The underwater world was quiet and unrelated to the hustle and bustle around it, a very calming space.

I activated the underwater "Aqua" breath "Breeze" and I can breathe in the water as well as on the ground.

"After all, it feels good in the water......"

Alicia says smudge. I recall hearing from Alicia before about that condition.

"Speaking of which, did Alicia go to the underwater festival every day?"

'That's right. I am a water witch, so I prayed to Master Minstia at the lake festival as a routine.'

'Oh well... then should I have gone swimming during the summer?

I was so busy this summer that I couldn't take the chance to go swimming. Sometimes I didn't like being in a bathing suit myself.

If Alicia was so happy, I guess I should have gone, even if it was somewhat impossible.

'It's okay. My daily prayers are done with the bath, and I myself am happy to take a bath every day. "

... Is that okay, water witch?

"… Shall we go next year, the sea"

'That's right...... I'd like to go'

'That's a promise... hey, it's time to get out on the water...'

It's been a long time since I dived into the water if I noticed. You may be worried if you are drowning.

I kicked the bottom of the pool and put my face on the water.

"Wow, I'm surprised!? Alice would be disgraced."

Pure and Wenjia surprised me when I suddenly emerged from the water.

"Still, you've been diving a long time... I was a little worried, huh?

"I'm a little confident in diving!

Although I can't tell a boulder that I can dive at my leisure for a day or so.

Now it's free time after swimming a few 25m in class. Everyone plays in the pool thoughtfully until the end of class chimes.

I was successful in leaving it in a corner of my memory by moving my body even before class.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." 'Cause he's always got a good gaze. "

Men and women are separated by the central line, but the men's gazes and topics focus on women in swimsuits across the line.

From my ex-boyfriend, I gave it back with a bitter laugh to pure stupidity because it can be true that I know a lot about feelings.

There is a particular reason why a purely hot gaze is being poured out. On the pure chest, small with a child's face, a splendid bulge of size, contrary to its physique, claimed to exist. That unbalanced flesh is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"Hmm, I don't even like Alice's gaze, do I?

"Oh, no..."

When I got stuck with a picture, I lost my temper.

Pure laughs a lot at how I look like that,

"Here's Alice like that. - Huh!

And he covers me from behind, dives his arms from his armpit and grabs my chest.


"Hmm, this is quite……………………."

Pure moves his hands in that state.

"... hey... pure... stop...!

I twist my body, slip my body into the gap I could and run into the water. Fortunately, it came with a less catchy body, so I was able to escape sully. Spicy "Tsukura".

With my arms around my toyed chest, I drift through the bottom of the pool.

... Should I keep it with this humiliating sunshine?

"… hey, Alicia"

The only thing you can touch is a guy who's ready to be touched.

'I know, Mr. Ikto... let's start over!

The number of training fields diving into boulders is different, and Alicia and I are heartbroken.

'Hehe, I'm going to rub that wasted grown milk in front of the crowd...!

......... Alicia, I'm a little frightened.

I move around in the water and ask for opportunities. At first he was chasing my figure with his eyes. He eventually lost sight of me, too, and he's looking around for a moment.

I keep my pure back and gradually pack my distance quietly. I'm in the mood for a movie. At the moment my sides were neglected, I reached out and let them dive from my armpits.

"There's a gap!

Jumping purely from behind, I eagled at the double sphere.

Funya, but my fingers bury in softness with the feeling that I'm going to hear them. The elasticity comes from the swelling that doesn't fit in your hand.

"Hey............ do...... tickle............!

I'm obsessed with it and I rub it.

Hehe, hehe, hehe.

"Yay...... I'm sorry! I'm sorry. So, stop!

The way we exposed ourselves to insanity drew attention from all around us. Especially the gaze from the boys is hot. I know exactly what's going on with the men who seem to be cramped forward.

…… Do you want me to give you a break?

"…… then, I'm around here"

I dived into the water and out of my sight.

"Me, I'm leaving me alone!?

Phew, you deserve it.

Away from purity, I feel comfortable lowering my hips to the bottom of the boule.

"You're over your swimsuit, but you're so soft"

Alicia talks to me.

"Oh...... I was surprised too"

Try to move your hand in the water and remember what it felt like earlier.

Then, heh, I do my hands to my chest, and I move them to heh. It only feels too modest to come back.

"Not at all……"


We sigh together.

The spilled blister went up to the surface and disappeared.

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