Saturday, February 11

I wake up in the morning sun.

I have a feeling of certainty, and I speak to her.

"Morning, Alicia"

"... Good morning, Mr. Ikto."

Her voice, which she had not heard in three days, seemed much missed, and her cheeks were conveyed by nature and tears. Alicia, who shares her feelings with me, immediately noticed that.

"Thank you for your concern. The…… '

"Dad told me about Alicia."

It just seemed like she understood everything.

'Is that so... I'm sorry. I was hiding something from Mr. Ikto.'

"Fine... Yuna told me why"

'I was actually going to reveal it sooner. But I really - really enjoyed what I'm going through in this world with Mr. Ikto... more, the greed came out that I wanted to keep this time longer, and it was all my fault, I'm sorry'

To tell you the truth, I feel like you wanted me to rely more on you. But I couldn't even tell her about myself when I was a child.

"It was only about me who became Alicia's body that I was so full of... I don't think Alicia can count on me for that. In fact, if you knew that Alicia would be gone because of me, you might not have accepted this body because of your guilt towards Alicia..."

'What you keep a secret is entirely my endeavor. Mr. Ikto can't be bad at all!

Alicia ran out of words and didn't try to acknowledge my responsibility.

"That is……"

I think you're buying me too much.

But no matter what you say, Alicia won't bend her mind. I thought so. I decided to change the subject.

"I've heard this before, but there's no magic to undo?

'There isn't. The magic of taking souls out of the flesh has been studied from Tai Ancient as a way of immortality. But no success has been recorded'

"But then what magic did you use on me……?

"What I used on Mr. Ikto is the magic of world transfer. Using the identity of my existence and that of Mr. Ikto's, I misled the world into believing that we were one being at the time of the transfer to transfer to my body the soul of Mr. Ikto, who was about to be lost. To be honest, in one way or another, it's a miracle that we succeeded. '

Identity of existence.

On the same day, at the same time, we were born in a different world, and our souls look very much alike.

When I heard about it, I wondered if it was completely different in gender and appearance. It seems Alicia was able to summon me because of this nature.

'So the opposite is impossible. My soul would have been lost when it was meant to be transferred. So I'm like an extra person in this world. I believe that the time spent in this world with Mr. Ikto is a reward that Master Minstia gave me. "


I can tighten my chest to Alicia's objectified words.

Looking for words about what to give back to such Alicia, the door of the room was knocked and my thoughts interrupted.

"…… Alice, are you awake?

It was Yuna.

I start reading and responding.

"I'm awake. Good morning, Yuna."

Good morning, Yuna.

It was a greeting that sounded like it had been repeated twice in the same voice, but Yuna couldn't have misheard us.

…… Alicia! "

Upon hearing Alicia's voice, Yuna immediately opened the door vigorously and jumped into my room.

Yuna in her pajamas rushing up to me on the bed, I can hug her to wrap her around.

"Good, see you again......! Welcome home, Alicia."

I think they've been holding me since yesterday.

'I'm just... I'm sorry to bother you. Really, with everything……'

"It's okay. That's okay, that's okay…………………."

"Yuna...... thank you"

We'll be immersed in the aftermath of the reunion for a while.


And on a quiet morning my stomach rang and the air relaxed all at once.

"Hehe, you're hungry. My mom's cooking me dinner, so why don't we go to the living room?


In retrospect, I was reading through the material my father left me last night, and the only rice I had last night was the rice balls that plugged me into my room.

It's a strange thing to suddenly feel hungry once you are conscious.

We'll take him up and head down the stairs to the living room.

The smell of miso soup greeted me when I entered the living room.

When I looked into the kitchen, I saw my mother standing in the kitchen as usual.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

When we both greet each other, Mother's face becomes a surprise for a moment, and she immediately smiles and greets us.

Good morning, both of you.

"Me too, I'm here! Morning, Mom."

"Good morning, Yuna, too. We're almost ready, so sit down and wait."

We sit at the table as usual.

My mother arranged breakfast for me as I talked to Yuna for a while.

That doesn't replace rice with bacon eggs and miso soup.

