The sea of ​​blood around him could isolate everyone's senses, but it couldn't isolate his eyes.

He is looking for flaws in this formation in the sea of ​​blood. Every formation has a formation base. As long as the formation base is found and destroyed, the formation will be cracked.

"found it!"

At this time, Lin Fan saw a bloody vortex in a sea of ​​blood. This bloody vortex was rotating in the opposite direction at a very fast speed. Pieces of blood spurted out from this bloody vortex.

This was the base of the formation. After hearing his voice, the night watchmen around him all looked back at him in surprise.

He also told everyone the location of the bloody vortex.

"Who is going to destroy this formation?"

A jailer spoke, and the night watchmen around him were silent. Everyone was afraid of the blood sea. In addition, there were elusive dark world creatures in the blood sea. Anyone who destroyed this formation might be killed.

"I go!"

A powerful jailer stepped forward. In this case, ordinary night watchmen would have no choice but to die. Only the strongest jailers like them would have a chance!

"be careful!"

There was no better choice, so this jailer walked out of the crowd and walked through the sea of ​​blood in front of him.

The iron chain in his hand suddenly spun, and then formed a fan-like shield. He carried the shield and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood in front of him.

When the surrounding sea of ​​blood spurted over, it was directly destroyed by the shield in his hand. He rushed into the sea of ​​blood and carved a passage.

Everyone was overjoyed to see him successfully enter the sea of ​​blood without dying. However, as he approached, creatures from the dark world suddenly appeared, and he was besieged.

There were at least a dozen powerful creatures from the dark world attacking him. The shield in his hand was shaking, there were some cracks on it, and there was even a clicking sound.

The iron chain in his hand was originally a hard weapon, but now it was attacked by everyone, and some of the chains began to break.


At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly shouted, and his voice penetrated the sea of ​​blood and reached the jailer's ears.

The jailer instinctively dodged to the left, and a bullet almost missed his head.

A sniper appeared in the sea of ​​blood. The sniper was surprised when he saw that the jailer had dodged his attack.

Then, he looked at Lin Fan in the crowd, and Lin Fan could actually see his attack.


The sniper stared at Lin Fan while shooting at the jailer.

The next second, a bullet appeared near the jailer's heart again, but this time the jailer was prepared. As soon as the bullet came over, he grabbed it and crushed it into pieces.

A sniper cannot kill him if he is on guard.

The sniper saw Lin Fan's eyes and stared at his bullets, and he was sure that Lin Fan could indeed see his attack.

"Could you be that person!"

The sniper's eyes stared fiercely at Lin Fan. He had been looking for the night watchman who was good at space power.

He just had no clue, but now Lin Fan was able to penetrate the sea of ​​blood, see his bullets, and prompt the jailer to avoid his attacks. He was very sure that Lin Fan was that person!

In his induction, Lin Fan's aura was very weak, roughly equivalent to the Three Gods realm.

"The realm is so low?"

The sniper was a little doubtful. How could the space structure that could destroy the space cracks be so fast? It could only be in the Three God Realm!

But when he observed other night watchmen, he couldn't find anyone more suspicious than Lin Fan.

He temporarily regarded Lin Fan as that person, so he secretly asked other creatures in the dark world to capture Lin Fan alive. As it happened, if Lin Fan's state was not compromised, each of them would have a chance to capture him alive.

If Lin Fan was really that person, he would study Lin Fan carefully.

"Hey, this guy looks familiar!"

The sniper looked at Lin Fan and suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"It's you!"

The sniper suddenly showed strong murderous intent towards Lin Fan. He recognized who Lin Fan was!

Lin Fan has been on the sniper's must-kill list, and all this is because of the grudge between Lin Fan and Samoyed, a genius among snipers.

After Samoyed was defeated by Lin Fan and captured alive, snipers began to hunt for Lin Fan!

Lin Fan not only defeated Samoyed, but also captured Samoyed. In the end, Samoyed was rescued by them, and they hated Lin Fan very much.

"Growing so fast, he has already reached the Three God Realm!"

The sniper took a breath. Lin Fan was at the same level as Samoyed at first, but Samoyed has just barely reached the one-god level now.

However, Lin Fan has already reached the Three God Realm. Although his aura looks a bit weird, like the Second God Realm and the Three God Realm, in general, he is progressing faster than Samoyed!

Samoyed is a genius among snipers, but his evolution rate is not as fast as Lin Fan.

"He must be killed, he is growing too fast."

The sniper originally wanted to capture Lin Fan alive, but he no longer wants to capture him alive. If such a terrifying genius grows up, it will be a huge disaster for them!

After all, they had already put Lin Fan on the must-kill list.

"Xue Wuya, guess who I saw?"

The sniper came to Xue Wuya's side.


Xue Wuya said curiously.

"Lin Fan!"

"Lin Fan? Who is it?"

Xue Wuya didn't react for a moment.

"This person is on your must-kill list!" the sniper said.

"Must-kill list..."

Xue Wuya thought carefully, and the names on the must-kill list flashed through his mind, and finally locked on Lin Fan, who was seventh on the must-kill list.

"It's him! Where did you see him?"

Xue Wuya immediately became interested. Everyone on the must-kill list was either an enemy with terrifying strength or a genius with terrifying potential.

Once encountered, they must be killed first and must not be allowed to grow!

"He is right here, and if I guess correctly, he is the person we are looking for!"

Xue Wuya was shocked when he heard what the sniper said.

"He's here?"

Xue Wuya was a little doubtful, thinking that his ears heard it wrong.

Deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, those with the weakest realms are at least in the Three God Realm, and the Three God Realm is just cannon fodder.

Now on this battlefield, there are almost no Three God Realm alive, they are all existences beyond the Three God Realm.

Now, the sniper told him that Lin Fan was here. Does this mean that Lin Fan has surpassed the Three God Realm?

He suddenly became frightened. The last time Lin Fan was on the must-kill list, he was still a level five superpower. Now he has surpassed the Three God Realm. This terrifying evolution speed scared him!

"Did he evolve so quickly? He has surpassed the Three God Realm!"

Xue Wuya was frightened.

"It's not that exaggerated, but it's still scary. It should be the Second God Realm or the Three God Realm!" said the sniper.

"Hey, that's very scary!"

Xue Wuya said solemnly.

Although Lin Fan's realm was not as exaggerated as he thought, it was still very amazing!

Even among the members of the Flesh Sect, the true geniuses do not evolve as fast as Lin Fan!

He Xue Wuya was one of the geniuses of the Flesh Sect. His evolutionary speed was ahead of Lin Fan's, and he was also his younger brother.

Perhaps, Lin Fan's ranking on the must-kill list can be moved up a few places.

"He must be killed, he cannot be allowed to live!"

A trace of jealousy suddenly appeared in Xue Wuya's heart. He was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius of the Flesh and Blood Sect, but now he suddenly became a little jealous of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan evolved faster than him, and he was very jealous of geniuses who were more powerful than him.

His attitude towards this kind of genius is to kill him. He will never allow anyone to be more talented than him.

Now that Lin Fan has fallen into his hands, he will let Lin Fan know what life is worse than death!

"Where is he?"

"follow me!"

The sniper led Xue Wuya through the sea of ​​blood, and finally, they came to a certain place.

Through the sea of ​​blood, Xue Wuya saw Lin Fan among the night watchmen. Although Lin Fan was in space, Xue Wuya and the sniper were both very good at space power.

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