Lin Fan smiled and spoke.

"What's big?"

This person looked at Lin Fan doubtfully.

Lin Fan told him that he could see the positions of everyone in the thick fog.

Then, he proposed to command them to kill the dark world creatures inside one by one!

"If it's true, it can work!"

The man's eyes lit up, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Anyone who is chased for thousands of miles will have a temper, let alone him!

"The three of them are a bit far away, so we have to find a way to contact them." Lin Fan said.

"I can contact them."

The man pulled out a satellite phone.

Due to the chaos of the battlefield in the western region, there is no signal in many places, and mobile phones cannot communicate with each other.

Satellite phones are very important and can be contacted in many places.

"Huh? Does Ji Fa also have a satellite phone? Why doesn't he contact us?"

Lin Fan frowned.

If this person could contact Ji Fa via satellite phone and Ji Fa was still alive, why didn't he contact the night watchman in Kuncheng?

Chapter 186 Upgraded satellite phone, Lin Fan directs the battle, assassination in thick fog!

Satellite phones, through satellites in the sky, can contact other people in uninhabited areas.

But satellite phones are not something everyone has.

"I also have a satellite phone."

Zhao Qi, who was standing next to him, took out a satellite phone and waved it towards Lin Fan a little proudly.

"Why do you have it too?"

"Every strong person in the Three God Realm can apply for a satellite phone from the Federation."

Zhao Qi smiled and said, "Your level is not enough, not yet."

"But if you work harder, you will have bread and everything in the future."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes, still not understanding why Ji Fa didn't contact them.

"I will contact them now." The night watchman next to him is named Lei Bao. He is a burly man with big eyes, like tiger eyes. He speaks in a booming voice and has a very powerful aura. He is a strong man who has surpassed the Three God Realm.

Lei Bao used a satellite phone to contact Ji Fa and the other three in the thick fog. Through the satellite phone, he easily determined their location.

"Tell Ji Fa to walk three hundred meters to the left and then come out vertically."

Lin Fan saw the positions of Ji Fa and the others through his eyes.

Then, let the thunderstorm nearby use a satellite phone to direct them to get them out of the fog first.

Lei Bao was beside him and repeated Lin Fan's words, telling Ji Fa and the others so that they could accurately walk out of the thick fog.

Ji Fa and three others were under the command of Lei Bao.

Soon he rushed out of the thick fog.

When Ji Fa rushed out of the thick fog and saw Lin Fan, he was stunned for a moment, and then walked over in surprise.

"Lin Fan, why are you here?"

Ji Fa was shocked. In the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, only those above the Three Gods realm were qualified to come.

Why does Lin Fan appear here?

He is relatively happy when he sees an acquaintance.

But he was also worried about Lin Fan!

Even he is in danger here, Lin Fan is in danger.

"Brother Fa, what happened to you? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

Lin Fan has many questions and hopes Ji Fa will tell him the reasons.

"After this incident, I will tell you slowly and in detail. Now let's deal with the enemies inside first." Ji Fa said to Lin Fan.

He indeed had a lot to say to Lin Fan, but now was not the best time!

There are still a dozen powerful enemies in the thick fog. If these enemies are not killed, they will be very dangerous.


Although Lin Fan was very curious in his heart, under the current circumstances, he could only deal with the enemy first!

Soon, the two people also rushed out.

The four Ji Fa gathered together, and Lin Fan discussed with them and asked them to form a team to go in.

Assassinate those dark world creatures one by one.

"Okay, you use Zhao Qi's satellite phone to command us."

After all discussions were completed, Ji Fa and the four of them entered the mist together.

Lin Fan used Zhao Qi's satellite phone to direct them.

"Can it be done?"

Zhao Qi was a little worried.

If the four of Ji Fa cannot kill the enemies in the thick fog, they will be killed!

Anyone inside can easily kill them if they come out. They are very dangerous here.

"I can only pray that they can kill all the enemies. If one person is released, we will all die."

Lin Fan took a deep breath. They must move forward or retreat along a safe route.

This results in their escape range being very narrow, and the enemy can easily hunt them down if they target them.

"Success or failure depends on this!"

Lin Fan's eyes were staring into the thick fog, where some enemies were already hovering on the edge of the thick fog.

It will be possible to break out of the fog soon!

Lin Fan immediately directed Ji Fa and the four of them to walk towards the enemy closest to the edge of the thick fog.

This is a member of the Mechanicum.

Its entire body is mechanized, its left hand is a mechanical knife, its right hand is a mechanical cannon, and its legs become mechanical springs, jumping quickly in the thick fog.

But because of the terrifying power of rules contained in the thick fog, he couldn't use his speed.

He was just like an ordinary person, slowly moving through the thick fog, hoping to rush out of the thick fog as soon as possible.

Of course, he did not forget his mission to kill the night watchman in the thick fog.

"Report your location!"

He tried to contact others via satellite phone.

"I can't report my position. It's pitch black and foggy all around. Everyone, be careful."

The others quickly replied to him, but they couldn't tell exactly where they were.

It was the same all around, with thick fog everywhere. In this case, there was no way to tell others where they were.

"Be careful."

Everyone was separated. In this case, if they met the Night Watch, they could only fight alone.

Of course, fighting is likely to expose their position and attract others.

But their number is several times that of the Night Watch, and overall, they are in the upper hand.

In the thick fog, under the command of Lin Fan, Jifa and the other four quietly approached the member of the Mechanical Sect.

The other party had not yet sensed that he was surrounded, and Jifa and the other four slowly approached this person in an encirclement.

After the encirclement was formed, Lin Fan had an idea and wanted to use his ability to control everything on this member of the Mechanical Sect.

See if he can slightly control this person, as long as he can affect him a little bit, it's fine!

"Do it!"

With Lin Fan's order, Jifa and the other four attacked the member of the Mechanical Sect at the same time.

The other party did not react, and he did not feel the danger until the four people approached.

However, he felt that there were threats from all directions.

He took a breath and thought of the most terrible situation!

"Impossible, how could the four of them walk together."

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