Lin Fan frowned when he saw the rule ship coming. He knew it must be the rule ship of the creatures in the dark world.

When he was about to distance himself from the other party, a breath of death suddenly came in from outside the rule wall. This breath of death was several times thicker than the previous bucket-thick breath of death. After it came in, it directly passed through the rule wall in an instant and just pierced through the rule ship.


The breath of death pierced through the rule ship, and the rule ship was disintegrated in an instant, and countless dark world creatures fell out of it. When these dark world creatures fell out, thunders of rules fell from the sky and hit them instantly.

But the most terrifying thing was that the breath of death suddenly spread and enveloped all the dark world creatures, and then the breath of death instantly left the rule wall.

Lin Fan saw those creatures of the dark world in the death aura, and they were sucked into mummies in an instant, deader than dead...

Chapter 161: Responding to the Night Watchman


Lin Fan took a breath of cold air. There were many strong men in the rule ship. At least he saw several second-level gods, and even one third-level god, who were killed by the death aura in an instant. He controlled the rule ship to move away without hesitation.

At this moment, he saw a death aura falling from the sky, piercing through the rule wall fiercely and shooting towards him.

"Not good!"

At the critical moment, he controlled the rule ship to rush outside the rule wall and instantly avoided the death aura. The death aura almost pierced through his rule ship, attracting countless rule thunders in the rule wall.

When these rule thunders struck the death aura, they only split the layer of death aura on the surface.

Before Lin Fan could breathe a sigh of relief, the death aura, like a long black snake, swirls in the rule ship and flies towards his rule ship, so he has to keep going.

When he came to the outermost edge of the rule wall, the death aura finally couldn't attack him. The death aura shuttled through the rule wall for two thousand meters. This rule wall is three thousand meters thick. Lin Fan came directly to 2,900 meters.

Here, the death aura could not move forward after only 2,800 meters because it was split by the rule thunder.

Watching the death aura being split into pieces by the rule thunder unwillingly, and then the remaining death aura shrinking back and leaving the rule wall, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was only one hundred meters away from leaving Kuncheng. He controlled the rule ship to carefully pass through the rule wall and finally came to the outside of Kuncheng. It was pitch black outside. He looked around and didn't see any creatures in the dark world.

"Request for support!"

He heard the message of other night watchmen calling for help in his earphone. He took out his mobile phone, and there were many people calling for help in his mobile phone.

They were trapped in Kuncheng and couldn't get out in time.

At this moment, in Kuncheng, a stream of death air fell from the sky, constantly killing the survivors.

Many night watchmen were killed in the process of escaping. Most of the night watchmen came to the rule wall, hoping to wait for the only rule ship, but that rule ship could only take a part of the people at a time, and the rest of the people couldn't get out in time. When the death air fell from the sky, they had no choice but to die.

The death air instantly penetrated the bodies of each person, strung them together, and then sucked away the life energy from their bodies. In a moment, the living people were sucked into mummies.

Lin Fan thought about it, controlled the rule ship to re-enter the rule wall, and prepared to support the night watchmen and bring them out as much as possible. After all, they had fought side by side for so long.

When he passed through the rule wall and came to a nearby gathering place for night watchmen, the rule ship passed through the rule wall and revealed the bow. He stood at the bow and asked the night watchmen to get on board quickly.

"Lin Fan, it's Lin Fan, he's here to save us!"

A group of night watchmen waiting outside were excited when they saw Lin Fan coming over in the rule boat. One by one, the night watchmen excitedly rushed onto the boat.

"Lin Fan!"

The night watchmen who boarded the boat looked at Lin Fan enthusiastically. The battle in Kuncheng had made Lin Fan a legend in the minds of many night watchmen!

At this moment, Lin Fan drove out to save them in a critical moment, which made their enthusiasm for Lin Fan reach a terrifying level. Many people even took Lin Fan as an example and were willing to follow him.

Soon, the rule boat was full, and the remaining night watchmen could not come up. Lin Fan asked them to wait outside and he would be back soon.

This group of night watchmen believed in Lin Fan very much. They hid nearby. Lin Fan controlled the rule boat and took this group of night watchmen away. When they passed through the rule wall and came outside, all the night watchmen were excited.

"Lin Fan, we're waiting for you nearby!"

"We want to fight alongside you!"

"We'll meet you outside!"

After the group of night watchmen got off the boat, they did not leave, but spontaneously formed a defense line nearby, preparing to set this place as a safe area, protecting Lin Fan so that he could safely bring other night watchmen out, while defending against the approach of dark world creatures.


Lin Fan nodded, then controlled the rule ship to enter the rule wall and continued to meet other night watchmen.

With this group of night watchmen helping him expand a safe area outside, he could safely send the night watchmen here.

He quickly passed through the regular wall, entered Kuncheng, and brought out more night watchmen. In this way, Lin Fan brought out the night watchmen safely one by one.

Unknowingly, a dense number of night watchmen had gathered outside Kuncheng. They organized themselves together to guard the area for Lin Fan and not allow any dark world creatures to approach.

