Author: Writing books due to lack of books


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[Lin Fan]: I can see the health bars of all things, control all things, become invisible in the darkness and swallow the remaining blood. If I kill all things, I can gain experience points and become stronger!

[Night Watchman]: We patrol at night. If you encounter danger, call us!

[Federal Research Institute]: We study creatures from the dark world, copy their abilities, and graft them onto ordinary people, all on a voluntary basis.

[Mechanical Cult]: We abandon the flesh and blood body and reshape the mechanical body. We believe in the God of Machinery!

[Flesh Sect]: Flesh is the foundation, everyone can become a god of flesh!

[Cryer] Anyone who sees my photos and videos will die. I will teleport over and kill you regardless of distance.

[Reincarnation]: Those killed by the reincarnation knife in my hand will never be reincarnated.

[Time Train]: My passengers come from the past, present, and future. The terminal is here, please get off!

The dark world overlaps with the real world, and eternal night is coming! "

Chapter 1 I can see the health bars of all things

"Our ability test shows that you don't have any abilities. You are just an ordinary person! Are you sure that everything you described is true?"

Richard, a researcher at the Federal Research Institute, pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses. There are always ordinary people who lie about awakening some kind of supernatural power and try to sneak into the federal establishment to get a high-paying job.

It was obvious that the young man sitting across from him was such a dreamer. The young man looked handsome, with sunken eye sockets, but severe dark circles and bags under his eyes, and looked like he had kidney deficiency.

"I'm sure what I said is true! My eyes did change. Everything I saw was 3D transparent. I saw many scary figures... By the way, there were also health bars! You know the game! What's in it? NPCs have health bars on their heads. When I look at people, I can see the blood bars on their heads. When I look at kittens and puppies, I can also see the blood bars on their heads. Even in dreams, I can see the blood on their heads. strip."

"Then do you see the blood strip on my head?"

Richard used a pen to write on the back of the superpower test report: After testing, the subject did not have any superpowers, and it was initially determined that the subject was suspected of having psychosis.

"Yes, the health bar above your head shows 20%."

Lin Fan said seriously, with a slightly confused look in his eyes, "You look to be in your early forties, why are your health bars so low?"

"Lin Fan, I can understand your desire to become a Night Watchman, but not everyone can become a Night Watchman! We can consider observing you for a period of time to see if you have really awakened the power you described. !”

Richard added a sentence at the end without hesitation: Consider sending the subject to the federal "mental hospital" for psychic testing to observe whether he has really awakened his spiritual powers.

Lin Fan stared blankly at the top of Richard's head. There was really a blood-red health bar there, and the value of the middle health bar showed: 20%.

Two days ago, he had a dream.

In the dream, he could see the blood bars on the heads of everyone in the dream... After waking up from the dream, his eyes changed dramatically.

He looked down at his pillow, and a 5% health bar appeared above the pillow.

When he looked at the phone next to him, a 10% health bar appeared above the phone.

He could see their health bars wherever he looked.

He can also see another world at night. The world that ordinary people see is the normal world, and what they see at night is another world.

Among the tall buildings, he saw towering mountains.

In the sky, a shadowy figure flew across the sky and covered the moon. It was a fish with wings, soaring ninety thousand miles...

On the street, there were supposed to be young men and women who had just started their nightlife, but he saw a slender figure without the whites of his eyes.

An old man dragging a snakeskin bag with corrosive liquid flowing all over his body...

There is also a sculpture made of reinforced concrete...

A weirdo with three heads and six arms...

A giant in animal skins…

In the blink of an eye, these figures disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, these figures appeared again.

"Please wait here for a moment, I will arrange for others to come and pick you up. After that, we will conduct a second test and observation on you to confirm whether you have really awakened your superpower!"

Richard stood up, walked out of the room calmly, and locked the door behind his back.

"Why did you lock the door?"

Lin Fan frowned.

"Just wait inside and Dean Ma will come to pick you up soon."

Richard left without looking back.


Lin Fan sighed. He thought that if he found a researcher at the Federal Research Institute and took the initiative to tell him that he had awakened his powers, he could get a job as a night watchman and get rid of the hard life of a worker.

Unexpectedly, the researcher tested his powers and said that he had not awakened any powers. He was speechless and no one believed him if he told the truth.

