And he can be invincible inside, his bullets can ignore space and are not affected by the Sky Eye. Even the three gods will be threatened by his bullets!

Lin Fan came nearby and looked at the Samoyed near the Sky Eye. A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Samoyed was constantly attacking the night watchmen around him. No one dared to attack him. He was very arrogant.


Looking at the night watchmen around him, one by one being shot through the eyebrows and died, Lin Fan quietly moved towards Samoyed.

Within a kilometer, Samoyed instantly sensed Lin Fan's position and fired a shot without hesitation. A bullet flew past Lin Fan's ear. Lin Fan also attacked, and a series of destructive thunders suddenly struck Samoyed directly within a kilometer.

Samoyed was also shocked when he saw the destructive thunder appearing around him, but he was not panicked. His body appeared directly in another overlapping space and used the power of space to avoid these destructive thunders. He felt that the power of these destructive thunders was not strong. Even if they hit him, they should not be able to kill him.

"Too far..."

Lin Fan looked at Samoyed with regret. The farther the distance, the weaker the power of the destructive thunder. The attack range of the destructive thunder was one thousand meters, but such a long distance could not pose a threat to Samoyed at all.

"Shadow Demon."

Lin Fan turned into black fog without hesitation, covering a thousand meters. Suddenly, within a thousand meters, it directly became a dark world. Samoyed's figure was also covered by the black fog, and he was also shocked.

"Sky Eye!"

At this moment, the Sky Eye next to him instantly shone on the black fog. The next second, Lin Fan's figure was cracked from the invisible state, the black fog disappeared, and he stood on the edge of the Sky Eye with an ugly face.

Samoyed was 800 meters away from him and was shooting at him. The bullets ignored the space and came to Lin Fan's eyebrows and heart.

"Space folding!"

Lin Fan used the control of all things to control the space around him, and directly folded out spaces. These bullets were transferred to other spaces and could not cause any harm to him.

Samoyed continued to shoot, but his bullets went directly into the overlapping space as soon as they came.


Samoyed's face was ugly. He didn't expect Lin Fan to use the overlapping space so skillfully that he could catch up with him.

Lin Fan knew how to overlap the space, so he couldn't kill Lin Fan. Lin Fan looked at Samoyed coldly, and finally he retreated and left the Sky Eye.

Because there were many powerful dark world creatures nearby, they were ready to surround him!

The Sky Eye also tried to lock Lin Fan, but Lin Fan was 90,000 meters away in an instant, and directly left the Sky Eye range and quickly disappeared nearby.

When the Sky Eye came over, nothing could be seen. The dark world creatures that surrounded them were so angry that they blew their chests and stamped their feet. They were already very careful, but they were still discovered by Lin Fan.

Samoyed looked around and suddenly became a little scared of Lin Fan. He could no longer kill Lin Fan. Lin Fan mastered the overlapping space, and his bullets could not threaten Lin Fan, but Lin Fan could kill him!

"No, I have to leave Kuncheng!" He was scared and wanted to run away.

Chapter 154 Upgrade Talent Shadow Realm, Illusion

Samoyed instantly retreated into the range of the Sky Eye, then shuttled through the Sky Eye, and left directly from another direction, entering the dark world creatures.

At this moment, the dark world creatures and the Night Watch army were fighting desperately, and Samoyed left quietly.

Lin Fan was in a corner of the battlefield, looking at the Sky Eye in the distance. If there was a Sky Eye, it would be difficult for his special abilities to be used, because this Sky Eye could directly illuminate him who was invisible, so that everyone could see his figure.

He wandered around, away from the place where the Sky Eye was located. The Sky Eye covered a range of several thousand meters. He came to the opposite direction and killed the dark world creatures in this place. He disguised himself among the night watchmen and used the cover of the night watchmen to continuously kill powerful dark world creatures one by one.


He used the control of everything to crush the hearts and brains of some dark world creatures nearby and killed them on the spot. His experience value was also growing rapidly.

He would not stay in one place for too long, because when the number of dark world creatures in a certain place died too much, the eyes of God would look over, forcing him to leave early.

With such silent and wretched development, his experience value soon exceeded 800,000.

He shuttled more carefully on the battlefield.

At this moment, there was a shocking explosion on the battlefield, and then a piece of the battlefield was directly cleared.

Behind the dark world creatures, a group of mechanical sect members suddenly gathered together. The mechanical sect members themselves were composed of machines and gears. At this moment, these mechanical sect members strangely merged together and formed a huge robot.

This robot was 100 meters tall. His chest suddenly changed drastically. The gears turned and turned into a black hole. A huge energy beam shot out from the muzzle, directly piercing the battlefield in front, and countless night watchmen died.

This energy beam, like a ray, swept across the entire battlefield and killed countless night watchmen. At the same time, the surrounding high-rise buildings were also cut in half by the energy beam. One by one, the high-rise buildings collapsed, and many night watchmen were also submerged.

"Kill him!"

This huge robot is too threatening to ordinary night watchmen. His attack is like cutting wheat.

A group of powerful night watchmen rushed to the robot in an instant. The robot continued to attack the night watchmen. At the same time, some god-level dark world creatures appeared near him. They came to resist the god-level night watchmen so that the robot could continue to fight.


