I don't know how much I cried.

"Ugh... Hiku... Alicia..."

Cry even, cry.

I was tired of crying and let my gaze wander into the void and the memorabilia with Alicia entered my eyes, crying again and again.

Grocery purchased at a store I stopped by after school with my classmate.

Novels and comics I read with Alicia.

Purple and water transparent bracelet bought in Hot Springs City.

A big dolphin stuffed animal still hugging me in bed.

Pairings I gave you for Christmas.

Fun memories with Alicia are just sad now and I can't stop crying.

"... gush... uhh..."

I cry uncontrollably at the impulse that floods me.

I couldn't control my emotions, as if I'd gone back to being a little kid.


Sad, hard, lonely, sorry.

My heart was going to be crushed.

"……… Let's go outside."

I wake up and be alone.

It was hard to be in this room full of memories with Alicia.

When I opened the closet to change, Alicia and I bought all the clothes that came into my eyes. Thoughtful to wear, one after the other came to mind, and I cried again on the spot.

"... uh... Alicia..."

Still, I managed to change into outdoor clothes, and I weave my coat and leave the house. I left only 'I'm coming for a walk' in the message app so Yuna wouldn't worry.

- And in conclusion, it would be distracting to go outside. What a shallow thought I had.

"What are you buying and eating today? Ramune or chocolate? Ice cream is good too!

The convenience store was looking forward to stopping by on the way home from school for a treat to eat.

'Freshly baked bread is so delicious!... I'm impressed!

The bakery was surprised by the deliciousness of the freshly baked bread I had eaten for the first time.

"Just put it in this box and you'll get letters all over the world...... kind of awesome......"

A post I was very impressed with the postal system.

'... it's okay. We'll find the owner!

A street corner where I found a lost kitten and ran in search of its owner.


The memories I had explored with Alicia, who was curious, were all over the city, and I couldn't stand the tears.

But it sucks to cry near a house like this. I don't know what rumors come up in your neighborhood.

"Ugh... I need to go somewhere to calm down anyway..."

I ran with my face down and my eyes wiped with my back of my hand.

There's only one place I can think of to calm down outside my home, and I'm headed straight there.

Running up a stone staircase leading from the mountain to the shrine, he circled the country behind his back and took off his shoes at the edge of the mansion where he combined his office and went up to the house.

When he entered the deserted room without knocking, he fell straight into bed lying down.

Ethereal room.

I'm used to going from childhood to knowing someone else's house. All I had here were memories as a few people.

When I took a deep breath to get my rough breath ready, I got a nostril of ethereal smell left in the bed. It never smells good, but it's not uncomfortable. As I took a deep breath, I felt the mind I was bothering to restore calm.

I take my coat off and hang it on a hanger hanging on the wall next to my bed. And then I went back to bed and dived into the futon again.

I also wondered if I behaved badly, but it would be inevitable because the February indoors were cold and about to freeze. I could feel free to use the air conditioning on my own without saying no to the landlord.

As I wrapped myself in the futon as it was, my drowsiness came when the environment finally calmed down, combined with the fatigue accumulated in my body. I left it to drowsiness to let go of my consciousness.

It's been a long time since I've had a quiet sleep without dreaming.


I feel signs indoors in my blurred consciousness. I move my gaze.

"Whoa... are you up?

He sat at his study desk and did his homework. Ethereum turned his chair around and turned this way.

"Oh, pale. Morning......"

"Good morning. It's evening, isn't it?

That said, the tone was a little frightening.

"Mmm… I was asleep……"

I respond with a blurry head.

And I made a call in my mind to Alicia, who had become a sleeping habit. The answer remains the same.

I let out a sigh.

"… Are you all right? Are you getting caught up in something big again?

When I woke up, I suddenly shut up and I was depressed. I looked at me and I heard that I was worried.

"Has Yuna told you anything?

I returned the question to Ethereal Question. Ethereum shakes his head.

"No, nothing... but it looks like you've been out of school since yesterday, and I heard you were going to postpone your birthday party, so that was clear..."

"Is that so………"

I get a little lost when I hear that. Isn't it annoying to talk to unrelated Ethereum about Alicia?

"If anything happens, let me talk to you. Well, I may not be able to do anything... but don't worry about it alone. Let me worry about it with you. You stink of water."

"…… Thank you, Ethereum."

I honestly decided to let Ethereal's words sweeten me. I was filled with hugs myself, so I was happy with Ethereal's offer.

"Well, will you come over here because I want to talk to you?

