What Alicia gave me.

The future, life, everything about her.

What can I do to Alicia like that?

I still don't want to give anything back.

That opportunity is about to be lost forever.

That's why at least...

Please, just so you can have a good memory to the end.

Let's laugh till the end of time.

... Yes, I made up my mind

Sunday, April 2

In the morning - the awakening is strange and serene.

"Good morning, Alicia."

The usual greeting I haven't seen in a week.

"- Good morning, Mr. Ikto."

I stroke my inner chest down to Alicia's voice when she returned.

'It's a beautiful day!


The soft morning sun plunged into the room through the window and it was warm.

It was a great date.

"I'm sure you owe it to the boy who's here."

Hanging in the window. I noticed that. Alicia said.

That's the kid Youna and I were making last night.

Yesterday's weather forecast showed whether it would be sunny or not. It was a quintessential creation - it was really sunny and good.

Good morning, both of you.

Yuna, sleeping in a futon laid on the floor, greets her as she rubs her eyes.

Yesterday Yuna and I slept separately. I only wanted to think about Alicia until I fell asleep.

Yuna was worried if I could sleep, but she pushed it off because there was no such thing as a night.

I barely slept after all the advice, but that's fine with me.

Yuna, who is biting down the absences, didn't seem to sleep much either, and I feel sorry for getting involved in my endeavors.

"Good morning, Yuna."

Alicia greets Yuna at the right time when she starts reading.


Instead of responding to the greeting, Yuna went up to bed and hugged me.

The smell of the same shampoo as mine flutters my nostrils for a moment, then fills me with the smell of sweet Yona.

I am completely relieved by this smell.

Drain your strength and give yourself up.

She hugged me so hard with both arms - Yuna enveloping me seemed a little trembling.

"Glad it's sunny...... have a great day"

"Yeah!" "Yes!

We both replied well.

Then we'll silently check each other's warmth.

About a minute, I get plenty of hugs and then I leave.

"If you're going on a date, you have to give me a drink! I'll take care of it, so eat your meal first!

'Thank you, Yuna!' "Ugh……………………."

I feel a little drawn to how motivated I am, but today I'm going to honestly take Yuna's favor.

I haven't been very conscious of dressing, so I didn't know how to make up.

I'm going down to the first floor with Yuna.

In the living room, there was a mother cooking in the kitchen and a father operating a laptop while sitting on the couch and watching TV, and the whole family was set up.

We greet each other and sit back in line in the dining table chair.

'Wow, it looks delicious!

My mother's breakfast, which was arranged, was a little more temperamental than usual.

Fruit with rice, miso soup, pickle plate, bacon eggs with sausage, salad and dessert.

The menu itself was unchanged from what was usually out there, with each one working a little bit.

Wait for Alicia to finish her prayerful words of thanks to Minstia, as usual, before

"" I'll have it. ""

And we started having breakfast.

Take a cup of tea and chopsticks and slowly taste and eat one dish at a time - praying that the flavor reaches Alicia.

'... yeah, it's delicious!

The conversation began with Alicia's upbeat voice as a trigger.

I get excited about the stories I said about my plans for today's date, the clothes I'm going to wear and makeup.

Mother... I want you to give me a break from trying to put pretentious clothes on me if you do.

Dad basically doesn't go into conversation, he works with his back turned on the couch, and answers if he gets spoken to occasionally.

This is the usual sight, too.

"" Thank you very much. ""

After eating before Yuna, we say hand in hand again.

'Mother, thank you for a delicious meal all the time. I love your mother's rice. "

"Alicia…………… Thank you very much…………………."

The voice of the reply was trembling.

Mother is holding her mouth with her hands and wrinkling her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm going to go wash my hands."

Leaving that behind, Mother jumped out of the living room.

Unexpectedly silence comes to the living room left behind.

The sound of dishes and the sound of news flowing from the TV were all heard indoors.

Leaving for a little while, Dad stood up silently and left the living room.

Nobody says anything...... I knew I didn't have to tell you.

If my mother had cried over there, the routine that was created to fix it would have been broken.

Mother left so that she wouldn't.

Tears don't deserve a day like today.

Because today is a fun date day.


After cleaning up the dishes with Yuna after breakfast, the three of us resume the conversation.

We wanted to get on that one. We had fun planning what we wanted to ride in the amusement park and where we were going from, watching the attraction guide on the smartphone Yuna took out.

In time, my father came back and sat on the couch, and then a little while later, my mother came back.

My mother washes dishes straight in the kitchen.

"Well, let's get ready to go."

Encouraged by Yuna, we left the living room.

Washroom at first. Wash face, then apply lotion and emulsion.

Then I went back to my room and changed my clothes.

Standing in front of you, smiling with a clear face, revealing to Alicia.

'These clothes are so cute!

A sailor piece with a white base, checked for water, and a white collar.

