
A crimson spear pierced out from the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, blocking out the sky and the sun, and just passed by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan felt a terrifying aura passing by him. This aura made his body unable to move.

His body and consciousness seemed to have slowed down. In front of this spear, he had no power to resist. All his innate abilities seemed weak and powerless in front of this spear.

He watched helplessly as the spear passed by him, and he could only turn his head with all his strength and look behind him.

Seeing this spear, it exploded a dozen dark world creatures in an instant. These dark world creatures were angry and very powerful. The weakest ones were in the Three God Realm. There were even seven or eight that were beyond the Three God Realm. But they were all instantly killed by this spear.

The spear dimmed and disappeared between heaven and earth, and Lin Fan's body returned to normal.


He took a breath of cold air. At that moment, it was as if death had strangled his throat. He had no power to resist at all. It was really terrifying.

"Whose weapon is this crimson spear? Who is taking action?"

He was sure that the owner behind the crimson spear should be from the Federation, but he had never heard of such a terrifying existence. The Federation indeed had hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there were many powerful people that he could not imagine.

Of course, two hundred years ago, the Federation could not defeat the first invasion of dark world creatures without two brushes.

Now, the dark world and the real world overlap!

Creatures from the dark world invade the real world for the second time, and this time the scale is even more terrifying than the first time!

Can the Federation still defeat the creatures of the dark world?

"It looks a bit like a legendary weapon!" Zhao Qi was still frightened. He always felt that he had seen a description of this crimson spear somewhere.

"What weapon?"

Lin Fan asked curiously. He was really curious as to who could possess such a terrifying weapon!

"I can't remember!" Zhao Qi shook his head.

He just felt that this crimson spear was familiar, but he couldn't name it because he was not mature enough.

"too strong!"

This is the strongest existence that Lin Fan has come into contact with so far. He feels that even if the corrupted old man comes, he may not be an opponent.

"Didn't Old Man Corruption also come in? Where is he?"

Lin Fan looked towards the earth, trying to find the location of Old Man Corrosion, but the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains were too wide. Although he could see everything within five thousand meters, he could not locate Old Man Corrosion.

The Corrupting Old Man is also a creature of the dark world. If he doesn't know the safe route, will he be attacked if he comes in?


Deep in the Shiwan Mountain, in the sky and on the earth, the sounds of fighting could be heard from time to time. The strength of both sides fighting was very terrifying.

The figures Lin Fan saw the most were the blood-red reincarnation knife and the crimson spear. They were like orderers deep in the mountains, maintaining order and killing the intruders.

Legend has it that there are seven reincarnations in total!

They are the reincarnation team, and all seven of them have reincarnation knives. They are immortal!

Even if they are killed, they will be resurrected in the future, and it is impossible to completely kill them.

It just makes them fall into the sleep of time again and again.

It can be determined here that there is one reincarnation, but it is unknown whether there is a second reincarnation.

"Reincarnators generally do not appear at the same time. Most of the time, one reincarnation appears in a certain place. Only when encountering uncontrollable events will more than two reincarnations appear. If all seven reincarnations appear, then It means a world-destroying disaster!"

"The last time the seven reincarnators appeared was during the decisive battle between the Federation and the Dark World. In that one attack, four of the seven reincarnators were killed. I wonder if they have been resurrected now?"

Zhao Qi talked about a secret, and Lin Fan was surprised. He had never heard of it. Maybe it was because he had only joined the Federation for a short time.

"You need permission to know these things. Your level is too low and your permission is not enough. It doesn't matter if I tell you."

Zhao Qi told Lin Fan frankly that reincarnators were not allowed to speak casually, but at their level, they were already qualified to know certain secrets.

The Dark World invaded the real world for the first time. In the decisive battle, four members of the Samsara team died, but they did not really die.

They just fell asleep in time, and may be resurrected one day in the future.

On the surface, only three people in the Samsara team are still alive, and the remaining four are dead.

But no one knows whether these four reincarnations are still sleeping in time, or whether they have been resurrected and are now lurking secretly in the Federation.

"The resurrection time of the reincarnation is random. It is possible that the reincarnation will be resurrected on the day of death, or it may not be resurrected until several years, hundreds, or tens of thousands of years later. Therefore, the four dead reincarnations "How many people have been resurrected is unknown."

Zhao Qi's words made Lin Fan suddenly enlightened and exposed to many secrets that were not accessible to him at this level.

