Soldiers are early in the morning.

No, not just soldiers, this morning in the world is early.

There's no such thing as electric lights, so the lights at night are candles or firewood.

Candles are fairly expensive, and ordinary people often use firewood. But firewood costs money, too.

So the common man starts to act with the sunrise.

Soldiers, without exception, act with the sunrise.

Early morning running first. He carries a heavy load on his back and runs through the training ground.

Breakfast when that's over.

The menu is black and hard bread.

Bean soup. Bacon.

That's it!

It is as good as bacon.

Once you eat, start working.

There are various types of duties, but the main ones are the patrol of policing in Wangdu. This is like the Japanese police.

Next, the gatekeeper of Wangdu.

This has the purpose of preventing the entry of criminals and preventing the influx of unauthorized goods. Check the carriage carriage and see if there are anyone close to a criminal's copybook.

Next up, patrol around the Wang Capital.

This world is called sword and bow fantasy.

Naturally, there are demons like orcs out there already.

Other classic goblins.

It's a small demon, but it's troublesome because it makes a group.


A demon more powerful and wise than an oak.

Dragon species.

Wyburn and others go in here as well, but there are different kinds of dragons.

There are others, but here we discount them.

The purpose of the patrol is to detect and eliminate early.

Adventurers are more or less people who take requests in the provinces to defeat demons or fetch medicinal herbs.

Herbs also grow around the Wang capital, so this time the adventurer who discovered the herd of oaks was the main adventurer of herb collection.

"Does it look hazy today?

"I hear you got three out yesterday, huh?

"Seriously, then maybe none today"

The crew walks in stupidity.

Goblins are a group.

If you find one, think there are three.

This is the common sense of goblins.

I'm talking about the possibility that it was the last three.

"It may be gushing again, so don't get distracted."

Says Wayne, deputy captain of the platoon.

"Yes, sir! Copy that."

Private responds.

"What do you think of the captain?

"It's been a while since we got out yesterday, hasn't it? I feel like I'm still here."

Patrick answers.

Because he was promoted to chief and tasked with a platoon.

The smallest unit of the army is the detachment.

One detachment, three.

Three detachments, one platoon.

Nine 3x3 plus ten platoon leaders, one platoon.

It is composed of sergeants and corporals, sergeants and superiors, first-class soldiers and private soldiers under the Sergeant.

My next is Sergeant Wayne. So I'm the deputy captain.

"Why don't you go a little deeper?"

Tell them all.

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