"Hahaha, not bad, not bad!"

"Great, killed five people at once, so cool."

"Although I can't see how they died, it's good to know that they died!"

"It has to be Lin Fan. Fortunately, he is here, otherwise we would be dead!"

This wave of results directly made this group of night watchmen trust Lin Fan more. Although Lin Fan's realm is lower than theirs, in such a dangerous environment, they can only rely on Lin Fan to survive.

Of course, Lin Fan now has a powerful plan in his heart!

Why should they passively take the beating, why can't they take the initiative to attack?

Thinking of this, Lin Fan glanced at the night watchmen around him, and a bold idea came to his mind!

"Everyone, are you interested in playing a big wave?" Lin Fan said calmly.

The night watchmen around were stunned for a moment, and then, their eyes flashed with shocking murderous intent, and everyone nodded heavily.

"Of course! If you want to play, you have to play big!"

"If they want to play, we will play with them."

"Lin Fan, we will fight the way you say and listen to your command!"

Everyone's eyes are on Lin Fan. Unconditionally obey his arrangements.

Facts have proved that if they listen to Lin Fan's command, no one will be in danger anymore.

Before, some people would be swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, because they were arrogant and didn't want to listen to the command of Lin Fan, a person of low realm.

I thought Lin Fan's realm was so low, why should he command them?

Why should they listen to Lin Fan!

After some people were dragged away by the sea of ​​blood, some people instinctively chose to listen to Lin Fan's command. After escaping a disaster, more people believed in Lin Fan's judgment.

Every time Lin Fan reminded them, they no longer looked down on this young man of low realm, but chose to believe him.

In the end, they escaped attacks again and again, and now they completely trust Lin Fan.

"Well, let's go big!"

Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on the blood sea in front of him. He had already tested that his control of everything could control even this blood sea.

This was a powerful formation. He could not fight against the entire formation, but he could control a part of it.

He did not hesitate to use the control of everything to open up a passage on the blood sea, allowing everyone to follow him into the passage.

"Everyone follow me, let's go kill people!"

Lin Fan was the first to jump into the passage in the blood sea, and the others followed him in without hesitation.

When everyone came in, Lin Fan used the control of everything to control the passage to expand, just enough to accommodate everyone.

Now there are more than 70 people following him, and the remaining 20 or so have been killed. Everyone followed Lin Fan to shuttle through the blood sea.

Lin Fan's eyes stared at the surroundings and saw a group of dark world creatures gathered in front of him.

In the blood sea, not only their induction was isolated, but also the induction of this group of dark world creatures. Except for Xue Wuya and the sniper who presided over the formation, they could see them through the blood sea, and the induction of other dark world creatures was also isolated.

They could only attack under the command of Xue Wuya and the sniper.

But now Xue Wuya and the sniper were besieging two jailers, and they couldn't spare their attention to remind the dark world creatures around them.

Originally, these dark world creatures were going to the edge of the blood sea, and then quietly walked out of the blood sea, observed the position of the night watchman, and then launched an attack.

But now the night watchman took the initiative to enter the blood sea, and the situation was the same as them.

The dark world creatures couldn't lock the position of the night watchman, and they began to feel a little uneasy.

But overall, they were not afraid, because this blood sea was the formation they set up, and someone began to contact Xue Wuya in a special way.

They wanted to know where the night watchman was.

Xue Wuya, who was fighting with the jailer, frowned. Then, he carefully sensed through the formation and found that all the night watchmen had entered the sea of ​​blood, which surprised him.

He left the battle without hesitation and came to a remote corner, letting other dark world creatures take over his attack on the jailer, while he silently sensed the surroundings in this position.

Finally, he saw a group of night watchmen. When he saw them shuttling in the sea of ​​blood, he was very shocked.

"Impossible, how could they shuttle in the formation!"

Xue Wuya's first reaction was disbelief. Except for their own people, anyone who came into the blood sea formation would be attacked.

But now a group of night watchmen stood in a space, and the blood sea around them did not attack them, as if it was expanded by something and could not get close.

"They are there, kill them!"

Xue Wuya took a deep breath and used a special method to transmit his signal, so that all the dark world creatures approached the direction of Lin Fan and his group.

The Night Watchmen entered the blood sea, so it would be easier to deal with them, and they could be caught in one fell swoop!