A few minutes later, Director Ma of the Federal Mental Hospital came with two security guards.

The moment he opened the door, Lin Fan saw the health bars above their heads.

The strange thing is that none of these people's health bars are less than 100%.

Lin Fan was confused. Why were their health bars not at 100%? But his own health bar is 100%!

Lin Fan was taken to the Federal Mental Hospital. He didn't want to resist, he just hoped that the people in the mental hospital could detect his powers as soon as possible!

On the wall of the mental hospital, an LCD TV was playing the evening news.

"People have been missing at night recently. The Night Watch Department has issued a second-level alarm. There are signs that the dark world creatures have revived recently. All citizens of the Federation are requested to try not to go out after 11 o'clock in the evening. If you encounter danger, please call the Night Watch Department at 000-10085 in time."

"In order to prevent the dark world creatures from making a comeback, the Night Watch Department will recruit a group of night watchmen from all citizens of the Federation. All citizens who meet the requirements can sign up to participate. For those who successfully pass the physical fitness test, we will uniformly copy their superpowers to make them first-level superpowers. This round of tests is not limited to age and gender, and anyone can participate in the test."

Two hundred years ago, an unknown wormhole appeared over the Blue Water Star. One by one, the dark world creatures flew out and invaded the Blue Water Star, causing the lives of the people to be destroyed and the world to be on the verge of extinction.

The Federation was born to meet the disaster. The Federation led humans to resist the dark world creatures. After two hundred years of hard fighting, the Federation established a new world, forced back the dark world creatures, and established a number of federal bases to protect the safety of mankind.

Lin Fan came from Earth, but he did not get the golden finger and system.

He thought he would be a mediocre worker like in his previous life, but he didn't expect to have a golden finger.

He wanted to join the Federation and become a night watchman. After all, the treatment of night watchmen is much better than that of ordinary people. Ordinary people have to work hard every day, but they don't have to work so hard as night watchmen. The salary starts at 10,000 yuan a month, and some night watchmen even have a monthly salary of up to 1 million! However, now the Federation doesn't want him, saying that he has no superpowers. The key is that he really can't prove that his superpowers are real...

"Eternal Night... is coming!"

An old man next to him spoke in a mysterious way.

His whites of his eyes turned outward, his tongue was tied, and he spoke incoherently.

Suddenly he grabbed Lin Fan's hand.

"Stupid human, when darkness covers the world, we will come again, and you wait to be destroyed."

The old man seemed to have become another person, and he died after saying this to Lin Fan strangely.

Lin Fan saw that the blood bar above his head turned into 0.

"Eternal Night is Coming!"

The world in front of Lin Fan changed again. Under his gaze, it seemed that two worlds were overlapping each other.

One of them was the real world. The other world was dark, with many shadowy figures.

A dark space mixed with black and white.

Cold streets, dilapidated buildings.

Dark void, decaying earth.

A strange heart, covered with countless tentacles, was climbing up a building vertically, and then moving horizontally, shuttling between buildings.

A bloated figure with swords and knives stuck in his body, three meters tall, wandered under the street lights, and scalpels fell from him.

Like a ghost, the black shadow shuttled back and forth between the earth and the wall, revealing a pair of eyes that ignored the common people, and a trace of bloodthirstiness was hidden in the depths of his eyes.

A three-year-old girl with a pair of clean big eyes, biting her little finger, walked on the street innocently and cutely,

The black shadows on both sides were scared and scattered away...

The overlap of the two worlds has been more than halfway done. When the two worlds completely overlap, does it mean that the eternal night is coming?

Was the person who just spoke the creature from another world? Two hundred years ago, they invaded the Blue Water Planet, but were eventually repelled by the Federation...

The new world was established, the Federation protected the world, the country was peaceful, there were night watchmen patrolling at night, and the people lived and worked in peace.

But they didn't expect that the catastrophe... was coming!

"Please rest assured, citizens of the Federation, we have night watchmen guarding the night, and there are reincarnations hunting dark world creatures. Dark world creatures are no longer a threat. They hide underground and are just snakes and rats in the cave. We live in a safe world."

Lin Fan looked up at the LCD TV on the wall, and there was also a blood bar on its head.

Eternal night...


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