Suddenly attacked, a group of dark world creatures were killed on the spot, which also caused a small area of ​​chaos, but the dark world creatures quickly reacted and began to attack these night watch teams.

"Looking for death!"

There are many strong dark world creatures stationed near the space channel, and they rushed to the night watch team at the first time.

The weakest members of each night watch team are in the realm of one god, and the leaders are basically in the realm of three gods.

They are very powerful, but unfortunately, their number is very small. In a moment, they were attacked by thousands of dark world creatures.

"Don't fight, our mission is to destroy the space channel."

The night watch team firmly remembered their goal. While fighting with the dark world creatures, they flew into the sky, trying to approach the space channel, and then installed space explosives there to destroy the space structure of the space channel.

If you want to destroy this space channel, you must use space explosives. Once the space explosives explode, they can launch a devastating destruction of the space structure within the range.

As long as the space structure is destroyed, the space channel will automatically heal.

"Stop them!"

Batches of powerful creatures from the dark world flew up to the sky, blocking the Night Watch Squad. Their mission was to defend, and they had more people than the Night Watch Squad.

The Night Watch Squad was unable to break through their defenses, and even paid the price of blood for it.

"What should I do? I can't get close to the space channel!"

Chapter 147 One million experience points

There are too many creatures from the dark world, and there are many strong ones. The Night Watch Squad has no way to form an effective breakthrough now.

Even several people's lives were paid as the price, and the dark world creatures were still surrounding them. They were surrounded by enemies all around.

"There is no way to retreat, brothers, kill!"

Without retreat, they could only move forward. Suddenly, the Night Watch Squads rushed forward frantically.



They paid a heavy price.

"Commander, we failed..."

Jifa received the news from the Night Watch Squad.

His face was ugly. They spent so much money to send so many people in this time, but they still failed. Looking at the space channel in the sky, Ji Fa gritted his teeth and led the Night Watch army to kill directly towards the space channel.

No matter what, they must destroy this channel to prevent more dark world creatures from coming.

"Follow me!"

Ji Fa took the lead!

The Night Watch army followed him and turned into a sharp sword, directly tearing through the dark world creatures in front and breaking through the space channel.

Lin Fan was invisible nearby and followed the Night Watch army. He looked at the space channel in the distance. There were more than a dozen battlefields near the space channel. These were more than a dozen Night Watch teams breaking through. Their mission basically failed. They were now unable to protect themselves, let alone blow up the space channel, and they couldn't even get close to the space channel.

Lei Ze team was one of the teams. Lei Ze team originally had 17 people, but now there are only 13 people left, four of them have died, and more people will die if they continue.


Lin Fan became invisible and appeared among the creatures of the dark world, constantly releasing destructive thunder to kill the surrounding dark world creatures.

At the same time, he used the destructive thunder to help the Night Watch army break through. Within a thousand meters was his domain. He did not need to kill the dark world creatures, but only needed to seriously injure them.

Therefore, a sudden arrival of destructive thunders struck a group of dark world creatures, severely injuring them. Although they did not kill them, they also gave the Night Watch army a chance to break through.


The Night Watch army seized the opportunity and killed these severely injured dark world creatures with overwhelming force.

Lin Fan's eyes lit up, and then he controlled the destructive thunder to constantly appear above the heads of the dark world creatures, causing indiscriminate attacks on them. He only needed to injure them severely or slightly to give the Night Watch army a chance.

Lin Fan flew above the Night Watchmen and looked at the dark world creatures in front of him. He was like a thunder god, constantly controlling the destructive thunders to strike down, and directly killed a passage in the dark world creatures.

The Night Watchmen army followed this passage and killed in, directly tearing a gap. The densely packed Night Watchmen followed this gap and killed into the dark world creatures.

"Good job!"

Ji Fa was overjoyed. They had been fighting here for a long time and couldn't find a gap. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan created a gap for them.

With the gap, they were much easier to deal with. The gap was torn bigger and bigger, and the dark world creatures also felt a little panic.

Although they were numerous, only a part of them could really fight with the Night Watchmen. Most of them were just crowded in the back and couldn't join the battlefield in the first time.


With this gap as a base, the Night Watchmen army directly killed a passage in the dark world creatures, and everyone was fighting desperately.

They all knew that if they couldn't tear a passage, then they would be killed by the dark world creatures like dumplings.