At this moment, the muzzle on the robot's chest disappeared, and his hands turned into two gun barrels, and then fired energy shells one by one. These energy shells fell from the sky.

Falling into the army of night watchmen, they exploded, and pieces of night watchmen were torn into pieces.

This made the god-level night watchmen attack the robot more frantically, but there were too many strong men around him, and all the night watchmen were blocked and could not get close to him.

Moreover, the robot's own strength was not weak, at least equivalent to a god realm.

He was very fast, running on the battlefield, and the gun barrels kept firing energy shells.

These energy shells did not cause any harm to the god-level night watchmen, but for the night watchmen below the god level, it was no less than a catastrophe, and a large number of night watchmen were killed.

Lin Fan was disguised among a group of night watchmen, killing the dark world creatures around him. Suddenly, he sensed an energy shell flying over their heads.

He looked up at the energy shell, and he used the control of everything to control the shell instantly.

"Go back."

Under the control of everything, the shell returned along the original path and instantly flew to the robot. The robot left quickly, and behind him, a large number of dark world creatures were instantly blown into pieces.

The robot looked coldly in the direction of Lin Fan, and then continued to fire shells in this direction.

Shells suddenly came to Lin Fan's side. Lin Fan used the control of everything to instantly control all these shells to fly back. He glanced at the robot coldly.

Originally, he just wanted to develop quietly here, but the robot repeatedly came to provoke him, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Lin Fan appeared near the robot, but there was a group of strong men near the robot. These strong men protected him and made it impossible for Lin Fan to get close to the robot. He frowned and silently ambushed beside the robot.

A group of night watchmen also came here. They fought with the dark world creatures around the robot. Lin Fan silently waited for an opportunity.

The night watchmen and the dark world creatures fought madly, and everything around them was destroyed by them. At this time, Lin Fan seized the opportunity and appeared on the robot's shoulder in an instant.

The robot was attacking the night watchmen army and did not realize that Lin Fan had appeared beside him.

Suddenly, the robot found that his hands did not listen to his command, as if there was a magical force controlling his hands. Suddenly, his two-handed cannon suddenly aimed at the dark world creatures from the direction of the night watchmen.

Energy shells flew out, uncontrollably, into the creatures of the dark world. Suddenly, a group of dark world creatures were blown to pieces.

The robot was shocked, not knowing what had happened to him. His two-handed gun barrels attacked his own people uncontrollably. Under his destruction, countless dark world creatures died, especially at such a close distance, the dark world creatures around him were almost blown to pieces by him.


He was stunned, not knowing what he was doing at all. Even his legs were out of control, running constantly, running towards the dark world creatures, firing while walking, and countless dark world creatures were destroyed by him.

"What are you doing?"

A group of dark world creatures roared angrily next to him, not understanding why this robot attacked his own people.

The robot was also very bitter in his heart. He didn't want to do this, but he couldn't even speak now. There was a force controlling him, and every gear in his body didn't listen to him.

Lin Fan used the control of all things to control the robot, making it constantly attack the dark world creatures around it, and countless dark world creatures were blown to death by him.

"What a pity..."

What made Lin Fan feel regretful was that the world creatures killed by this robot did not belong to him.

"Stop him!"

Seeing that the robot had caused too much killing to the dark world creatures, countless god-level dark world creatures also rushed over, ready to stop the robot. When necessary, they would kill the robot.

Seeing these people coming, Lin Fan had to leave. He used the control of all things to control the gears on the robot, causing these gears to explode instantly.

Suddenly, the gears inside the robot exploded crazily, and his huge body also disintegrated instantly in the sky, turning into members of the mechanical sect. However, these members of the mechanical sect, their bodies were severely damaged, and the gears in their bodies were controlled to explode in an instant.


These members of the mechanical sect had no power to resist at all. When the gears in their bodies exploded, their bodies were instantly shattered like watermelons.

Their fleshy heads were also blown to pieces, and a large number of mechanical sect members died, and the gears in their bodies turned to ashes.

After killing these mechanical sect members, Lin Fan also gained nearly 100,000 experience points. He disappeared instantly. When the god-level dark world came over, he was also confused.

They were just about to attack the robot, but they didn't expect it to explode first. They were puzzled, and there was no enemy nearby.

After Lin Fan dealt with the robot, he continued to leave and returned to the Night Watch, quietly developing.

But not long after he left, there were more robots with a height of 100 meters in the dark world army, exactly the same as the previous one.

These robots posed a terrifying threat to the Night Watch army. Energy shells flew into the Night Watch, and countless Night Watch were killed.

"Kill in!"

The Night Watch had no choice but to blend into the creatures of the Dark World. You have me, I have you, the two sides are mixed together, indistinguishable from each other, so that these robots cannot cause a lot of damage to them.

If these robots want to kill them, they will also kill the dark world creatures next to them. Suddenly, these robots can't cause too much damage to the Night Watch.

Lin Fan also took the opportunity to blend into the dark world creatures, constantly killing dark world creatures one by one. Wherever he passed, dark world creatures suddenly fell to the ground, and the night watchmen next to him also rushed over.

This made those dark world creatures unable to understand who killed these people. On the surface, they were killed by other night watchmen, but they were actually killed by Lin Fan.

"One million!"

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