Mother is ready for the table. My father was no longer traveling overseas when I got home yesterday, so today we have a whole family.

When I had it, everyone greeted me and started eating.

'It's delicious…… really'

Smudge and Alicia mouth their thoughts.

In the last eight months, Alicia totally seemed used to the taste of our home.

My mother and Yuna are both in tears and watching over Alicia like that.

I finished my dinner by quietly moving my chopsticks, feeling better than usual.

It's Saturday, so the school is closed.

Everyone agrees with Yuna's suggestion to slow down in the living room together.

My mother told me it was because I would wash my pajamas, so I went back to my room and changed. I change into ruffled outfits like a loose pink piece, a white cardigan, and then black back bristle leggings underneath.

When I put my undressed pyjamas in the washing machine and went back to the living room, my mother was making me tea at the low table on the couch.

Make it tea time while picking the individually wrapped chocolate that was also available on the table.


A sizzling voice spills from Alicia at the sweetness of the chocolate. The impatience until yesterday was a lie, a relaxing passage of time.

"... So, how much more in tune is Alicia going to be in right now?

I'm back in the living room dressed up, too. Yuna sent me an inquiry and I get pulled back into reality.

'I think if you have a rest every other day, you'll be fine. So far, but……'

In Alicia's words, I accidentally blush.

Can you only be in tune for less than half the time you've been in tune... Alicia seems to have been forced to do so for a long time, as Emerald said.

'It's okay! If I had a proper rest, I wouldn't be out of tune all of a sudden like this one… I'm still here with you.'

Alicia said in a bright voice.

But that made her feel painful again, and she didn't get the effect she wanted.


Yuna also seems spicy.

"Alicia, I'll help you."

I declare to Alicia.

"I will definitely find a way to save Alicia's soul... so I want you to believe me and wait"

'... thank you very much, Mr. Ikto'

Alicia responded with a slightly troubled look. I'm glad to hear that, but it's difficult as a real problem, and that's what I'm thinking.

"Oh, I'll help you, too!

Yuna raises her hand and insists so.

"Of course, I won't spare your cooperation. Alicia is an important family."

'… Ladies and gentlemen'

and add my mother who was back in the living room at some point.

My father's report also contained a description of my mother.

Let's talk more about it later.

"…… but right. For now, let's have a birthday party today."

"Huh!... Right!

'Birthday party, I want to!

Yuna and Alicia agree with your mother.

"…… yeah, okay"

To be honest, I really wanted to act to save Alicia a little sooner, but Alicia had been looking forward to the birthday party for a long time, and I didn't feel like opposing it.

I tell myself that I can't help it where I'm in a hurry, and I suppress the feeling of deviation.

"It's a holiday, so should we start the party at lunch?

"Right, I'll ask everyone what their plans are!

It was originally a party I had planned for last night.

That's what was going on with Alicia.

"We'll get you ready, Alice. Talk to Alicia."

"………… Are you sure?

"You're gonna figure out a way to save Alicia, aren't you?

"Thank you."

I thank you and go back to my room and discuss it with Alicia.

Even so, the means considered to be the status quo were covered in the previous father's report, so the confirmation is almost complete.

I heard and wrote a few supplementary questions from my father's report about the magic I could use.

Yuna sends a message.

The three invited to the party, Ethereum, Emerald and Cold Flowers, could all come from noon today.

A little while later, Ethereum and Emerald arrived.

They were worried about Alicia and came a little early to see how things were going.

Jade also seemed to be cooperating a lot with his father in confirming the concept of soul, and he asked around it on the couch in the living room.

While I was doing that, Cool Flowers also came and the birthday party started.

Everyone gave me a gift, and I blew out the candle of the cake Yuna bought with me and Yuna (and just Alicia of Feelings), and I ate my mother's handmade treat, and we all played with wiso and life games - and I had a constant time smiling.

In the current situation, where Alicia hasn't been solved, I couldn't have enjoyed it from the bottom of my mind.

But I smiled and hid it without putting anything on the table.

Because I wanted Alicia to smile.

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