Others have recovered from their injuries.

Lin Fan chatted with Ji Fa alone via satellite phone.

Before, due to fighting.

Ji Fa could not chat with Lin Fan.

Now, Ji Fa found a safe place.

Lin Fan also hid in a secret place.

Hiding in space, keeping himself safe, they began to chat.

Lin Fan had too many questions to ask Ji Fa.

Why did Ji Fa suddenly disappear in Kuncheng inexplicably?

And why didn't he contact them for so long?

These were the questions in his mind.

What happened to Ji Fa?

Why did they meet again in the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains?

"Why did you suddenly disappear?"

Facing Lin Fan's question, Ji Fa smiled bitterly.

Then, he told Lin Fan helplessly.

"I was taken away by a space beast. When I reappeared, I was already near the Ten Thousand Mountains. Then I received an order from the headquarters that all night watchmen above the Three God Realm should come to the Ten Thousand Mountains for support. As for what they were supporting, I didn't know."

"Space beast!"

Lin Fan glared.

He remembered the space beast he and Zhao Qi had encountered before.

That space beast was dozing off leisurely in space.

Could it be that space beast that brought Ji Fa to the Ten Thousand Mountains!

"When I was fighting a member of the Mechanical Cult, a space beast hid in space, attacked me, and took me away in an instant!"

Ji Fa was helpless!

He felt very aggrieved.

He was fighting with others in Kuncheng with all his strength. When they were about to win, a space beast suddenly took him away.

When he reappeared, he was already near the Ten Thousand Mountains far away.

There was no way to get back to Kuncheng in a short time.

When he arrived here, he received an order from the headquarters again. He was very helpless.

"Then why didn't you contact us?"

Lin Fan asked in confusion.

"When the space beast took me away, all my belongings were torn into pieces in the space turbulence. The passages that the space beasts walked through were all space turbulence. Ordinary people could not bear it at all and would be torn into pieces by the space turbulence. The body of the space beast was strong and it was not afraid of these space turbulences.

I was severely injured by the space turbulence and had countless wounds all over my body. If it were not for my strong strength and the space beast taking me out of the space turbulence at the critical moment, I would probably have died.

When I appeared near the Shiwan Mountains, I was already seriously injured and dying. There was no way to return to Kuncheng. I could only find a place to hide and heal.

Since my cell phone and other things were all torn into pieces by the space turbulence, I had nothing. I thought I would contact you after I recovered.

But after I recovered, I snatched a satellite phone from a strong man of the Flesh and Blood Sect, but I also received a message from the headquarters asking me to come to the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains for support.

During this process, I contacted my subordinates and found that they were now in Qingshan City, following Zhan Wuji to rebuild Qingshan City. I asked them to stay there temporarily, and then I met you. "

Ji Fa told Lin Fan the whole story of the incident in one breath.

Lin Fan was dumbfounded after listening.

I didn't expect Ji Fa to encounter such a thing.

He didn't know what to say.

It can only be said that Ji Fa's luck was too bad. He was ambushed by a space beast, seriously injured and dying, and almost died near the Ten Thousand Mountains.

After he recovered, everything happened.

All his subordinates were in Qingshan City.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, they would have died in Kuncheng!"

Jifa sincerely thanked Lin Fan.

He later knew that Kuncheng was destroyed by the world-destroying warhead.

He thought that his subordinates might have been wiped out.

It was not until he contacted his subordinates that he knew that some of them survived and were safe in Qingshan City.

After he knew that it was because Lin Fan helped his subordinates, he was very grateful to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan had already understood the cause of the incident, and Jifa also said that he was seriously injured now.

He had to find a safe place to heal his wounds first, and he would not contact him for the time being.

He asked Lin Fan to pay attention to safety.

At the same time, he also sent Lin Fan a safe route.

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and told Jifa that he already had it.

"Okay, then be careful, the Ten Thousand Mountains are more dangerous than you think, and even I may fall at any time!"

Jifa once again seriously warned Lin Fan not to run around.

Be sure to follow the safe route!

He told Lin Fan to follow the safe route as far as possible and go deep into the Shiwan Mountains.

Maybe there is a glimmer of hope there!

After he recovered from his injuries, he would follow the safe route to go deep into the Shiwan Mountains.

They might be able to meet inside.

Of course,

the premise is that they can all walk there alive.

"We can definitely walk there alive!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan looked around vigilantly.

Then, he started to walk towards the safe route.

Now he has deviated from the safe route, and it is very dangerous to be outside the safe route.

Fortunately, he can be invisible and can enter the space.

As long as he does not encounter too outrageous enemies, he should not die.

He carefully shuttled towards the safe route in front.

He was invisible and shuttled in the space.

If he is not someone who has mastered the power of space, it is difficult to find him.

Or the opponent's strength is much higher than his, and he can see him in space at a glance.

Fortunately, this journey is very safe.

Although he encountered several terrifying dark world creatures, the other party did not find him.

He cleverly bypassed these people.

Successfully came to the safe route.


When he reached the safe route, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This safe route was issued by the headquarters and is very safe.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to encounter danger on this safe road.

Even if you encounter danger, it will not be too outrageous.

Because the very powerful enemies that appear on this safe route will be killed!

The reincarnation knife and the crimson spear in the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains have been wandering around the safe route.

Once a powerful dark world creature appears nearby, these two weapons will be wiped out immediately!

Lin Fan looked up and saw a powerful dark world creature, who suddenly approached the safe route.

The reincarnation knife also broke through the air and crossed the sky and the earth.

In an instant, the dark world creature was split in half.

Lin Fan was already accustomed to it.

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