"Lin Fan is on your back! Come back!"

After receiving the signal, the immortal lizard ran and jumped towards the dark world army without hesitation. His speed was very fast. In an instant, he ran a thousand meters and headed towards the back of the dark world.

"Big lizard, why are you running!"

Lin Fan used his control over everything to instantly control the body of the immortal lizard, causing it to tremble suddenly in mid-air and then fall to the ground. The immortal lizard found that his body did not obey his command.

He wanted to jump forward, but his body was against him, lying on the ground motionless. At the same time, he felt that his body was attacked, and a series of destructive thunders struck the immortal lizard.

This time, Lin Fan aimed at one of the immortal lizard's big hind legs. Time was urgent, and he might only have time to take away one hind leg, because there were many god-level dark world creatures rushing over from a distance, and he had no time to kill the immortal lizard.

"Hold on, we are coming!"

The immortal lizard felt the danger of his life again, and a group of god-level dark world creatures teleported madly to support him.

The immortal lizard was panicking. He couldn't move. Lin Fan's control of everything was so terrible that he couldn't escape.


Lin Fan used the control of everything to control the body of the immortal lizard. At the same time, the death sickle in his hand fiercely cut a wound on the hind leg of the immortal lizard. This wound could not heal quickly.

Thunders of destruction struck the bones of the immortal lizard crazily, and directly removed the leg at the joint.

The next second, the hind leg of the immortal lizard was chopped off by Lin Fan. Lin Fan grabbed the thigh and came directly to the back of the night watchman at 90,000 meters in an instant. A group of god-level dark world creatures also came to the side of the immortal lizard.

Seeing that one of the hind legs of the immortal lizard was gone, they were still a step late!

"Roar! Lin Fan, I can't stand with you!"

After the immortal lizard gained freedom, he screamed madly to the sky. His broken hind legs were growing wildly, but his breath dropped a lot. He was too frustrated to have one of his hind legs cut off by Lin Fan twice in a row!

A group of god-level dark world creatures looked at the mad look of the immortal lizard. They were also very bitter in their hearts. The immortal lizard had met its nemesis.

In the world, I'm afraid only Lin Fan dared to do this to the immortal lizard!

"Who can help me catch Lin Fan? I owe him a favor!"

The immortal lizard suddenly spoke to all the god-level dark world creatures around him. His words made these god-level dark world creatures' eyes light up. The favor of the immortal lizard is very big!

You know, every immortal lizard is invincible. They have thick blood bars and are almost impossible to be killed. If they can get the favor of the immortal lizard, they can ask the immortal lizard to do something for them.


Immediately, this group of god-level dark world creatures agreed immediately. Although Lin Fan was difficult to capture, they were also god-level strongmen after all. It should be no problem to capture a level 5 superpower.

Some god-level dark world creatures left the battlefield directly. They quietly lurked and prepared to go to the back of the Night Watch to capture Lin Fan. Now everyone was on the main battlefield. Although there were people defending the back of the Night Watch, there should not be too many strong men. They were careful and there would be no problem.

After Lin Fan returned to the back of the Night Watch, he skinned the long legs of the immortal lizard again and prepared to barbecue.

The battlefield continued all the time, and injured Night Watchmen were constantly sent to the back. When they saw Lin Fan bringing back a long leg of an immortal lizard, those who had eaten the barbecue of the immortal lizard before were excited. One person told ten, ten told a hundred... Everyone soon realized that this was the leg of the immortal lizard.

"Brothers, wait a moment, the barbecue will be ready soon."

Chapter 136 Golden Elf Tribe

Lin Fan controlled the long leg of the immortal lizard with the power of controlling everything, and then controlled the flames to spread over the entire thigh, and a strong meaty aroma came out.

"Thirteen spices."

Some night watchmen who had barbecued with Lin Fan before came over enthusiastically and provided him with various barbecue seasonings.

This long leg was half longer than the previous one, so Lin Fan accepted everyone's barbecue seasonings and sprinkled them on different parts to produce different aromas.

Soon, this long leg was roasted golden and greasy. Many people wiped their saliva with their sleeves, and then sprinkled delicious barbecue seasonings on different parts of this long leg with Lin Fan.

The rich aroma emanated, and many wounded people around smelled this aroma, and felt that their injuries were not so painful.

Many strong men who were guarding nearby could not help but show up and come here. They wanted to eat the last time, but they did not come because of face. But this time they could not bear it anymore, and they came to Lin Fan with their hands rubbing.

"Can we have a taste too? We are not trying to snatch food from the wounded. We really just want to have a taste."

A god-level night watcher said to Lin Fan embarrassedly.

"Come on, come on, we are all brothers. This leg has a lot of meat. It is not enough to eat. I will cut more!"

Lin Fan greeted everyone warmly, whether they were wounded or god-level night watchers, he asked everyone to eat as much as they wanted.

The rich aroma of meat spread all around, and all the night watchers could not wait.

After the meat was roasted, Lin Fan cut pieces of roasted meat with the death sickle and controlled them to fly to the injured night watchers so that they could catch them and eat.

Everyone chewed the golden roast meat in big mouthfuls. After eating it, many people's wounds healed crazily.

