When I Returned From Another World I Was A Silver Haired Shrine Maiden

Day 2 of the Cultural Festival (after the festival)

'… yes. Then you have no choice.'

The jade reaction to me when I was ready to share my thoughts was too light.

'............ er'

The unexpected reaction, on the contrary, puzzles me.

'What a face you should shake. I was kind of anticipating when I talked to Alicia earlier, so I was just ready... not that I wasn't shocked. "


Awkward silence.

It is no exaggeration to say that you did not reveal who you are to emerald because you were afraid of this situation.

I'm scared if this breaks my relationship with emerald, but I don't know what to do. Because I'm the one who turned her down.

"Well fine... I forgot to ask you one more thing than that, so I want you to tell me."

'... what is it?

While relieved that the conversation would continue, I asked Emerald what the question was about. Without knowing what kind of mines it is.

Why didn't you tell me how many people were alive?

I lose my word on that question.

That's my sin running away from facing Emerald.

Emerald remained smiling, but this is definitely a reaction when you are seriously angry.

"Do you know how many people I've been worried about? Well, I heard about the situation where you couldn't talk to anyone, but you could have told us about your siblings, right?

Emerald came up and approached me. I just hang around.

'That is… that…… my body has become like this…'

"So what? No matter what body you become, there are a few of you. Did you think that you and we would have something to do with that?

"That is…… that……………"

I can't say anything because I'm stuck with my cowardice.

"A few people are cheating..."

The hand that emerald held hit my chest.

"Thought you were dead, and you were going to be hard, tormented, and already screwed up every day... a few idiots, that's terrible..."

Jade alternates with his hands as it is, poking me powerless a few times. I'll be taken, but I'll take it. There is no physical pain. But the emotion in it hurts so much.

A pompous droplet falls from the jade's laid face and marks the floor.

"... sorry, jade"

"I won't give you easy forgiveness..."

"I wonder how I can make amends for emerald."

"…… I want memories"

'... Huh?

'Yesterday's promise is still valid, isn't it? The one where you go on dates everywhere.'

"Well, uh... we had a date today, so we don't talk about it anymore...?

'That's not what I'm talking about. I want to use that right for the two of us to travel. I know you like Alicia. So... memories with you. "

You mean you want memories of traveling with me. If that's how much hope you have, you won't have a problem responding.

I'd rather be thankful if that allowed me to do what I did.

'Yeah, I get it. If that makes you feel like jade...'

Honestly, if you two can have a good time like today, you're welcome. I'm glad to be able to keep friends like this even if my confession doesn't work. Though I feel a little bad for Yuna and Ethereal.

"Promise, so be it."

"Ugh, yeah……"

I replied with a slight hesitation to the jade temper.

"Jade sister cracked me up!?... Ah, I knew you'd noticed. '

On my way home with Yuna after the cultural festival, I reported to Yuna what happened today.

"... Did Yuna know?

"I didn't know, but my sister Emerald came to me to explore..."

Yuna, who had been depressed since I went missing, was suddenly feeling better, and Emerald seemed to prove that I was a few.

So, tell me what happened?

I told Yuna what happened today.

When I told him that I turned down the jade confession, he put his hand on my head and said, "Well... that was tough".

"Alicia, good for you," she cried a little against her confession to Alicia.

"… I'll apologize to Jade sister later," he says to the jade bullet that followed.

And when I talked about the travel and memories I received as a condition to forgive me, I changed my complexion for some reason.

'Alice... you know what that means and you accepted that suggestion?

"? Why are you so angry...... oh well. I'm sorry, but you can't go with Yona because you promised Emerald, right?

'I don't want that, idiot!... Enough, let Alicia and I talk'

'... what the hell'

After that, Yuna changed her complexion while talking to Alicia about something.

The gaze that could be directed at me in between seemed very cold for some reason.

... What the hell, really?

Yuna remained grumpy when I got home, and when I asked Alicia she didn't tell me what she told me, and I stayed stuffy.

With that state, after the day, all I had to do was sleep in my room.

After this, I talked to Alicia, and before I went to bed, I cut my mental tone and had a little fun with her.

'Mr. Ikto...... thank you for today. I wanted to be alone, so I got back to you late.'

Alicia said that to me.

"Ooh, ooh..."

I am ashamed to be reminded of my confessions during the day.

'I love Mr. Ikto too… I want to be with you for a long time'

'Neither do I. I like Alicia. "

When I speak up, I can feel my feelings and feel warm. At the same time, I remember the jade in the daytime and my chest was sore.

'... but if you can have someone else you like, don't hesitate. I can't walk with a few of you. "

'Don't say that. Even if you can't walk side by side, you're with Alicia all the time, right?

I put my hand on my chest and speak to Alicia.

"... I want you to be happy."

"Living with Alicia is my happiness. So you don't have to worry about that. '

Why do we have to feel this hard when we're saying we like each other?

'... a few of you, please'

Alicia talks to me with a tone like she's determined to do something.

"Do you mind if I don't cut your mental tone this evening?"

'... what is that?

I took a spit.

I want you to connect with me. I'd like to be with Mr. Ikto...... '

My body reacts unrestrained to Alicia's confession.


My aunt passes on to Alicia as she is, and that Alicia reaction makes her body get expensive again.

... This could suck.

'... is that okay with you?

'… Yes. I want Mr. Ikto to feel better.'

I haven't even touched it yet. It's already feverish there. My head is full of expectations of the unknown, and the anxiety and anxiety I was feeling disappears from my head.

"Mr. Ikto...... I love it"

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