The strength of the reincarnators was very terrifying, but they were still beaten to death by four people, which shows that the dark world is also extremely terrifying!

The Samsaras are considered the top combat force of the Federation!

When the Dark World invaded the real world this time, did they feel that four reincarnators had died and the strength of the federation was greatly reduced, so they took the opportunity to launch a massive attack, preparing to take over the federation in one go, or was there some other secret?

"Besides the Samsaras, there are many strong men in the Federation. Unfortunately, many died in the last decisive battle!"

Zhao Qi told Lin Fan that the Federation had not yet been completely restored.

At the time of the decisive battle, the Federation was at its peak, with unparalleled combat power and could challenge all races and organizations in the entire dark world.

But after the decisive battle, the Federation suffered heavy losses, and many masters like the Reincarnators were killed.

Not everyone can be resurrected in the future like reincarnators.

When those strong men die, they really die!

Therefore, the Federation's strength was severely damaged in the decisive battle, and it has not truly recovered even after two hundred years.

"If the strength of the federation is restored, how can these dark world creatures occupy so many cities in our federation so easily!"

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

Since the dark world overlapped with the real world and the passage was opened, the entire western region of the real world and most cities have been occupied by creatures from the dark world.

The Federation has been losing battles.

This is also because the strength of the Federation has not recovered. Another reason is that the entire Dark World has invaded, which is more violent than the last attack. The Federation cannot stop it for the time being!

"If we can't stop it, the entire world will be occupied by the dark world, and humans will probably be extinct!"

As Zhao Qi talked, he told more secrets, which surprised Lin Fan.

"Of course, it is impossible for humans to be truly extinct. The Federation has backup plans. If it really comes to the point of being exterminated, the Federation will activate these backup plans to protect the fire of mankind!"

"I heard that the Federation will select a group of young men and women with potential and let them fall into sleep or leave this world. They will be the continuation of the fire for mankind. I am still young now. If I live, I should have a chance to be selected. ”

Zhao Qi glanced at Lin Fan as he spoke.

"You have good potential and are a little better than me. You should be able to be selected, but the prerequisite is that you can survive!"

"Bah, bah, bah, the Federation can't be defeated. If we can defeat the Dark World once, we can defeat them a second time. The Federation will definitely win!"

Zhao Qi suddenly sighed. He felt that he should not be so pessimistic and should believe in the Federation. They would definitely be able to defeat the Dark World.

"Yes, we can defeat the Dark World!"

Lin Fan also felt that they should trust the Federation.

Although they have been losing battles now, things have not reached that terrifying point yet, but most of the Western District has fallen.

Other places are safe for the time being, but the Federation has been trying to make a comeback!

The Federation has not fallen yet, and they should not be pessimistic!

"What should we do? Are we still going in?"

The two of them had said so much, but in fact not long had passed. They had been walking forward along the safe route in the sky, but their speed could not help but slow down a lot.

Because it's really too dangerous.

From time to time, there will be battles between terrifying entities. Every move and the aftermath of the battle can easily destroy both of them.

"It's not in my style to push him away after he's already here!" Zhao Qi gritted his teeth and decided to keep walking forward.

Lin Fan naturally didn't want to leave like this, so the two of them continued walking forward.

At this time, they saw a figure appearing in the sky in front of them, flying towards them. This person was a creature from the dark world, with thirty-two pairs of wings, and looked like a god or demon.

His body exudes a dark falling aura, transcending the Three God Realm, shrinking to an inch, and is very fast, faster than Lin Fan, but he is running for his life.

He has disheveled hair, enchanting and handsome appearance, and a perfect figure. He is a national male god, but at this moment, his face is full of despair.

He even ignored Lin Fan and the other two, and just ran away with all his strength in fear.

When this person passed by, both Lin and Fan's scalps were numb and their hearts were beating with fear, as if the other's look was enough to kill them.

This man is very scary!

At least Lin Fan felt that if the other party really wanted to kill him, he would be killed in less than three seconds!

Fortunately, this person had no time to pay attention to them. He focused all his attention on running away, as if there was some terrifying existence behind him that was chasing him.

They were like two ants on the roadside and did not attract the person's attention.

The two of them did not dare to express their anger, and looked at this person warily as he passed by them.

Even if the person is far away from them, they dare not speak and hold their breath, fearing that one of their actions will suddenly attract the person's attention, turn back and slap them to death.

At this moment, a blood-red sword energy descended from the sky.

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