Women have menstrual periods and have abdominal pain with bleeding every month.

Knowledge from health and physical education and the familiar opposite sex made me aware of that. So I immediately considered that my body was in that state.

But suddenly I came to visit, and I couldn't think of how to deal with it.

The class was interrupted, and I got up, and I was getting all the attention in the class until I drowned. And my seat is stained with blood.

In addition, my stomach is severely painful and my pain is coming intermittently as if I had been stabbed with a needle.

On the other hand, it might have been easier if I had fallen and lost consciousness. However, I have been able to tolerate blood and pain in a year of other worlds.

"Alice, are you okay?

It was Yuna who broke the silence in the classroom. When I realized it, he was standing by my side and looked worried and peered into my face.

"…… quite hard"

Suffice it to say I'm in the worst shape.

"Alice, that's what happened today."

"Are you here suddenly? Are you okay?"

When was the last time Jun and Wen Jia and the other girls in my class who were close to me were surrounding me? They're keeping me out of boys' sight, thank you.

"Shall we go to the infirmary...... can we walk?

"Oh, yeah... I think maybe it's okay, but this..."

I see blood dripping down my thighs.

Yuna took out the towel handkerchief and offered it to me.

"Wipe it with this."

"But it gets dirty……………"

"I don't care about that...... or should I wipe it for you?

I don't want to show off my lily sisters in this place. I decided to receive a handkerchief honestly from Yuna.

Wipe the blood dripping down your thighs. I wanted to wipe it in my skirt too, but it seemed too much to do it with my attention on it.

In the meantime, be patient as far as you can reach from the hem of your skirt.

"Doctor, Alice seems ill, so I'm taking her to the infirmary."

"Aah... take care."

When Yuna said so, the male teacher of the magnificent ancient texts took a breath and agreed to go to the insurance room as relieved.

"Can someone please escort me? I have to clean this place up."

"Yona's not the escort, we're finally cleaning."

Pure offers so.


"You're absolutely right. You want me to stay with Alice because we'll finish the cleanup?

Wenjia purely agreed. The other girls are just like Yuna, trying to send me out with them. Already, it seemed that some daughters went to get rags and buckets with permission from the teacher.

"Ok......... thank you guys"

"…… I'm sorry, everyone. Thanks."

I apologize and thank everyone as I feel so sorry for letting them handle the dirty stuff.

"I don't care. We're different when we're in trouble, right?

"I'm sorry my teacher interrupted your class too...... excuse me"

I leave the classroom so Yuna can draw my hand.

I'm sorry that I walked like a chicken with my inner crotch so that it wouldn't drip.

The first person we left the classroom for was the ladies' room right next to the classroom.

First of all, I wanted to do something about this terrible thing.

"I'll get dressed, so keep it clean in the meantime."

I broke up with Yuna in the bathroom and went into a private room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ikto"

Alicia apologized to me in the private room.

I'll take off my skirt and drop it.

Her lower body, stained red, enters her eyes and drank her breath without thinking.

'... why are you apologizing? Did you know this was gonna happen to Alicia?

I got lost but decided to take off my shorts as well.

It is disgusting to wear blood-coated products, and it is not hygienically good.

If I don't have a replacement, I'll think about it then.

"I didn't think of it because I didn't have any experience either... but Master Minstia's protection had expired and the aging reduction that had been hanging on me was no longer beneficial. I should have been more careful because I knew this day would come... '

I take off my shorts and drop my hips on the potty.

Potatoes and blood fall into the white potty to bloom the dark Zhu blossoms.

That's a little gross......

'Is that it? That was a true story. It's an excuse for slow growth…'

"Heh... Is that what Ikto thought?"

Shit, it's a silence.

"Anyway, I don't know what I didn't know... but I wonder if this is going to fall."

When I lifted my skirt off, my buttocks became red and dirty.

Purifying "Purifying" can remove dirt, but if it is clothes other than white, it also collects the colors and removes them...... "

It turns out that Alicia's coat was basically white.

I folded my skirt in prayer that the dirt would fall off, pinched and hid my undressed shorts in between, and placed them on top of the toilet tank.

'But are you okay? The... I think it's resistant that I exposed these things to others, especially in front of men...'

I'm naked in my lower body, and I'm going to wipe the dirt off the toilet paper.

There is a sour smell in the private room.

'I don't think I care that much... maybe it won't do that much harm. But it's hard for men to touch.'

If you accidentally make fun of something, there is also a risk that you will be summarily skunned by the girls in your class.

I know there are people among men who secretly talk about it as porn stuff, but, well, there's no choice... although I'm sorry for Alicia.

'More depressing than that when you think of this pain coming every month.'

When I feel calm, my stomach ache is conscious and painful again for that matter.

'... right. I knew I existed, but it's a lot tougher than I thought I'd actually go through.'

We both sighed.

Yuna returns and the door is knocked when she has finished cleaning the whole place.

"Alice, I brought you something to change. Unlock it."

Although I am naked in my lower body now... I also thought that I could care less about Yuna now.

I unlock the private room.

"Alice, how's your body?

Yuna had a paper bag in her hand as she peered in her worried face.

"I brought you gymnastics clothes. After that, I borrowed the replacement shorts in the safe room, so I used this... and this napkin, do you know how to use it?

"……… I don't think there are any high school boys who know that."

"I don't know. I don't think there are any high school girls... but I'll tell you what. I'll go inside."

Yuna enters the private room and closes the key in the back.

Then, sitting in the bathroom and wearing brand new shorts to his knees, Yuna's course on the use of napkins began.

... This is a very embarrassing situation if someone sees you.

But Yuna worries about me and tells me seriously, so weird things get out of my head and focus on the story.

I found out why girls sometimes take their porches to the bathroom.

... I thought it was just something with makeup tools and stuff.

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