"Let's go on a family vacation tomorrow"

When he came home from abroad, his father declared so early after the New Year's greeting. The winter break came to an end one day.

"Speaking of which, you haven't traveled with your family lately... I don't know if that's a good idea"

"I agree!

An early majority of the family turned in favor.

I have no objection either. I'm a little concerned about the rest of my homework... but worst of all, can I handle it if I cry to Yuna?

"So I'm going to ask Alicia to decide where we're going tomorrow."

'Uh... Me, sir?

Alicia is confused that her name came up unexpectedly.

"Yeah, it's gonna be my first family vacation with Alicia."

"If it's a place where we can go on a day trip, we don't have to shy away from all the places we've been."

My mother supplements my father's words.

"I brought you a tourist guide, we'll see and decide together!

Soon Yuna, who had brought a tourist guide, would sit next to me in a chair, spread out the pages of the magazine and be in the position to see it together.

"Wow, wow!...... looks like fun everywhere!

When I turned the guidebook, the photos of tourist attractions, facilities, and specialty products and restaurants were colorful.

Each page passes through the text and then turns the page.

Every time the page changes, Alicia cheers, and we're naturally happy to be watching it together.


Alicia obviously had a different reaction when she saw the page.

What was there were pictures of fish in the tank, penguins in dolphins, etc.

'Me, here…… I want to go to the aquarium!

With that voice, we decided on our plans for tomorrow.

The next day, we went on a trip in a one-box car driven by our father. The aquarium of interest is about three hours away on the highway.

I was sitting in the passenger seat and watching the flowing scenery.

Whenever a city or facility comes into sight from the road, Alicia explains the details in a tense way, so I can't get tired of it all along the road.

Alicia's knowledge of abusive reading of books of different genres totally surpassed mine, especially in the field of miscellaneous science.

'Is it a service area…… you remind me of the lodging town I stopped in on my journey. I feel a unique atmosphere where people come together with different destinations and different purposes.'

In the service area I stopped on the way, I went around looking at local souvenirs that were sometime more varied and bought them for eating on the road.

... It was quite delicious, so I'll buy some for the Ethereals on the way home.

Like that, I arrived at my destination quickly in physical time.

"Wow! Big deal!

The intended aquarium was the largest facility in the area, built facing the sea, with a tall building that looked up from the entrance to the left and right.

We'll finish the reception, enter the building, and follow the directions.

'I have a cup of fish............!

Alicia, who prayed on the lake altar every day, seems to have a deep sense of contemplation for creatures in the water.

We walk down the dim hallway listening to Alicia's memorabilia, talking about the nostalgic fish that tease us while we pray and helping the water spirits being attacked by aquatic monsters.

'Nevertheless, there are all kinds of fish in this world! Tropical fish are colorful and lovely, and fish living in the deep sea are likely to become a habit of grater......'

Eventually, he reached the square with a giant tank on one side of the wall about three meters high. It was the largest tank in this aquarium and one of the highlights of this aquarium.

"... wow, it's like we're really in the water."

I've been here several times, but each time I was overwhelmed by the sight here.

A small flock of fish lined up to change destinations while a shark about the length of a person slowly approached him, and a large ai swept across his body, and a fish left unattached lurked in the shadows of a rock.

"It's amazing…"

It was a dynamic and dynamic sight, yet we were completely distracted by a strange space surrounded by silence without sound.

"Alicia, do fish from different worlds take the same shape as this one?

My father talks to Alicia in a conversation. It's convenient to talk in a quiet place like this.

'Right. There are not so many types of things I have seen, but I think the basic shapes are together'

"Well... if the professor of biology finds out that organisms that have evolved independently in different worlds are proving to be similar to our worlds, they'll lose their hips."

"Well... there are creatures out there that are not found in this world, like demons and warcraft."

Maybe it has something to do with magic and blessings that we don't have in our world.

'It's just that in this world, as legendary creatures, there are also beings that seem to be demons and warcraft... so maybe there used to be something magical in this world too'

'That's a very interesting story. But then magic would have been lost from this world for some reason...'

Dad seemed to have something in mind.

After about half a lunch tour, I decided to have lunch at a restaurant in the aquarium.

The restaurant, built using a staged roof, was a fully glazed and promising shop overlooking the sea.

The roof part was on a large roof balcony and seats were provided outdoors as well, but no one was eating outside in the current season on the boulder.

There are some subtleties about whether it's natural or not, but the recommended menu was seafood. I ordered seafood pasta.