Alicia sees it for the first time in the clothes she bought when she went to the city with Yuna before this.

Turn around in front of the mirror so that the clothes design looks good on Alicia. I enjoy fluttering hems and colors very much.

"…… heh, I knew it would look good on you."

Yuna, who came into the room at some point, looked at me and said: I hold a bag containing cosmetics beside it.

"Yeah, you're cute!

Unexpectedly, I also responded to the tension.

This is the clothes I bought in love at first sight at the store.

I was sure Alicia would like it too, but I'm still glad you actually reacted.

...... I missed my wallet a bit because it cost me a pretty good price though.

Yuna brought me a chair and asked me to sit in front of her and put on makeup.

"Alice has to learn how to make up a little bit."

Yuna's offer was gratifying.

Although I feel a little rough, it is necessary to live in the future.

"Even so, darker makeup becomes unnatural when we're our age. Just lightly and naturally, and it won't take that long."

My hair band raised my forehead and my makeup started.

My face is getting better and better by Yuna, who is used to it.

I honestly thought I didn't need makeup right now.

However, when it was actually applied, the impression became more prominent as it remained natural.

I'm thrilled at the unfamiliar with the emphasis on cuteness.

"This is me……………."

In the mirror, her thin, red lips moved.

I was somewhat embarrassed and accidentally turned away.

'… it's lovely'

"Today is the first day, so I did it all, but from now on, let's practice together."

Yuna said satisfactorily as she removed my hairband.

"Hair makeup next."

Even so, I'm not going to change it from my usual straight hair today, so I just need it fixed.

I was wearing makeup when I went out and Yuna combed my hair while sitting in a chair.

The sight in my eyes is as fantastic as if I was dreaming - I can't help but forget that it's me.

The silver hair shimmers in the spring sun every time it falls in.

My eyes narrowed unexpectedly to a pleasant sensation.

"Yeah… Up."

Satisfied Youna's expression visible through the mirror.

And there was a beautiful girl in the mirror who uplifted her cheeks.

My heart bounces with token.

Am I a narcissist?

... No, this won't help.

Because it's the first girl I've really liked in the mirror since I was born.

Stand up and stand in front of the study desk in thanksgiving to Yuna.

I took a small box out of the drawer and opened it, picking out a ring of twine I bought for Christmas inside.

Place your left hand in front of you and fit the ring in your pharmacopoeia so that you can see Alicia.

And finally, it's done with a straw hat (called a cancan hat, they say) with a stylish black line bought in line with a sailor piece.

"…… This is perfect."

"Ali, Sue, turn around."

Looking back, Yuna set up a camera for her smartphone.

I can't help it.........

I turn to Yuna and ask her to take a few pictures.

I got a little on track and tried a few poses like the one you see in the fashion catalog.

I was bruised and cute in the picture you showed me.

'Mr. Ikto, he's so cute!

No, not so much... do you have any?

Yuna said she would change her clothes too, so she left her room first and returned to her room.

I go down to the living room first when I hang it on my shoulder in a little white bag for my mother's birthday getaway.

My parents admire me for the way I dress, and I think I'm kind of tickled.

Eventually, Yuna, dressed for everyday wear, came down to the living room.

Yuna asked reluctantly early when we met.

"Hey, I'm thinking of going shopping in front of the station... can I come with you to the station if you like?

'Yes, of course! Let's go together.'

"Thank you, Alicia. I'm sorry Alice got in the way of your date, too, right? … that's because it's up to the station."

I'd like to stay with Alicia for a little while, but that's gonna get in the way of our two dates.

Because I could see Yuna's feelings thinking that way.

"Never mind. I'd love to be with Yuna."

Said so.

In the first place, I left Yuna to take care of me, and there was no end to the option of making her unholy.

Besides, Yuna is Alicia's closest same-sex friend and family...

As we left, we dropped off the whole family.

Mother stood to lean against Father, who held Mother's shoulder and quietly supported her.

Put on your shoes while you both take your gaze.

To catch an attraction, it's a black loafer to wear.

"…… Well, I guess I'll be there."

Finished my shoes. I look back and say.

"Go away - my precious daughters"

"Have fun. Come on."

Say hello briefly.

Until the end, father and mother stay smiling.

"Father, Mother, I'm coming - thank you for everything."

I carefully lower my head to match Alicia's words.

My body was moving naturally.

When I fixed it from gratitude, I looked at my parents, and I looked back and ran straight out the front door.

With the door tightened with my back hand, my parents are completely invisible.

On the road in front of the house, Yuna, who left first, was waiting.

Seeing me a little rough on my breath, he didn't ask me anything, and he took my hand and wrapped it around me with both hands.

"Are you okay…?

Yuna's hand softness brings me peace of mind.

"………, I'm fine now."

"Thank you very much, Yuna."

"Well, let's go."

After looking back just one last time...

Turning our backs on our house, we walked out toward the station.

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