Chapter 70 - Panic in Everyone’s Heart

After all the necessary examinations were done, Yiyoung was quickly wheeled into the operating room, and her name was posted outside on the notification board.

20 minutes later, Muyeol arrived at the ER. He announced, “I’m the guardian of Dr. Yoon Yiyoung.”

The security let him in immediately. Professor Jung couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Muyeol walk in. “President? Why are you—”

“I’m Dr. Yoon Yiyoung’s husband,” Muyeol cut him off coldly, “Where is my wife?”

Goosebumps rose on the professor’s arms upon hearing Muyeol’s stoic response. The shock from the realization rendered him speechless and he could not respond to Muyeol. So Muyeol grabbed him by the collar and threateningly pulled him close. “I asked you where Yiyoung is.”

“Dr. Yoon i-is… right now…” Professor Jung barely managed to say the answer, and Muyeol left the ER immediately.

The moment he left, the ER staff launched themselves into a frenzy. “Dr. Yoon is married? But she never mentioned anything about it.”

”Oh my gosh. That guy… He was the president!”

“President of?”


“The president of our hospital!”

“Really? That was our president?”

“Yes! Professor Jung was  pulling his hair out on his way back to his office.”

The news of Yiyoung’s marriage spread like wildfire in the ER. Coupled with the chaos from the incident earlier, the news gained traction on a whole new level. Her husband was the president of the hospital… The security measures of the hospital were definitely going to be reviewed now.

Muyeol rushed to the operating room, frantically calling out for Yiyoung. The panic gnawing at him inside left his mind in turmoil; he didn’t even remember how he had gotten to the hospital after receiving Yiyoung’s phone call.

Eventually, his gaze landed on the notification board along with the letters which spelled out her name. He stumbled back as he read her name, her voice playing like a broken record in his mind.

“Yeah, it’s me,” he had said after picking up the call.

“Hey…” she had croaked out.

“Say it.”

“I-I got stabbed by… by a knife, and I’m s-so scared…”


Yiyoung had been stabbed. That was the reality, and Muyeol had to deal with it. He somehow managed to muster the strength to calm himself down, forcing himself to stand tall; the medical stuff could only be done by the doctors, but Muyeol knew he had to do something.

With a tundra-like face, he called up Mr. Hong. His secretary picked up the call instantly, almost as if he had been waiting for it. “Yes, director?”

“Find out what happened at the hospital.”

“Yes, I’ll get right on it.”

Only a second after Muyeol hung up, he heard frantic footsteps from behind him.

“President!” It was the director of the hospital; he had probably rushed to the operating room after receiving a call from Professor Jung. “I’m so sorry about this. We could—”

“Forget it. I want to know exactly what happened to my wife,” Muyeol cut him off.

The director broke out into a cold sweat. He had never heard of Muyeol’s marriage, let alone the fact that his wife was a doctor at the hospital. As he silently wondered why Muyeol never informed anyone about it, he answered, “I heard the police are investigating the case right now. I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling right now. What can I—”

“It’s okay. I’ll take care of this myself, so you should go do your part. Can you even imagine how shocked the patients and their guardians must be? Make sure they’re calm and well-rested.”

“Okay. I will.” The director ran toward the ER, not knowing what else to say.

Muyeol’s rang again, and Mr. Hong’s name flashed across the screen. “Yes?”


“From what I heard…” Mr. Hong began his explanation, and Muyeol fell silent. “The culprit says he did it in the heat of the moment because they treated him wrongly, and he also claims to have a mental problem.”

“Mr. Hong.”

“Yes, director?”

“We’re not going to let this guy see the light of day again.”


“This guy would most likely have to spend only a year or two in jail. He will definitely return to his normal life after that. I want someone to keep an eye on him constantly. Every time he breaks a rule, he should be thrown back into jail. He’ll enter and exit the jail so frequently… he will learn the meaning of dying out of desperation.”

“Okay. I will have someone follow him,” Mr. Hong said before Muyeol ended the call.

However, his phone immediately started ringing again. It was an unknown number, but Muyeol knew precisely who was calling him.

The rumors had probably started spreading the moment he left the meeting room. The call was definitely from Jaeho; he was probably trying to check whether Muyeol truly was at the hospital or not.

Muyeol allowed it to continue ringing; he couldn’t turn off his phone until Mr. Hong reached the hospital. He shoved his hands in his pockets, fingering the ring in it. He had kept it there even after giving Yiyoung’s ring to her. Since he was such an organized person, he never lost it, always making sure it was safe. And right now, the feel of the ring against his hand was filling with positive energy, so he continued to caress it as he pondered over the situation.

Yiyoung had been stabbed in the spleen. They were operating on her, but Muyeol wasn’t so sure about its success. What if Yiyoung ended up having a permanent problem? She would have to always take care of immune system. She… she would need someone to care for her and focus on her treatment.

But the most important thing was… Muyeol ran a hand through his hair, disheveling his perfect hairstyle. ‘What if this is the last straw?’

Even prior to the incident, Yiyoung had been going through tough times. He had noticed how her eyes were filled with disappointment toward others, although she didn’t seem to think the same. That was precisely why he had told her to stop slaving herself away, but now… it truly seemed like she would end up broken forever.

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