This also indicates that the battle deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains has reached a fever pitch.

The troops of both sides are constantly rushing over, but generally speaking, the creatures from the dark world are coming here faster.

Although it is troublesome to cross the two worlds, they have space cracks as channels, which can continuously send batches of dark world creatures.

The situation on the Federation side is more difficult. Almost all the night watchmen above the three gods near the Hundred Thousand Mountains have come here.

It takes a long time for the night watchmen from farther away to come here, and not many people can come to support.

Each night watchman has his own mission. They are fighting in various cities in the Western Theater and have no time to spare.

Even the night watchmen in many places can't protect themselves. The Seventh Prison can only rely on its own strength to resist the batches of dark world creatures sent here. The situation is very difficult.

"The headquarters is also trying to find a way, but we can only rely on ourselves now. As long as these space cracks are closed, our pressure will be much less!"

In addition to sending batches of dark world creatures through these space cracks, the dark world creatures outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains are also gathering here.

They came here from different cities, entered the barrier, and besieged the Seventh Prison together.

There are too many dark world strongmen and creatures from other worlds imprisoned in the Seventh Prison. If all these people can be released, then they can add fuel to the fire and accelerate the extinction of the Federation.


The ambush plan was executed instantly. When a group of night watchmen rushed out from the dark, the dark world creatures near the space crack reacted immediately, and the two sides fought together instantly.

At the same time, Lin Fan and other space power people were quietly moving towards the space channel, preparing to install space explosives on it during the melee, and also trying to destroy the space structure of the space crack, preparing to close this space crack.

When they quietly touched the space crack, they found that there were some dark world creatures who were good at space power ambushing here nearby.

Lin Fan saw that there were at least seven or eight dark world strongmen in the space ahead, and even a sniper was there.


A night watchman was caught off guard and was shot in the head by the sniper. He had no power to resist at all.

The remaining night watchmen retreated without hesitation. There was a sniper ambushing here, which was a killer for them.

Snipers were the most difficult to resist for the night watchmen at present, because they could ignore the distance in space and kill people instantly. No one at the same level could resist them.

With this sniper here, Lin Fan and his team's plan failed. No one could destroy the spatial structure in front of the sniper.

They could only retreat. If the sniper didn't die, they would not be able to succeed.

"I'll kill him!"

A jailer rushed out of the battle circle and rushed directly towards the sniper. He had to kill the sniper and couldn't let the sniper affect their destruction of the spatial structure of the spatial crack.

When the jailer came over, the sniper instantly disappeared in the space and disappeared on the spot.

The sniper was very fast, shuttling in the space and avoiding the jailer's pursuit. The jailer chased the sniper, and bullets appeared tricky next to the jailer from time to time.

The jailer was very powerful. He had a pair of iron gloves on his hands. With a fierce grab, he crushed the bullets one by one.

The sniper fled in the space with a gloomy face. The jailer chased after him, and other dark world creatures also came to try to stop the jailer.

But the jailer was strong, and he captured several dark world creatures who came to support him and strung them on the iron chain.

There was a jailer to stop the sniper. Lin Fan and others came to the space crack again. Lin Fan used the control of everything without hesitation to crack the space structure.

Under his control of everything, those spider web-like space structures were torn apart, and the space cracks gradually became unstable.

Others also took action. The dark world creatures around found something wrong, and more than a dozen people came to stop them.

Suddenly, the other people could no longer continue to destroy the space structure.

They avoided the pursuit of the dark world creatures.

"Lin Fan, we will buy time for you."

Only Lin Fan can destroy the space structure remotely. Now they can only put their hopes on Lin Fan.

At the same time, they also helped Lin Fan to attract attention nearby, and tried to make those dark world creatures chasing them as much as possible, to ensure that no one could affect Lin Fan.

Ma Long stood beside Lin Fan, guarding him like a bodyguard. Once he saw a dark world creature coming, he took Lin Fan away directly.

As long as he was within 10,000 meters, Lin Fan could destroy the space structure.


Ma Long took Lin Fan to move and dodge, constantly avoiding the pursuit of dark world creatures near the space crack.

Under Lin Fan's destruction, the space structure of the space crack was quickly destroyed by hundreds of meters.

When the space structure of the hundred meters was destroyed, the entire space crack suddenly trembled, and some small space cracks appeared around it, and even some space turbulence sprayed out.

