"What is it, you leaked it"

"- Eh!"

I figured out what was going on in my condition. Amoc said it without dressing it in his teeth.

Embarrassing and humiliating, my face solidifies with my arms hidden.

Apparently Amoc unlocked the magic, and the pseudo-hand that was in me disappeared. The pressure in your body fades away and becomes easier.

And there was no sign of Amoc covered in me to stretch.

Slight shorts stick to my skin and I don't feel good. It would be all the way up to my butt and this look would make me even wet my uniform skirt and bed.

The smell of a unique ammonia mixture drifted through a tiny room.

I did it......

I've had a few leaks since I became this body, but this one sucks.

My head doesn't work at all on what to say or what to do. Thoughts go around and don't get haunted.

Remaining silent and solidified, the door at the entrance sounded open.

I don't know what's going on in the room because I keep my sight hidden with my arms, but apparently Amoc left the room.

You took my seat off......?

Leave it for a little while and the door will be knocked.

When I didn't respond, there were signs that the door was empty and people were coming in.

"…… Oh, my God, are you okay?

That was the voice of a colorful sister I met earlier at the entrance to the store.

I thought it was just what Amoc had come back to, and I jumped up in a hurry. Hide the chest by suppressing the shirt that had been completely opened.

"Oh, um... oh, I'm sorry!

All I could do was apologize anyway.

I've had a rough phase...

"You don't have to worry about anything, okay? There's something about it."

"Is that so…………?

"Look, I'll finish you off, so you should clean up in the bath."

"Oh, no... I can't let that happen. I'll do it myself…………"

I can't believe you let strangers finish their own leaks...

"Soon, the girl from the store will be at work, so I want to clean it up by then. I know it's embarrassing, but let me help you?

"Ok......... Um, sorry"

I accept the towel that your sister offered me in awe. I gently wiped one way through my skirt with a towel, then held it down with a towel so it wouldn't spill on the floor and ran into the bathroom for a small run.

"What... are you okay to change your skirt or something?

He heard your sister's voice from his back.

"Heh, I'm fine! Because I can handle it!

The bathroom was a unit bath with a toilet and sink like the one in the hotel.

First, I took off my cutter shirt and skirt and hung it at the end of the sink.

Next, he enters an empty tub dressed with his shorts and socks on, hitting the shower water on his lower body and flushing the dirt.

Then I washed the wet parts of the cutter shirt and skirt in the shower before putting them back on.

Finally, chant magic to dry your clothes.

"- Dry"

Magic made the clothes glow blurry and the wet clothes dried rapidly.

After about a minute, it was generally dry, so I just check to see if it didn't smell and get out of the bathroom.

"Oh? You were pretty quick. And skirt dry............?

"This, I'm going to play water!

I don't think I can do anything about it, but I can't talk about magic, so I misled it forcefully. Your sister was impressed with how amazing her uniform is these days.

"Sorry, I'll clean up too"

Your sister was peeling off her sheets and wiping her bed with a rag. When I find a rag in a bucket placed at my feet, I take it and add it to the end of the squeeze.

"…… So, how was it?

"How... what?

I couldn't figure out your sister's intentions, so I asked her back.

The surface of the bed appears to be waterproof and was not stained after leaking...... it seems true that it is good with cracking.

"I don't know if I could have done it right... it was the first time, right?

"Wow, I didn't do that!

I hesitate to argue.

"... Huh? But surely..."


My sister grabbed my butt and rubbed it. I scream small.

"Sounds like a butt you haven't experienced yet. Like that guy's array was too big to get in?

"Ha, yes...... Huh!? Chi, no! In the first place, I don't have anything to do with him like that!

"Oh, really...?

Your sister looked at me with a troubled look.

The two of you opened your clothes and did something to make you take a leak. What are you talking about?

"... Well, uh, what Amoc used to give me was like a medical exam... not like that..."

"Er?...... oh yeah. Well, there are a lot of circumstances, aren't there? You don't have to tell me, do you?

…… no.

It seems harder to solve a misunderstanding than you can tell me what you were doing.

Contrary to the beautiful and luscious atmosphere, your sister was a chatty, casual person, and by the end of the cleanup she was close there.

But it's hard to react when you're kind enough to tell me about your experiences when you're naked. I didn't know what to look like, especially when it came to talking about Arre and Colle with Amoc.

Amoc has a daily flirt with such a beautiful sister...

I feel somewhat defeated and depressed.

"It's okay, I'll get right into you too... I don't care that much!

Your sister inspires me by remaining mistaken.

I don't even think of fine dust if I want to put it in. I mean, you don't mind if Amoc does that with someone else...

"That's right! If you like, can I help you with that? I don't want to be you... Rather, when I think I'll be able to see my daughter like you for the first time, it stings..."

Your sister says with her hands on her cheeks and a look like she was floating in heat.

Very erotic, to be honest.

I can do naughty things with this sister...

Imagine the contents of a busty body wrapped in a sexy costume, and I accidentally drank my cockroach and spit.

... No, no, wait, wait.

Even if it's good to get laid with your sister, it can't be 3P with Amoc. I imagined you, and I felt shriveled all at once.

"Oh, don't hesitate……."

"Alas, too bad"

Your sister said it was a real shame.

After cleaning up, I broke up with your sister in front of the break room.

My sister took the sheets she held elsewhere, and she seemed concerned so that Amoc and I could talk.

When he returned to the store, Amoc sat in his bench in the same great position as ever to watch the continuation of the epoch.

"This was a recording…………."

I don't really understand Amoc's taste. Is the way he talks also influenced by the epoch?

"Are you done?"


I wondered what kind of reaction I should have.

I can't apologize to this guy.

"…… So, what do you say? You think you can use it?

"…… to?

"What are you in love with? I suppose you did it on purpose to remember the soul manipulation" Seoul Manipulator "... so you don't have to pretend that you weren't obsessed with gasping?

"I've been watching you! Thanks to you, I think I can use it somehow... oh, thank you."

I'm pretty sure you showed me magic for me, not to mention the results. I thanked Amoc.

"I'll get this loan back in time. So don't worry about it"


... No, I'm so curious, that.

"Besides, I've seen a lot of interest. Was it a return of interest last time……… Kuck."

"Gu... gu..."

The same utterly careless narrative blew my feelings of sorry that there was only a little bit.

... this man, after all, is an enemy!

Amoc, who was making fun of me that way, accidentally opens his mouth to a serious look.

"Our ancestors used this magic differently and created many misfortunes. Let me show you how you use it."


"If you sacrifice others without sight, you will disobey your pledge that I will not interfere in this world... then I will have to discuss you. You can't take care of yourself."

"... I'll keep that in mind"

"Yeah, so to speak... with the soul manipulator, we can help the water witch right now, right?

"Huh? But just now............"

When I take my soul out, it's gone.

"That's right. I haven't found a way to move my soul to someone else's body. Exceptionally, your case has only one means."

"Can you help Alicia!? Well, I don't know what..."

"You can magically take out your own soul. Then your soul will be extinguished and your body will have the soul of a water witch."

"- Become!?

"Isn't that good? Will this make your memorial come true?

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