerized by his big sister's endearing appearance, soon realized what a fiendish laughter she could have at the same time and her ruthlessness be damned as how she would always dominate over everything with her charming looks and her innocent polished cajolery. But he had finally seen through the visages and the true nature of his big sister and won't give in to the urges, at least not without a fight.

"Don't give me that, because the only one who was enjoying was you?" Ereg stopped speaking for a second as all the horrors he had suffered until now came rushing in like a reel of thoughts but as soon as he got back his will power, "While suffering such humiliation in the face of monsters and unable to do a single thing to protect myself…." the boy continuously hurled complaints for a while, but then realizing it was useless he renewed his determination and continued, " That's right I have gotten much stronger now. Get ready and I will force you to meet the same fate when I defeat you."

The elf boy, Ereg gazed at the sudden expressionless and calm composure of her sister. Unlike he who was overcome with too many emotions, doubts and strategies filled to the brim in his head. As he covered his face with his free hand, he realized just how unpleasantly creased they had become when it had been only a couple of seconds that had passed. His long curly ears twitched a little to confirm there were not any other sounds that could have interfered with the battle and at the same time it could be described as him taking the feel of his surroundings.

"Here I come." The boy announced the start of the fight as his everyday calling and launched himself at his opponent, while his sister stood there like a statue with an indifferent look on her face as ever.

Aiming for her fingers where they gripped the wooden sword, he swung upwards, accelerating his entire body, making sure that she could not respond or dodge it by moving her body.

Ereg's sword would have made an absolute contact with her fingers but somehow Caroline had managed to change the hold of the sword from her usual hand to another and parried her little brother's strike away with a swift simple swing like blowing away a fly.

Even though Ereg would not have been easily put off by just one unsuccessful attempt; rather he prepared himself to head for a second strike.

Lowering his stance and after feigning for a defensive posture he hurled back his sword and raced it against all the physical world barriers changing the direction at the same time he pushed it forth with all his might, in an attempt to throw off Caroline's timing, like thrusting a rapier straight into an opponent's abdomen.

But his sword this time only met with air as she completely disappeared from his sight.

Ereg kept himself calm and instead of searching for his opponent with his eyes he totally shut them off and a cold energy seemed to have been playing inside his mind.

'From the right.' Ereg spoke to himself so feebly that it could only just have been heard by him. Drawing his hands backward, he gripped the sword with both his hands, and holding it firmly along the ribs vertically, he prepared to block.

"Even if you can predict from where I come, it's useless if you cannot match to my strength." Caroline who responded to his monologue, swung the sword in the same way as Ereg predicted.

But not having enough power to tackle the blow and disperse the blow's impact he was thrown several yards away.

"Ughhhh…" Ereg groaned from the pain of being treated like a sandbag. "I am not done yet." Ereg screamed as he again stood firmly on his toes, the next moment.

Somehow he felt the pain only temporarily as he realized that he luckily landed on the softer part of the ground and prepared himself for another attack.

According to the probabilities he had calculated in his brain through his skill it was much more likely that Caroline would charge forward and then would jump to make a hit on his head. Visualizing everything in his head he decided to dodge the attack and when his sister would be unable to change her posture mid-air he would claim complete victory by knocking over her head.

Ereg who painted a solemn expression over his grin was bursting with joy from within. As he had claimed, his sister rushed forward from upfront.

"Fire from my palm, become a spear and burn all creation." Ereg chanted a magical spell in almost an instant and channeling magic he reinforced his sword at the same time to further execute the next plan of action.

The conjured spear headed towards Caroline with perfect precision.

But as Ereg had surmised it was insufficient to even halt her sister's charge.

Caroline flashing her sword swung it so hard that the fire composition of the lance turned into a chunk of disoriented smoke. Using it as a cover Caroline jumped above and thought to surprise Ereg with an uppercut on his head.

At least that's how it should have been.

Until Ereg when thought to shift himself from the trajectory of the swing from the Caroline hanging in the air, he was unable to move.

He looked down and saw that his legs were jammed inside the sand.

Unfortunately for him, Caroline had already considered the skills of Ereg and planned one step ahead.

"NOOOOOO…." Ereg's creamed was the only sound that followed afterwards. And a ― Bang! Next.

While Caroline stood there enjoying her 290th victory, Ereg held both of his hands over his head, rubbing it softly over the bump.

The only thing that he had on his mind was now to formulate a ― 'RUN & ESCAPE PLAN'.

No matter how embarrassing and cowardly it might be for a prince; he knew that a few times more and he might get accustomed to that horrific experience. It would be just like breaking down from within and submitting to the whims of his big sister, just like everyone else did. Somehow, he had to, while his sister was still not watching.

Quietly and hiding all intent and putting a damper over all the noises generated through his movements he started running at full speed. Just when he thought he was able to get away, by almost reaching the perimeter of the circular clearing, he felt a stretch across his leg.

Until he fell head butt and gained a second bruise over his head.

Turning back he again saw a fine-looking and affectionate smile on his sister's face, as if expressing remorse. But for him it spoke otherwise and would only spell his doom.

"Ereg, should I tie you or would you like to help yourself." Caroline said as she pulled one end of the rope, while the other attached to her little sibling ― helpless and bounded by the mere caprices of his sister.

"At least let me see the doctor and get this bruise treated." Ereg bawled almost breaking into tears.

"But a loss is a loss. Don't worry I am sure we can find some medicinal herbs and I remember going through a magical herb blooming in this season last night in the library. Now hurry up, I don't want my training time to be compromised and you know it better than anybody." The smile on Caroline's face deepened but Ereg could see a fore looming shadow under it as he felt the grip of the rope tied across his legs tightened. The more he resisted he got pulled towards her sister.

Only leaving his crying and screams to echo in the midst of the wilderness of the dangerous forest.


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Till now I have published from volume one to volume five for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually

storms in the outside world.

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