When they saw that the space crack was unstable, all the dark world creatures changed their faces.

"What's going on? Why did the space channel become unstable?"

"If there are any enemies hiding near the space passage, find them quickly and kill them. Don't let anyone destroy the structure of the space passage."

Some powerful dark world creatures roared angrily, and they began to send people to search near the space passage, hoping to find the hidden person.

However, when they came over, they did not see anyone nearby, but the spatial structure of the space passage was always being destroyed.

This left them, Monk Zhanger, confused, because Lin Fan's control over all things could destroy the spatial structure from a distance, so no one could be sure that he was destroying the spatial structure.

In addition, Ma Long was running around with him, so what others saw was that they were avoiding pursuit, and no one realized that Lin Fan, a small character, was destroying the space structure.

Chapter 211 Boundless Blood


Lin Fan kept taking action in the dark, and under control of everything, the spatial structure of the spatial cracks was constantly being shattered.

The entire space crack suddenly became unstable, and the nearby dark world creatures turned pale. At this time, some small bloody snakes appeared in the void.

These little blood-colored snakes are actually streams of blood like snakes. They shuttled and squirmed in the void, and came to the vicinity of the cracks in space.

Finally, these little bloody snakes entered the space structure and began to repair the damaged space structure.

I don’t know what these little blood-colored snakes are, but they can actually repair the broken spatial structures, just like needles and threads, sewing up the gaps.


Lin Fan's eyes saw that the originally broken space structures had been repaired. Looking at those little bloody snakes again, he felt very familiar.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something.

"It's him!"

Previously, under their siege, a creature from the dark world escaped. It was a powerful member of the Flesh Sect. He turned into a bloody snake and escaped. Unexpectedly, he appeared!

Under the repairs of members of this flesh and blood sect, those broken spatial structures are being quickly repaired.

Lin Fan destroyed things here and repaired things there, slowly reaching a balance.

That man was powerful and could repair the space structure much faster than Lin Fan could destroy it.

"What's wrong, the space structure has been repaired. It's the man who escaped before. He has a very profound command of the power of space. With him here, I can't destroy the space structure!"

Lin Fan sighed at Ma Long beside him. If there was not this person, maybe he could quietly destroy all the spatial structure of this spatial rift, but with this person here, he had no chance.

"Where is he?"

The cracked eyes looked in all directions. He did not see the real body of the flesh and blood sect member. He only saw blood-colored snakes frantically repairing the space structure.

He couldn't see where the other person was. He couldn't see it if it was more than 10,000 meters away. That person should be far away, not nearby.

"I can't see him!"

Lin Fan couldn't see it, and Ma Long couldn't sense it either.

The surrounding battlefield was too chaotic. Ma Long and Lin Fan were hiding nearby. At the same time, Lin Fan did not give up destroying the space structure.

But every time he destroyed it, the flesh and blood sect members would quickly repair it behind, making all his efforts in vain.


Lin Fan gave up destroying the spatial structure. Everything he did was in vain. The other party could accurately repair the spatial structure he destroyed.

The huge space crack next to it quickly returned to normal and became stable again.

The expressions of the night watchmen and jailers around him changed, and they looked at Lin Fan. Lin Fan had no choice but to tell them the truth.

When they learned that there was a member of the Flesh Cult who could quickly repair the space structure, everyone was a little desperate.

"Retreat first!"

In a short period of time, they could not think of any other way to destroy the space structure, so they had to leave here first.

When they were about to leave, the surrounding world suddenly turned into a bloody world, and they were surrounded by a sea of ​​blood.

In all directions, there was a crazily roaring and rotating sea of ​​blood, like a tornado, surrounding them in the middle.

"Where do you want to go?"

A cold voice came out from the sea of ​​blood, and then, in the sea of ​​blood in front, a huge face appeared. It was a handsome face.

When they saw this face, the expressions of all the night watchmen changed drastically. Isn't this the person who escaped before?

Unexpectedly, the other party recovered so quickly, and even set up an ambush to surround them.

Xue Wuya looked coldly at the night watchmen surrounded by him. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He knew that these night watchmen would definitely come back, so after he escaped, he set up a dragnet.

The only thing he was afraid of was corrupting the old man. When surrounding this group of night watchmen, he was also on guard.

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