"Here we go."

I came to the women's locker room to be dragged by Yuna. From the indoors, I heard a female student's shaky voice, and I already wanted to turn back.

Yuna opens the door and pulls my hand without worrying about me.

"… I'm sorry to bother you"

I followed Yuna into the women's locker room.

The building in the dressing room was simple. The ones that are made are about a sink that can be used alongside a locker and a few people, while the others are only about a bench. It was a shitty room with bad sunshine.

And the slightly narrow space was filled with female students, and the sweet smell of a woman made her feel like she was in such a state.

There were no naked children in the dressing room. That was normal when I thought about it well. Even men dressed naked were a handful or so of them.

A child dressed in a swimsuit, a child wearing a uniform, a child wrapped in a rolled towel and dressed in a thigh, a child with a skirt on her lower body and a bra on her upper body talking to a friend... I don't feel anything good about underwear or skin tone peeking out of a uniform, but I think I can get through this kind of irritation.

"... look, don't look forever, get dressed quickly"

Yuna tells me to change my clothes. If you look at it, Yuna had already unbuttoned her uniform and held her swimsuit in her hand.

In a hurry, I'll pull my swimsuit out of my swimming bag, too, and put it up in front of me. It was a common one-piece type school swimsuit.

... How am I supposed to wear this?

First of all, I know I have to get my legs through. But I have to take off my pants to get through my legs, so I have to be completely naked, considering I'm going through the top string?

But no one's naked.

... Oh, should I just take off my lower body for now? That way, I can hide in my shirt, so there's no problem.

I take off my blazers and skirts in turn and fold them in my lockers. Then he lowers his shorts with his other hand, holding down the blouse with one hand so that he can't see his groin. He then pulls out one leg of underwear down to his knees.

…… that's it.

I kind of feel like my surrounding gaze is gathering on me.

I noticed my gaze with my underwear in my hand as I tried to take a tatami, and I stiffened a little.

... hey, I wonder what? I tipped my neck to ask how it was going.

…… TMT!

I felt the surrounding air ripple, and I frightened my body.

I scream and I hear voices that say, "... I think I'm going to wake up to something I shouldn't" and "It's criminal..."

"... Alice, you're dressed like a fan."

It was Wenjia who talked to me like that.

She had already changed into a swimsuit. The trademark ponytail is wrapped in a swimming hat and I get a different impression from time to time. The slender flesh is as tight as a swimmer and looks good when it comes to the bug in a book that we both acknowledge.

"I think I'm just getting dressed normally............?

"When you're wearing a bathing suit, you usually wear a skirt while you're wearing it. You take off your underwear and wear it?

Oh, really...?

"Wow, I have bigger uniforms than people! I'm fine with just the blouse."

"…… I think I could hide it before, but you could see the cute buttocks."

"Wha......!? Hey, why are you looking at me so much......"

"'Cause you stand out... we were all watching, right?

I look around in tears. The girls around her unnaturally strayed from her gaze and started dressing herself softly.

"What are you supposed to do when you're seen..."

Yuna looked at me dressed without holding her hand and sent me a message.

... Ah, too!

Can you tell me about Yuna?

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