The Sea of ​​Death rolled crazily, baring its teeth and claws, trying to tear the entire regular ship apart, but an unknown force came, and the surrounding Sea of ​​Death was emptied in large swaths.


The Zombie King suddenly felt a strange force descending on him, and the breath of life on his body was flowing away crazily.

He took a breath. There was actually a terrifying presence in Qingshan City. This power was not much weaker than the Weeper, and was even more terrifying.

The Weeper had to chase him before he could kill him, but this power directly wiped out his vitality, as if it was going to kill him in an instant.


The Weeper, who was chasing the Zombie King, was also attacked by this life-killing force. He stopped for the first time and was suspended in the sea of ​​death.

He looked in the direction of the regular ship, as if he saw something that made him afraid. His figure instantly moved away from the regular ship and stood five thousand meters away.

The weeper was five thousand meters away, crying in annoyance, but he did not dare to approach the rule ship. The statue of the god in the rule ship made him feel an instinctive tremor.

His eyes were fixed on the Zombie King. Anyone who saw him would be killed by him, but now he did not dare to go in and kill the Zombie King.

The statue of the god made him feel scared. He felt a familiar aura. This aura made him angry and at the same time felt a hint of fear. He was a wandering god who was defeated by some supreme gods and was exiled to this land. world.

He was very familiar with the aura of those supreme gods, and he felt a trace of aura that made him afraid and disgusted.


The cryer's emotions suddenly became extremely unstable, and a terrifying aura suddenly broke out on him. This aura was ten times, a hundred times more terrifying than before, as if it was in his body. , trapping a terrifying being.

This existence woke up and tried to break through the shackles of his body and fight out, but in the end it failed. The aura quickly extinguished, as if it was afraid of something...


The weeper returned to normal, looking at the statue in the rule ship with fear, and then at the zombie king.

The life in the Zombie King's body was disappearing. He screamed in horror. He didn't dare to stay in Qingshan City for a minute. The weeper made his scalp numb. He didn't expect that there was another existence that annihilated life. He went crazy. shuttled through the sea of ​​death, far away from the regular ship.

He also saw that it was the Rule Ship that was causing trouble. When he left five thousand meters away, the aura that scared him disappeared and he returned to normal.

But a cry of annoyance rang in his ears, and the weeper came to him in one step and continued to chase him.

The Zombie King was so scared that he trembled all over and left Qingshan City without hesitation. The two existences in Qingshan City frightened him. He immediately passed through the rule wall and escaped, and the boundless sea of ​​death gathered around him. Surrounded by people crying for him.

He rushed down in the direction of Shiwandashan without looking back, completely disappeared into the horizon, and never looked back.

After the zombie king left, the surrounding sea of ​​death completely disappeared. Qingshan City returned to clarity. The weeper also left. The surroundings became very quiet. The leader of the task force turned off the switch of the wooden box and opened his eyes.

"You can open your eyes now."

Lin Fan and Zhan Wuji next to them also opened their eyes. They didn't know what happened just now, but they heard the zombie king's scream.

"The Zombie King and the Weeper are gone?"


The leader of the task force gently touched the wooden box with her hand. She did not expect that the statue in the wooden box would be so terrifying, scaring both the Weeper and the Zombie King away.

The origin of this statue is mysterious, and even she doesn't know what it is. She only knows that it was given to her by the top federal officials and asked her to take it with her to perform another secret mission.

"Qingshan City should be safe now, we have to leave."

The task force leader called the other task force members over, and they were going to carry out another secret mission.

Before leaving, the leader of the task force took a deep look at Lin Fan. However, she did not speak to Lin Fan. Instead, she disappeared into the horizon with the members of the task force and left in the direction of Shiwandashan.

"I'm leaving too!"

Lin Fan looked at the Hundred Thousand Mountains, which was also his target!

ps: Special thanks to Yuan Layer for the reward!

Chapter 180 The existence beyond the Three God Realm was also killed instantly! Why are everyone entering the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains?

Lin Fan left on the regular ship. Behind him, densely packed night watchmen stood watching him leave.

"Lin Fan, call us if something happens."

These night watchmen stayed in Qingshan City to assist Zhan Wuji in rebuilding Qingshan City, but they already recognized Lin Fan in their hearts. As long as Lin Fan sent them a message, they would rush to help Lin Fan as soon as possible.

"Goodbye, brothers."

Under the escort of the Rule Ship, Lin Fan safely left the Rule Wall and arrived outside the city. He jumped off the Rule Ship, became invisible alone, and headed towards Shiwan Mountain. The Rule Ship returned to Qingshan City.

Qingshan City is the nearest city outside Shiwandashan. Lin Fan looked at Shiwandashan.

Outside the Shiwan Mountain, there are three space cracks in the sky. These three space cracks are the passages to the dark world. From time to time, big hands will stretch out from the space cracks, with their palms open, and a large group of people standing in the palms. Creatures from the dark world, they were sent to the real world by big hands.