I slapped him on the side of the bed where he was sitting and called Ethereum next to him.

"... uh, you have to go that way?


When I said confidently, Ethereum stood up confused and sat next to me with her uncle.

"Can I ask you to turn around?


Ethereal turns his back on me and sits on the bed in a hush.


…… that's it.

This way you won't see my face. I couldn't help but cry to explain the situation.


I stuck my hands on Ethereal's back so that it would take longer.

"Hey, what are you doing!?

"It's just stuck... it's not good because we're guys"

"No, it would be disgusting if we stick with each other... think in common sense"

Maybe if you ask me that.

I feel like I've had a lot more chances of skinning since I became this body... well, they were just girls.

Is that why it's become a habit?

When I was a man, I never wanted to stick around.

But now I miss human skin.

"... Then you're a man and a woman now, so it's no problem, right?

"No, you only have a problem..."

Ethereum and I have a family-like relationship, and even when I was a man, Yuna and I had this much skin...

"I'm a little weak right now. I'd rather keep this up...... don't you like it?

"No, it's not... if you don't mind, it's fine."

"Thanks, it helps"

The disappointing Ethereal back is very hard and very different from the girl I've ever been in touch with.

"The Ethereal Back was so wide..."

Was I like this, too?

I hardly ever saw my back, so I don't know.

After a few moments, tidying up my head, I started talking to Pompous.

That Alicia didn't come back yesterday, which was the day of the birthday party, after meeting the Ethereals on the day off yesterday.

That my family told me today that Alicia's soul is destined to eventually disappear and that it may be goodbye as it is.

After all, I couldn't bear the tears, and I squirmed and whimpered on my pale back.

Ethereum listened quietly with her back turned, hammering at my story like that. I managed to finish talking while I was interrupted.

"… well. Alicia………."

"Still, I haven't been able to tell Alicia anything, but I may not be back anymore... Gu Gu... even though this body belongs to Alicia... Ugh, I can't believe Alicia disappeared and I'm the only one left...!

I squeezed my hand into Ethereal's back.

"Everyone kept it from me... I was the only one who knew nothing..."

"... you resent your family for that?

"... yeah, I don't have that now... At first, I thought I'd been betrayed, but if I had, I wouldn't have been able to deal with Alicia naturally."

In the first place, I've become Alicia's body for the last six months, and even if I had been told the truth, I wasn't sure it was accepted properly.

"Besides, I think it was hard for you to keep your mouth shut..."

"…… Right."

Especially Yuna, who was closest to me and Alicia.

What did Yuna think while always taking care of us in a clear and rewarding way?

"I didn't know anything. I couldn't forgive myself for the weather... I think I was hurting Alicia a lot before I knew it"

"But that's what Alicia wanted herself to be, isn't it? I don't think Alicia wants you to blame yourself for that."

"…… Right."

Maybe Ethereum is right.

…… I want to see Alicia.

I want to hear your voice, Alicia.

"That was hard………………"

The Ethereal Word is gentle and the tears spill again.

Until my emotions settled and my tears stopped, I borrowed my back from Ethereum.

"Sorry, pale. Dirty shirt………………."

By pressing his face, he wipes his cheeky back, messed up by tears and runny nose, with a tissue placed on his pillow.

Now that I have calmed down, I am very ill-decided and embarrassed to cry like a child on Ethereal's back.

"Don't sweat it. There's nothing like it."

Ethereum looks back and puts his hand on my head and says: I felt the wind of being treated like a child again and couldn't resist it.


I roar small in my mouth.

Seeing me like that, Ethereum smiled gently.

"... So, what are you going to do?


Ethereum looks me straight in the eye and asks.

"I'm asking if you're going to give up without doing anything like this. You're not that good of a foreman, are you?


Saying it to me, I'm upset.

I still have Alicia in me.

It's not over... No, it hasn't even started.

I haven't done anything yet......!

"…… I don't like it. I don't want to give up."

"Well then, we have to find a way to help out......... you're your loved one, aren't you? Alicia."

"…… yeah!

I was called a brave man in another world.

I have been told that a brave man is a being who overturns himself against the irrationality of the world. Then I will fight this irrational fate thoroughly as a brave man.

"If there's anything I can do, tell me. 'Cause we're gonna work together."

"Thank you, pale!

I jumped to the palace, turned my arm and held it tight.

"…… hey, whoa!?

It was strange that the hugged Ethereum panicked, and I grinned.

Yes, magic or miracle, I will definitely find a way to save Alicia.

Alicia needs my help.

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