"I want to go to school."

Alicia said on the train home.

Of course, there's no reason to disagree with me.

Back to the nearest station in the house, we head to school.

Along the way it became the usual way to school.

I went to school with Alicia for about six months, but when there's a lot going on and the two of us are talking in retrospect, we get to school in no time.

I stopped at the school gate and looked around.


I hear Alicia's admiration, and I'm satisfied that I got the intended reaction.

The school garden was a sunny outfit once a year with a blossoming cherry blossom.

Turn around a little bit and I'll walk under the cherry trees to the school building. There are students on the ground who encourage club activities and they hear a hanging voice.

"This is the cherry blossom…"

When I looked up, the cherry blossoms filled my vision.

The cherry blossoms on the front side shine red as they burn, illuminated by the leaning sun. The cherry blossoms on the back still covered the pale sky with overwhelming white to create a natural mosaic.

I stop and see the sight.


'... yeah, really'

This is the first time Alicia has seen cherry blossoms.

'I meant to know about cherry blossoms in cartoons and videos, but you're not really what you see. Looking up from under the tree this way, it's like it's going to suck in...... a little scary'

"You look just about right today. It barely bloomed last week, and it'll be scattered next week."

'I am fortunate - I was able to have another new experience. Still, I kind of miss being so pretty and scattered right away.'

"Right. But soon after the cherry blossoms are scattered, they'll be filled with green leaves. It's so full of life and powerful."

'Speaking of which, was it full of greenery when I first came here for the summer vacation? That's how you wear leaves in summer, leaves in autumn, leaves in winter... and it's cherry blossoms that blossom again in spring'

I think I've figured out a little why people in this country have strong thoughts on cherry blossoms, Alicia continued.

We slowly walk under the cherry trees.

Alicia sang a nose song to the lid.

It's a familiar melody.

"... honor me if I tell you?

Alicia interrupted her nose when I squealed.

'That's what this song was called, wasn't it? I heard it last graduation and thought it was a good song.'

This is the first song I've ever heard for Alicia, even in a classic song. My time with Alicia was too obvious, not to mention, I remembered such a natural thing.

'There's something I don't know a little bit about lyrics, can I ask?

"Of course."

What Alicia had heard was the meaning of "go ahead" for several years.

It seems that Alicia was very good at telling Kanji immediately.

"One more thing, if you think about it - what's after, say...? Didn't you hear that love is good?

"It's not love, it's disease." - That's the lyric. Looking back, the time I spent at school was very short. "

'I see…… I know exactly how that feels'

Alicia repeatedly murmured 'illness' to bite the meaning.

I arrived in front of the school building while we were having such an exchange.

"So, Alicia, where do you want to go? Classrooms, gymnasiums, or, rooms?

I'll name one of our memorable places.

But none of the places that Alicia showed up.

'Uh, can I ask you to go to the roof?

"Rooftop?...... yeah, ok"

I don't know about the rooftops. Only when they hit me bad before Christmas, I think I've been there. It was on the roof of the old school building that I talked to the two of you...

Well, okay.

I change my shoes at the lift.

I wondered if it was a school-designated top on a sailor piece of personal clothing, but it would be unavoidable because it's still hard to barefoot. Well, there's no way anyone's gonna see us.

There are no people in the school building for spring break.

The sun was slipping through the window into the hallway, and the school building was dyed with sunset colors.

Every time I walk, the tricks and footsteps sound slightly louder.

By the time I plugged it onto the stairs, Alicia sang out her respect with the lyrics this time.

"I will honor you, my master."

Go up the stairs in the school building.

In the garden of the teachings, "Let's go" for years.

The staircase leading from the hallway on the third floor to the rooftop was dark, and I took out my smartphone and proceeded to illuminate underfoot.

"Think of it as a disease," and these years as a "sickness."

I pushed open the iron door at the end of climbing the stairs.

I stand for a moment with my eyes narrowed to the intensity of the light slipping through the gap in the door.

"Now it's time to break up, farewell"

Almost at the same time Alicia finished singing, I stepped out onto a red-dyed rooftop.

'... thank you very much, Mr. Ikto'

The sun overlapping behind the building, blackened by backlight, emitted a strong light as if to appeal to existence while concealing the lower half.

The sky was accented by a gradient of Zhu and Ethereal with sparse scattered cedar clouds, creating a scenery that I would accidentally fall in love with.

Walk forward blindfolded by the sight.

The sun, which was gentle during the day, weakened, the wind grew colder and seemed chilly in a piece of spring.

I stop around the middle of the roof.

At dusk with no sign of anyone.

The sound of the brass band part playing and the hanging of the part activity heard far away.

And told by Alicia.

"Then I will begin my graduation."

- The beginning of the end.

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