All the night watchmen already know the location, they just need to reach the destination at their own pace.

However, in the process of going there, everyone must be careful not to lead the zombies there, otherwise once the zombies find a new location, they will have to change their location.

A group of infant birds appeared in the sky, and these infant birds were fighting each other. Lin Fan looked up and saw a group of infant birds in the sky turned into zombies and were fighting with the living infant birds.

One by one, the infant birds were killed and fell from the sky, but when they fell in the air, they suddenly reunited and joined the battlefield in the sky.

Of course, a large part of the headless infant birds also fell from the sky and turned into zombie infant birds. They can only be killed by destroying their heads.

The sky and the earth are battlefields everywhere, and zombies have dominated Kuncheng.

Whether it is the night watchmen or the creatures of the dark world, they have become the fleeing party at this moment, and they have no way to fight the zombie army.

It is too difficult to destroy the zombies' heads. It requires several times the casualties, but this will only lead to an increasing number of zombies. The more people they die, the more zombies there will be.


The zombies are scattered and searching. Once they find a living survivor, they will notify other zombies as soon as possible and will not rush up recklessly, which is very different from ordinary zombies.

Ordinary zombies will rush up as soon as they see a living person, but these zombies are commanded by someone. They are not reckless, but think like people, and even use various tactics.

Even when a group of night watchmen were escaping, they were ambushed by zombies. A large group of zombies suddenly rushed out and killed into the crowd on their way of escape, directly infecting many people.

These zombies are also very cunning. They never kill you, but just let you get infected. Whether it is biting you or scratching you, as long as you leave a wound on your body, you will inevitably become a zombie, and they will not care about you anymore.

The cunning and fighting power of zombies gave the night watchmen and the creatures of the dark world a headache, which was why they ran away.

If they were ordinary zombies, they could completely eliminate them with wisdom, but these zombies were commanded, and their wisdom was not weaker than theirs, and sometimes even more terrifying than theirs.

Lin Fan appeared in a block, looking at the night watchmen surrounded below, he shot again, a destructive thunder, fell from the sky, accurately smashed the heads of the zombies, and killed them on the spot.

With his action, the night watchmen in this area were quickly rescued and continued to flee into the distance.

He looked back, and suddenly there were dense zombies behind him. These zombies were looking for him, and many zombies passed by him without finding him.


The heads of the zombies were broken like watermelons, and he controlled the explosion with his control of everything, and the headless bodies fell to the ground one by one.

The zombies around sensed the abnormality here and surrounded him. They kept shuttling around Lin Fan, but they could not see him.


Lin Fan attacked ruthlessly, and the zombies fell to the ground one by one. His experience points were also growing wildly, but he was still a long way from upgrading to the next level.

He needed 10 million experience points to upgrade a talent to the next level.


Some powerful zombies appeared around him. Seeing these zombies coming, Lin Fan disappeared instantly. When these zombies came, he did not sense anything.

Lin Fan shuttled through Kuncheng and soon saw a group of dark world creatures in front of him. This group of dark world creatures were also running outside the rule wall. They were also leaving on the rule ship.

The number of rule ships of the dark world creatures was more than that of the night watchmen. The night watchmen only had one, so the speed of the night watchmen leaving was slower.

The speed of the dark world creatures leaving was several times that of the night watchmen. Seeing this group of dark world creatures queuing to leave, Lin Fan looked behind.

Then, he disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already next to a group of zombies. He took the initiative to expose himself. After seeing him, the group of zombies rushed towards him like crazy.

He led the group of zombies at a moderate speed and rushed towards the dark world creatures.


He shuttled with the group of zombies and soon came to the side of the dark world creatures. After arriving here, he disappeared on the spot.

The group of zombies came over and looked at the dark world creatures in the distance. Without saying a word, they rushed over directly.

When the densely packed zombies appeared, the dark world creatures who were queuing to leave were instantly panicked.

"What's going on? How did these zombies find this place?"

"We are already hidden enough, no one is exposed, why can this group of zombies still find us?"


When the zombies appeared, the group of dark world creatures naturally fled away as soon as possible and dared not stay here.

The rule ship also instantly disappeared in the rules. The creatures of the dark world fled desperately again. The dense zombies chased after these creatures of the dark world. Lin Fan watched all this in the dark, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Then, he wandered around, whether it was zombies or dark world creatures, they were all his targets for killing. He continued to accumulate experience points through killing.

His eyes could see everything clearly. He saw the corpses on the ground and found that after these corpses fell to the ground, a black aura of death would appear on their bodies.

These auras of death slowly floated in the sky, and then gathered into a stream and floated away like a stream.

Looking at the direction where the stream disappeared, he knew that the death figure was absorbing these auras of death, and his inner uneasiness became more and more intense.

As more people died, the aura of death formed became more and more terrifying, and after the figure absorbed these auras of death, it would become a very terrifying existence.

"Who is he?"

Lin Fan was sure that this person was not a night watchman, nor a creature from the dark world, as if he belonged to the third world.

Whether it was the night watchman or the creature from the dark world, they were all his targets. He could control the army of death, or in other words, these zombies were created by him!