"This meat can not only heal wounds, but also help us evolve!"

After eating the meat, many night watchmen found that not only their wounds were healed, but their strengths also broke through. Those night watchmen who were originally in a bottleneck period broke through directly after eating the roast meat twice in a row.

Some people broke through from level 3 to level 4, and some even broke through from level 4 to level 5.

There are many people who broke through, because this is the meat of the immortal lizard, which contains powerful immortal energy.

"I broke through, hahaha!"

Some people laughed excitedly, the bottleneck that had troubled him for a long time was broken through, and their strength became stronger!

For each night watchman, in addition to copying stronger superpowers, their strength is to practice step by step and evolve bit by bit. Even if they are level 1 superpowers, they can practice to level 5. This mainly depends on everyone's talent, but now after eating the meat of the immortal lizard, many people have broken through.

"Good stuff! Very nutritious!"

Even many god-level night watchmen felt warm after eating the meat, with an indescribable feeling.

"Damn it, Lin Fan actually roasted the legs of the immortal lizard!"

Some god-level dark world creatures lurking nearby, they just came here, they smelled the rich meat aroma, and then they saw the culprit below.

Seeing that Lin Fan actually roasted the long legs of the immortal lizard and shared them with many night watchmen, these god-level dark world creatures were all angry, but many people couldn't help but wipe the corners of their mouths with their sleeves. The meat smelled so good that they were all hungry and wanted to eat two bites now.

"It turns out that the immortal lizard is so fragrant after being roasted!"

A god-level dark world creature couldn't help but say this, and after he finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, he quickly shut up, and when he looked at other god-level dark world creatures, he found that many people were drooling, and it turned out that he was not the only one who thought so.

However, he couldn't say this in front of the Immortal Lizard, nor could it be heard by the Immortal Lizard, otherwise the Immortal Lizard would definitely not let them off!

"There are many god-level night watchers around Lin Fan, so it's not easy for us to attack him!"

This group of god-level dark world creatures came to capture Lin Fan. As long as they could catch Lin Fan and hand him over to the Immortal Lizard.

Then, the Immortal Lizard owed them a favor, but now there were many god-level night watchers eating barbecue together around Lin Fan. With so many masters here, if they went over, they would be courting death.

Lin Fan was happily eating barbecue with a group of night watchers. Suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of a figure on a tall building in the distance, as if there was a figure staring at him. The other party was two kilometers away from him, and his eyes could only see the details of two kilometers. He couldn't see clearly beyond two kilometers, and could only vaguely see a figure.

"Can you help me see if that person is one of our own or an enemy?"

Lin Fan looked at the god-level night watchmen next to him. The god-level night watchmen looked in the direction Lin Fan was looking. They were so powerful that they instantly locked onto the other party and determined that it was a dark world creature.

"No, the enemy is coming, be alert!"

The mission of this group of god-level night watchmen is to protect the wounded in the rear from being attacked by dark world creatures. Now that god-level dark world creatures have come nearby, they are facing a great enemy.

All the wounded also gathered together at this moment, adjusted their status to the peak, and began to ask for help, hoping that some of the night watchmen in front of the battlefield could come back, as they were attacked in the rear.

"Protect everyone!"

Several god-level night watchmen disappeared instantly and went to chase and kill the god-level dark world creature.

Others stayed here to protect. Lin Fan looked at the dark world creatures in the distance. He felt that these people came for him.

Looking at the wounded around, many of them have recovered and can fight, but their realm is too low. If the creatures from the dark world come, they will be easily slaughtered.

"Everyone stay within the rules, we are safe!"

Around the wounded, the night watchmen have long established mixed rules of the god level. These rules are very powerful. Even if the creatures from the dark world come, they cannot easily pass through these rules.

Therefore, as long as they stay in the rules, they will be safe for the time being.

Lin Fan followed everyone and stood in the rules, and did not rush out. These creatures from the dark world were all coming for him. Once he left the rules, he would probably encounter an accident.

There are many god-level night watchmen around, and they just need to come forward. These god-level night watchmen leave some to protect everyone within the rules, and the others will all kill them.

When they go out, the god-level dark world creatures in the dark also retreated as soon as possible. They have been discovered, and it is meaningless to stay here.

When the support of the night watchmen comes, they are likely to be attacked from front and back and be wrapped in dumplings.

Brothers, let's continue eating. "

Lin Fan saw that they were safe for the time being, so he called on the other night watchmen to continue eating the barbecue. The long legs of the immortal lizard still had a lot of meat, enough for everyone to eat for another half an hour.

Everyone licked their lips after hearing this, and then rushed forward to continue sharing the barbecue.

In the back of the dark world, the immortal lizard was healing, and suddenly a group of dark world creatures appeared in front of him. They told the immortal lizard that they found Lin Fan, but they did not catch Lin Fan.

"There is one thing, I don't know if I should tell you." A god-level dark world creature took a deep breath, plucked up the courage, and prepared to tell the immortal lizard the cruel truth.

"What is it!"

The immortal lizard said coldly.

"Your hind legs were roasted by Lin Fan, and they were also distributed to many night watchmen to eat..."

The god-level dark world creature said cautiously.


"Ah, Lin Fan!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

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