An energy shell hit the meatball, and the meatball exploded, turning into countless bloody and fleshy fragments.

A heart-shaped piece of meat appeared on the spot, squirming, and slowly turned into a naked young man.

The night watchmen around him fired wildly, and the young man was shot into a sieve and fell on the street.

"Flesh and Blood Sect!"

Lin Fan watched the meatball being killed. This was a member of another dark world organization, the Flesh and Blood Sect. He had taken the time to check a lot of information about dark world creatures in the past few days.

The bodies of the members of the Flesh and Blood Sect are all mutated flesh and blood.

Just like the deformed life that humans say, their flesh and blood can squirm and change into various creatures.

They are good at disguising themselves with flesh and blood,

including changing into any human and animal.

They believe in the God of Flesh and Blood and want to change the world with their flesh and blood, which is exactly the opposite of the concept of the Mechanical Sect.

The Mechanical Sect believes that humans should abandon their flesh and blood and ascend with machinery.

The Flesh and Blood Sect taps into the potential of the human body, trying to open the door of flesh and blood and achieve a flesh and blood god body.

The members of the Flesh and Blood Sect and the Mechanical Sect were all human at the beginning.

It was just because of some special reasons that they became members of two sects.

For example, ordinary people who were caught by the Flesh and Blood Sect would be transformed and become members of the Flesh and Blood Sect.

Similarly, ordinary people who were caught by the Mechanical Sect would also be turned into members of the Mechanical Sect.

Of course, the prerequisite is to join.

Those who refuse will be ruthlessly killed.

Lin Fan saw many strange creatures.

His scalp was a little numb, this was a world full of monsters.

As an ordinary person before, he really had not seen these dark world creatures.

But since he saw the blood bar, he saw too many dark world creatures.

He remembered the words of the dead middle-aged man.

"The people around us are all undercover agents of the dark world organization!"


There are indeed many dark world creatures around us.

They are undercover in the real world, but ordinary people can't see them.

As long as you don't go to the streets after 11 o'clock in the evening,

you won't encounter dark world creatures.

Lin Fan closed his eyes and didn't want to see.

The next day at noon, Lin Fan went to a nearby mobile phone store and bought a new card.

He had just installed the SIM card when a video chat page popped up on the phone screen.

A middle-aged man appeared inside, and it was Wang Ming, the captain of the night watch who was on duty last night.

"Hello, I am Wang Ming, the captain of the first brigade of the Qucheng Night Watch Division. I am sorry to contact you in this way. Maybe we can meet and talk?"

Lin Fan was stunned. Did the night watchman find him for the law enforcement device?

He tried to turn off the video, but the phone screen did not listen to him at all.

"You can't turn it off. Every mobile phone in the Federation is backed up in the Federation Smart Library. We can control every mobile phone. I have no ill intentions in looking for you. I just want to chat with you."

"Okay, how to chat?"

"Stand still, someone will come to you soon."

Lin Fan looked up and saw two young men walking towards him, dressed in ordinary clothes.

"Hello, we are night watchmen. Please come with us."

Lin Fan nodded helplessly. He was just an ordinary person during the day. Facing two LV1 night watchmen, he couldn't beat them or run away.

Unless it's at night!

He was taken to the Night Watch, where Wang Ming personally entertained him.

"Would you like some tea?" Wang Ming asked with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded, and he and Wang Ming sat opposite each other.

There was a purple wood coffee table in the middle, and Wang Ming was making tea.

"I heard that you can see other people's health bars, but I wonder if you can see mine?"

Lin Fan looked at the top of Wang Ming's head.

100%, LV4.

He knew that it would not take too long for the Night Watch to investigate him.

Everything about him should have been investigated by the Night Watch.

He nodded honestly.

"I can see that your health bar is 100%."

Wang Ming's eyes lit up, "The Night Watch needs talents like you. We won't treat you as a psychopath! I wonder if you are willing to join the Night Watch and become a Night Watchman?"

Chapter 9: Villas and luxury cars are guaranteed to be allocated

Lin Fan smiled bitterly, "Do I have a chance to refuse?"

Wang Ming said seriously, "You have two choices. The first is to become a Night Watchman to protect civilians, participate in night patrols and capture creatures in the dark world. The second is to enter the Federal Research Institute. Anyone with special abilities will be taken to the institute and cannot appear in the world of ordinary people."

Lin Fan was speechless. Entering the Federal Research Institute was equivalent to signing a contract to be a guinea pig experiment. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out in this life, and I may even be dissected...

"Can I choose neither?"



"Choose neither, we will kill you now!"

Wang Ming looked at Lin Fan seriously.

Lin Fan:...

In the end, Lin Fan was forced to join the Night Watch.

Becoming a night watchman, a set of bulletproof vests is assigned. This is a set of black tights with a blood-red spear on the cuff, representing a first-level night watchman.

"It seems that being a night watchman is not bad..." Lin Fan smiled. Every night watchman can get a single-family villa in the city center for free!

There is also a luxury off-road vehicle standard for night watchmen!

As for the salary, it is 100,000 per month! And commission!

The salary of ordinary people is only a few thousand yuan a month. The night watchman is a federal organization and needs to pass multiple levels of assessment before entering. First of all, you must be in good health!

Let’s put it this way, only one out of a thousand people who sign up at the same time can become a night watchman!

Night watchmen, with high wages, good treatment, guaranteed villas and luxury cars, are jobs that ordinary people dream of!

Of course, night watchmen are also a very dangerous profession, requiring night patrols of the streets and encountering dark world creatures, with a high mortality rate, especially for first-level night watchmen, who are called cannon fodder of the Federation!

Only by climbing up and becoming a second-level night watchman, a third-level night watchman...

The higher you are, the safer you are, and the better the treatment.

A monthly salary of 100,000 plus commissions is the best way for ordinary people to get rich overnight.

Commissions are the key. If you capture or kill a LV1 dark world creature alone, you can get a reward of 10,000 yuan.

LV2, a reward of 50,000 yuan.

LV3, a reward of 100,000 yuan.

LV4, a reward of 500,000 yuan.

LV5, a reward of 1 million yuan.

“Isn’t this tailor-made for me?” Lin Fan coughed dryly. It seemed that becoming a night watchman was not impossible. He had never dared to dream of such treatment before.

Wang Ming did not ask him about the law enforcement device, but Wang Ming said something meaningful to him at the end.

"The Night Watch Division has clear rewards and punishments. As long as you have made meritorious service, you can be promoted."

This is a bit intriguing. If he takes the initiative to hand over the law enforcement device, will it be considered a meritorious service?

"Let's take a look at the contents of the law enforcement device first."

Now, he has become a night watchman and has a computer that is standard for night watchmen, which can be used to read the contents of the law enforcement device.

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