I went into the bathroom so Yuna could push me on the back. Then, sit in the chair in front of the shower as you are guided.

"Well, then, from the way you wash your hair. First, comb your hair before you wet it."

Yuna says so and puts a bang on my hair. It feels good to be touched by the hair. She was handed a bowl along the way, so when she combed it herself, the silver hair flowed sarcastically.

"Then flush it thoroughly in hot water for about thirty seconds."

Yuna put hot water out of the shower and checked the temperature before hitting my hair.

Comfortable warmth spreads. Yuna penetrates the hot water into her hair with her fingers.

"Next, I'll foam the shampoo with my hands, gently tame the scalp with my finger belly and massage it...... oh, you can't use that, can you? Use this one."

The rinse in shampoo my father and I have been using was treated like that. I take the shampoo Yuna told me to take and bubble it in my hand and put it on my head. It smells good with Yuna's hair.

"After that, let the tip of the hair go over the foam and gently wash it up."

Let your hair go through the shampoo that bubbled you. That's quite a hassle with long hair.

"When you're done, wash it off nicely in the shower."

I put the shower on my hair again and washed the shampoo away.

"Next time you're done shampooing, put the conditioner on from the tip of your hair to about half of it - yes, to the pores, don't put it on. When that's done, flush it in the shower and your hair will be gone."

I'll finish what Yuna tells me.

"There is a repair (repair) and we don't have to go this far..."

"I can't help but hurt you as a result, but I don't mind hurting you from the start. I can't believe a girl shouldn't treat her hair like that!

"……… Huh."

I know what you're trying to say... I just find it a bit of a pain in the ass.

"Your body is next. How'd you wash it before?

"Body soap on the dirt rind towel there."

"What are you doing! You would hurt your skin if you did that!?

"Yeah, my skin got red and tingling... so I washed it with my hands yesterday"

"… I think it's a good idea to wash it with your hands. Alice seems to have sensitive skin. Speaking of which, how was Alicia?

"I was so flushed with water that I repaired" Repair "if my skin or hair hurts..."

"Absolutely, you're already... I'll show you a sample, so do it with me and remember."

"Okay." "Okay."

"First, rinse your body thoroughly in the shower before washing your body. Even so, I don't usually have to worry about it because I flush my body with you when I wash my hair.... I really have to wash my hair first before I wash my body."

With that said, Yuna flushes her own body in the shower. There is only one shower in our bathroom, which is a general household. It was impossible to use the shower with Yuna. At the end of the day, the washing area is slightly narrower and more frequently touched by the two of us.

"Next, let the body soap bubble a little for your hands before you wash your body. Think about the sweaty spots and the dirty spots, but don't rub them."

Saying so, Yuna spreads the body soap she foams onto her body.

The way Yuna's hands crawl around her own skin is so glossy that I feel like I'm looking at something I shouldn't.

I was going to be hit by that feeling, and I would remember what I needed to do and just as foam my body soap with my hands and spread it over my body.

neck, shoulders, arms, sides, … chest………, belly, umbilicus, hips…… foot base………, thighs, calves, feet.

... I crawl my hands carelessly to match Yuna's movements in front of me.


Is it ticklish or is Alicia's exhalation overflowing from time to time but she decides not to be aware of it?

Even though I haven't soaked myself in the bath yet, I feel as hot as my body could have been.

... maybe it was a little too much for a shower.

When I washed the clothes and took a breath, Yuna pointed me out.

"Alice, did you wash it properly between your crotches?

"Well, that's... that's..."

I blank my head with a scratch. I found out Yuna was washing her socks when washing her body. But when I realized it, I rushed off Yuna's gaze, so I didn't see any more.

So I don't know how to wash it... I only stroke the surface so frightened.

"I know it feels embarrassing, but this is a dirty place, so I need to wash it thoroughly..."

"So, but... I don't..."

"It stinks if you don't wash it properly, right?

"I don't like that. But I can't believe I touched it in the bathroom... I really don't know what to do."

I get tears in my eyes by accident.

What if I touch you weirdly and hurt you? Wouldn't it tear the hymen or something?

But I also hate it when Alicia's place stinks because of me.

"Haa... If Alice didn't like it, I could just wash her today... but what do we do?

"……… Please."

I said that if I could avoid touching myself, I would grab straw.

But I think he asked me to do something terrible to calm down and think back.

... I honestly don't want to remember what happened after that.

I looked sweetly at the feel of my fingers foaming the body soap.

I guess Yuna was thankful she pretended not to notice how I was doing, yeah......

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