In the darkness, a group of dark world creatures came nearby. When they saw a large number of night watchmen gathered here, they had to take a detour and did not dare to approach at all.

Lin Fan once again sent a group of night watchmen out, but he couldn't go in because they were almost hit by the breath of death just now!

Within the rule wall, the air of death stared at them like poisonous snakes. Once the rule ship emerged, these death breaths would instantly penetrate the rule ship.

"It can't be saved."

Lin Fan looked through the regular wall and looked at the night watchmen inside who had not had time to be picked up by him. At this moment, they were all killed by the air of death. They were penetrated by the air of death, turning into mummies, and very quickly. Kuai opened his eyes again. Although they had turned into mummies, they were still resurrected and turned into zombies.


Lin Fan also sighed as he watched the living night watchmen turn into mummies.

Outside the rules wall, all the night watchmen were looking at Lin Fan feverishly. Even a few night watchmen at the Second God Realm also looked at Lin Fan.

Unknowingly, Lin Fan had become their backbone. They instinctively looked at Lin Fan and asked him what to do next.

"Can we contact the commander?" Lin Fan asked.

"The commander has lost contact. It's probably something bad!" a Second God Realm night watchman said solemnly.

"Unable to contact!" Lin Fan frowned. The commander of Kuncheng was Ji Fa, who was very powerful. He felt that Ji Fa would not die so easily. Why did he lose contact.

"Lin Fan, what should we do now?"

All the night watchmen were looking at Lin Fan. They didn't know what to do now that they didn't have a commander to give them orders.

Just as Lin Fan rescued them, they regarded Lin Fan as their backbone. Even several Second God Realm night watchmen came to Lin Fan and asked him what they should do next.

"The top priority is to rescue those night watchmen in Kuncheng who have not yet come out." Lin Fan glanced at his phone. There were many people asking for help on it, so he decided to rescue the people inside first.

He could save as much as he could. If he really couldn't save him, then he would try his best.

"We'll meet you outside!"

Lin Fan drove the rules ship and instantly entered the rules wall. The group of night watchmen changed their positions and arrived at another area according to Lin Fan's instructions.

This area is filled with the aura of death, and the Zombie King should be nearby. They must go to a place far away from the Zombie King, where they will be absolutely safe.

Lin Fan found a group of night watchmen based on the distress message on his cell phone.

"Lin Fan!"

"It's Lin Fan!"

When these night watchmen saw Lin Fan coming out of the rule wall in a desperate situation, they looked at Lin Fan feverishly.

Following Lin Fan's instructions, they boarded the rule ship. Lin Fan once again took them through the rule wall and came outside to meet the night watchman outside.

Lin Fan shuttled through the rules wall again and again, picking up batches of night watchmen.

His eyes were staring at the surroundings. Kuncheng was now full of zombies, and even they had many zombies nearby. He raced against time to pick up batches of night watchmen, and finally he picked up most of the night watchmen. , the remaining night watchmen can no longer wait for him nearby, because the zombies are coming.

In order to survive, this group of night watchmen had to run away and look for a safe area. Lin Fan asked them to send him a message when they found a safe area, and he would come to pick them up as soon as possible.


Lin Fan's personal abilities are limited. He only has one regular ship and can only carry one group of people at a time. There are more night watchmen who have no way to escape in time in Kuncheng.

He could only rescue them as much as possible and arrange them outside.

When he came outside again, he looked at the densely packed night watchmen outside. Although he did not save more people, he had already rescued many people.

These people all looked at him feverishly. Since Commander Ji Fa could not be contacted, they instinctively regarded Lin Fan as their backbone.

Lin Fan took out his mobile phone and found a group of night watchmen again. While entering the rule wall by locating him, he also signaled the people waiting for him outside to continue changing positions and waiting for him in a safe area.


These night watchmen obeyed Lin Fan's orders unconditionally. They went wherever Lin Fan asked them to go. A group of night watchmen shuttled outside the rules wall in a mighty manner. Along the way, they also encountered a group of dark world creatures.

When these dark world creatures saw so many night watchmen coming out, they were frightened away in an instant. Those dark world creatures that had no time to escape were crushed and killed by this group of night watchmen.

Of course, these night watchmen did not forget Lin Fan's order. They must reach the location designated by Lin Fan as soon as possible.

Although they wanted to hunt down those dark world creatures, they had to stop their pursuit and strictly followed Lin Fan's requirements to reach the designated area. Once here, they began to establish mixed rules and set up defense lines around them. .

At the same time, they also strictly followed Lin Fan's request and gathered all the night watchmen who had come outside together. They could not disperse at this moment. Only by coming together could they keep each other warm.

Therefore, the night watchmen outside also contacted the night watchmen wandering outside through various methods, so that they could gather at their positions as soon as possible.

In the darkness, the night watchmen rushed out one by one and joined the large army, resulting in an increasing number of night watchmen here.

When Lin Fan brought a group of night watchmen out again, he was also shocked by the number of night watchmen outside.

A large group of night watchmen, all of whom were staring at him, was the first time he was stared at by so many people.

"Has the commander still not been contacted?"

Lin Fan asked.


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