In the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are also several space cracks suspended in the sky, but the dark world creatures sent out from these space cracks are not lucky. They start in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains and are slaughtered as soon as they appear...

The Federation dare not easily enter the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. It is full of dangers and unknown existences. If a weak person enters, he may be killed. It is said that after a powerful "god" enters, he disappears without a trace.

The night watchmen do not need to care about the space cracks in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. No matter how many dark world creatures are sent out, they may be slaughtered by the terrifying creatures in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

They only need to care about the three space cracks outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

At this moment, a large number of night watchmen gathered around these three space cracks, ready to use space explosives to destroy these space cracks and prevent the dark world creatures from descending into the real world from the outside of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

In the outside of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, corpses may be found every few hundred meters. A tragic battle took place here, and a large number of night watchmen and dark world creatures died here.

There are all kinds of creatures in the dark world, but Lin Fan found that the people of the Mechanical Sect and the Flesh Sect are the most.

On the ground, there are mechanical bodies with destroyed bodies and fragments of flesh and blood everywhere.

Lin Fan did not expect so many members of the Mechanical Sect and the Flesh Sect to be here. They seem to be very interested in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Is there something in the Hundred Thousand Mountains that attracts the attention of the Mechanical Sect and the Flesh Sect?"

This is unusual.

Going forward, soon, Lin Fan saw a small battlefield in front of him, where a group of Mechanical Sect members were fighting with the Night Watch.

With Lin Fan's current strength, within 5,000 meters, as long as he is below the Second God Realm, he can use the control of all things to instantly wipe out the existence of the opponent.

Looking at the group of Mechanical Sect members in front of him, he did not hesitate to use the control of all things to slaughter them. He stretched out his right hand and gently snapped his fingers.

The next second, a group of Mechanical Sect members 3,000 meters away from him, their heads exploded at the same time.

Like a broken watermelon, headless bodies fell to the ground, which scared the nearby night watchmen. They were fighting to the death with this group of mechanical cult members, but they didn't expect that the heads of these people suddenly exploded.

"Who is it!"

The night watchmen were still in shock and looked around in horror, but no one appeared. They breathed a sigh of relief. The other party only killed members of the mechanical cult, and must belong to the Federation faction.

"Thank you."

They bowed to the location and then left. Lin Fan's figure soon appeared nearby.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, he fell into deep thought.

"What are they looking for?"

This group of mechanical cult members seemed to have no intention of fighting, but only to escape, searching around, as if looking for something.

Along the way, Lin Fan also met several groups of mechanical cult members. They were constantly searching on the battlefield, holding some kind of instrument in their hands for detection. Lin Fan picked up the instrument on the ground.

"Mechanical detection!"

This instrument is like a metal detector, but the instrument of the mechanical cult is a mechanical detection.

Through this instrument, they can detect the body fragments of the God of Machinery. The Mechanic Sect descended into the real world, and their mission was only one, that is, to find the body fragments of the God of Machinery.

Since the God of Machinery fought with the God of Flesh and Blood, and both sides died, the body fragments of the God of Machinery were sealed by the God of Flesh and Blood in different worlds.

In the real world, it is said that the body fragments of the God of Machinery exist.

The members of the Mechanic Sect searched the world for the body fragments of the God of Machinery. At this moment, the mechanical detection appeared here, indicating that the Mechanic Sect speculated that the body fragments of the God of Machinery existed in the Shiwan Mountains, and they were looking for them.

The Shiwan Mountains are very mysterious and are considered a forbidden area for humans. Even the Federation dare not enter easily. The Mechanic Sect appeared here. Could it be that there is really something in the depths of the Shiwan Mountains?

Lin Fan's curiosity also rose.

He went all the way to the depths of the outer periphery of the Shiwan Mountains. Many of the members of the Mechanic Sect he saw along the way had mechanical detections in their hands.

"Come here!"

Lin Fan was invisible at a distance of one kilometer. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the mechanical sect member in front of him who was holding a mechanical detector. The next second, this person was caught in Lin Fan's hand from a kilometer away.

This person was so scared that he trembled all over. He had no power to resist. He was caught in the palm of his hand and his neck was pinched from a kilometer away.

Lin Fan looked at the mechanical sect member in his hand with satisfaction. This was an idea he came up with on a whim. Controlling everything can control everything within five kilometers. It can kill people, and naturally it can also capture people!

"What are you looking for?"

Lin Fan spoke coldly. He did not show his true body. The mechanical sect member looked at the void in front of him in horror. He could not see Lin Fan's true body, but only saw a blank void. The other party was in a state of invisibility.

"Don't speak?"

This person was very fierce and said nothing.


Lin Fan used Controlling Everything to instantly break one of this person's legs. As the gear in his thigh broke, his mechanical leg broke directly and separated from his body.


He didn't feel any pain because his thigh was broken, but he felt bad. A leg is not cheap. It's very expensive to replace it with a new mechanical leg, and he is very poor.

"Tell me, what are you looking for?"

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