As I looked out the window at the sea and waited for my order to arrive, I saw a swarm flying at sea.

"Beautiful bird......"

"That's a seagull. It's a migratory bird from the North to beat the cold."

My father explains that to Alicia.

"When it comes to migratory birds, do you see them in the lake of the temple where Alicia was? Only………………"

I told Alicia as I remembered what I had heard before.

'Migratitol, isn't it? It is a migratory bird with the same white wings as a seagull. This is what I was experiencing in the winter when Migratitol came to the lake every year. And in the spring, he's gone at some point...'

Alicia's tone seemed lonely somewhere.

Did Alicia, who grew up in the temple without being close to her, have any idea of a migratory bird flying freely around the sky?

"Thank you for waiting. Special Seafood Pasta Customers -"

That's when the waitress's sister brought the food.

Placed in front of me was a cream pasta with plenty of shrimp, shellfish, etc.

'It's delicious!

I didn't expect much of the flavor because it was a restaurant with facilities, but it was more delicious than I expected and we hit the tongue.

When we had a little break after dinner, the on-site announcement told us that the dolphin show was going to start, so we decided to go check it out.

When the dolphin teacher's sister signals, the dolphin jumps up and plays the art of circling and using the ball.

"Dolphins are clever..."

It was the first time she had seen a large aquatic creature like a dolphin outside of a warcraft. Alicia was surprised and cheered for its appearance of performing art.

Then there was contact time with the dolphin, which allowed him to touch the dolphin.

'I'm kind of stuck............!

The dolphin's body was a strange touch like wet rubber.

Afterwards, he did his best to indulge in the aquarium by watching the penguins walking and returning to the large tank again.

At the end of the day I look around at all kinds of groceries in the shop in the building.

"Wow, it's a dolphin stuffed animal! Big! '

Alicia put her eyes on a big dolphin stuffed animal that was about my back now.

"Mr. Ikto, can I have a little stuffed animal?

'Ugh... ok'

Imagine yourself as a stuffed animal, frightened for a moment, but I don't want to unobstruct Alicia's request.

Get ready to lift the dolphin stuffed animal and hug it with both hands.

"Wow... I can't wait to get fluffy..."

The dolphins were just as comfortable holding each other as they were turning their hands. Enjoy the feeling for a while.

"Ooh, Alice. You liked that?

My father watched me like that at some point and made me look like a nigga.

In a hurry, I let go of the stuffed animal and put it back on the shelf. Alicia's voice, a notorious and sparing one, echoed in her brain.

"This is Alicia's hope, not mine..."

"It's not that I can't see anything else. You looked so adorable holding a stuffed animal, didn't you?

Dad says funny.

"……… Guru."

"Just kidding...... ok, no apologies but my dad will buy it for you"

'Is it true!

"Huh...... wah, I am............!?

It's like a girl's room to have a stuffed animal like this!

In my room now, although the appearance was placed and the accessories and clothes were changed, the view was not very different from before. But when this cute stuffed animal comes in, I feel like I'm gonna be in a girly room all at once.

"It's a gift for Alicia... or is Alice against it?

'... don't you like Mr. Ikto?

"…… I don't like it."

However, I had no choice but to say no to Alicia, who wanted it so badly.

'Thank you very much! Mr. Ikto, Father!

"…… Thank you, Father."

The stuffed animal, which had been accounted for, was received intact without being bagged and held with both hands.

... because I thought Alicia might want to.

Unlike the real thing, I bury my face on a fuzzy body surface.

It feels good and very calm when I'm doing this honestly.

I don't care if I hide my sight with dolphins because I feel like it's the wind that sees not only my family, but all the sights around me that smile.

... let's leave it at that.

The car on the way home asked me to take the place with my mother, and I sat in the back seat holding the dolphin.

Because I was overshadowed and drowsiness was hitting me.

When the car moves out, it's like it's rocking in a rocking cage, and relaxation and memory fly away.

"Whew... I'm off today, aren't I?"

Alicia tells me I'll be out of tune sooner than usual.

Apparently, Alicia is tired too... maybe she called the tourist guidebook out of her memory even after she went out of tune last night and read it over and over again.


'Good night, everyone. I really enjoyed today, thank you very much'

"Good night, Alicia"

My family replied to Alicia.

I feel like I'm out of tune - I have a flaw.

I was at my limit, too.

Asked my mother to buy a souvenir for the Ethereals in the service area along the way, and I let go of consciousness with the dolphins in my arms.

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