Ji Fa rushed to the front like a killer, blocking a group of powerful dark world creatures.


At this moment, a shocking explosion occurred at the front of the battlefield.

From the sky, terrible shells flew down. These shells fell into the crowd and could instantly tear people within a hundred meters into pieces.


The Night Watch army at the front of the gap suffered heavy losses. They were attacked by this kind of shells. In a moment, at least hundreds of people died.

"Split bomb! Be careful!"

Split bomb is a terrible shell specially developed by the Mechanicus. Each shell can tear everything within a hundred meters into pieces in an instant. Even the god-level strongmen can hardly survive.

Shells fell from the sky one by one, and the Night Watch suffered heavy losses.

"Merge with them!"

Jifa ordered.

Suddenly, all the Night Watch dispersed and entered the dark world creatures next to them and merged with them. You have me, I have you. In this way, the Mechanicus's split bombs can't be fired, because they will kill their own people when they fall.

All the night watchmen used this method to temporarily avoid the attack of the split bomb, but they were in a new crisis. They integrated into the dark world creatures, and usually one person might face the attack of two dark world creatures.

Although they gathered together, they were still in the encirclement and could not form an effective breakthrough, which only made the battlefield more chaotic.

Outside the rule wall, there were still night watchmen being sent in, but they were like meat buns hitting dogs. Once they entered, they would never return. Although people kept coming in, compared with the dark world creatures, their number was very small.

Because the dark world creatures would be sent out of the space channel in large numbers every once in a while, over time, the number of dark world creatures gradually reached several times that of the night watchmen.

"What should I do?"

At this moment, everyone was killing red-eyed, and the few calm people were very anxious in their hearts. Their mission was considered a failure. Whether they could leave alive today was the same thing.

They were already in the encirclement and could not break through. They could only desperately move forward. Their distance from the space channel was shortening, but the number of people was decreasing madly.

Lin Fan was in front of the Night Watch, constantly releasing destructive thunder, and he also attracted the attention of many creatures in the dark world.

Many god-level strongmen came to his side and tried to hunt him. If it weren't for his fast speed, he would have been killed several times. His experience value was also growing wildly.


At this moment, arrows flew past him. He turned his head and saw ten elves locking him.

These ten elves were all in the first god realm. Their assigned task was to stop Lin Fan and kill him at the same time.

Facing ten elves in the first god realm, Lin Fan did not dare to be careless. These elves had superb archery skills. Although they were not as terrible as snipers, they could also pose a threat to him.

If it was one-on-one, he was not afraid of anyone, but if it was one-on-ten, he would have a problem.

Ten elves surrounded Lin Fan from different directions, trying to hunt him in the middle.

He could only escape the shooting range of the elves in an instant. The ten elves were stunned for a moment because they lost Lin Fan's position in their perception.

They had to split up to look for Lin Fan in different directions.

Unfortunately, they could no longer find Lin Fan. Even if the spirits of the First God Realm were very strong, they could only sense Lin Fan when they were 300 meters away from him.

Lin Fan was watching an elf nearby from a thousand meters away. He quietly approached this person. When he was 400 meters away from him, he did not hesitate to control this person's body with the control of all things.

The distance of 400 meters was a bit far. The elf was controlled for a while and easily broke free, but he didn't know where Lin Fan was because he couldn't sense it.


A destructive thunder fell from the sky and struck his head. The elf was startled and shot an arrow without hesitation, exploding the destructive thunder.

But more destructive thunders suddenly surrounded him. He was immediately in a hurry and kept shooting arrows. At the same time, he drew the long sword at his waist and chopped the destructive thunders into pieces.

The other nine elves saw that he was in danger and immediately rushed over to save him. Lin Fan looked coldly at the ten elves gathered together.

He attacked indiscriminately, and thunders of destruction fell from the sky and attacked the ten people, but the ten people were terrible. One arrow after another shot out and exploded the thunders of destruction around them.

Lin Fan had no choice but to kill them separately. These ten people gathered together and he had no chance.

He disappeared from the spot in an instant, no longer entangled with these ten people, but went to kill the dark world creatures next to him first.

He had to improve his strength, otherwise, he would be a bit difficult on this battlefield.


He specialized in killing dark world creatures below the god level. Although these people brought him less experience points, they were more than enough.

He could kill dozens of people with his eyes closed. Batches of dark world creatures died in his hands, and his experience points were also growing wildly.

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