As the Night Watchmen entered the blood sea, the blood seas around them slowly moved together, compressing the last space, and then the entire blood sea was connected together, forming a complete formation!

"Here they come!"

Lin Fan saw that creatures from the dark world suddenly appeared from all directions. They received the signal and were surrounding them.

But Lin Fan's advantage is that he can see where these people are in advance. He led a group of night watchmen and shuttled in front, and finally locked on the dozen dark world creatures in front.

These dozen dark world creatures also received the signal and rushed over here, and the two sides met in an instant.

In this case, Lin Fan gave orders in advance without hesitation.


Suddenly, more than 70 night watchmen attacked at the same time, and the dozen dark world creatures in front did not know that they had been discovered.

When they rushed forward according to Xue Wuya's command, they were suddenly attacked.

When the dense attacks penetrated from the sea of ​​blood and hit them, they were directly smashed into pieces.

Some people vomited blood and flew backwards, luckily saving their lives, but they were terrified and did not understand what happened.

Didn't they come here according to Xue Wuya's command? Why were they attacked!

"Damn Xue Wuya, we were ambushed!"

"He was spreading false news, we were surrounded."

The few dark world creatures who had escaped by chance were frantically shuttling through the sea of ​​blood, trying their best to stay away from the battlefield.

They were extremely angry with Xue Wuya. Xue Wuya asked them to come and surround them, but they were attacked halfway and almost wiped out.

"These night watchmen are not right. We can't listen to Xue Wuya's command anymore. He will kill us!"

The dark world creatures who had escaped were shuttling through the sea of ​​blood, making up their minds and no longer obeying Xue Wuya's command.

When Xue Wuya's angry words reached their ears, they ignored them directly.

If they hadn't been unable to communicate with Xue Wuya, they would have wanted to point at Xue Wuya and curse him. They were almost wiped out, and now they still wanted to command them!

Dream on, these dark world creatures ran away directly and didn't continue to listen to Xue Wuya's command!

Xue Wuya in the sea of ​​blood almost vomited blood in anger. He had never expected such a thing to happen.

"Be careful, they can sense you."

When he said this, it was too late, because Lin Fan once again led the Night Watchmen to lock on a group of dark world creatures in front.

When more than twenty dark world creatures were suddenly attacked, they were confused. Xue Wuya asked them to ambush in this direction. The Night Watchmen would arrive soon. They only needed to wait a little longer before they could launch an attack.

However, Lin Fan and his team arrived much faster than they expected, and they were surrounded and attacked at this moment. Half of them were killed on the spot.

The rest of the people vomited blood and were seriously injured and began to flee, but these Night Watchmen were able to accurately lock on them and then launch a devastating attack.

The fleeing dark world creatures were smashed into pieces one by one, and only four or five people managed to escape in the end.

"Damn Xue Wuya, he tricked us. We were ambushed!"

The few living creatures of the dark world were so angry that they cursed. They failed to ambush and were ambushed instead. They were almost wiped out. Now they could only escape with serious injuries.

There was no way to continue fighting. If they met the night watchmen again, they would definitely die.

"More than a dozen died, and four or five escaped."

When Lin Fan told the night watchmen around him about the battle record, they all cheered.

Under Lin Fan's command, they killed batches of dark world creatures.

Originally, these dark world creatures were going to ambush them in the sea of ​​blood, but because Lin Fan's eyes could see the enemy in advance, they ambushed them in turn and killed batches of dark world creatures.

They liked this feeling too much that they could kill the enemy with zero casualties every time. Perhaps it was not a bad thing for them to be surrounded by the sea of ​​blood.

"Let's go, let's destroy the array base. We can't stay in it forever!"

Lin Fan felt vaguely uneasy. Although they now had a little advantage in the sea of ​​blood, it would definitely not work in the long run.

After all, this blood sea formation was set up by the creatures of the dark world. They must destroy the formation base and escape as soon as possible.

After all, they are now near Lin Fan in the space, and no one knows when the black big hand will come out!

"Lin Fan, I think we can kill all the enemies here in one go, and the formation base can be destroyed slowly."

A jailer suggested.

"Yes, while we have the advantage now, we can use your eyes to eliminate those enemies one by one, so as to reduce the pressure. Later, we will slowly crack this formation!"

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