Lin Fan's eyes can not only see everything around him, but also have the function of video and photo. He saw the face of this figure clearly before, and he took a photo, and also recorded the video of this figure absorbing the death aura at that time.

He thought about it, and finally uploaded the video and photos to the federal database, and he marked some descriptions of this person.

When he uploaded these materials, the staff of the federal backstage also began to analyze, and conducted a careful analysis of this person's present and past, and his supernatural powers.

After comparing the data in the federal database, no identity information of this person was found, as if this person appeared out of thin air.

"No such person!"

There is no information about this person in the entire federal backstage database, as if he appeared out of thin air.

Some people in the federation speculated that this person might have come here on the time train, but the time train has been controlled by the federation during this period, and no such passengers have come down.

There are no such passengers who have come down from the time train since it appeared, so where did this person come from!

"He may be from an unknown world, and came to the real world through some special methods, or he may be a product created by the real world."

The Federation conducted secret research on this person. Because he can devour the death energy and control the zombie army, he is temporarily named the Zombie King.

At this moment, the Zombie King is devouring the death energy in Kuncheng. He controls the zombie army to frantically kill the Night Watchmen and the creatures of the Dark World, turning the city into a dead city.

By absorbing the death energy, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and many of the strong men who are looking for the Zombie King have also died because of this.

Others felt the crisis, even the three gods died several people, and finally they had to retreat. Kuncheng was full of death, and they would probably die here if they didn't leave.

"The Zombie King is no longer an existence we can deal with, and Kuncheng can't stand it!"

Whether it is the Night Watchmen or the creatures of the Dark World, they are now retreating frantically and dare not stay here.

This is also the first time since the war between the two worlds that a third party has occupied a city. Before, the city either belonged to the Federation or the Dark World, but now the city belongs to the Zombie King.

The appearance of the Zombie King directly shocked the Night Watch and the Dark World. The Night Watch was investigating him, and the Dark World also began a crazy investigation of him.

But the results of the investigations by both sides were that there was no such person, and there was no way to find any identity information of the Zombie King. It was as if he appeared out of thin air.

"Where did he get the zombie virus?"

Both the Night Watch and the Dark World creatures were also secretly investigating the number of zombie viruses.

The Federation on the Night Watch side had some zombie viruses, and each zombie virus was secretly stored in some federal research institutes and guarded by special people. In theory, the whereabouts of each zombie virus could be found out.

But when the Federation investigated carefully, it found that the number of zombie viruses in the Federation was not less, that is, the zombie viruses were not lost from the Night Watch.

"Could it be that the zombie viruses on the Dark World side were lost?"

The Federation launched an undercover investigation in the Dark World. The Dark World was also checking the number of zombie viruses, but the final result shocked the Federation, because the number of zombie viruses on the Dark World side was not less!

Chapter 159: Chasing and killing from a distance, seizing the rule ship

The zombie virus on both the Night Watch and the Dark World has not been lost, so where did the zombie virus on the zombie king come from?

The zombie virus is a terrible virus that can directly turn living people into zombies. They are all kept in secret and cannot be leaked unless it is absolutely necessary, because once this kind of thing is leaked, the harm is very terrible.

Just like at this moment, the zombie virus is spreading wildly, and the Night Watch and the Dark World creatures are no match at all.

Facing the terrible zombies, they can only flee from Kuncheng. Fortunately, Kuncheng has a rule wall, which can resist zombies. Once the zombies enter the rule wall, they will be attacked by the rule thunder immediately.

The Night Watch and the Dark World creatures used the rule ship to pass through the rule wall and left Kuncheng. Even if they left, the zombies could not come out.

Lin Fan moved with the Night Watch.

Whenever he saw zombies or dark world creatures on the road, he would try to lead the zombies to the dark world creatures to cause harm to them.

At a certain moment, he came to the rule wall, where many dark world creatures lined up to board a rule ship.

When Lin Fan came here, a group of zombies also came nearby. When these dark world creatures saw the zombies coming, they turned around and ran away without hesitation.

However, some dark world creatures did not have time to escape, because they were surrounded by zombies on all sides. No matter where they ran, they would eventually be surrounded by zombies. These dark world creatures gritted their teeth and walked directly into the rule wall.

The rule wall contains various terrible god-level rules. Once these rules are violated, they will be bombarded by the thunder of rules. After these dark world creatures enter the rule wall.

They moved forward slowly, almost at the speed of a turtle, and finally let themselves enter the rule wall three meters. This process took them a long time. Generally speaking, the rule wall does not allow walking, but if they move slowly, at an extremely slow speed, enter the rule wall three meters, and do not move, they should be able to survive.

These dark world creatures built the rule wall in the first place, and they naturally mastered the method. They all entered the rule wall three meters. After reaching here, they dared not move forward.

Lin Fan was outside and saw that these dark world creatures actually entered the rule wall three meters without being attacked by the rule thunder, and he was also very surprised.

Because he had tested it before, you will be attacked in the rule wall unless you are motionless the moment you enter, but now these people have entered three meters, although it is a slow speed to reach the position of three meters, but why are they not attacked by the rule thunder?

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