The giant took a step back, which was the only step he had taken so far. He felt that someone was deliberately guiding everyone to attack him.


The giant felt something was wrong, and at this moment, more stones suddenly flew towards him.

These stones were not very aggressive, but they were very insulting!

When so many stones suddenly hit him, someone suddenly roared.

"Kill him!"

The others were nervous, and when they heard this, they instinctively attacked. Suddenly, a large group of people attacked together, and the giant was in a panic.

He curled up and turned into a stone, holding off everyone's attacks.

"With so many of us, are we still afraid of him? Kill him and we'll go in!"

Lin Fan spoke deliberately, and as soon as he finished speaking, he changed his position.

The giant looked up and wanted to find who was talking. There were all figures in front of him, and he couldn't lock who was talking.

Chapter 26 Shadow Realm Level 2

Lin Fan's words, coupled with the fact that he was secretly throwing stones at the giant, prompted many people to take action!

The creatures of the dark world, who had long been dissatisfied with the giant, took this opportunity to attack the giant.

"Boom boom..."

One after another, shells and bullets hit the giant frantically. The giant could only shrink into a stone and rely on his thick skin and flesh to resist the attacks of everyone, but he was knocked away by a shell.

"Kill him!"

When everyone saw that the giant could not withstand their attacks, they were full of confidence. Many people were very dissatisfied with the giant and attacked desperately. The giant was miserable. Although he was LV4, facing so many creatures of the dark world, he could only be beaten.

What the giant hated most now was the people who threw stones at him secretly, but he could not lock who did it.

Although he was attacked by everyone, these attacks were like tickling. The giant still had time to observe and wanted to find out who was doing bad things in secret.

Unfortunately, there were too many people.

Moreover, these people attacked him while approaching the entrance of the passage.

The giant tried his best to stop everyone from entering, but two fists could not beat four hands, and he was finally beaten away.

There were too many people gathered around, more than 300 people, and there were many LV3 among them. Although this giant was LV4, he could not stop the number of LV3, plus other dark world creatures, and he had to leave.

"Damn, who is it!"

The giant was brooding over the person who started the trouble in secret, but unfortunately, he could not find out who it was.

Lin Fan was hidden in the dark, and he was excited when he saw the giant finally leave.

Then, he mixed in the crowd and followed the crowd to the entrance of the passage.

As soon as the giant left, the person in the front could not wait to crawl in from the passage.

"Don't worry, everyone can go in!"

The crowd was crowded together, and there was a stampede.

Some people with hot tempers even started to beat people.

The person in the front began to maintain order and let everyone line up first, so that everyone had a chance to go in.

If there was chaos, it might affect everyone's entry.

Several LV3 took the initiative to take the responsibility of maintaining order. With their assistance, everyone followed the line honestly.

Lin Fan hid in the darkness, watching the people in front of him go in one by one, he was not in a hurry.

Instead, he silently watched everyone go in in the darkness, waiting for less people to go in.

With the orderly queue, everyone entered the passage.

Lin Fan saw the time accurately, and when no one in front of him entered, he quietly entered from the entrance of this passage. Fortunately, this passage was pitch black, and he could enter through the darkness.

Several LV3s who maintained order saw that everyone had already entered, and they followed in.

The giant stared at this place angrily in the darkness in the distance.

He knew that as everyone went in, he blocked the entrance of the passage, which was meaningless.

He just felt unwilling and never found the person who was the fuse.

After Lin Fan entered the passage, he saw a lot of corpses on the ground in front of him.

The people who entered here before encountered the federal night watchmen here, and a fierce battle broke out, and many people died.

Unfortunately, there were no residual blood here, perhaps after a long time, those residual blood had died.

Lin Fan was not discouraged, but continued to move forward. Soon, he saw the remaining blood.

The people who entered here were all very strong. This one was a LV2, with only 7% of the blood bar left.

Lin Fan calmly controlled a piece of iron next to him and flew towards the remaining blood. He instantly pierced the opponent's forehead and killed the remaining blood.

[Experience +10]

After entering the passage, there was a winding passage downward. Originally, there were many thermal weapons supported by the power system around these passages, but these thermal weapons were destroyed and turned into piles of scrap metal.

In order to destroy these thermal weapons, the creatures of the dark world also paid a heavy price, and the ground was full of corpses.

Unfortunately, these people have been dead for a long time. There should have been some residual blood, but they have slowly died over time.

Lin Fan entered here and looked at the corpses all over the ground. He felt a little regretful. If he had come in earlier, he could have picked up a lot of experience points from the residual blood on the ground.

As everyone entered the underground passage, they also heard the sound of fighting.

This passage goes down all the way, extending for hundreds of meters. There are federal night watchmen blocking the road at every place. They launched a terrifying attack on the dark world creatures.

Lin Fan was in a state of invisibility and never dared to reveal his figure because he was a normal human being.

If he was discovered by the dark world creatures around him, he would not be able to survive at all.

He followed the crowd in, hiding in the darkness. Only when there was no one around did he dare to reveal his figure and pass through the bright area.

Only in the dark area could he be invisible.

Fortunately, the power system had been destroyed long ago. Although the backup power system had been started, it was destroyed again.

This underground was pitch black, and there was darkness everywhere. Many laboratory projects required power support, but because the power was cut off, many laboratories here were paralyzed, and many thermal weapons were also paralyzed accordingly.

Lin Fan's ears were constantly filled with the sound of fierce fighting.

He knew that a fierce fight was unfolding between the dark world creatures and the federal night watchmen.

Which side was on top, Lin Fan didn't know, and of course, he didn't care.

The purpose of his coming here was just to pick up the remaining blood and gain experience points.

Soon, he saw the remaining blood in front of him. He went over without hesitation and used the control of all things to control a piece of iron on the ground, directly piercing the man's head and gaining experience points.

As he went deeper underground, he encountered more and more remaining blood. Many people who had entered here before died here.

On the contrary, there were no more people pretending to be dead.

Everyone entered here to fish in troubled waters. People without strength did not dare to come here. There were either remaining blood or corpses on the ground.

Lin Fan quickly accumulated hundreds of experience points, and the light screen in his mind popped up several choices again.

[Use 100 experience points to upgrade the talent shadow world]

[Use 100 experience points to extract a random talent]

Looking at these two choices, Lin Fan thought about it and decided to upgrade the shadow world to level 2 first. As for extracting new talents, he could extract them at any time as long as he had 100 experience points.

[Name: Lin Fan]

[Talent: Shadow Realm Level 2 (0/1000)]

[Talent: Shadow Demon Level 2 (0/1000)]

[Talent: Control of Everything Level 2 (0/1000)]

[Experience Value: 13]

Shadow Realm Level 2, the world in front of him has changed dramatically again!

Chapter 27 New Talent Extraction Failed, Thank You for Your Patronage

In the darkness, his eyes saw through everything around him.

All obstacles in front of him were as transparent as if they were transparent.

He saw densely packed figures appearing in front of him.

And, his eyes automatically calculated the distance between these figures and him.

The farthest person was hundreds of meters away from him, and he could even see the fluff on this person's face.

He felt it was incredible that Shadow Realm Level 2 had such a big change!

He looked up and could see through all the obstacles on the surface.

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